
Welcome to Lynden Township

Lynden Township is located in the southeastern corner of Stearns County, Minnesota, bordered by the Mississippi River to the North and the Clearwater River to the East. Although rural and agricultural by nature, Lynden Township is considered a progressive area with an increasing population and growing business community. Lynden Township measures 25.5 square miles (1.6 is water) and as of April 2023, is home to 1,843 people and 720 households. The proximity to I-94 and MN Highway 24 makes Lynden Township a good location for light industrial manufacturing, as is evidenced by the growing industrial parks that line the freeway corridor.
The township is home to many lakes, rivers and creeks and is host to a number of different recreation opportunities, including two campgrounds, a groomed snowmobile trail, and Warner Lake County Park which includes a swimming beach, summer hiking, and winter cross-country ski trails. A cooperative agreement with other municipalities provides library service to the area. A bicycle / recreation trail that will eventually link the Beaver Island Trail in St. Cloud with the City of Clearwater, also runs through Lynden Township.
Because of its unique location, it is served by three post offices from the cities of Clearwater, South Haven and St. Cloud, two fire departments from the cities of Clearwater and Annandale, and multiple school districts including St. Cloud, Annandale and Kimball.

New to the township? Have questions? Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page by clicking this link: FAQs

Loon Feeding – Courtesy of Anne, Lynden Township Resident

2025 Recycling Calendar

The next monthly meeting will occur Monday, March 3, 2025.  Agenda information is posted the Thursday before and is available here. Persons wishing to comment to items on the agenda should submit written comments by email to clerk@lyndentownship.net, submit written comments via the drop box at the town hall, mail written comments to Lynden Township Clerk, 20517 Woodbine Rd, Clearwater MN 55320 or attend the meeting in person. All public notices are posted here on the home page, posted on the bulletin board outside the town hall and published in the Patriot NewsMN.

Posted 2/10/2025
Notice is hereby given to the qualified voters of Lynden Township, County of Stearns, State of Minnesota, the annual election of town officers and the annual meeting will be held Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at the Lynden Township Town Hall, 21367 Co. Rd. 44, Clearwater, MN. In the case of inclement weather, the meeting and election may be postponed until the third Tuesday, March 18, 2025, and if inclement weather also postpones the election and meeting on the third Tuesday, they shall be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2025.  The election poll hours will be from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (per Resolution 2014-02) at which time the voters will elect one Supervisor for a three year term; and one treasurer for a two year term. The Annual Meeting will commence at 8:15 p.m. to conduct all necessary business as prescribed by law.  The Board of Canvass will meet on March 12, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. to certify the official election results.

Posted 2/10/2025
Notice is hereby given that the Public Accuracy Test of the DS200 ballot counter and the ExPress Vote assistive voting device for Lynden Township, to be used for the March 11, 2025 Township Election, will be conducted at the Lynden Township Hall, 21367 County Road 44, Clearwater, MN beginning at 1:00 p.m. on March 6, 2025.  The Public Accuracy Test is open to the public.

Posted 2/3/2025
The Planning Commission will meet at 6pm on February 18th, 2025. Prior to the meeting, the Planning Commission will meet at 15551 COUNTY ROAD 44, SOUTH HAVEN MN 55382 at 5:40pm.

Posted 12/4/2024
Notice of Public Hearing on Zoning Amendment
Notice is hereby given that the Lynden Town Board, County of Stearns, State of Minnesota, will hold a special meeting at 6:00 p.m. on December 19, 2024 at the Lynden Township Hall located at 21367 County Road 44 in Lynden Township.  At such time and place the Town Board will meet to consider an amendment to the Township’s Zoning Ordinance regulating cannabis businesses within the Township. All those who desire to be heard may provide comment to the Town Board at this public hearing.
Town of Lynden
Jenny Schmidt, Town Clerk

Posted 12/3/2024
The Township Board will convene for the budget / levy meeting and annual meeting planning on Wednesday, January 22nd at 6:30 p.m.

Posted 12/3/2024
The Township Board will convene for the annual audit on Wednesday, January 22nd at 6:00 p.m.

Posted 12/3/2024
Notice is hereby given that a town election will be held in the Township of Lynden, Stearns County, Minnesota, on Tuesday, March 11, 2025.  Qualified voters of Lynden Township who wish to be candidates for office in Lynden Township must file an Affidavit of Candidacy with the Township Clerk.  Filing for town office will be held for a two week period beginning December 31, 2024 and closing on January 14, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. Affidavits of Candidacy are located on the web: https://www.sos.state.mn.us/election-administration-campaigns/ or by contacting the clerk.  Offices to be filled are:
One (1) Supervisor / Three year term
One (1) Treasurer / Two year term
The Clerk’s office located at the Lynden Town Hall 21367 Co Rd 44 will be open from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on the last day of filing, January 14, 2025.
Information to vote by absentee for this election can be found here.

Information on the Stearns County Justice Center Project can be found here

Posted 10/15/2024 Canceled (11/30/2024)
The Planning Commission will meet on November 25th, 2024 Canceled (rescheduled December 9th, 2024) at 6pm at the Lynden Town Hall at 21367 County Road 44, Clearwater, MN. Prior to the meeting the Planning Commission will conduct the following site visits:
5:30pm – Address – 20264 27TH AVE E, Clearwater, MN: Rezoning

Posted 10/14/2024
Notice of Public Accuracy Test for the State General Election.  Notice is hereby given that the Public Accuracy Test of the DS200 Ballot Counter and the Omni Ballot assistive voting device for Lynden Township, to be used for the November 5, 2024 State General Election, will be conducted at the Lynden Township Hall, 21367 County Road 44, Clearwater, MN beginning at 10:00 a.m. on October 28, 2024.  The Public Accuracy Test is open to the public.

POSTED 10/9/24
The Planning Commission will meet on October 21st, 2024 at 6pm at the Lynden Town Hall at 21367 County Road 44, Clearwater, MN. Prior to the meeting the Planning Commission will conduct the following site visits:
5pm – 15463 County Road 44, South Haven: Administrative Split / Plat
5:20pm – 21566 8th Ave, Clearwater: Administrative Split
5:40pm – 20026 Empire Road, Clearwater: CUP for Outdoor Sales Lot

Posted 10/7/2024
The Lynden Township Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on October 28, 2024 at 6:00 PM at the Lynden Town Hall, 21367 County Road 44, Clearwater MN 55320 to consider a Conditional Use Permit application submitted for an outdoor sales lot at 20026 Empire Road. A Conditional Use Permit is required according to Sections 9.11.5L & 9.11.5U and subject to the performance standards listed in Section 6.46 and Section 7 of Stearns County Zoning Ordinance #439 adopted by reference as Lynden Township Ordinance #7. The subject property is PID #19.10600.0022 described as Lot 1 Block 3 of Clearview Terrace, Section 34, Township 123, Range 27 and PID #19.10224.0024 described as part of NW4NE4, Section 3, Township 122, Range 27.  If you are unable to attend, written comments can be sent to Jenny Schmidt, Lynden Township Clerk, 20517 Woodbine Rd., Clearwater MN 55320.

Information on the Stearns County Justice Center Project can be found here

Posted 9/12/2024
The Planning Commission will meet September 23rd, 2024 at 5:30pm at 20026 Empire Road, Clearwater, MN for a site visit. Afterwards the Planning Commission will meet at Lynden Town Hall at 21367 County Road 44, Clearwater, MN for a meeting at 6pm.

Posted 9/4/2024
The town board will conduct their semi-annual road tour October 1. They will convene at 9am at the town hall. If you are interested in attending the road tour or have any issues to share, please come to the town hall at 9am on October 1 or email Jaimie Schultz-Ludenia (jaime.schultz-ludenia@lyndentownship.net)

Posted 8/7/2024
Notice of Public Hearing on Preliminary Plat for the Plat of JCUBED ADDITION
Notice is hereby given that the Town Board and the Planning Commission of the Lynden Township will hold a public hearing at 6:00 p.m. on the 21st day of August, 2024, at the Lynden Town Hall, 21367 County Road 44 in Lynden Township, Minnesota, to hear public comment regarding the proposed preliminary plat of JCubed Addition, which proposes to plat land legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, and Outlot A, NICHOLE KRISTEEN ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Stearns County, Minnesota.  All persons who desire to comment regarding the proposed preliminary plat of JCubed Addition shall be heard at this public hearing.

Posted 7/22/2024
Notice of Public Accuracy Test for the State Primary Election
Notice is hereby given that the Public Accuracy Test of the DS200 Ballot Counter and the Omni Ballot assistive voting device for Lynden Township, to be used for the August 13, 2024 State Primary Election, will be conducted at the Lynden Township Hall, 21367 County Road 44, Clearwater, MN beginning at 10:00 a.m. on August 6th, 2024.  The Public Accuracy Test is open to the public.

Notice: 07.19.2024 News Release CR 145

Notice: Stearns Electric brush control application

An Informational meeting with the Lynden Town Board and the Township Planning Commission will be held on August 6, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Lynden Town Hall, 21367 Co Rd 44 regarding Major Preliminary Plat and Major Final Applications from Jeff and Lori Johnson, JCUBED Addition, Lot 1, Block 1, and OutLot A of Nicole Kristeen Addition PID #19.10820.0000 19.10820.0001 19564 Co Rd 145

Posted 6/5/2024
The Planning Commission will meet June 17th, 2024 at 6pm at the Lynden Town Hall. Prior to the meeting, the Planning Commission will conduct a site visit at 19564 County Road 145, Clearwater, MN at 5:30pm to consider a Preliminary Plat application.

Posted 6/4/2024
The Resolution 2024-04 Accepting Petition and Setting Public Hearing date on a Portion of a Drainage and Utility Easement Vacation Petition public hearing posted on 4/8/2024 was convened and continued to July 8 at 6:30 p.m.

The Planning Commission will meet at 6pm on May 22nd at the Lynden Town Hall. Prior to the meeting, the Planning Commission will conduct the following site visits:
5:20pm – 21044 County Road 75, Clearwater, MN (Administrative Split / rezoning)
5pm – 20264 27th Ave. E, Clearwater, MN (Administrative Split)
4:30pm – 21019 Franklin Road, Clearwater, MN (Animal Feedlot Variance)

Posted 4/8/2024
Resolution 2024-04 Accepting Petition and Setting Public Hearing date on a Portion of a Drainage and Utility Easement Vacation Petition.  WHEREAS, the Town Board of Lynden Township, Stearns County, Minnesota was presented a petition at its meeting on the 2nd day of April, 2024 requesting the vacation of a portion of a drainage and utility easement legally described as follows:  A drainage and utility easement as dedicated in LYNDEN INDUSTRIAL PARK, according to the recorded plat thereof, Stearns County, Minnesota, bounded as follows:  on the North by the North line of Lot 6, Block 2, said LYNDEN INDUSTRIAL PARK;  on the East by the East line of said Lot 6 and the East lines of Lots 7 and 8, said Block 2; on the South by a line measured at 17.00 feet North of, as measured at a right angle to and parallel with, the South line of said Lot 8 and on the West by a line measured at 35.00 feet West of, as measured at a right angle to and parallel with, said East lines of Lots 6, 7 and 8.
WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. § 164.07, subd. 2 requires the Town Board to make an order describing as nearly as practicable the vacation of the easements to be vacated, and fixing a time and place when and where the Town Board will meet and act upon the petition;  NOW, THEREFORE, LYNDEN TOWNSHIP HEREBY ORDERS:
1.     The Town Board finds that the easements proposed to be vacated abut lands owned by:
a. MSP Trucks, LLC, 2794 103rd Court N.E., Blaine, MN 55449.
b. Genuine Properties, LLC, P.O. Box 339, Clearwater, MN 55320.
c. Bottko Real Estate Holdings, LLC, 45374 Liberty Lane, Henning, MN 56551.
2. The Town Board hereby schedules a public hearing to consider the vacation of that portion of the drainage and utility easement in the Lynden Valley Industrial Park plat described above.  Said public hearing shall be held on May 20, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Lynden Town Hall.  The Town Board hereby directs the Clerk to post notice of said public hearing at least ten days before said hearing is to be held.
3. The Town Board hereby directs the petitioners to cause personal service of this resolution upon the landowners described in paragraph 1 above, said service to be had at least 10 days prior to the public hearing described in paragraph 2 above.
Approved this 2nd day of April, 2024 by the Lynden Town Board.

Posted 4/2/2024
A special meeting with the Lynden Town Board and the Township IT Staff James Kantor will be held on May 20, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at the Lynden Town Hall, 21367 Co Rd 44 for training on township resources and IT items.

Posted 4/2/2024
Notice: Two or more Supervisors may attend the Town Officers Association Semi-Annual Meeting on Thursday, April 18, 7pm, Community Center, Freeport MN

Posted 4/2/2024
Notice: Two or more Supervisors, the Clerk and Treasurer may attend the Short Courses Training hosted by MAT on Monday, April 22, 8am, Holiday Inn, St Cloud

Posted 4/2/2024
The town board will conduct their semi-annual road tour May 1. They will convene at 1pm at the town hall. If you are interested in attending the road tour or have any issues to share, please come to the town hall at 1pm on May 1 or email Jaimie Schultz-Ludenia (jaime.schultz-ludenia@lyndentownship.net)

Posted 4/2/2024
The Planning Commission will meet on April 15th, 2024 at 6pm at the Lynden Township Hall. Prior to the meeting at 5:45pm, the Planning Commission will attend a site visit at 17636 County Road 145, South Haven, Minnesota.

Posted 3/13/2024
Important Information Regarding Property Assessments.  This may affect your 2025 property taxes.
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Appeal and Equalization for Lynden Township will meet on April 09, 2024, 6:00 – 6:30 p.m, at Lynden Township Hall, 21367 County Road 44, Clearwater, MN 55320.  The purpose of this meeting is to determine whether property in the jurisdiction has been properly valued and classified by the assessor.  If you believe the value or classification of your property is incorrect, please contact the Stearns County Assessor’s office to discuss your concerns.  If you disagree with the valuation and classification after discussing it with your assessor, you may appear before the local board of appeal and equalization.  The board will review your assessments and may make corrections as needed.  Generally, you must appeal to the local board before appealing to the county board of appeal and equalization.

Posted 3/13/2024
Congratulations to Jaime Schultz-Ludenia who won the three year term for Supervisor and to Jenny Schmidt who was reelected to a two year Clerk’s term.

Posted 3/5/2024
Township Clean Up Day will be held Saturday, May 4th from 8AM to 11AM at the Clearwater Township Hall and maintenance facility south of Clearwater on Hwy 24.  IDs are required.  Fees will be incurred.  Full details available by clicking 2024 Cleanup Day

Posted 2/7/2024
The Town Board will meet on Wednesday, March 20 at 6:00 p.m. for its Reorganizational meeting

Posted 2/7/2024
Notice is hereby given to the qualified voters of Lynden Township, County of Stearns, State of Minnesota, the annual election of town officers and the annual meeting will be held Tuesday, March 12, 2024, at the Lynden Township Town Hall, 21367 Co. Rd. 44, Clearwater, MN 55320. In the case of inclement weather, the meeting and election may be postponed until the third Tuesday, March 19, 2024, and if inclement weather  also postpones the election and meeting on the third Tuesday they shall be held on Tuesday, March 26, 2024.  The election poll hours will be from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (per Resolution 2014-02) at which time the voters will elect One (1) Supervisor for a three term; and One (1) clerk for a two year term.  The Annual Meeting will commence at 8:15 p.m. to conduct all necessary business as prescribed by law.  The Board of Canvass will meet on March 13, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. to certify the official election results.

Posted 2/3/2024
Notice is hereby given that the Public Accuracy Test of the DS200 ballot counter and the Omniballot assistive voting device for Lynden Township, to be used for the March 12, 2024 Township Election, will be conducted at the Lynden Township Hall, 21367 County Road 44, Clearwater, MN beginning at 10:00 a.m. on March 9, 2024.  The Public Accuracy Test is open to the public.

Posted 2/3/2024
Notice is hereby given that the Public Accuracy Test of the DS200 ballot counter and the Omniballot assistive voting device for Lynden Township, to be used for the March 5, 2024 Presidential Nomination Primary, will be conducted at the Lynden Township Hall, 21367 County Road 44, Clearwater, MN beginning at 10:00 a.m. on February 21, 2024.  The Public Accuracy Test is open to the public.

Posted 2/3/2024 per MN Stat.207A.14
Notice of Presidential Nomination Primary (PNP) March 5, 2024, at the Lynden Township Hall, 21367 Co Rd 44.  Poll hours will be from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. View this link for more information: https://www.stearnscountymn.gov/1716/Presidential-Nomination-Primary

Posted 1/10/2024
The Township Board will convene for the budget / levy meeting and annual meeting planning on Wednesday, January 24th at 6:30 p.m.

Posted 1/10/2024
The Township Board will convene for the annual audit on Wednesday, January 24th at 6:00 p.m.

Posted 1/8/2024
Notice is hereby given that a town election will be held in the Township of Lynden, Stearns County, Minnesota, on Tuesday, March 12, 2024.  Qualified voters of Lynden Township who wish to be candidates for office in Lynden Township must file an Affidavit of Candidacy with the Township Clerk. Filing for town office will be held for a two week period beginning January 2, 2024 and closing on January 16, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. Affidavits of Candidacy are located on the web: https://www.sos.state.mn.us/election-administration-campaigns/ or by contacting the clerk.  Offices to be filled are:
One (1) Supervisor / Three year term
One (1) Clerk / Two year term
The Clerk’s office located at the Lynden Town Hall 21367 Co Rd 44 will be open from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on the last day of filing, January 16, 2024.

Posted 11/10/2023
A special meeting with the Lynden Township Board will be held on Monday, November 20, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. at the Lynden Town Hall, 21367 Co Rd 44. Agenda items are 1) meet with Stearns Co 3rd District Commissioner Bertram and Stearns Co Planning Commissioner Jason Kron to review procedures, 2) Review Draft Resolution 2023-06 LRIP Local Road Improvement Program for 200th Str.

POSTED 11/6/2023
The Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors will be meeting November 20th, 2023 at 6pm for a Planning Commission Meeting. The primary focus will be to discuss the Comprehensive Plan.

Posted 10/16/2023
A special meeting with the Lynden Town Board and the City of St. Augusta will be held on Tuesday, October 24, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at the Lynden Town Hall, 21367 Co Rd 44 to review the Town Line Road Agreement.

Posted 10/9/2023
The Planning Commission will meet at the Lynden Town Hall on October 30th at 6pm. Prior to the meeting, the Planning Commission will conduct a site visit at 1120 County Road 46, Clearwater, MN on October 30th at 5:45pm for a rezoning application. Click here for the agenda.

Posted 9/8/2023
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING.  The Lynden Township Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, September 19 at 6:00 pm at the Lynden Town Hall, 21367 County Road 44, Clearwater MN 55320 to consider a variance application submitted by Kneverdun Limited Partnership/Fred Koehler for a structure to be placed fifteen (15) feet from the centerline of a platted township road, Belview Road, in an R-1 district. Sixty three (63) feet from the road centerline is required according to Stearns County Zoning Ordinance #439 Section 9.9.9  adopted by reference as Lynden Township Ordinance #7.  The subject property is PID # 19.10200.0000 described as 4.17A Beg 1670′ E of NW Cor Govt Lot 1 thence E577′ – S to Lake – W287′ thence N to Pt 219′ S of N Line – W290′ thence N to POB less .10 AC, Section 06 Township 121 Range 027, with a property address of 900 Belview Rd, South Haven, MN 55382.  If you are unable to attend, written comments can be sent to Jenny Schmidt, Lynden Township Clerk, 20517 Woodbine Rd., Clearwater MN 55320 or emailed to clerk@lyndentownship.net

Posted 9/8/2023
The town board will conduct their semi-annual road tour September 25 (changed from Sept 26). They will convene at 1PM at the town hall. If you are interested in attending the road tour or have any issues to share, please come to the town hall at 1PM on September 25 or email Dennis Niemi (the supervisor who manages roads). dennis.niemi@lyndentownship.net

Posted 8/14/2023
A special meeting with the Lynden Town Board and the City of Clearwater will be held on Tuesday, September 12, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at the Lynden Town Hall, 21367 Co Rd 44 for the preliminary joint meeting to discuss and gauge interest in re an Orderly Annexation Agreement.  Two or more Supervisors may attend this meeting.

Posted 8/14/2023
The town board will conduct their semi-annual road tour September 26. They will convene at 1PM at the town hall. If you are interested in attending the road tour or have any issues to share, please come to the town hall at 1PM on September 26 or email Dennis Niemi (the supervisor who manages roads). dennis.niemi@lyndentownship.net

Posted 5/23/2023
Lynden Township is starting a study group in August or September of 2023 to research the wants and needs of a new building for the township. If you would like to be a part of the group, please click HERE to register to participate.

Posted 8/11/2023
The Planning Commission will meet at their normally scheduled meeting with site visits prior. Click here for the agenda.

Posted 7/4/2023
A special meeting of the Lynden Town Board will be held on Wednesday, July 19, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at the Lynden Town Hall, 21367 Co Rd 44 to discuss the City of Clearwater’s request for an Orderly Annexation Agreement and issues related to this request.  Two or more Supervisors may attend this meeting.

Posted 6/13/2023
Notice of Public Hearing.  The Lynden Township Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on June 28, 2023 at 7:00 PM at the Lynden Township Hall, 21367 Co. Rd. 44, Clearwater MN 55320 to consider amending portions of Lynden Township Land Use and Zoning Ordinance #7. The intent of the amendments to Ordinance #7 is to correctly align the duties of Planning and Zoning with other government organizations in the area, align headings of the Ordinance with Stearns County Ordinance #439 and remove the need for a variance for a detached accessory dwelling to align with Stearns County Ordinance #439. The proposed ordinances are available for review on the Lynden Township web site www.lyndentownship.net, at the Clearwater Library and by appointment at the township hall by calling 320-774-8507. All interested persons are invited to attend said hearing or submit written testimony prior to the hearing date. Written testimony should be submitted to the Lynden Township Clerk, 20517 Woodbine Rd, Clearwater MN 55320 or via email to clerk@lyndentownship.net

Posted 6/13/2023
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING.  The Lynden Township Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, June 28, 2023 at 6:15 PM at the Lynden Township Hall, 21367 County Road 44, Clearwater MN 55320 to consider a Conditional Use Permit application submitted by Scott Follett of Anderson Trucking Service, Inc. for a digital billboard at 725 Opportunity Drive, St. Cloud, MN. A Conditional Use Permit is required according to Section 7.25.7 A of Stearns County Zoning Ordinance #439 adopted by reference as Lynden Township Ordinance #7. The subject property is PID #19.10460.0020 described as 10.50 A. W4NE4NE4 & PT OF NW4NE4 LYING NE’LY HWY 94, Section 19, Township 123, Range 027.  If you are unable to attend, written comments can be sent to Jenny Schmidt, Lynden Township Clerk, 20517 Woodbine Rd, Clearwater MN 55320 or emailed to clerk@lyndentownship.net

Posted 6/13/2023
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING.  The Lynden Township Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, June 28 at 6:00 PM at the Lynden Town Hall, 21367 County Road 44, Clearwater MN 55320 to consider a variance application submitted by Scott Follett of Anderson Trucking Services, Inc. to allow the size of a digital billboard under 1,300 square feet.  600 square feet is the maximum allowed according to Stearns County Zoning Ordinance #439 Section 7.25.7 A adopted by reference as Lynden Township Ordinance #7.  The subject property is PID# 19.10460.0020 described as 10.50 A. W4NE4NE4 & PT OF NW4NE4 LYING NE’LY HWY 94, Section 19, Township 123, Range 027., with a property address of 725 Opportunity Drive, St Cloud MN 56301.  If you are unable to attend, written comments can be sent to Jenny Schmidt, Lynden Township Clerk, 20517 Woodbine Rd., Clearwater MN 55320 or emailed to clerk@lyndentownship.net

Posted 5/23/2023
Lynden Township is starting a study group in August or September of 2023 to research the wants and needs of a new building for the township. If you would like to be a part of the group, please click HERE to register to participate.

Posted 5/17/2023
The Planning Commission will meet at the Lynden Town Hall, 21367 County Road 44, Clearwater MN 55320 at 6pm on June 1st, 2023 to consider a variance for Anderson Trucking Service to increase the size of a off-premise sign (billboard).

Posted 5/7/2023
2023 June Central MN Bike Tour

Posted 5/6/2023
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING.  The Lynden Township Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on Thursday, May 18, 2023 at 6:15 PM at the Lynden Township Hall, 21367 County Road 44, Clearwater MN 55320 to consider a Conditional Use Permit application submitted by Lee Frederickson for a Conditional Use Permit at 723 Cascade Rd. A Conditional Use Permit is required according to Section 9.9.5 and subject to the performance standards listed in Section 6.4 and Stearns County Zoning Ordinance #439 adopted by reference as Lynden Township Ordinance #7. The subject property is PID #19.10377.0004 described as 20-122-27 5.02A P/O W 548′ OF E 1162′ OF N 1013′ OF S2SE4 which lies S OF FDL: BEG AT PT OF INT E LN & S LN OF N 617′-W 1088.70′-NWLY 28D TO RIGHT 82.64′ TO W LN OF E 1162′ & TERM, Section 20, Township 122, Range 27.  If you are unable to attend, written comments can be sent to Jenny Schmidt, Lynden Township Clerk, 20517 Woodbine Rd., Clearwater MN 55320 or emailed to clerk@lyndentownship.net

Posted 5/6/2023
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING.  The Lynden Township Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on Thursday, May 18, 2023 at 6:00 PM at the Lynden Township Hall, 21367 County Road 44, Clearwater MN 55320 to consider a variance application submitted by Lee Frederickson for a detached accessory dwelling structure. Applicant requests a variance from Lynden Township Ordinance #7, Section 7.32.2.  Current Ordinance advises only one residential dwelling unit is allowed.  The subject property is ID # 19.10377.0004 described as 20-122-27 5.02A P/O W 548′ OF E 1162′ OF N 1013′ OF S2SE4 which lies S OF FDL: BEG AT PT OF INT E LN & S LN OF N 617′-W 1088.70′-NWLY 28D TO RIGHT 82.64′ TO W LN OF E 1162′ & TERM, Section 20, Township 122, Range 27, with a property address of 723 Cascade Rd, South Haven, MN 55382.  If you are unable to attend, written comments can be sent to Jenny Schmidt, Lynden Township Clerk, 20517 Woodbine Rd., Clearwater MN 55320 or emailed to clerk@lyndentownship.net

Posted 5/4/2023
The Planning Commission will meet to for a site visit at Anderson Trucking at 23192 8th Ave, Clearwater, MN at 5pm on May 15th. Following the site visit the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors will meet for a Planning Commission Meeting at the Lynden Town Hall, 21367 County Road 44, Clearwater MN 55320.

Posted 5/1/2023
Notice: Two or more Supervisors and the Planning Administrator may attend the Township Legal Seminar hosted by Couri & Ruppe on June 1, 9am – 4pm, Albertville City Hall, Albertville MN

Posted 5/1/2023
The town board will conduct their semi-annual road tour May 18. They will convene at 1PM at the town hall. If you are interested in attending the road tour or have any issues to share, please come to the town hall at 1PM on May 18 or email Dennis Niemi (the supervisor who manages roads). dennis.niemi@lyndentownship.net

Posted 4/23/2023
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING. The Lynden Township Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on May 8, 2023 at 6:00 PM at the Lynden Town Hall, 21367 County Road 44, Clearwater MN 55320 to consider a variance application submitted by Joe Pany for a 3rd Driveway.  Per Lynden Township Ordinance 12, Section 2, Section 200.h only one (1) driveway per property / parcel will be allowed, except one additional access point may be allowed in the Industrial zone with non-residential uses and the R-5, R-10, or A-40 zoning districts on parcels of two (2) or more acres with an approved site plan per Lynden Township Ordinance #12 (See Ordinance #7 for variance process).  The subject property is ID # 19.10723.0016 described as Lot 002 Block 004 of K & M RIVER HEIGHTS, Section 27, Township 123, Range 027, with a property address of 21206 Franklin Rd, Clearwater MN  55320. If you are unable to attend, written comments can be sent to Jenny Schmidt, Lynden Township Clerk, 20517 Woodbine Rd., Clearwater MN 55320 or emailed to clerk@lyndentownship.net

Posted 4/23/2023
Notice: Two or more Supervisors may attend the Township Legal Seminar hosted by Couri & Ruppe on June 1, 9am – 4pm, Albertville City Hall, Albertville MN

Posted 4/14/2023
Notice: Two or more Supervisors may attend the closing on the purchase of the Lynden Township Hall Land Plat on April 21, 1:00 p.m. at Stearns County Abstract and Title, 21 Courthouse Sq, St Cloud MN

The Planning Commission will meet on April 24th, 2023 at 5:30pm for a site visit at 641 Cascade Road, South Haven to consider a variance and conditional use permit. A meeting of the Planning Commission will follow at the town hall at 6pm.

Posted 4/4/2023
The Planning Commission will meet for site visits at the following locations between 3pm and 4:30pm on April 20th, 2023:

  • 21206 Franklin Road, Clearwater
  • 641 Cascade Road, South Haven
  • 16789 County Road 145, South Haven

They will meet following the site visits at 4:30pm at the Lynden Town Hall.

Following the meeting the Planning Commission will be in training at the Stearns County Service Center, 3301 Co Rd 138, Waite Park from 5:30pm to 8:30pm.

Posted 3/31/2023
Important Information Regarding Property Assessments.  This may affect your 2024 property taxes.
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Appeal and Equalization for Lynden Township will meet on April 11, 2023, 6:00 – 6:30 p.m, at Lynden Township Hall, 21367 County Road 44, Clearwater, MN 55320.  The purpose of this meeting is to determine whether property in the jurisdiction has been properly valued and classified by the assessor. If you believe the value or classification of your property is incorrect, please contact the Stearns County Assessor’s office to discuss your concerns.  If you disagree with the valuation and classification after discussing it with your assessor, you may appear before the local board of appeal and equalization.  The board will review your assessments and may make corrections as needed.  Generally, you must appeal to the local board before appealing to the county board of appeal and equalization.

Posted 3/22/2023
Congratulations to Scott O’Konek who won the three year term for Supervisor and to Jean Schermer who was reelected to a two year Treasurer’s term.

Posted 3/16/2023
The Town Board will meet on March 27 at 6:00 p.m. for its Reorganizational meeting (Rescheduled from March 15)

Posted 3/10/2023
Township Clean Up Day will be held Saturday, April 29th from 8AM to 11AM at the Clearwater Township Hall and mainteinance facility south of Clearwater on Hwy 24.  IDs required.  Fees will be incurred.  Full details available by clicking Township Clean Up Day 2023

Posted 3/7/2023
Notice: Supervisors and Planning Commission members may attend the Land Use and Zoning Training sponsored by Stearns County on April 20, 5:00 p.m. – Stearns County Service Center, Waite Park MN

Posted 3/7/2023
Notice: Supervisors, Clerk and Treasurer may attend the MAT Short Courses on March 27, 9:00 a.m. – Park Event Center, Waite Park MN

Posted 2/22/2023 Notice from Republic
In our commitment to Driver safety, as well as public safety for the communities we serve, Republic Services has made the decision to close our hauling division on Thursday, February 23rd.  All Thursday routes will move to Friday February 24 for collection.

Posted 2/20/2023
The Town Board will meet on March 15 at 6:15 p.m. for its Reorganizational meeting.

Posted 2/20/2023
Notice is hereby given to the qualified voters of Lynden Township, County of Stearns, State of Minnesota, the annual election of town officers and the annual meeting will be held Tuesday, March 14, 2023, at the Lynden Township Town Hall, 21367 Co. Rd. 44, Clearwater, MN 55320. In the case of inclement weather, the meeting and election may be postponed until the third Tuesday, March 21, 2023.  The election poll hours will be from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (per Resolution 2014-02) at which time the voters will elect One (1) Supervisor for a three term; and One (1) treasurer for a two year term. The Annual Meeting will commence at 8:15 p.m. to conduct all necessary business as prescribed by law.  The Board of Canvass will meet on March 15, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. to certify the official election results.

Posted 2/20/2023
Notice of Public Accuracy Test of Voting Machines
Notice is hereby given that the Public Accuracy Test of the DS200 ballot counter and the Omniballot assistive voting device for Lynden Township, to be used for the March 14, 2023 Township Election, will be conducted at the Lynden Township Hall, 21367 County Road 44, Clearwater, MN beginning at 10:00 a.m. on March 6, 2023.  The Public Accuracy Test is open to the public.

Posted 1/17/2023
Resolution 2023-01 Accepting Petition and Setting Public Hearing Date on a Portion of a Drainage and Utility Easement Vacation Petition.
WHEREAS, the Town Board of Lynden Township, Stearns County, Minnesota was presented a petition at its meeting on the 9th day of January, 2023 requesting the vacation of a portion of the drainage and utility easements on Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 4, Lynden Valley Industrial Park in Lynden Township; and whereas, Minn. Stat. § 164.07, subd. 2 requires the Town Board to make an order describing as nearly as practicable the vacation of the easements to be vacated, and fixing a time and place when and where the Town Board will meet and act upon the petition; now, therefor, Lynden Township hereby orders:  1. The Town Board finds that the easements proposed to be vacated abut lands owned by:  JHK Properties, LLC, 19512 Hubble Road, Clearwater, MN 55320.  2. The Town Board hereby schedules a public hearing to consider the vacation of that portion of the drainage and utility easements as platted in the Lynden Valley Industrial Park plat described as follows: 1)  That part of the 20-foot wide drainage and utility easement abutting the east lines of Lots 2 and 3, Block 4; and 2) That part of the 20-foot wide drainage and utility easement abutting the east and southeast lines of Lot 1, Block 4 and located north and east of a point 128.92 feet east of the west lot line of said Lot 1, Block 4; and 3)  That part of the 10-foot wide drainage and utility easement located on Lot 1, Block 4 abutting the north line of said Lot 1, located 10 feet east of the west lot line of said Lot 1; and 4) That part of the 10-foot wide drainage and utility easement located on Lot 2, Block 4 abutting the south line of said Lot 2, located 10 feet east of the west lot line of said Lot 2; all such property located in the plat of Lynden Valley Industrial Park on file in the Stearns County Recorder’s Office, Stearns County, Minnesota. Said public hearing shall be held on February 2, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at the Lynden Town Hall.  The Town Board hereby directs the Clerk to post notice of said public hearing at least ten days before said hearing is to be held.  3. The Town Board hereby directs the petitioners to cause personal service of this resolution upon the landowners described in paragraph 1 above, said service to be had at least 10 days prior to the public hearing described in paragraph 2 above.  Approved this 11th day of January, 2023 by the Lynden Town Board.

Posted 1/13/2023 Notice from Republic
Due to icy road conditions we will not be running any routes today. The Town’s recycling will be picked up on Saturday. All of RSG’s routes will be delayed one day (Wednesday’s routes will be collected Thursday; Thursday routes will be collected Friday and Friday routes will be collected Saturday). A Call-Em-All notification will go out to all residents with a phone number on file. Thanks and stay safe today

Posted 12/11/2022
A special meeting will be held on Friday, December 16, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. at the Lynden Town Hall, 21367 Co Rd 44 to discuss the Lynden Town Hall plat and purchase.  Two or more Supervisors will be in attendance at this meeting.

Posted 12/5/2022
Notice is hereby given to qualified voters of Lynden Township who wish to be candidates for office in Lynden Township, must file an Affidavit of Candidacy with the Township Clerk.  Filing for town office will be held for a two week period beginning January 3, 2023 and closing on January 17, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. Affidavits of Candidacy are located on the web: https://www.sos.state.mn.us/election-administration-campaigns/ or by contacting the clerk (clerk@lyndentownship.net or 320-774-8507).  The Clerk’s office located at the Lynden Town Hall 21367 Co Rd 44 will be open from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on the last day of filing, January 17, 2023.  The Annual Election will be held on March 14, 2023.
One Supervisor / Three year term
One Treasurer / Two year term

Posted 12/5/2022
The Township Board will convene for the budget meeting and annual meeting planning on Tuesday, January 24th at 6:30 p.m.

Posted 12/5/2022
The Township Board will convene for the annual audit on Tuesday, January 24th at 6:00 p.m.

Posted 10/23/2022
The Planning Commission will meet on Wednesday November 30th at the following locations for site visits and convene at the Town Hall afterwards:
4:30pm – Anderson Trucking
5:00pm – Bischoff, Stearns County Parks Department
5:30pm – Townhall

Posted 11/08/2022 This Position has now been filled.
Posted 10/16/2022
Interested in becoming a member of the Lynden Township Planning Commission?  There is one position open on the Lynden Township Planning Commission.  If interested please email your information along with why you are interested to our Planning Administrator, James Kantor at James.kantor@lyndentownship.net.  Subject line: Planning Commission Position.

Posted 10/16/2022
Notice of Public Accuracy Test for the General Election.  Notice is hereby given that the Public Accuracy Test of the DS200 ballot counter and the Omniballot assistive voting device for Lynden Township, to be used for the November 8, 2022 General Election, will be conducted at the Lynden Township Hall, 21367 County Road 44, Clearwater, MN beginning at 9:00 a.m. on October 26, 2022.  The Public Accuracy Test is open to the public.

Posted 9/25/2022
Interested in becoming a member of the Lynden Township Planning Commission?  There is one position open on the Lynden Township Planning Commission.  If interested please email your information along with why you are interested to our Planning Administrator, James Kantor at James.kantor@lyndentownship.net.  Subject line: Planning Commission Position.

Posted 9/8/2022
The town board will conduct their semi-annual road tour September 20th. They will convene at 1PM at the town hall. If you are interested in attending the road tour or have any issues to share, please come to the town hall at 1PM on September 20th or email Dennis Niemi (the supervisor who manages roads). dennis.niemi@lyndentownship.net

Posted 8/3/2022
Absentee Voting Locations for 2022 August Primary. Randy Schreifels, Stearns County Auditor-Treasurer, announces beginning Tuesday, August 2, 2022 Stearns County residents will have more options available to vote in-person. This seven day period is an opportunity for absentee voters to directly input their ballot into the ballot tabulator. More Information can be found here.

Posted 7/26/2022
Stearns County Soil and Water Hosting Free Private Well Testing Event.  Information can be found here

Posted 7/18/2022
Notice is hereby given that the Public Accuracy Test of the DS200 ballot counter and the Omniballot assistive voting device for Lynden Township, to be used for the August 9, 2022 State Primary Election, will be conducted at the Lynden Township Hall, 21367 County Road 44, Clearwater, MN beginning at 5:00 p.m. on July 27th, 2022.  The Public Accuracy Test is open to the public.

Posted 6/6/2022
Notice: Two or more Supervisors will be attending the Couri and Ruppe Legal Seminar at Albertville MN City Hall on June 22, 2022

Posted 5/24/2022
Township Clean Up will be held Saturday June 11th from 8AM – 11AM at the Clearwater Township Hall and maintenance facility south of Clearwater on Highway 24. NOTE: this is a change from past years so please read carefully.  ID’s required. Fees will be incurred. Full details are available by clicking this Township Clean Up Day – 2022

Posted 5/24/2022
Interested in becoming a member of the Lynden Township Planning Commission?  There is one position open on the Lynden Township Planning Commission.  If interested please email your information along with why you are interested to our Planning Administrator, James Kantor at James.kantor@lyndentownship.net.  Subject line: Planning Commission Position.

Posted 5/3/2022
A Working Session will be held on Tuesday, May 17 at 1:00 p.m. at the Lynden Township Hall, 21367 Co Rd 44, for the purposes of reviewing a possible feedlot ordinance and considering implementation.  Two or more Supervisors will be in attendance at this meeting.

Posted 4/6/2022
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING,  The Lynden Township Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 6:00 PM at the Lynden Town Hall, 21367 County Road 44, Clearwater MN 55320 to consider a variance application submitted by Donald Hagmann. The variance seeks to bring in to compliance the garage setback from the road centerline. A Sixty-three (63) foot setback is required by Stearns County Ordinance #439, Section 9.9.9, adopted by reference within Lynden Township Ordinance #7. The subject property(s) is ID #19.10204.0000, further described as: .21 A. FR .21 A. of Gov Lot 1 Known as Tract 4, within Section 06, Township 121, Range 027.  The subject property address is 927 Belview Road, South Haven MN  55382.  If you are unable to attend, written comments can be sent to Jenny Schmidt, Lynden Township Clerk, 20517 Woodbine Rd., Clearwater MN 55320 or emailed to clerk@lyndentownship.net

Posted 4/5/2022
The town board will conduct their semi-annual road tour May 10. They will convene at 1PM at the town hall. If you are interested in attending the road tour or have any issues to share, please come to the town hall at 1PM on May 10 or email Dennis Niemi (the supervisor who manages roads). dennis.niemi@lyndentownship.net

Posted 3/15/2022
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Appeal and Equalization for Lynden Township will meet on April 12, 2022, 6:00 – 6:30 p.m, at Lynden Township Hall, 21367 County Road 44, Clearwater, MN 55320.  The purpose of this meeting is to determine whether property in the jurisdiction has been properly valued and classified by the assessor. If you believe the value or classification of your property is incorrect, please contact the Stearns County Assessor’s office to discuss your concerns.  If you disagree with the valuation and classification after discussing it with your assessor, you may appear before the local board of appeal and equalization.  The board will review your assessments and may make corrections as needed.  Generally, you must appeal to the local board before appealing to the county board of appeal and equalization.

Posted 3/10/2022
Congratulations to Supervisor Tom Plaggerman who was re-elected to another 3 year term and to Clerk Jenny Schmidt who was re-elected to another two year term. More information can be found here

Posted 3/8/2022
The Town Board will meet on March 17 at 6:00 p.m. for its Reorganizational meeting.

Posted 3/8/2022
Notice: Supervisors Dennis Niemi and Tom Plaggerman will be attending the MAT – LTAP Gravel Road maintenance and design – March 16, Willmar MN

Posted 2/9/2022
NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS.  Notice is hereby given to the qualified voters of Lynden Township, County of Stearns, State of Minnesota, the annual election of town officers and the annual meeting will be held Tuesday, March 8, 2022, at the Lynden Township Town Hall, 21367 Co. Rd. 44, Clearwater, MN 55320. In the case of inclement weather, the meeting and election may be postponed until the third Tuesday, March 15, 2022.  The election poll hours will be from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (per Resolution 2014-02) at which time the voters will elect One (1) Supervisor for a three term; and One (1) clerk for a two year term. The Annual Meeting will commence at 8:15 p.m. to conduct all necessary business as prescribed by law.  Social Distancing and masks or face shields will be required.  The Board of Canvass will meet on March 9, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. to certify the official election results.

Posted 2/9/2022
Notice of Public Accuracy Test of Voting Machines.  To the qualified voters of Lynden Township, County of Stearns, an open meeting will be held  on Monday, February 28, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. for an Accuracy Test  of the AutoMARK Voting Machine at the Lynden Township Hall, 21367 County Road 44, Clearwater, MN 55320

Posted 2/7/2022
A Working Session will be held on Tuesday, February 15 at 1:00 p.m. at the Lynden Township Hall, 21367 Co Rd 44, for the purposes of reviewing the current Ordinance #12: Road and Right of Way Specifications and considering changes to include costs of correction and other updates.  Two or more Supervisors will be in attendance at this meeting.


2020-2021 Historical Notices
2018-2019 Historical Notices
2017 Historical Notices
Historical Notices

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Every attempt has been made to ensure that the information contained on this web site is valid at the time of publication. Lynden Township reserves the right to make additions, changes, or corrections at any time and without notice. Additionally, Lynden Township disclaims any and all liability for damages incurred directly or indirectly as a result of errors, omissions, or discrepancies.
This web site includes links to other Internet sites that are not controlled by or endorsed by this township. Lynden Township takes no responsibility for the content or accuracy of these linked sites.