2007 Board Minutes

December 3, 2007
Those present were Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch, Dave Johnson, Karen Weeres, and Del Moeller. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.

Anne asked if there were any additions to the proposed agenda. Dave asked to have the weed inspection report added to the agenda. Dave made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.

Anne asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes. Dave made a motion to approve the minutes with no changes, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.

Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Del attended a meeting on November 29th at the Stearns County (SC) Administration Building concerning March elections and other township issues. Randy Schreifels SC Auditor asked if the townships would be interested in direct deposit of checks from the county. There was interest; we will be updated on when this will happen. Anne made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Jerry, all in favor motion passed.

Middendorf: Jerry was told by Troy Frielhammer of Stearns County Environmental Services, at the time of clean up at the Middendorf property it was discovered that there was suspected hazardous substances present underground. Jerry asked Mike Couri, Lynden Township Attorney, if we have the authority to perform underground testing or remove any underground contaminates. Mike stated it would be possible if Tom Middendorf would give his permission to do the testing. Tom was present; Jerry asked Tom if he would give permission. Before answering the question, Tom expressed concern over the clean up of his property. He said some items that were inside a fenced area were removed from the property and he felt they were not supposed to be taken. He also said they left some junk there. Troy from Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES) and representatives from Burski’s Excavating were present at the clean up. No one from the township was present. After a short discussion it was decided that Tom would prepare a list of all the items he believed had been taken in error. Once the list is received we will follow up with the representatives who were present. Jerry asked Tom again if he would agree to the underground testing. He said he would agree, but he wanted to be present at the testing. Review in January.

Messer Property: Jerry shared an opinion from Mike Couri that he felt it would be difficult to get an additional court order to have the barn’s foundation removed since clean up has continued to show slow progress. Mike is willing to write a letter stating the township plans to pursue a court order to have the foundation completely removed and if he does not complete the process the township would do so and charge the costs against his property. A short discussion followed with Ron Wasmund, Township Building Inspector. It was decided that Ron would write a letter to Marvin Messer from the standpoint of the building code, stating what needs to be completed. He will copy Mike Couri. Review in January.

3022 Fulton Circle: The owner has been served and the case is filed. This will come before the court on a default motion at a hearing in mid-January seeking to have the owner remove the burned out trailer. If he does not, the Township will do so and assess the costs against the property. This court action does not cover removal of the other abandoned trailer. Troy from SCES does not think there is anything they can do about the other trailer without the court’s permission. Ron Wasmund will call the Sheriff’s Department to see if there is any law enforcement authority to do so. Jerry also stated that we would ask the county to help with the clean up through the County Nuisance Ordinance. Review in January.

Update on six properties with unlicensed vehicles: SCES is handling this issue. Two properties have been resolved; the four remaining are: 202 Alder Road, 18634 Driftwood, 1324 Dunmore and 1923 Co. Rd. 143. SCES will continue to follow up. Review in January.

There is an issue of nuisance animals at a home on County Road 44 that Anne will handle. She has the name of the resident and will personally go to speak to them. Review in January.

Mark Ryan Compliance: Ron stated that Mark was following the Stearns County/Township site permit. Ron relayed an issue from his last visit to the site. There used to be a 6’ by 16’ deck on the house. Mark had footings for a 12’ by 16’ deck. Ron told him he would have to remove those footings. The deck could be allowed as a replacement of the 6’ by 16’ deck but he would need a permit for the deck. If he wanted to change the size he would have to get his site plan revised at the county level. Ron has a meeting for next Thursday and this will be addressed at that time. Review in January.

Vait Driveway Access: Ron’s will be meeting with Greg Vait next Thursday to explain that the rock he put in for rip rap is on Eva Jeffery’s property. Greg previously told Ron there had been a dispute about the property line. The property has been surveyed so this should not be an issue. If there is no resolution after this meeting the township will no longer be involved. It is an issue between the adjoining residents.

Muggli Kennel Structure: At the Planning Commission meeting on November 26th the first two phases of the Kennel Plan were approved. Ms. Muggli’s suggested third phase included attaching a structure to the trailer on the property. That is a non-conforming building so she will need another alternative such as a separate building. The board wanted Ron to be aware that they instructed Ms. Muggli to contact him to discuss her plans before she returns to the planning commission in February with a revision. Review in January.

Z-Marine: The septic system was installed prematurely before Steve was sure of the lot boundaries. Ron stated that he had to relocate the septic system and will move his building further back to meet the more restrictive setbacks that are in place because of the addition of a turn lane on County Road 145. The revised site plan also allows room for fire department access around the buildings. Ron explained the parameters of dry boat storage which say there cannot be more than 30 gallons of gas in the building. Anne asked Ron to send the new site plan to the township.

Hennen Construction, Lynden Valley Industrial Park (LVIP): Ron talked to Roxanne at the Stearns County Auditor’s Office and confirmed that three of Hennen’s four lots have in fact been combined. The fourth lot still has a separate parcel number. When construction is complete, Ron will confirm compliance with the impervious surface requirements for the combined parcel.

There was a question about the drainage ditch in LVIP. The drainage is going in the right direction and the grading that Hennen has done will help. We must continue to be aware of both drainage issues and ditch access as development in LVIP proceeds.
5th Ave Unauthorized Access: Ron has sent an application for a driveway access to the property owner. Anne asked if there was more than one access. Ron said there is not. There has been landscaping added along the driveway and it appears the owner may be planning to build there in the future. Ron will ensure the permitting process is followed.

Berg Kennel: The property is fenced, they have their building permit, and are starting construction. At this point there are no issues.

Dick Holthaus was on the agenda for a dog nuisance complaint. He said he would come tonight but is not present. Del will check with Dick to see if he will come in January.

Parkland Dedication Funds: At the last meeting Chuck Wocken, Stearns County Parks Director, asked the township to adopt a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to give the County the option to use the money collected in Lynden Township throughout the County. A summary of last month’s discussion was relayed to Dave who was not in attendance at the meeting. Dave had previously reviewed the proposed MOU and his suggested revisions have been added to the document. Dave made a motion to approve the MOU and authorize the chair and the clerk to sign the Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Stearns and the Town of Lynden regarding the use of funds generated from County Parkland Dedication Ordinance #334. The motion was seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed. Del will get the signed copies to Chuck Wocken and put one copy in our files.

Retirement of the Annandale Fire Chief: Dave received a letter stating that the Annandale Fire Chief will be retiring March 1st of 2008. The letter was asking if someone from the township would be available to help choose the next chief. Dave stated that he would be willing to do this. Anne made a motion to have Dave help choose the new Fire Chief for Annandale, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.

Clearwater and Annandale Fire Boundaries: We are currently paying Clearwater for coverage of 82% of the township’s parcels and Annandale receives payment for the remaining parcels. The wrong coverage map is currently being used by 911 dispatch and it needs to be corrected. Anne made a motion that a correction be made in our 911 service coverage to reflect that Annandale Fire Department will service all parcels south of 155th St. and Clearwater Fire Department will service all parcels north of 155th St., seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed. If this correction cannot be made by Jerry contacting someone at Stearns County, we will get Chelle Benson to assist.
Another issue is the proposed fire contract from the Clearwater Fire Department. They are asking for $7,000 a year as a portion of the bond payment on their truck and we feel we should not be making payments on their equipment. This should be part of their annual budget, not a separate item. Clearwater has not provided us with details of the fire department’s budget and spending. Del will call Joni at City Hall and ask for the 2006 actual spending and 2007 budget for the fire department. Review in January.
Clearwater Township has met with the Clearwater Fire Department to discuss a satellite fire station located at the Clearwater Township Hall. An agreement was discussed but no plans have been finalized. It would be very good for the community.

Planning Commission Administrator: This was discussed after the last planning commission meeting. Karolyn Boucher was asked if she would consider a position as planning commission administrator to ease the burden of administrative work that is currently being handled by Chelle Benson, township consultant. Karolyn has agreed and will create a proposed job description that delineates her responsibilities. It was decided that the Clerk would remain the contact person for the township. Anne made a motion to appoint Karolyn Boucher as Planning Commission Administrator for Lynden Township at a wage of $15 per hour, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed. Karolyn will talk with Chelle and we will review in January.

John Krause: Del called John about the junk cars on his lot. He said they are for sale and he has a CUP to sell cars. Del asked if they were licensed and he said that a car for sale did not need a license. Anne will compose a letter to ask him to attend a meeting to discuss the issue. Review in January.

Clean Up on 200th St.: It has been taken resolved because the material is all biodegradable and will take care of itself. There is another issue at a residence on 200th St. but Dave said it will be addressed at a later time.

Census: Del was informed by the County Auditor that it was in the best interests of the township to apply for the number one option for the 2010 census. Del thought it seemed redundant for our township to review and correct addresses if the county was also doing it. In addition it was noted that the county also has access to a database that would make the project easier. After a short discussion it was decided that Del should check into it and it will be reviewed in January.

Tarring of Fairfax: Wayne Ethen called Del to say they are interested in having their road paved. He was not present at the meeting, but in order to start the discussion they must have a petition signed by the owners of at least 35% of the footage abutting the road they want paved, not 35% of the parcels. Del will call Wayne Ethen, and tell him he can find the information on the State of Minnesota web site. It is Statue #429.011. If he has any questions he can refer them to Jerry.

The annual report of weed inspection was signed and will be mailed.

Karolyn thought we should put a blurb in the spring newsletter about neighborhood watch.
She will also make a note of putting brush removal information in the newsletter.
There was some e-mail correspondence received regarding work that needs to be done along Franklin Road. Del will review and take care of it.
The Tri County Humane Society contract is due. Dave made a motion to renew it, seconded by Jerry, all in favor motion passed. The contract was signed and will be mailed.
The SEH bill from the engineer is extremely high; questions were discussed on billable hours.

Dave asked about the possibility of Troy Gilchrist being considered as our township attorney because of the slow response time of Mike Couri. This is something that would need to be discussed at our annual meeting, but is also something that should be discussed with Mike in advance. Though he does great work for us, he is so busy that his response time is often less than desirable. Review in advance of the annual meeting.

Meeting dates for December 2007:
There will be no Planning Commission meeting in December.

Anne made a motion to accept the correspondence and bills, seconded by Jerry, all in favor motion passed.

Dave made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Jerry, all in favor motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Del Moeller, Lynden Township Clerk Anne Ackerman, Lynden Township Chair

NOVEMBER 5, 2007
Those present were Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch, Karen Weeres, and Del Moeller. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Dave Johnson is not in attendance; the meeting will proceed with a quorum.

Anne asked if there were any additions to the proposed agenda. Jerry made a motion to approve the agenda with no changes, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.

Anne asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes. Jerry made a motion to approve the minutes with no changes, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.

Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Jerry made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Anne, all in favor motion passed.

Vait Driveway Access: The township engineer from SEH said the culvert is close to the property line but the drainage should not have any impact on the neighboring property. Eva Jeffery, the adjacent neighbor, was present and informed the board they added rocks under the culvert that are on her property. When Township Building Inspector Ron Wasmund arrives, we will discuss this. Ms. Jeffery was informed that if there is an encroachment on her property it is an issue between property owners and the township will not be involved.

Middendorf Cleanup: There was an on-site pre bid review for clean up. There were two bids. Burski’s Excavating bid was $4000. Jerry made a motion accept the Burski’s bid, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.

Ben Berg Commercial Kennel: Del will take the conditional use permit (CUP) and findings of fact to be recorded. The information will be given to the building inspector to show that the plan has been approved. A copy of the signed documents was given to Ben. The board thanked him for his assistance with the development of kennel performance standards for the township.

Doug Neiters, Clearwater Fire Chief: Doug presented proposed contracts for fire protection with an option for Clearwater to cover the entire township. Anne questioned the inclusion of an annual payment for the bond on their truck. She did not feel it was appropriate for the township to make a payment for their equipment. Anne also wanted to clarify that the township did not request a proposal from Clearwater to cover the entire township. That was erroneously stated in the Clearwater Tribune. Response time to the area currently covered by Annandale was brought up. Doug said he checked a few addresses on mapquest and it showed that though the station was farther away, they could actually get there more quickly. Doug said he is meeting with Clearwater Township on November 20th to discuss the possibility of creating a satellite fire station at the site of their town hall. If that occurs, response time would be quicker. Anne said that before we look at contracts we need to correct the current coverage maps for the 911 dispatch. We will discuss this at a planning commission meeting to involve Rick and Chelle.

Franklin Road borings: Jerry completed the tests and they showed that Franklin Road has seven inches of base, which is in line with township specifications. For comparison he also tested several borings on 208th St. which has eight inches in some spots and in other places only three. Jerry will have a report at the annual meeting.

County Nuisance Reports: Del will talk to Don Adams, Director of Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES) to get an update on the clean up of unlicensed vehicles. Once that process is complete, other junk on the properties will be addressed via the nuisance ordinance.
Brush Disposal: Jerry located two businesses which will accept brush. He will find out the information on what the cost will be. It will be published in the next newsletter.

221st St. Trailer: It was agreed that enforcement will be deferred until the date in May which was previously established. The township was informed that a home has been purchased and the resident could move as early as January. We will ask them to remove the trailer earlier if possible and will check this on the spring road tour.

Chuck Wocken, Stearns County Parks: Stearns County enacted a parkland dedication fee two years ago and is asking Lynden Township to adopt an agreement to give the County the option to use the money collected in Lynden Township throughout the County as needed. Anne questioned the need to release the funds when we have Warner Park located in Lynden Township. Chuck discussed his desire to have all funds available so they could be used on any projects they can get done. Anne asked about some specific items for Warner Park such as directional signs and he said those items would not come out of these funds but instead would be budgeted items. He said these funds would be more for trail acquisition for example. Anne said she has been very pleased with the department’s management of Warner Park and noted the new benches recently installed. She also said the department has illustrated a commitment to acquiring land for extension of the Beaver Island Trail in Lynden Township and believes she needs to trust Chuck’s judgment as head of the Parks Department. Because they have shown a commitment to the township without using these funds, she is willing to sign the agreement if he believes it is in everyone’s best interest. After hearing Anne’s comments Jerry did not have an issue with the agreement but it was decided to wait until next month when Dave Johnson is in attendance before anything is finalized. This will be on the agenda next month.

Eaglewood Road Speed Limit: Jerry said that at a recent lake association meeting, residents expressed a desire for enforcement of the speed limit on Eaglewood Rd. The road is posted at 25 MPH but without a special study, the township only has the right to post a speed limit on this road at 30 MPH. Jerry suggested raising the speed limit and then having a deputy issue tickets. Anne felt raising the speed limit would only make people go faster. She believes the residents are more concerned about getting people to slow down instead of being hung up on giving out tickets. She suggested keeping the limit posted at 25 MPH and using one of the county’s speed limit trailers that shows people how fast they are going. Though we can’t issue tickets against the 25 MPH limit, it would at least make people aware of how fast they are going and would also let residents know that something is being done. Jerry agreed and will also follow up with the department of Transportation who will make a determination of what the speed limit should be on this road. Jerry will also follow up with the lake association.

Anne received a call from a probation officer at Stearns County, asking if we need any restitution from an accident which occurred on July 13th on Co. Rd. 44 and 155th St. Anne asked if Jerry was aware of anything. As far as we know, there wasn’t any damage.

Revised Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Stearns County: The revision reflects the township handling issues relating to kennels. This has been approved and it needs to be signed by all board members. Anne & Jerry signed it and Del will have Dave sign it when he returns and will take it to SCES to have it signed by the county board.

The county needs an applicant for an open position on the Board of Adjustment from County Commissioner Lee Lenzmeier’s district. Township resident Brian Nickolauson has sent in an application. Jerry said the board meets once a month the pay is $100 per meeting. The supervisors felt Brian will be an asset to this board.

Water at Township Hall: It was decided that we will get a bottled drinking water supply system at the township hall. It will have both hot and cold water spigots. Del will check into it.

Messer Barn: They have continued to clean up the structure but it still is not complete. The cement foundation will have to be removed because Ron feels it is not sound. Ron will contact Mr. Messer to tell him the foundation must be removed. As long as there is continued clean up we will not take this back to court. Review next month. Mr. Messer will not be able to get any building permits until the foundation has been removed.

3022 Fulton Circle: There was no update from Ron. Jerry will get a bid on having the burned out trailer removed. Jerry will talk Township Attorney Mike Couri to move forward with the removal of the trailer.

Middendorf: Jerry explained to Ron the arrangements being made to take care of the Middendorf property.

Mark Ryan: The house at 19086 Eaglewood Road is being brought into compliance. The second story has been removed and the roof has been placed back on the first level. Ron will continue to follow up on this project to ensure compliance with the restoration order.

Jerry explained to Ron what SEH said about the culvert on the Vait property. Ron did not know about the rock that had been placed on Eva Jeffery’s property. Ron will talk to the Vaits to inform them they are encroaching on their neighbor’s property and need to move the culvert. If they do not do so, this becomes an issue between the neighbors; they will have to settle the matter.

Del gave a copy of the CUP for the Berg property to Ron. Ben and Ron have been in contact about a building permit.

Glen Freitag has been inquiring about constructing an accessory building on his property. Del contacted Glen to inform him he needs a permit before he can build. Glen has contacted Ron but has not moved forward with plans.

Franklin Outdoor Advertising presented their plan for an accessory building at the last planning commission meeting. They received approval to move forward but the board wants to make sure Ron checks to ensure impervious surface requirements are met.

Ron did not check the location on 5th Ave. where there is a lot of work being done, including a new unauthorized access. Del will e-mail him the information again.

Muggli Kennel: The kennel proposal was reviewed and though a separate structure can be built, Ron said they cannot put an addition on a non-conforming structure. The trailer cannot be used to house animals, and any attached structure would be considered part of the trailer. This will be addressed at the Planning Commission meeting and Valorie will need to revise her plan.

Z- Marine received a CUP and a variance and can apply for a building permit but they must make all setback requirements as noted in the variance and follow the revised site plan that was approved at the public hearing. There have been changes and they must be followed. We will get a copy to Ron as soon as it is available.

Del will attend a Census meeting in St. Joe on November 14th from 9 a.m. until noon. Review in December.

There was a sheriff’s report about a barking dog complaint from a home at 15533 County Rd. 44. The house has multiple dogs and birds. We have not received any previous complaints about this property. Anne will follow up on this report.

Meeting dates for November 2007:
November 26, 6:00 p.m. Planning Commission

Anne made a motion to accept the correspondence and bills, seconded by Jerry, all in favor motion passed.

Anne made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Jerry, all in favor motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Del Moeller, Clerk; Anne Ackerman, Supervisor

OCTOBER 1, 2007
Those present were Anne Ackerman, Dave Johnson, Karen Weeres, and Del Moeller. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Jerry Finch is not in attendance; the meeting will proceed with a quorum.

Anne asked if there were any additions to the proposed agenda. Anne stated that we would move two items to next month’s agenda when Jerry returns, road borings and brush disposal. Dave made a motion to approve the revised agenda, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.

Anne asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes. Dave made a motion to approve the minutes with no changes, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.

Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Anne asked about the cost of the publications in papers being so high. It was due to the notices on the property on Fulton Circle. We will keep a record of all expenses related to that property for reimbursement by the property owner. Dave made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Anne, all in favor motion passed.

Lynden Valley Industrial Park Roads: We will consider a reduction in the letter of credit when requested by the developer. All improvements will have to be approved before a reduction can occur.

Clearwater Fire Boundaries: Dave stated that at the August meeting Doug Neiters, Clearwater Fire Chief, expressed interest in covering all of Lynden Township and he was told to present a plan for consideration. Dave expressed concern about response times. Del will contact Doug to follow up. Coverage maps for 911 service will need to be reviewed and corrected if necessary.

County Nuisance Reports: A letter has been sent to Don Adams, Director of Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES), concerning violations at six residences. The letters only address the illegal cars on the property and not the other debris and junk. Del will talk to Jerry about the matter and ask him to follow up with SCES to consider further action under the county’s nuisance ordinance.

Denny Krone: Denny was present from the Stearns County Auditor’s Surveyor’s Office. He is asking the township to issue a Certificate of Compliance to approve an administrative split for parcels owned by three different property owners. The county is purchasing portions of a former railroad corridor for the purpose of extending the Beaver Island Trail. Dave made a motion to issue a Certificate of Compliance on the parcels as shown on exhibits A and B presented to the township by Denny Krone on October 1, 2007 for the purpose of a trail corridor, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed. Denny will provide all necessary information including legal descriptions to Anne who will prepare the documents and return them to Del to also sign and mail to Denny.

Jamie Phenow from Allied Waste: Allied would like to go to a single sort recycling program. They will provide a container to all residents who want to use the program. A letter explaining the program will be sent to all township residents, not just current Allied recycling customers. The target date to change to the new containers will be December 7, 2007. Del will provide mailing labels for Allied to use to notify residents. Karolyn will put a notice in the fall newsletter. Residents may keep their old recycling bin for other uses, or return it to the clerk at 20979 Co. Rd. 44. Jamie will send the information for review in advance of the mailing and Karolyn will post it on the township’s web site. Anne and Dave both expressed their appreciation to Jamie for the service. Though it is more expensive, the reliability is worth the extra cost.

221st Trailer: Del will send a letter tomorrow for the trailer that must be removed. Rebecca Hogie and the property owner will both receive a copy.

Anne talked to Rob, the General Manager of Mathison Motors, regarding the sign on the corner of Roger Aleckson’s property announcing the future home of Mathison Motors. Rob was informed car sales on that parcel would require a conditional use permit. Anne also left a message for Loren Mathison and a letter will be sent to the property owner.
Joni, Clearwater City Clerk, contacted Del and would like to meet before the clean up day to try to work out a plan that would make it easier to track what is being brought in by residents for disposal. She will also explain why the bill from spring clean up is higher than Lynden Township feels it should be. Del will meet with her and will have an explanation at the November meeting.

3022 Fulton Circle: Dave stated that the court order only allows removal of the burned out trailer. We need to contact SCES to handle the rest of the clean up through Stearns County Ordinance #333. Ron Wasmund, township building inspector, will follow up on the trailer removal, and Jerry will contact the county concerning enforcement through the county nuisance ordinance #333.

Middendorf: Ron Wasmund stated that he has sent information to Mike Couri, township attorney, including a list and pictures that will explain what needs to be removed to complete the clean up. November 1st is the deadline for Mr. Middendorf to have the property cleaned up to the specifications required. After that date the Township will complete the clean up at Mr. Middendorf’s expense. Mr. Middendorf was informed that any item on the list must be properly stored or it would be removed from the property as part of the clean up.

Messer Barn: They have continued to clean up the structure but it still is not complete. We will move forward with the court process to have this completed. Ron will follow up; review in November.

Mark Ryan: Ron spoke with June Ryan, Mark’s wife, and explained that they must submit a site plan describing the restoration to be made to the home on Eaglewood Road to Don Adams at SCES. They plan to remove the second story of the house and fill in the basement in order to achieve compliance with the restoration order. Ron said that Don had met with June, but not all the required information was submitted. Update in November.

The fall road tour was held on September 29th. It was noted that there is a new unauthorized access to a property on 5th Ave. Del will contact Ron with the information and Ron will follow up.

Glen Freitag has been inquiring about constructing an accessory building on his property. Del will contact Glen to let him know he needs a building permit to start construction.

Ron had a question about Hennen’s property in Lynden Valley Industrial Park. Kurt Hennen gave Ron a document showing that two lots are combined so he may construct a building over the property line between lots one and two. After a short discussion regarding a potential need for administrative attachment, it was decided that Ron will follow up to ensure the documentation satisfies the requirements. Anne also asked Ron to check that 60/40 impervious surface requirements can be reached utilizing only three of the four lots. If the requirement cannot be met, they must attach the fourth lot to be used as part of the calculations so it could not be sold and developed at a later date.

Anne asked if Ben Burg who is planning a Commercial Dog Kennel had contacted the inspector for a building permit. Ron said there was a plan submitted to build a 5000 square foot building. The permit cannot be issued unless a CUP is granted.

Meeting dates for October 2007:
October 3rd 5:30 p.m. Site visit at Z-Marine in Lynden Valley Industrial Park
October 13th 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Clean Up Day, Clearwater
October 16th 7:00 p.m. Public Hearing Ben Berg Commercial Kennel CUP
October 29th 6:00 p.m. Planning Commission

Anne made a motion to accept the correspondence and bills, seconded by Dave, all in favor motion passed.
Anne made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dave, all in favor motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 9:02 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Del Moeller, Lynden Township Clerk Anne Ackerman, Lynden Township Chair

Minutes from September 10, 2007
Those present were Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch, Karen Weeres, and Del Moeller. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Dave Johnson is not in attendance; the meeting will proceed with a quorum.

Anne asked if there were any additions to the proposed agenda. There were two additions: the garage on Co. Rd. 44, and the newsletter. Jerry made a motion to approve the agenda with additions, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.

Anne asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes. Jerry made a motion to accept the minutes with no changes, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.

Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Karen stated that she has appointed Karolyn Boucher as her deputy treasurer; Anne thanked Karolyn for accepting the position. Karen will be working on a hand book for training purposes. There are two certificates of deposit coming due; Karen will renew them. Jerry made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.

Ron Wasmund, township building inspector, was in attendance; the first order of business was the Messer barn on County Rd. 145. The barn is now down but just in a pile. Ron stated that the project was far from complete. The township has the right to file a second paper to the court. Kyle Hartnett, township attorney, said we do not need a second hearing. Kyle stated to Ron he would like to file both the order for the Messer Barn and the papers for the burned out trailer at 3022 Fulton Circle. The affidavit of publication has been competed for the Fulton Circle property. Del will send the original copy of the publication to Kyle. Ron will follow up with Kyle on both of these properties. It was suggested by Ron to have professional clean up at both properties. Jerry will handle the bids for the clean ups. Review in October.

Mark Ryan: Ron received a plan from Mark Ryan describing the restoration to be made on the home in Shores Point. Ron will check with Don Adams at Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES) and let him know a plan has been submitted. Review in October.

Middendorf Clean Up: Ron will contact Troy Freihammer from SCES and they will visit the Middendorf property. Jerry Finch will also attend. A list of items to be removed will be made so there will be a clear understanding of what is left to complete the clean up. Review in October.

Garage on County Road 44: After a short discussion of the circumstances surrounding this structure, it was decided that the project will be completed shortly and this item can be removed from the agenda.

There was a question on how Lynden Township residents can get rid of brush. At this time there is no plan for brush disposal. Jerry will check for options.

Anne asked about a property on Eaglewood that is being remodeled. Though they have a permit, she did not get notice of the permit from Dee at Inspectron’s office. No notices have been received recently by any board members. Ron will check into the matter.

A trailer on 221st St. was supposed to be moved when the occupant’s husband returned from Iraq. He is now back in the U.S. Del will review past minutes to find out the details of removal. Review in October.

Anne reiterated the importance of having site plans for businesses in the Limited Industrial district reviewed in advance at our planning commission meetings. Del will send an e-mail to Ron after planning commission meetings so he is aware of what has been approved for new businesses.

Valorie Muggli Commercial Dog Kennel: Anne spoke to Valorie before the meeting. Valorie expressed her concern that she believes some of the proposed conditions of her Conditional Use Permit (CUP) are more restrictive than the performance standards the township is considering adopting. Anne agreed that she had a valid point. Anne told Valorie we would not vote on the CUP tonight, but that it would make sense to discuss her concerns again after the public hearing for the kennel performance standards on September 12th. Jerry wants to move forward and not delay this any longer. Jerry felt we should sign the CUP tonight. Anne apologized to Jerry for telling Valorie we would not vote tonight, but she felt that since she told Valorie we would not be voting on the CUP tonight, she cannot move forward. Anne will ask Valorie to submit her concerns in writing. We will meet with her after the public hearing on Wednesday to finalize the CUP. Chelle Benson, Planning Consultant, arrived at the meeting. Anne explained the situation to Chelle.
Regarding the trailer on the Muggli property, Jerry said we cannot require the trailer to be removed at this time. Chelle explained that will be handled separately from the CUP. Chelle stated that we do not want to lower our standards because we are trying to retrofit an existing business that is operating without a permit. In conclusion, Anne will bring her lap top to the meeting and we will be able to make any potential changes on the spot and vote on the revised CUP at that time. It was agreed there will not be any discussion on the Muggli CUP during the Public Hearing, which is strictly regarding proposed kennel standards. The discussion on the Muggli CUP will occur after the public hearing. Chelle and Rick Holman, planning commission chair, will be in attendance at that meeting.

Clearwater Fire Service: The coverage boundaries need to be corrected. They must be changed when the next contract comes. Anne asked if the corrections can be made before the next contract. Discuss at next meeting.

Letter of Credit for Lynden Valley Industrial Park: The property owner must make the request for any reduction to the Letter of Credit. When a formal request is received, we will review to ensure all improvements have been completed properly.

Anne has received a written complaint about 202 Alder Road. This address was one of the properties recently submitted to Don Adams at SCES for violation of the county nuisance ordinance. Del will check on the status of the investigation. Review in October.

Fall Newsletter: Karolyn presented an outline for the newsletter and assigned topics for articles. The deadline for articles will be September 25th. Mailing date will be October 2nd. Fall clean up in Clearwater is set for October 13th.

September 29th will be the tentative date for the fall road tour. Del will send Dave an e-mail to check if the date will work for him.

Correspondence was reviewed. There was a question about the bill from the City of Clearwater for spring clean up. Del will talk to Joni at the City of Clearwater. The check will be held until this is reviewed.

Meeting dates for September:
September 24th 6:00 p.m. Planning Commission
September 29th Fall Road Tour 8:00 a.m. Meet at township hall.

Anne made a motion to accept the correspondence and bills, seconded by Jerry, all in favor motion passed.
Anne made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Jerry, all in favor motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 9:24 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Del Moeller, Lynden Township Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Lynden Township Chair

Minutes from August 6, 2007
Those present were Jerry Finch, Dave Johnson, Karen Weeres, and Del Moeller. Dave opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Anne will not be attending; the meeting will proceed with a quorum.

Dave asked if there were any additions to the proposed agenda. There were none. Dave made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.

Dave asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes. Jerry made a motion to accept the minutes with no changes, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.

Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. After a short discussion, Jerry made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.

Ron Wasmund our building inspector previously e-mailed to say he would late. We will move on with other business until he arrives.

Jerry reported on the Mark Ryan compliance. Jerry received an e-mail from Don Adams Director of Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES) on July 27, 2007 stating he had heard from an attorney representing Mark Ryan. Don Adams is requesting that Brenda Theis, Stearns County Attorney, initiate legal action. It should be relatively easy and quick because we already have a judgment from District Court on the appeal of the Board of Adjustment’s decision. Even if we get a set of plans from Mark, Don would want to proceed with legal action so that we don’t have to go through all that again should he not follow through.

Lynden Valley Industrial Park: Jerry reported on an e-mail he had received from Jim Shultz, township engineer, regarding Lynden Valley Industrial Park roads. It stated that field observations indicated the street subgrade and aggregate base were within tolerances for elevation. When SEH receives copies of the testing results, Jim will prepare a memo for the township. All indications are the project will be accepted subject to receipt of the testing reports (with the exception of the bituminous wearing course). Dave stated that we must put a stop sign on the township road as it approaches County Road 145. The clerk will tell Dan who maintains the road signs to place one up immediately. Del will also talk to Joan at SCES to check on getting signs for the roads in the Industrial Park. Review in September.

Letter of Credit from Lynden Valley Industrial Park: Stearns County wants to be named on the letter of credit the developers have issued to Lynden Township. It is the obligation of the county to get their name on the letter of credit. We do no need any action on this from the township. If Stearns County is named, Lynden Township will still hold the letter of credit.

Ditch Mowing: We will be getting a new mower within a week. It was purchased from Arnold’s in Kimball.

It will be delivered and the old one will be picked up. We are behind on mowing. Jerry stated that he would be going out with Dan the first couple of times and will try to mow as soon as possible.

Doug Neiters, Clearwater Fire Chief was present. There has been a problem in the past of the wrong fire department receiving 911 calls. Doug went to check with Stearns County and in research there he discovered that the information Stearns County has from Annandale is from 1990. That information is not correct. Jerry asked Doug what we need to do to help solve the problem. He would like us to contact Stearns County and show them the coverage area that is in the contract with the Clearwater Fire Department. The township will address the problem as quickly as possible. Doug stated that it would take two weeks after the county receives the information for the boundary lines to be changed.

Doug also discussed the ISO rating; this is a rating that effects the cost of homeowner’s insurance. There is a possibility of a sub-station in Clearwater Township. This station would maintain a water truck as well as a rescue truck; there would be a well drilled in that area to fill trucks. When this is a reality, Doug feels that all of Lynden Township would be well served by the Clearwater Fire Department.

There would be a five mile radius in all of Lynden Township for water supply. That would give all residents a better ISO rating. Dave asked Doug if there is information to prove that Clearwater could have a quicker response. Kevin Heaton arrived at the meeting and joined in the discussion. He also agreed that Clearwater’s response would be quicker. Lynden is in a contract with Annandale and Clearwater. This will be discussed further. Dave again stated that we should have statistics to prove the response time. Jerry felt we should be prepared by the 2008 Annual Meeting. Dave feels that Annandale will not want to give Lynden Township up; they recently lost South Haven coverage and this would be another blow to them. Dave asked for a presentation from the Clearwater Fire Department to indicate their response time. We will review this in September.

Lynden Township conducts two road inspections annually. During the last inspection the following locations had unlicensed vehicles visible from the roadway: 202 Alder Road, 18634 Driftwood Road, 1326 Dunmore Circle, 1314 Dunmore Circle, and 1923 Co. Rd. 143. Jerry has composed a letter to be sent to Don Adams at SCES. It has the names and addresses of residences that are in violation with unlicensed cars. The board is asking SCES to determine if these locations are in violation of Section 4.2P of Stearns County Nuisance Ordinance #333.

Meeting dates for August:

August 20th 6:00 Planning Commission (Kennel Standards)

August 27th 6:00 Planning Commission

September Meeting September 10th due to Labor Day

Middendorf Update: Jerry called Mike Couri Township attorney today; he did not call Troy at SCES, so there has been no action this month. We are hoping that this will be cleared up by next month. Review in September.

The correspondence was reviewed.

Bills were reviewed and paid.

Jerry made a motion to accept the correspondence and bills, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.

Dave reminded Jerry about the soil borings on Franklin Road. Jerry drove the road today and will get the borings done soon.

At 8:30 Ron Wasmund had not arrived. Dave said he would e-mail Ron and ask him to send a report. Jerry made a motion to accept the building permits, seconded by Dave, all in favor motion passed.

Dave made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Jerry, all in favor motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 8:32 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

_________________________ ___________________________

Del Moeller, Lynden Township Clerk

Dave Johnson, Lynden Township Vice-Chair

July 2, 2007
Those present were Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch, Dave Johnson, Karen Weeres, and Del Moeller. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.

Our first order of business was to wish Dave a happy birthday, Dave’s wife had a cake delivered, Karolyn Boucher and Del cut and served the cake to all present and a Happy Birthday wish was sung. Dave thanked everyone for the birthday wishes.

Anne asked if there were any additions to the proposed agenda. There were none. Anne made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.

Anne asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes. Dave made a motion to accept the minutes with no changes, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.

Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Jerry made a motion to allow Karen to renew Lynden Township’s certificates of deposit when they come due, with compounded interest for six month periods for the best interest rate available, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed. This will continue until there is a need for the funds for township projects. Karen agreed to handle the transactions. Jerry explained there are no funds available for out-state roads through legislation this year and felt we should submit a grant for funds for our road projects. Jerry will get the information needed; Anne offered to write the grant proposal. After a short discussion, Anne made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.

Middendorf Update: Tom Middendorf and Greg Czech were in attendance. Greg reported that Mike Couri, or Ron from Inspectron had not contacted them with information so they could move forward to complete clean up of the property. Anne stated her concern that this had not moved forward. Greg wants to know what size building they can build on the property. After review of the ordinance, the size of the building can be 1500 square feet, the shed there is 1200 square feet so they can add 300 square feet or remove the existing shed and build a new one to the specifications of Stearns County Ordinance #209. The date for completion of the clean up is now July 31st. Review at the August 6th monthly meeting. Both Ron and Dave will contact Mike Couri on this issue.

Messer Barn Co. Rd. 45: Dave asked if Ron had heard from Mike Couri. Ron said he had spoken to Mike on the way to the meeting; he has filed the papers needed with the court, and we are waiting for the hearing date. To be reviewed in August.

Timm Property 3022 & 3024 Fulton Circle: Dave e-mailed Mike Couri to move forward; Ron stated that Mike had informed him that he was preparing the papers to be published and will forward them to the clerk. The clerk has not received any information from Mike Couri. Ron and Dave will contact Mike to see where this information is. We will review in August.

Garage at 21076 Co. Rd. 44: Dormers are in the upper floor of the garage in violation of a revision in Ordinance #209. This error is not the fault of the owner. Jerry felt that the building and inspections should go forward. Ron and Jerry will be in contact with Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES).

Anne asked about a permit that was issued on 277 Alder Road. There was a question regarding set backs. Ron stated that the cul-de-sac had been abandoned in 1992 which provided the set back needed.
Ron checked the property; it meets the requirements and it will not need a variance.

Another issue on big homes on small lots came up. Dana Rootes has four lots on 5th Ave in Bay View addition in Shores Point. There will be a site visit on July 5th at 5:30 p.m. It has been published. Del stated that there was a concerned citizen who called her. Del told her to be sure to attend the Public Hearing. Anne told Ron it would be awhile before they would be contacting him for a permit; even if they receive a variance from the township, they will have to deal with the county for other variances.
Babcock and Ryan: Ron had a telephone conversation with Mark Ryan who told Ron he received legal advice that if he found a similar situation in Lynden Township, he could make an argument that he would not have to change anything. Mark received a letter from Don Adams, Stearns County Environmental Services Director that spelled out quite clearly what has to be done to achieve compliance. There has been no progress to date. Jerry had a conversation with Don and it was Don’s feeling that they should move forward with enforcement action. Don Adams will handle this issue. Review in August.

Permits were checked that Ron presented. Anne asked about a continuation of a garage on Eaglewood Road. It was a permit issued by the past inspector; they could not complete the project due to illness, so Ron renewed it. Ron will follow through with the inspections.

C.C.O. Shores: Jerry stated the house of Clinton Olson’s was moved; Ron said at this time it is staged on their farm property.
Fulton Circle: Anne drove by and the eagles have been removed so this issue is closed. There are bricks at the end of the driveway which will need to be removed.

Valorie Muggli submitted a letter asking for a continuance of her application for a conditional use permit (CUP) for her commercial kennel operation. She feels there are issues where we are too far apart on what she would like. She is not ready to respond to the conditions of the CUP due to lack of time. She feels that the township did not give her adequate information about meetings. Valorie also feels she does not need an ID number for her business. Dave stated that the bottom line is she needs to charge sales tax if she sells a dog in Minnesota. Anne made a motion to accept the letter asking for a continuance, seconded by Dave. Discussion ensued. Jerry stated he will vote against the continuance. He feels this issue has gone on way too long and feels that Valorie has been fighting over every little issue. He is not in favor of the continuance. Anne asked for a vote and the results were two in favor and one opposed. The motion carried. The deadline for action on the CUP application has now been extended until September 17th. Anne stated as a follow up to Jerry’s comments that it is not the intention of the board to be adversarial in any manner. She feels that Valorie has brought this issue upon herself by operating a kennel in violation of the ordinance. She feels that if Valorie would have applied for a CUP before beginning operations, most of this could have been avoided since it would have been much easier to establish conditions for a proposed operation than try to retrofit what is all ready there. Valorie responded that she thought in America there might be some freedom but also apologized for not coming. Anne stated she just couldn’t let the comment on America go. Valorie and her sons have made comments throughout this process that America is a free country and that somehow their rights are being violated. Though we commend Valorie’s sons for being military veterans, their military service and the comments about America have nothing to do with the proceedings. This is about adopting appropriate conditions for a commercial kennel operation and nothing more. Anne repeated that we are operating within the scope of our authority and stated that she takes offense to Valorie’s continued insinuations to the contrary.

Kennel Moratorium: Because of the extensive information available regarding kennel standards, and the fact that neither the state nor the county adopted standards, we felt that we needed to impose a moratorium on kennels to review the issue. Resolution 2007-5 and Ordinance 2007-1 were adopted at the Planning Commission meeting June 11, 2007. Scott and Ben Berg were present; they are considering purchasing land in Lynden Township and would like to operate a kennel and conduct training. It would have fewer dogs than Valorie Muggli’s operation. Scott Berg currently operates a kennel and has worked on many boards and committees related to kennel standards. He has a wealth of information he is willing to share with Lynden Township and has offered to help us review and consolidate much of the information that is available. The Planning Commission meeting on July 30th will take the hour from 7 until 8 p.m. to review the information provided by Scott. Anne will forward the information to the planning commission, board, and Valorie when she receives it from Scott so it can be reviewed in advance of the meeting. Valorie will have the time slot a 6:15 p.m. and is welcome to provide input in the discussion of standards that will follow. Our intention when we adopted the moratorium was not to prevent kennels from operating in the township, but to give us time to adopt appropriate standards for their operation. Anne thanked Scot Berg for his assistance with this project.

Marshall Rinkenberger, Driftwood Road: Anne explained to Marshall that she drove by the site as he requested. She could see that Driftwood and Daisy Circle both need repair. The first repair will be done on Driftwood. For that to be completed, Marshall must purchase a new culvert. Once the culvert is provided, the repair will be completed. When Driftwood is done, then Jerry will have an engineer take a look at options to repair Daisy Circle. The road was surveyed to find the property lines and to know where our right of way is. Marshall wanted to see the survey and stated the roads are not in the right spot. Anne explained that we know the roads are not constructed in the middle of the right of way, thus the need for the survey to determine where we are allowed to make repairs. Our policy states that when repairs are needed, property owners must provide culverts that meet township specifications. The bottom line is that we are ready to move forward with the repairs when the culvert is provided. The discussion was closed.
Information on the property annexed by St. Cloud was received. A letter from Tammy Campion AICP Senior Planner was received. The letter references OA-1339 & OA-1339-1 St. Cloud/Lynden Township City Resolution No. 2007-6-135/Town Resolution No. 07-04: 64 acres. It is a receipt that acknowledges the joint resolution for orderly annexation between the City of St. Cloud and Lynden Township. The above–referenced docket number will be used in any future correspondence relating to this proceeding. The city and the township are commended on arriving at the joint orderly annexation. The information was sent by Christine M. Scotillo, Executive Director, Municipal Boundary Adjustments. The letter and document will be filed. Anne stated it should be noted that this annexation was driven by the property owner for a specific parcel and Lynden is not entering into a larger annexation agreement with St. Cloud at this time. Anne had a conversation with Matt Glaesman, the Planner for St. Cloud. He asked if we would want to meet with them to discuss orderly annexation agreements. Anne told him her personal thought was that it was premature at this time. Matt said that St. Cloud is currently more interested in land on the north end and they are not presently pursuing anything in Lynden Township. Anne did state that when there is an interest in annexation, we certainly want to work with them and consider an orderly annexation agreement. She also talked to Matt conceptually about payment of a per acre fee to the township when an annexation is developer driven.

Resolution for tapes: Dave said that there will not be one. It states that we must keep the tapes as long as we retain the paper minutes.

Dave made a motion to adopt Ordinance # 2.1, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Jerry made a motion to adopt Ordinance # 3.2, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Anne asked Del to contact Chelle for a summary of the ordinance changes. They will not be in effect until they are published. Del will contact Chelle. Dave put the official seals on the documents; Del will get them recorded and have copies made for the Planning Commission, Board, Building Inspector and extra copies.

Mowing Township Ditches: Del was asked to tell Dan to start mowing as soon as possible.

Anne asked Ron how sign permit fees are calculated. The cost of a permit for a sign is determined by the cost of the sign. The sign that was put up at Pro Tire did not get a permit. Ron will check with Steve Anderson.

Jerry asked for permission to do a gravel test project on some township roads in different areas. He will need $7500 to do the project. Dave made a motion to spend up to $7500 on the road project, seconded by Anne, all in favor motion moved.

The road tour will be taken off the agenda. Follow up is complete.

There was a question regarding if an administrative split was completed on the land proposed for the Berg kennel. No paperwork could be found. Del and Anne will check into this.

Schroeder Clean Up: Jerry talked with Monica Peters and told her to continue to follow up since it has not been cleaned up as requested.

Meeting Dates for July 2007:
Planning Commission Site Visit July 5th Dana Rootes 5:30 p.m.
Planning Commission and Board: July 30, 2007 6:00 p.m.

Joe Furey did not get paid for town hall mowing. Karen will put the check in the Lynden mailbox. Anne and Del will sign it and get it to Joe.

The following correspondence was reviewed:
The information of the annexation between Lynden Township and St. Cloud, and the letter of recognition from Christine Scotillo
Dan Happe 911 Sign Number
CTAS Newsletter
Letter from Monica Peters concerning the Schroeder residence

It was suggested that we move forward with at least two more nuisance violations. Review in August.

Bills were reviewed and paid.
Anne made a motion to accept the correspondence and bills, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Dave made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Jerry, all in favor motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 9:21 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Del Moeller, Lynden Township Clerk Anne Ackerman, Lynden Township Chair

June 4, 2007
Those present were Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch, Dave Johnson, Karen Weeres, and Del Moeller. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.

Anne asked if there were any additions to the proposed agenda. There were none. Anne made motion to approve the agenda with additions, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.

Anne asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes. Dave made a motion to accept the minutes with no changes, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.

Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Karen reported the $100,000 certificate of deposit will come due on June 14th. The interest to date is $822. Anne suggested since we are no longer doing a major road project this year, we could renew the CD for another six month term. Dave made a motion to obtain a CD for six months, using the $100,000.00 plus the interest, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed. Karen will handle the transaction. After a short discussion, Anne made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.

Lynden Valley: The authenticity of the signature on letter of credit we received on May 29th was verified. The clerk will take all the information to Stearns County Environmental Services for the next steps in the approval process. After the process is complete, everything will be forwarded to the Stearns County Recorder’s Office to be recorded.

Marshall Rinkenberger asked about the pond being created by Lynden Valley Industrial Park near Co. Rd. 45; He felt it was deep and it could be a potentially dangerous so close to the road. There was a short discussion; Jerry will review it with the engineer on the project. If there is a problem it will be addressed.

Middendorf Update: Tom Middendorf and Greg Czech were in attendance. Greg reported that Mike Couri, Lynden Township’s attorney and Troy Freihammer from Stearns County Environmental Services were out and did an inspection. The entire property was reviewed and notes were made on what needed to be done. Greg was waiting to hear from Troy or Mike with instructions on the remaining improvements to be made on the site so they could move forward to completion. Mike and Troy will make the final decision regarding if clean up is complete. The temporary buildings of poly tarp and the truck box were discussed. These are to be removed and a shed will be built. This is one of the subjects they are waiting on. The siding on the home must be completed. Ron Wasmund, Township Building Inspector, stated that a great improvement has been made. There have been several delays, but Greg felt that he will be able to make a deadline of June 30th to have the clean up completed. Jerry will talk to Mike Couri and get the information that is needed for Greg and Tom to complete the clean up. The members of the township board again thanked Tom and Greg for their cooperation in the clean up. We will review at the July 2nd monthly meeting.

Messer Barn Co. Rd. 45: Ron Wasmund stated the removal of the barn is not moving forward. There has been some tin removed from the barn, but not enough action to call it progress. The letter to Mr. Messer from Mike Couri will be reviewed by Ron Wasmund. If the clean up is not completed in the time stated, this matter will move forward to the courts. Jerry and Ron will be in contact with Mike. To be reviewed in July.
Timm Property 3022 & 3024 Fulton Circle: The sheriff has not been able to serve Mr. Timm at 3022/3024 Fulton Circle. Dave made a motion to move forward to post and publish to legally serve Mr. Timm, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed. Dave stated that he has information that Mr. Timm does receive mail at that address. Ron stated that the mail that has been sent does not come back undeliverable. Mike Couri will have to start the procedure for posting and publication. The cost will be added to the property owner’s expenses. Dave will contact Mike to move forward. We will review in July.

Garage at 21076 Co. Rd. 44: Dormers are in the upper floor of the garage. Due to a change in Stearns County Ordinance #209, this is not allowed. The property owner was not aware that the dormers being installed are in violation of the ordinance. Inspectron was unaware of the change. Ron is going to talk to Dave Nett from Stearns County Environmental Services. The change was in June but Inspectron’s ordinance copy was not printed until October. Anne stated the property owner submitted plans and those plans were approved before construction began. She felt they should not have to go to any expense to make modifications to the structure since they are not at fault. The intent of the ordinance is to preclude people from living in accessory buildings and to prohibit construction of guest houses in the shoreland district. The property owner has no intention of living in the structure, it is not located in shoreland, and in addition, there is no plumbing in the structure. We also issue accessory building permits that specifically state “not for occupancy”. Based on the circumstances of this situation, Ron is hoping to work with Dave and see if construction can be completed as originally submitted. Jerry will also speak to Dave Nett. Review in July.
Babcock and Ryan: The clerk asked what Lynden Township’s responsibility is in this matter. The township will not have responsibility, but would like to keep updated on the progress. Mark Ryan was the contractor on the home and it was remodeled and it was not in compliance. A court order stated that Mark was liable. Mark was going to buy the home and move it to another property; that was too costly; he is now going to remodel the home to bring it into compliance. Jerry talked with Don Adams, Director of Stearns County Environmental Services, and felt that he should send a letter to Mark stating exactly what must be done to bring the home into compliance. To be reviewed in July. (Note in correspondence a letter from Don Adams of Stearns County Environmental Services to Mark Ryan explaining in detail what was needed to come into compliance. The clerk will forward it to Ron Wasmund Building Inspector, to keep in his file.) Review in July

Anne asked Ron if a building permit is needed in regard to fence building. There is no need for a permit if the fence is less than six feet high.

Babcock and Ryan: The clerk asked what Lynden Township’s responsibility is in this matter. The township will not have responsibility, but would like to keep updated on the progress. Mark Ryan was the contractor on the home and it was remodeled and it was not in compliance. A court order stated that Mark was liable. Mark was going to buy the home and move it to another property; that was too costly; he is now going to remodel the home to bring it into compliance. Jerry talked with Don Adams, Director of Stearns County Environmental Services, and felt that he should send a letter to Mark stating exactly what must be done to bring the home into compliance. To be reviewed in July. (Note in correspondence a letter from Don Adams of Stearns County Environmental Services to Mark Ryan explaining in detail what was needed to come into compliance. The clerk will forward it to Ron Wasmund Building Inspector, to keep in his file.) Review in July

Anne asked Ron if a building permit is needed in regard to fence building. There is no need for a permit if the fence is less than six feet high.
The clerk asked Ron if he had a call from Dana Rootes regarding building a home on Long Lake. Ron did get a call; he did not have the information with him because he did not have time to research the request. Jerry has information from Stearns County Environmental Services on this property. Proposed house plans were submitted last summer and Dana was told she needs to contact the township to apply for a variance from the township for a road set back. Until now, there had been no action from Dana. There are four 50 foot lots: Lots 3 and 4 PID19.10585.000 and Lots 5 and 6 PID19.10787.000. When reviewing the information a copy of a letter to Dana stated that she must have the property surveyed so her request can be properly reviewed. Ron took copies of the information we have on hand and will give Dana the information. Jerry felt that if she wants to move forward she should come to the Planning Commission meeting on June 25th with a survey and a completed variance application with her $600 check. Review in July.

Vait’s are requesting to give an easement to Lot 2 of their Vait’s River Estates plat; this will make it possible for them to use the same driveway for two lots. There will not be any changes to the final plat. It will be an agreement that Vait’s will handle. It will not change anything that the township will have to deal with. Ron will handle the matter; we will review in July.

Ron asked for an updated zoning map of Lynden Township; Del will get the latest zoning map from Lance at Stearns County Environmental Services for all members of the board, planning commission and Ron.

Anne asked about a proposed moratorium on dog kennels. It was decided to wait until we hear from Mike Couri on how to proceed.

Anne thanked Jerry for the great condition of the township roads. He has worked very hard getting the gravel and calcium on the roads; Dave and Del also added their thanks. Del received a call from a resident stating his road is the best it has been since he lived in the township.

Marshall Rinkenberger (Road Repairs): Jerry explained to Marshall when he was out on the site with him that the work to be done is on Driftwood Road. The ditch would be cut down in the right of way so the water could flow through. Jerry stated that when he left, the understanding was that Marshall should check out the culvert, if it is not a 15 inch culvert then Marshall will get one and the township would install it. There was also some grass to be removed. Jerry asked Marshall if that was the understanding. Marshall stated he was there because nothing was being done on Daisy Circle. Marshall does not want the driveway dug out; he does not think the problem is on Driftwood. Jerry explained the reason we cannot do any work on Daisy is because the road is higher than Marshall’s yard. There is no ditch on the road; all of the water would run directly into his yard. Jerry again explained what he had stated at the May monthly meeting, that on the spring road tour he had explained to the township board members that survey work had been completed of the area to find the boundaries. He explained that extra grading would be done this year on the east and west (Daisy Circle) the work will be done north and south on Driftwood where Marshall’s mailbox is standing. The ditches would be cut down. Township policy is that if a culvert needs to be added, it will be installed by the township, but the property owner will have to pay for it. Marshall did not see it that way. In Marshall’s opinion, the problem is on Daisy Circle; he suggested that Anne review the site. Anne stated that even if she reviewed the site she has no expertise in these matters and would rely on Jerry’s opinion. Marshall had pictures of Daisy Circle and showed them to the board. Marshall stated several times that nothing is being done. Dave asked Marshall if he had a solution. Closing the road and some sort of a drainage system were his suggestions. Jerry stated again there will be nothing done on Daisy Circle because the water would flow into Marshall’s property. Jerry asked when Marshall would have the15 inch culvert so the township can repair Driftwood Road. Marshall does not feel that Driftwood is the problem and has no plans at this time to purchase a culvert. Anne suggested that we could not come to a conclusion this evening. After much further discussion it was decided that after the repair on Driftwood is completed, Jerry would call our engineer, Jim Shultz, to look at Daisy Circle and get a professional opinion regarding a possible solution. Marshall asked for a tape of the May meeting. Dave stated that he should submit a written request to the clerk and make an appointment to hear the tape.

Resolution on Tapes: Dave is crafting a resolution that will limit how long we must keep tapes; the normal time is 18 months. If we do not have a resolution with a time limit, we must continue to retain them as well as the hard copies.

Office Hours: Del talked about office hours and having a computer at the township hall, we will discuss this further. Karolyn looked into the cost of a server and it is cost prohibitive. Del is planning to spend more time at the township hall, but will not have regular hours.

Dave asked about Egret Road, as there has been some road work being done. Egret Road is a driveway, not a township road. Del suggested that it could be that the Storms Family sold the property to Leroy Hannisch and in the agreement it stated that the road would built up to Lynden Township specifications. Leroy said it had not been done; he was going to hold his last payment until it was completed. Jerry said that new specifications have been completed and if they would like a copy they are available.

Meeting Dates for June 2007:
Planning Commission and Board:
June 11th at 6:30 p.m.
June 29th at 6:00 p.m.

The following correspondence was reviewed:
A letter to Schroeder’s from Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES) regarding clean up of their property. Discussion ensued that the property does not look that different; Jerry will follow up with Troy at SCES regarding this property.
A letter to Mark Ryan from SCES stating the directions Mark needs to bring the Babcock home into compliance. Del will fax a copy to our building inspector so he will have it on file.

There will be a workshop on June 28th entitled Choosing Our Future; Conservation-Based Development in Minnesota. It will be held at St. John’s University. Jerry suggested that anyone on the board or any planning commission members that could attend this meeting should go. Del will have the information ready for the June 11th Planning Commission meeting.

Bills were reviewed and paid.
Anne made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Jerry made a motion to accept the bills, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Anne made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dave, all in favor motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Del Moeller, Lynden Township Clerk Anne Ackerman, Lynden Township Chair

May 7, 2007
Those present were Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch, Dave Johnson, Karen Weeres, and Del Moeller. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.

Anne asked if there were any additions to the proposed agenda. Anne asked to add recognition of Ken Bachofer for his photography and an issue relating to Daisy Circle; Jerry asked to have gravel bids and gravel hauling added. Anne made motion to approve the agenda with additions, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.

Anne asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes. Dave made a motion to accept the minutes with no corrections or additions, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion approved.

Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Karen has figured a way in CTAS (Cities and Towns Accounting System) to show the interest for each account in her printed reports. Anne stated that we are obligated to use this accounting system, and Karen is doing an excellent job of keeping everything in order, despite the limitations of the software. Jerry made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.

Ken Bachofer Award for Photography: Anne stated that Ken takes amazingly wonderful pictures and has provided great photos for the Lynden Township web site and the annual meeting. The township is thankful for his efforts and would like recognize him for his work with a certificate of appreciation.
Ron Wasmund and Gary Utsch were present: The first issue to be addressed was the abandoned home at 557 E. 222nd St. The mobile home is removed and the area cleaned.

Pro Tire Sign: The Planning Commission and Board met with Keith Franklin and Steve Anderson on April 30th. There were several issues. The Pro Tire Sign which is not currently in compliance will be lowered to ten feet from the ground. This will be completed within 10 days. The size is not in compliance now, but we will be working on our sign ordinance May 29th. If there is a further issue with the sign we will let them know. Keith spoke to Ron stating that there is not enough informational signage. Anne stated that we are going to work on signage at our next planning commission meeting. Ron and Keith talked about screening and what he would do to improve the site. Ron will work with Keith.

Messer Barn Co. Rd. 45 and Timm Property 3022 & 3024 Fulton Circle: The sheriff has not been able to serve Timm at 3022/3024 Fulton. They will try to serve one more time and if they are unable to do so, it will be published in the paper and posted on the land. That would serve as official notice and the issue would proceed through the courts. The Messer barn has had visible progress with clean up. Ron will keep checking on the progress. Both projects will be addressed next month.

Lynden Valley Industrial Park: Work has been started on the roads. Anne asked if there was an NPDES permit on the property. Ron explained that if a party requests a permit, the office does not always issue a physical permit in a timely manner. Ron has been told that one week after a permit is requested, it is considered granted.

Ron gave a permit to Vait’s for a driveway; the trailer that was on the property is gone. Vait’s want to change the roadways, which would deviate from the plat. Jerry felt we should not make changes through verbal comments. Ron told them they could not move forward until this was settled. Jerry suggested they come to a planning commission meeting at the end of May. The permits from the month were reviewed. Anne thought we should discuss the driveway access requirement. Our guidelines now state an access must be 16 feet wide. It will be reviewed at our next planning commission meeting. Ron explained that Gary will handle all residential permits and Ron will handle industrial. Ron sends a notice to people when they have not called for an inspection; he does this so the permits do not expire. Extensions will be given if needed.

Daisy Circle: Marshall Rinkenberger called Anne with questions about Daisy Circle. Jerry explained that there will be nothing done east and west on Daisy Circle but there will be work done north and south. The ditches will be cut down. If a culvert needs to be added, it will be installed but the property owner will have to pay for it. Jerry will meet with Marshall this week.

Lynden Valley Industrial Park: Anne talked with DeDe Kron who said she was not aware they were on the April Planning Commission meeting agenda. They were not ready, but she did ask to have a copy of the Assignment of Development Agreement sent to her. The clerk will send it when DeDe provides her address.

Middendorf Update: Tom Middendorf and Greg Czech were in attendance. They presented pictures of the clean up on the Middendorf property. Jerry thanked them for moving forward with the clean up. This matter will not be handled at the township level. Jerry will call Mike Couri, Lynden Township’s attorney and Troy Freihammer from Stearns County Environmental Services. They will make the final decision regarding if clean up is complete. They asked about temporary buildings. That question will be handled by our building inspector. Anne thanked Tom and Gary for their efforts in the clean up. She stated that once the clean up is complete, we expect the property to remain in an orderly fashion. Jerry stated that this matter had been brought to the township board two years ago by thirteen neighbors; that is what drove this action forward.

John Austin and Elisabeth Super: John and Elisabeth were present to respond to a letter concerning the objects in the right of way on Fulton Circle. They are eagles mounted on brick pedestals. John asked why after they have been there for nine years is it now a problem. The Minnesota Association of Townships strongly suggests that township boards address any issues relating to road encroachment. John asked about other trees and things that are in the right of way. Jerry stated that we handle each case individually. We currently would like this issue resolved. The Township does not want to be liable, thus we are requesting an encroachment agreement. John and Elisabeth decided that they did not want the liability so they will remove the structures. The time frame agreed upon is 30 days. Anne thanked them for their cooperation.

Valorie Muggli Commercial Kennel: Dave e-mailed a code of Federal Regulations relating to kennels. This is just a general reference for us and we could enforce any of the regulations as conditions of a permit. Everyone is asked to review the information; we will be discussing this at our planning commission meeting May 29th. Dave George was present; he presented a letter from Jo Magney who runs Jemsong Springers. The letter concerns having a kennel that sells puppies for profit; they are not herd animals like cattle sheep and horses. Anne thanked him for bringing in the letter. The board will review this information at the May 29th meeting.

River Country Bike Trail: Anne explained the trail kick-off event will be held on May 19th. There is a $10.00 per person registration fee or $25.00 for a family. It will start at Sportsmen’s Park at 10:30 and the event will run until 1:00. There will be a raffle and prizes include a new bicycle. The group hopes to raise money to fund the construction of a trailhead facility.

Jamie Phenow (Allied Waste): Jamie wanted to know how the recycling service was working for Lynden. He currently picks up at 191 patrons. There were a few issues at the beginning. As a whole it has been a good experience for all. It is more costly, but the reliable service is worth the extra expense. Jamie explained that he would like to go to an every other week pick up schedule with service provided on Fridays. His schedule for all other routes is on an every other week basis. After discussion the board agreed that a change is appropriate. Jamie will inform all residents that are using the service. He will send them a letter and a calendar informing them of the change. Jamie will also put a notice in the Clearwater paper. The change in service will start July 6, 2007. Recycling pick up will be every other Friday.

Joe Furey Mowing: Joe asked for a $5 per mow increase in his quoted rate. After discussion it was decided that the five dollar increase would be considered a fuel surcharge. We will put a notice in the spring newsletter for mowing bids for next season. Dave stated that he wished that he had contacted us sooner. Jerry made a motion that we would accept the bid of $35 per mow, with the understanding that we will request bids next spring, seconded by Dave all in favor, motion passed. The clerk will contact Joe with the information.

Olson C.C.O. Shores Plat: The clerk had Clint & Karen Olson on the agenda because they had called and asked if Curtis and Judy needed to attend the meeting to have the plat signed. Plats are not signed at monthly meetings due to the need of the planning commission chair to sign the plat. The Olson’s explained that if they got their signatures tonight, they could be put on the County meeting agenda for the 17th of May. The recommendation for approval of this plat was made by the Planning Commission in November. At the December Public Hearing the board approved the Preliminary Plat for C.C.O. Shores. To help the Olson’s move forward Rick agreed to come sign the plat. Anne, Del, and Rick signed the final plat. Anne thanked Rick for coming in to sign the plat. Anne made a motion to accept the final plat with no conditions, a developers agreement is not necessary, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed. The Olson’s thanked the board for their help.

Grant Money: Jerry stated that there is no grant money available this year for road repair projects. Because of the new system of patching, we will not have to redo 200th Street for a few years,. We will wait until we have more funds set aside and will continue to pursue financial assistance. Jerry asked Anne if she would write the grant when needed; she agreed. Jerry will further research the options.

Bill Naegele: There is iron that needs to be removed from his property. The clerk called him and he said he would have it removed in ten days. We will recheck to see if he follows up.

Fulton Circle: The clerk talked to Dave Knafla today, asking if anyone could rebuild on lots in the floodplain. His answer was yes and no. There are a lot of variables in that area. It is shoreland so they would have to go to the county for a permit. The Clerks suggestion is to let the county handle the issues.

Lynden Township Computer: The County is no longer servicing the township computer. The clerk is now using Frontier’s DSL internet service . Anne asked Del to check into what database access the county will provide. The clerk will get the information to Anne; we will discuss it at the next meeting.

Wang Property: A resolution for an orderly annexation agreement was provided by the City of St. Cloud for the Wang Property. Mike Couri reviewed the agreement and recommended we sign it. Anne made a motion to approve Resolution 07-04, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed. Resolution 07-04 was signed. The clerk will send a copy to the City of St. Cloud. They will sign and return to us.

Lynden Township Office Hours: This will be put on hold until August.

Resolution on Tapes: At the MAT (Minnesota Association of Townships) short course it was explained that a resolution should be passed relating to the retention of tapes from meetings. If you do not have a resolution they must become a permanent record. The recommended length of time is 18 months. Dave has agreed to write the resolution. We will review this next month.

The March 14th minutes from the Compensation meeting and Organizational meeting were reviewed. Anne made a motion to accept the minutes of both meetings. Seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed

Jerry reviewed bids for gravel and gravel hauling; Johnson Crushing submitted a bid of $5.75 for 5600 cubic yards of gravel. That is the same as last year. Three bids were received for hauling, blading, and packing the gravel. Dave Larson at $5.45 per cubic yard, G Bjorklund at $4.90 per cubic yard and Schendzielos at $4.75 per cubic yard. Dave made a motion to accept the gravel bid at $5.75 and the hauling bid of $4.75 from Schendzielos, seconded by Anne, all in favor motion passed.

Planning Commission position: Gary Stang’s term is up this year. Rick asked Gary if he would be interested in a second term. He told Rick that he had a lot of commitments but he would like to remain on the board though he may not be able to make all of the meetings. The board felt that he is a great asset to the Planning Commission. There were no other inquires for the Planning Commission position this year. Anne made a motion to appoint Gary to another term, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed. The clerk will inform Gary and will update the information on the records.

There will be a meeting about the Stearns County Comprehensive Plan on May 9, 2007. Jerry encouraged Anne and Dave to attend.

Meeting Dates for May 2007:
Planning Commission and Board: May 20th and 29th 6:00 p.m.

Correspondence and Bills were reviewed.

Dave made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Jerry made a motion to accept the bills, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Anne made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dave, all in favor motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 10:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

_________________________ ___________________________
Del Moeller, Lynden Township Clerk Anne Ackerman, Lynden Township Chair

APRIL 2, 2007
Those present were Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch, Dave Johnson, Karen Weeres, and Del Moeller. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.

Anne asked if there were any additions to the proposed agenda. Anne stated that we will be adding a dog complaint and a request for information about a bed and breakfast conditional use permit. Del asked to have Furey Mowing Service added. Wes Nelson wanted to ask why the building permit costs are so high. David George wanted to know if there is a noise ordinance in Lynden Township. He has neighbors that have a track for ATV’s. He said they are racing constantly, and he is not able to use his open porch in the summer. It is heard throughout his home to the point of great annoyance. Stearns County does not have a noise ordinance that would relate to ATV’s, and though Lynden Township can be more restrictive than the county, we do not have one either. He said that he has called the sheriff and they cannot do anything about. David said there used to be many deer in that area but last year he didn’t see any. Jerry suggested that he try speaking to the owner of the land and also suggested he call the DNR. They might have an issue because it is low land and is also disrupting hunting land. The board wished David good luck and was sorry they could not do more. Anne moved to approve the agenda with additions, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.

Anne asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes. Jerry asked why it was worded that “Ron Wasmund is now in attendance”. He said it does not need to be stated in that manner in the future. We will cover Inspectron’s business upon Ron’s arrival. Anne made a motion to accept the minutes with no corrections and additions, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion approved.

Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Jerry made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.

Ken Bachofer: Ken has provided great photos for the Lynden Township web site and the annual meeting. The township appreciates his efforts and would like recognize him for his work. He is not present tonight; we will do this at a later date.

The first issue Anne addressed was the abandoned home at 557 E. 222nd St. Anne called Doug Bischoff and he explained that it is not removed because they had to test for asbestos. The test results are not complete, but he expects them this week. If the structure does not contain asbestos it will be removed promptly. If it does contain asbestos, abatement will have to be competed before they remove the house. There will be a report next month on the progress.

Middendorf court date was on March 9th. He did not appear. The court gave him a 30 day notice to complete clean up. Since the court hearing he has posted two signs on his property that state NO TRESPASSING. John Bowden stated that he has been in the yard and it appears Middendorf has made an attempt to clean up, but the project is so extensive he believes it will be very difficult for him to clean up the property on his own. John stated that it is unfortunate, but it is necessary to be cleaned up and he felt the township was doing the right thing. If clean up is not completed, the township will start the process. The initial visit will be supervised by Mike Couri the Lynden Township Attorney, Troy Freihammer from Stearns County Environmental Services and a Deputy from the Stearns County Sheriff’s Department. The township will hire a contractor for clean up. The estimated cost will be about $30,000. It will be collected via an assessment against the property, payable with the property taxes or when the property is sold. It may be a long time for full recovery of the money spent by Lynden Township. This process was started before the Stearns County Nuisance Ordinance was adopted. Now there is assistance from the County for nuisance complaints so it will not be as costly to us.

Annandale Fire: The clerk will call Annandale to notify them of the amount levied for fire protection in 2007. There was a question on the amount they are now charging for 2007 and Del will make sure it matches with the amount they asked for when we submitted the levy.

Fulton Circle Objects in Right of Way: A certified letter has been sent to the owners. There has been no response at this time. Del will call and check what they are going to do. We need an encroachment agreement stating that the township will not be liable for the objects in the right of way. If they do not respond the township will have the items removed at their expense. Review in May.

Valorie Muggli: The findings of facts were completed for a conditional use permit application for a commercial kennel. Karolyn gave a short report about the site visit. There are issues surrounding this proposed use. The Public Hearing will be April 23, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.

Lynden Valley Industrial Park: It needs to be clarified that the Township Engineer has approved the road plans. Anne asked Jerry to have the engineer provide his approval in writing. Jerry is having the road specifications reviewed and updated. Jerry’s hope is that they will put down the base coat the first year, and the wear coat the following year, though it is not currently required to be constructed in this manner. This plat will be reviewed at the April 9th meeting. We will not sign the final plat until we have the letter of credit in hand.

200th St.: Jerry asked the County to take it over but the answer was no. Jerry will follow up regarding possible sources of grant funding. Jerry said that it will be about two more weeks until we can get the hot tar patches completed on the road. Jerry toured the roads with a representative of L&M. He will get some more bids on tar repair. John Bowden had submitted written comment regarding his concern about spending money on a reconstruction of 200th Street. He asked about finding money from other sources and mentioned that Bob Klaverkamp had talked about this at the annual meeting. Jerry will check with the MAT (Minnesota Association of Townships) attorney and with Mike Couri. The final consensus is that there will not be a major repair on 200th Street this year.

Resolution 07-03 was presented. This resolution will set a 30 mile per hour speed limit in the Hidden River development. Hidden River house spacing meets the requirements of the statute. Anne made motion to approve Resolution 07-03, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed. Signs will be posted at both ends of Hidden River Drive. The maintenance man will put the signs up as soon as possible. Once posted, the reduced speed limits will be in effect.

The township computer the County provided four years ago will no longer be serviced by them. The current contract that included a maintenance fee expires on May 7th. Del will be changing her e-mail address. She will also check into database access the County might provide for a fee. Review in May.

Chuck Wocken from the Stearns County Parks Department contacted Anne regarding extension of the Beaver Island Trail to Warner Park. He wanted to know if the township has a preferred trail alignment along the short stretch of 19th Ave. East where the trail would cross from County Road 75 to County Road 143. Jerry thought the trail should continue up County Road 75 and connect with the current River Country Bike Trail at County Road 143. Then there would only be one crossing of County Road 75. Anne thought the County preferred cutting through on 19th to get to Warner Park in a shorter distance. Phase two of the River Country Trail will travel down 143 to Warner Park, but that project is a long way in the future. Grant proposals for that phase have not even been submitted yet. There were comments that the trail from Clearwater to the ball park was getting used often. Anne will get back to Chuck that if they choose to align the trail on 19th Ave., surface striping is probably the best alternative for that short stretch.

The subject of a water truck for township roads was discussed at the annual meeting. Jerry stated that Schendzielos has a water truck that could be utilized. Jerry did not know what the cost would be. Jerry will follow up regarding the practicality of using a water truck for grading during dry weather. Regardless of whether the water truck it used, due to the extra money that was appropriated at the annual meeting, we plan to complete additional grading this year.

There was a call from Mrs. Glen Thorson of 2068 193rd St. of dogs running at large. She had called the clerk a couple of weeks ago. At that time she did not know the owner of the dogs. She was told to call the sheriff. She now knows the owner of the dogs. Anne will compose a letter to the dog owner and the clerk will mail it to them. It will state that Lynden Township has a dog ordinance and has successfully prosecuted violations of the ordinance. Hopefully this will resolve the matter.

Bread and Breakfast on Long Lake at 18713 7th Ave.: Owners of the property are Sam and Ellen Calvert. They are building a new home and want to run a bed and breakfast that also has quilting activities. Anne told them to ask the County if they would allow the quilting because she interpreted the ordinance to state that no additional activities would be allowed at a bed and breakfast. If the County interprets the ordinance differently, then they should contact the clerk for a Conditional Use Permit application.

Township Hall Mowing: Joe Furey stopped at the clerk’s home and asked about the raising his rates for mowing of the town hall. Jerry suggested that he should submit a written proposal and it will be discussed at the May meeting.

Minutes from the meeting with Mike Couri: The clerk did not receive them before this meeting. The only correction Anne found was that the clerk had written that the 60 day rule applies to plats. Anne understood the opposite to be true that the 60 day rule did not apply to plats. Jerry and Dave agreed with Anne. She will make the correction. We will review the minutes at the April 9th Planning Commission meeting.

Wes and Karen Nelson, the owners of the KOA Campground were present and stated they are no longer going to be called KOA. They asked about replacing their existing signs. After discussion, the end result was they would replace both signs with the same size sign they currently have.

Wes had a question for Ron Wasmund, Lynden Township Building Inspector. He wanted know why the cost of his building permit was so high. We are using the Uniform Building Code 1994 fee schedule. The cost of a commercial permit is higher than a residential permit because additional inspections have to be completed. The initial permit cost was $629 and the contractor thought it was high. Ron reviewed the application and chose to remove the plan review fee, which brought the cost to $399. Wes said he called St. Cloud and was told a permit there would cost $75. Ron stated that if the project was residential, our cost would also be $75. Part of the remodeling project is for the residential area. The permit for the residential area will be less. Ron pointed out that the Nelsons could save money on their project because their stairs only access their residence so they do not have to meet commercial requirements. It was stated that we knew when we changed building inspectors that the cost of permits would be higher, but we now have a professional service that is easily accessible for scheduling inspections and all inspection records are appropriately handled. We believe that though the cost is higher, the township is better served by a professional inspection service. Wes was satisfied. We thanked Wes for coming to the meeting.

Ron was informed that we already discussed the abandoned house on 222nd St. Inspectron will need to issue a demolition permit when they are ready to remove it.

Pro Tire Sign: There has been contact but no action so far. Ron will continue to follow up on this.

Franklin Signs: Ron will be in contact with Keith Franklin and ask him to contact the clerk to schedule his attendance at the Planning Commission meeting on the 30th of April to discuss outdoor storage.

Marvin Messer Barn and 3022 Fulton Circle: These two violations are being handled in the same manner. The responsibility now rests with Mike Couri. The Resolutions have been completed for the courts deeming them a hazard. Once the property owners are served and the timeline for compliance is set by the court, the cases will revert to Inspectron and they will move forward with the action needed. If there is no work started within 30 days, they will be brought to court. The court at this time may give them more time. The judge will establish the time frame. If the township has to clean up the hazards, they would have to collect the money from the property owners. We will follow up with Mike for the update, and this will be reviewed in May.

There is a new home under construction on 222nd St. and Inspectron had no record of a permit. This property is owned by Don Helget who received a permit from our former inspector in 2005. He was told he needs to get a new permit and submitted an application to Inspectron. Don produced records for the basement inspection which was completed in November of 2005. Ron will impose an appropriate penalty for construction without a valid permit and will recoup the costs incurred by Inspectron to ensure proper compliance.

Driveway Access: Greg Vait wants a driveway permit. Ron will handle the application. Before any access or building permits are granted, Inspectron must confirm that the trailer which was on the site is completely gone.

Dan Happe wants a driveway access to his property at Fulton and Franklin. He is only allowed one access to his parcel. Anne gave Ron his phone number. Jerry asked if Gary Utsch, Ron’s employee, could come to a meeting so we could meet him. Ron agreed that he would bring him to a meeting.

Jerry wanted Ron to be aware of the fact that Mark Ryan is considering moving a house from Eaglewood Road to his property on 8th Ave.

Karolyn has been asked by the County to attend a session on web sites. She was also asked to demonstrate Lynden Township’s web site at a meeting in Freeport on April 20th. It was decided that Karolyn would be paid for both meetings. Anne will let her know. Karolyn has done a lot of work and our web site is a great asset to us. We are very thankful for her service.

Anne will attend a training session on May 5th in St. Paul on subdivisions.

Meeting Dates for April 2007:
Road Tour April 7th 8:00 a.m.; Meet at Township Hall
Planning Commission and Board: April 9th and 30th 6:00 p.m.
Road Tour April 14th Meet at Township Hall at 8:00 a.m.
Tax Equalization Meeting April 18th 7:00 p.m.
Spring Clean Up Clearwater Maintenance Building April 21st 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Public Hearing April 28th Muggli Dog Kennel 7:00 P.M.

Correspondence and Bills were reviewed.
We received a census report relating to employees and wages. Anne asked Karen to handle it.

Jerry made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Anne made a motion to accept the bills, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Anne made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dave, all in favor motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

_________________________ ___________________________
Del Moeller, Lynden Township Clerk Anne Ackerman, Lynden Township Chair

Annual Meeting Minutes from March 13, 2007
Del Moeller called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Jerry Finch made a motion to elect Rick Holman to moderate the annual meeting; Dave Johnson seconded the motion, all in favor motion passed.

Minutes of the previous year’s Annual Meeting were available to all residents attending the meeting. Dave Johnson made a motion to waive the reading of the minutes from the previous year, seconded by Wayne Ethen, all in favor, motion passed.

Karolyn Boucher made a motion to waive reading of all checks written and received, seconded by Kris Peterson, all in favor, motion passed.

The 2007 treasurer’s report was available for review. Anne Ackerman thanked Karen Weeres, Township Treasurer, for her hard work. The Township uses an accounting program developed by the state (CTAS). The program has some bugs and limitations. The Township is required to keep a second set of reports. Anne is doing this in Quicken because the Quicken software has better reporting capabilities. The copy presented to the residents is a report from Quicken. Anne explained the income and expense report which included a breakdown of where all funds were spent. There are three bank accounts: Checking (everyday expenses), Savings (tarring funds) Total Savings = $252.388.34 of this money $150,000 is in CD’s for a higher interest rate. $80,000 will be added to the tarring fund each year. The balance in the checking account is $260,148.80. That is approximately one year’s budget; this is recommended by the state. Anne asked for any questions on the 2006 treasurer’s report. A motion was made by Dave Johnson to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Gail Bradford, all in favor, motion passed.

Newspaper: We are currently using the St. Cloud Daily Times and Clearwater Tribune, plus the posting at the township hall. Bill Schmidt made a motion to retain the papers, Wayne Ethen seconded the motion, all in favor, motion passed.

Attorney: Couri, MacArthur & Ruppe have represented Lynden Township again this past year. Anne Ackerman stated that Mike is very knowledgeable in township matters and she is satisfied with the law firm’s performance. Anne made a motion to retain Couri, MacArthur & Ruppe, seconded by Jerry Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Depository of Funds: The Township is very satisfied with Annandale Bank. Jerry Finch, made a motion to retain Annandale Bank, seconded by Bill Schmidt, all in favor motion passed.

Recycling Service: Dave’s Recycling was approved at last year’s annual meeting. Problems with Dave’s Recycling occurred and a decision was made to switch to Allied Waste Services. Anne Ackerman stated that the fee for recycling has increased substantially with the switch to Allied, but she felt that the reliability of the service was worth the extra expense. Jerry made a motion to retain Allied Waste Services, seconded by Karolyn Boucher, all in favor, motion passed.

Fire: Annandale Fire Budget Scott Picken represented the Annandale Fire Department. The fire budget for 2008 will be $9,418.40. The reason for the cost being higher this year is due to Fairhaven Township not using the Annandale Fire Dept. this year.

Clearwater Fire Department: Anne Ackerman said that representatives from Clearwater will arrive when they are finished with the meeting at Clearwater Township. Anne said that initially Clearwater was asking for a 38% increase over last year’s fire contract. Anne asked for a meeting with the City and challenged them on the need for the increase. Anne questioned some of the budget line items and asked for a breakdown of what generated the proposed increases. She also expressed the township’s concern about the formula that is currently utilized by the City. The result of the meeting was that the formula was discarded for this year, and the 2008 number was agreed upon by taking an average of the contract for the past two years and adding a 10% increase. The net result is a 5.6% increase over last year’s contract. Doug Nieters, Clearwater Fire Chief will explain more when he arrives.

Lee Lenzmeier was introduced. Lee is Stearns County Commissioner representing Lynden Township. Stearns County is working on an update to their Compressive Plan which is a two year process. They have been working on it for over a year. The next comprehensive plan meeting will be March 20th in Freeport. Lee thanked Jerry Finch for being a part of the planning commission at the county level. He commented that our township was doing well in all aspects; the memorandum of understanding we have with the county, our planning commission, and comprehensive plan are all outstanding.

Doug Neiters, Clearwater Fire Chief represented the Clearwater Fire Department. Lee Monk, mayor of Clearwater was also present. Doug presented the 2008 contract for Clearwater Fire Protection. The cost will be $37,873 for 2008. That is an increase of 5.6% over 2007. In the future, Doug said the fire contract will be established earlier and the cost will be known in January of 2008. Doug stated that there would be no more than a 10% increase for 2009. Doug also informed the group that the fire department is going to need a new primary truck by 2009, and the townships will have to assume some of that cost. He said there is $20,000 each year put in a fund for replacement of trucks. Cost of a new truck could be $500,000. They have replaced other trucks in the past and the City has bonded to pay for them, but Doug wants to have the townships contribute their fair share for new equipment. Discussion will follow at a future meeting between the City and the Township.
Anne Ackerman introduced herself; she has prepared the information to be presented by the Township Board. As she has in the past, she included some pictures of Lynden Township to illustrate the natural beauty we have in the township. It is the desire of the township residents to keep it rural. There are increasing requests for development; the objective of the Subdivision Ordinance is to manage growth in a way to retain the rural nature of the township. As Chair of the Board Anne works with all animal issues; she also works with the River Country Bike Trail Group. She presented general information about the township; monthly meetings are the first Monday of the month and all other meetings are posted or published if they are public hearings. There were reminders of the Lynden mailbox in the clerk’s yard, burning permits, and recycling. There may not be a fall clean-up day this year, but the date for spring clean up is April 29th at the Clearwater Maintenance shop on Co. Rd. 75. Residents are encouraged to use this service. The tax equalization meeting is set for April 25th at 7:00 p.m. at the township hall. It is important to use all of these opportunities the township offers. If you have a question, the number to call is Del Moeller 558-6610. She does not have all the answers but will direct you to who can answer your concern.
Anne is part of the River County Bike Trail Group Coalition dedicated to developing a trail plan to connect St. Cloud, Clearwater and Monticello. The project is in four phases; the first one is from the ball fields to Clearwater along Co. Rd. 75. Phase two of project will reach Lynden Township from the ball fields to Warner Lake Park. There is some federal funding, county and city support; there will be some fund-raising needed. Construction should begin in the fall of 2007.
Tri County Waste Commission is looking at renewing their contract in Elk River, the plan to build a waste incinerator is not moving forward at this time.
54 acres of the Josef Wang property on Franklin Road is being purchased by St. Cloud Opportunities and will most likely be annexed into St. Cloud. The property borders St. Cloud and is being annexed at the property owner’s request. Townships have very limited rights when in comes to annexation.
Lynden Township utilizes three elements to manage growth: Comprehensive Plan, Zoning ordinance and the Subdivision ordinance. Lynden works to preserve the natural beauty of the rural nature of the township.
Lynden Township has a five member planning commission with individuals appointed for five year terms. A term expires every year and we are always looking for interested people.

Lynden Township now has a web site lyndentownship.org. Karolyn Boucher developed the web site and is maintaining and updating it. Karolyn is also the editor of the newsletter. The township is thankful for her competent service.

Dave Johnson introduced himself; he was elected to his first term in 2005. Dave has taken the position of weed inspector; his duties are to examine all lands including highways, roads, alleys, and public ground, for control or eradication of noxious weeds. The owner of the land, a person occupying land, or a person responsible for the maintenance of public land shall control or eradicate all noxious weeds. Dave had cooperation in handling of the weeds, and will maintain his watch this year.
Dave reported that 56 building permits were issued in 2005. New homes 11, Additions 5, Residence Moved in 3, Farm 3 and Remodel 7, Commercial (Tel-Com) 1, Decks 6, Garage or Accessory Building 16, Re-Roof 3, and 1 sign.
Dave Johnson introduced himself; he was elected to his first term in 2005. Dave has taken the position of weed inspector; his duties are to examine all lands including highways, roads, alleys, and public ground, for control or eradication of noxious weeds. The owner of the land, a person occupying land, or a person responsible for the maintenance of public land shall control or eradicate all noxious weeds. Dave had cooperation in handling of the weeds, and will maintain his watch this year.
Dave reported that 56 building permits were issued in 2005. New homes 11, Additions 5, Residence Moved in 3, Farm 3 and Remodel 7, Commercial (Tel-Com) 1, Decks 6, Garage or Accessory Building 16, Re-Roof 3, and 1 sign.

Jerry Finch introduced himself. Jerry handles all road issues, and he is a member of the Stearns County Shore Line Committee, a member of the Stearns County Planning Commission, and an officer for The Town Officers Association of Stearns County. Jerry explained the problem with the clean up process in the township. Two years ago 13 neighbors asked to have a place cleaned up in their neighborhood. The property is partially cleaned up, but not complete. The township has spent many dollars in fees. Stearns County has now adopted Public Nuisance Ordinance #333. It will help us in our clean up process. When a complaint is made to Stearns County Environmental Services, the Director will contact the township to see if they can abate the problem. If the owner does not comply, Environmental Services contracts the clean-up and it will be billed to the property owner. If not paid, it will be put as an assessment on their property taxes. This will help the township and not be as costly.
Jerry gave a road report; in general the roads are in better shape this past year. Lynden has 11.5 miles of asphalt, 30.1 miles of gravel for a total of 41.6 miles of roads. There will be 5.3 miles graveled this spring and calcium will be applied to 13.5 miles of gravel roads. Calcium is a dust suppressant, holds roads together better, and makes them easier to maintain. There is a plan to go on a three year rotation on some of the low traffic roads. A study proves that when traffic counts reach 150 to 199 per day, the average costs of maintenance of gravel and paved roads are almost the same. After completing the 2006 Gravel Plan, all gravel roads in the township will have had new gravel and calcium applied. The road project plan for this year will be a traffic count on Franklin Road, 208th Street, and the west side of 200th Street (between 13th Avenue and County Road 44). There will be an engineering study on options for repair of 200th Street. (Between County Road 145 and County Road 44).

Lee Lenzmeier was introduced by Jerry Finch; Lee is Stearns County Commissioner representing Lynden Township. He commented that our township was doing well in all aspects. He talked about the 800 mega hertz requirements that will be coming in the near future. It is necessary but there will be a cost to the township.

The $25,000 for snow removal which was approved for the 2007 budget was inadvertently left off the levy sheet so we did not receive it from last year’s presented budget. It will be added to the levy for 2008.

Wayne Ethen suggested the road maintenance budget should be raised. The township spends over budget on road and bridge, and with the extra road maintenance proposed to be done this year, Wayne made a motion to increase the Road and Bridge Budget to $125,000, the motion was seconded by Brent Anderson, all in favor, motion passed.

There was further discussion on the budget. Greg Halverson made a motion to accept the amended budget as presented, seconded by Gary Stang, there was more discussion; Rick asked for all in favor of accepting the amended budget, motion passed.

Dave Johnson asked to have Bob Klaverkamp recognized for finding the baby who had been abandoned on Franklin Road, and called authorities to save the child’s
life. He was thanked and applauded. He was asked if he was going to adopt the child, he said it would not have been fair to the little one. It is better she could go where no one knew her and live a life without the publicity of her being found.

Anne wanted to recognize Ken Bachofer to thank him for his contribution of pictures he has donated to the township, but he had already left. Anne stated that we would have to have him receive the honor at a different time.

Report of Annual Election: Election Results: 49 voters
Supervisor 3 year term: Anne Ackerman 49 votes
Treasurer 2 year term Karen Weeres 49 votes
Anne Ackerman was declared the winner for a three year term as supervisor.
Karen Weeres was declared the winner for a two year term as treasurer.

Annual Meeting date for 2008 was set. It will be March 11, 2008.
Bill Schmidt made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by John Koshiol, all in favor, motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p.m.
After the adjournment, hot apple cider, coffee, bars, and cookies were served.

Respectfully submitted,
Del Moeller, Lynden Township Clerk

Minutes from March 5, 2007
Those present were Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch, Dave Johnson, Karen Weeres, and Del Moeller. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.

Anne asked if there were any additions to the proposed agenda. Anne stated that we will be adding the topics from the road meeting and annual meeting planning to the agenda as a result of the March 1st meeting being cancelled on account of snow. Dave asked to have the Resolution for speed limits in Hidden River to be moved to the April agenda. Anne moved to approve the agenda with additions, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.

Anne asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes. Jerry asked for the wording regarding Middendorf to be clarified. There were other minor corrections; Mona Bowen asked to have the minutes reflect that the trailer on 222nd St. and County Road 75 was also an eyesore. Anne made a motion to accept the minutes with corrections and additions, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion approved.

Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Karen asked about the CD’s that are going to come due.
After discussion: Dave made a motion to renew the two CD’s that we have (total of $150,000) and roll into one and renew it for six months and to take $100, 000 from savings and put it in a three month CD, seconded by Jerry, all in favor motion passed. Anne made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.

Middendorf court date will be March 9th. If he does not appear, then he will be given a 30 day notice to complete clean up. If it is not completed, then the township will have to start the process, which will be supervised by Stearns County Environmental Services and the Stearns County Sheriff’s Department. The township will hire a contractor for clean up.

Franklin Road: There had been discussion at the February meeting; Residents from the K&M River Heights development are concerned about the condition of Franklin Road. They are interested in getting asphalt on the road; if not asphalt they want the maintenance of the road improved. Jerry came up with an estimated cost for asphalt on that section of road. The estimated cost would be $230,000. Anne stated that the traffic count on Franklin does not reach the levels where asphalt is warranted. Mona Bowden asked about the tarring that was done on the east end of Franklin. That was completed in 2003 with 19th and 17th Aves. It was considered because of the high residential density on that end of the road, and what were believed to be high traffic counts. Jerry will move forward with soil borings on Franklin and will be looking into what can be done to improve Franklin Road, including ditch repair and crowning. The current plan is to grade after a rain. Jerry explained that grading when it is dry ends up wasting money because of the loss of fines from the road.
Dawn Froelich asked how the issue of Franklin Road was brought up for tarring. Anne explained that the town board was approached by residents of K&M River Heights regarding potential tarring. The residents expressed their willingness to share in the cost of the improvements even though they did not abut the road. John Bowden explained that they were interested in finding out how tar could be obtained. The fact has been clarified that to instigate a road being tarred by petition, the petition must be signed by 35% of the land owners, measured not in parcels, but in linear feet of the actual land on both sides of the road. Anne suggested that Dawn and her family, who are the primary land owners along that stretch of Franklin, consider the fact that K&M River Heights residents are willing to help pay for the project. The ending comments on Franklin were that the township will move forward with soil borings, and see what can be done to improve the condition of the road. Anne said that until traffic counts increase, the township will not consider tarring this road without a petition and suggested to the Bowdens that if K&M residents want to pursue this further, they could contact abutting property owners to see if there are enough people interested to move forward with a petition.

Ron Wasmund is now in attendance. The first issue is a double wide abandoned manufactured home at 222nd St. and County Road 75 which was brought to the attention of the Township Board by Mona Bowden at the February meeting. Doug Bishoff was in attendance. He was not aware that there was a problem with the home.

His son would like to build a home on the parcel in a couple of years. He stated that he thought if the manufactured home was moved, he would lose his building credit. Ron assured him that if there was a building credit on the property it would remain. Doug said he would have the manufactured home removed within two weeks. Anne thanked Doug for attending and taking care of the matter.

The illegal sign at Pro Tire 20076 Edison Circle: Ron made contact with the owner and told him that the sign was not in compliance with Lynden Township sign ordinance and that it must be brought into compliance or removed. Ron was told to call Keith Franklin; he was on vacation, when he returned he called Ron. When Ron returned the call, Keith said he would call back in twenty minutes. He did not call back, but Ron did receive a call from Steve Anderson, an attorney representing Keith. He wanted copies of the ordinances for signs and for outdoor storage. Some of the signs were moved from the lot at Franklin Advertising and more of the signs were put in the building. We have had partial cooperation, and Ron is waiting to hear from Steve Anderson regarding compliance on the Pro Tire sign.

The property at 3022 Fulton Circle and the barn on County Rd 145: Resolutions and Findings of Fact were passed at the February monthly meeting. Ron has given all of the information needed to Mike Couri and they will move forward with serving both orders. After the orders have been served to the owners of the properties by the Stearns County Sheriff’s Department, then Ron will become involved with both properties to complete clean-up.

Anne asked Environmental Services about Clinton Olson who is in the process of platting their property on Clearwater Lake. It was our understanding that they must use the footprint of the house that was there previously. Anne was told that because the parcel is being platted, that restriction does not apply and the Olson’s can build beyond the original footprint as long as they meet applicable setbacks.

Dave asked to review the building permits. We have been doing so during correspondence, but it was agreed that we should do it while Ron is present, so if there are any questions he could address them. Permits were reviewed.

Mike Holmen, Stearns County Assessor for Lynden Township, gave a presentation on how property valuations are being calculated this year. He gave a review of the Lynden Township sales that were considered “good sales”. Mike’s four documents are available for review. The date of the Tax Equalization Meeting is April 18th 2007. Mike Holmen asked if all building permits were given to the county, Ron said that it was done monthly. Anne thanked Mike for his presentation.

Anne presented a letter that she has written to John Austin, 3048 Fulton Circle, to address the brick structures in front of his property that are in the right of way. The township is asking to have the structures moved or for the property owner to have an attorney draft an encroachment agreement for the township to consider. The structures could remain in exchange for the following assurances: The property owner will pay for the cost of removing the objects if required for road maintenance. The township (or contractors) will assume no liability for damage it may do to the objects. The property owner must indemnify the township from lawsuits involving the objects and show proof of insurance coverage to protect the township. After discussion, Anne made a motion to establish a finding to deem the brick structures at 3048 Fulton Circle an obstruction on the Lynden Township Road, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed. The clerk will mail this letter certified. The township board will take further action if they do not respond within 45 days.

The election judges for the March 13th Annual election are Karolyn Boucher, Annette Bryant, Marlice Finch, Ken Rosha, Jenny Schmidt, and Del Moeller; Anne made a motion to approve the judges for Election Day, seconded by Dave, all in favor motion passed.

The Agenda for the Annual Meeting: Anne asked if Jerry had talked to anyone about being a moderator for the annual meeting. A moderator will be nominated from the floor at the meeting. Anne will give the treasurer’s report. Del was asked to double check the Annandale Fire Number for 2007 budget. Discussion was held on who would present at the meeting. Karolyn stated that John Koshiol will bring his equipment to use at the meeting. Jerry will get a screen, and Rick will bring his lap top if needed. Karolyn will check with John Koshiol as to what he will bring and how long he will be at the meeting. Topics and assignments include: Lynden Updates – Anne, web site – Karolyn, Planning Commission and Subdivision Ordinance – Rick, Building Permits and Zoning Ordinance Changes – Dave, Paving Policy and Road Updates – Jerry, Budget and Proposed Levy – Anne. There will be recognition of photographer Ken Bachofer who has shared many photos with the township. His photos will be included with the presentation. Anne asked for the information for the presentation by Wednesday if possible. Everyone agreed they could have done.

Jerry and Anne presented a draft of a Township Paving Policy. It was review and changed. Anne will revise the plan as suggested and forward it to the rest of the board. Anne made a motion to adopt the revised Paving Policy, Jerry seconded the motion, all in favor, motion passed.

Road Projects for 2007: There will be 8.7 miles of Lynden Township roads that will be graveled this season, and 15.1 miles of road will receive calcium chloride. Anne made a motion to approve the road plan for the gravel and calcium for the year 2007, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.

Valorie Muggli was to attend the meeting by 9:30, but did not show up. Anne will follow up with her regarding her conditional use permit application.

Verizon wireless will no longer service our phone after February 8, 2008. Del will check on service options.

Meeting Dates for March 2007:
Canvass Board Meeting March 14th 6:00 p.m.; Organization Meeting to follow
Planning Commission and Board: March 19th and 26th 6:00 p.m.
Planning Commission Tentative March 28th at Muggli residence 16855 County Road 44, 5:30 P.M.
Short Course at Holiday Inn March 26th 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.
Swearing in meeting Tentative 6:45 April 2nd. (Unless swearing in can be completed at short course).
Road Tour April 7th 8:00 a.m.; Meet at township Hall

Correspondence and Bills were reviewed.

Anne made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Anne made a motion to accept the bills, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Anne made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dave, all in favor motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

_________________________ ___________________________
Del Moeller, Township Clerk Anne Ackerman, Lynden Township Chair


Minutes from February 5, 2007
Those present were Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch, Dave Johnson, Karen Weeres, and Del Moeller. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.

Anne asked if there were any additions to the proposed agenda. Mona Bowden has a concern of an abandoned structure on 222nd and Co. Rd. 75. Anne added the sign in the Industrial Park that is illegal. Anne moved to approve the agenda with additions, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.

Anne asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes. Anne made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion approved.

Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Dave made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.

Due to Ron Wasmund, building inspector, running late we will move forward to the Clearwater Township Seminar. The full board and Rick Holman Planning Commission Chair attended a meeting at the Clearwater Township Hall. The meeting was organized by Clearwater Township. They have concerns with the City of Clearwater’s 20 year comprehensive plan and organized a meeting to help understand more about annexation issues. Troy Gilchrist, an attorney, conducted the meeting. He had been a MN Association of Townships attorney for 15 years who is now in private practice. Clearwater Township is sending a letter to the city of Clearwater stating their objections to their 20 year Comprehensive Plan. We were asked to collaborate with them on the letter. We stated that our concerns are different from theirs and did not feel it would be appropriate to send a joint letter.

Lynden Newsletter: Del was informed that on the April 21st clean up day in Clearwater, they will be accepting electronics including televisions for a fee. Assignments were reviewed and Anne asked Rick Holman if he would write an article for the newsletter. He will do an article concerning planning and zoning. The deadline for submission of articles is February 22nd.

Before going on to other business, Anne and the board members wanted to offer congratulations to Gary Stang on the arrival of a new baby boy, born January 31st. Gary is a member of the Planning Commission.

Franklin Road: There were four residents present (Mona Bowden, Brent Anderson, Gary Stang, and Dennis Nierengarton) with a concern about Franklin Road. They are residents of K & M River Heights and have expressed an interest in continuing the asphalt on Franklin Road. Anne asked about the road count on Franklin Road. Jerry had the counter on the road for five days; they were weekdays, and no weekends were included in the count. The count on the west end was 43 vehicles; the count by Plum Creek was 42. Mona Bowden stated that there are five residents who live on Franklin Road, but do not use it. They have driveways going directly to Co. Rd. 75, so she feels there is a greater population out there. Jerry stated that the number of cars that trigger a call for tarring is at a minimum of 150 cars per day to be cost effective. All gravel roads checked in the township were well below that count. The count on the asphalt road 200th Street East at the west end by County Road 44 was 389, and on the east end by County Road 145 was 822. This road is in need of repair and options for funding the repair will be addressed at the Annual Meeting. Brent Anderson stated that he feels Franklin Road has not been kept in good condition in all the years he has been here. He stated it’s not necessarily that he wants asphalt, but he feels the road is poorly maintained. Jerry stated that the roads should only be graded after a rain, otherwise it is a waste of money. It was a dry summer, therefore they were not graded as often. Dave stated there needs to be a good solid base under all of Franklin. Jerry stated that we applied close to $30,000 of calcium chloride on township roads. Though it was such a dry summer, this helped to keep the fines on the road. Dennis stated he would like to have some idea of the cost of tarring the road and have a study completed to find the best way to solve the problem. It was decided that Brent would informally check with his neighbors to see how many were interested in asphalt. Anne will check into whether non-abutting property owners can instigate a petition to tar a road. She will also check into clarification of the statutes relating to assessment. Jerry will get an estimate of the potential cost of the project. This will be addressed at the March monthly meeting.
Ron Wasmund, building inspector, checked on the sign in the Industrial Park at Pro Tire, 20076 Edison Circle. The sign is not in compliance with the Lynden Township sign ordinance. The sign must be brought into compliance (in both size and height requirements), or completely removed if that parcel has exceeded their allowed square footage for signs. Keith Franklin, the owner of the parcel, will be contacted. The planning commission meeting on February 13th will be addressing our sign ordinance and the current moratorium we have on off-premise signs. It is the intent of the board to get the corrections and additions made to the ordinances and have a public hearing as soon as possible. Jerry also thought we should address the storage issues at Franklin Signs. Add to March agenda.

3022 Fulton Circle: Jerry has two resolutions from Mike Couri. The first is to move forward with the clean up of this parcel, and the second deals with the barn on County Rd 145.
The first resolution is approving an order for abatement of a hazardous building pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 463. The Township Building Inspector has determined that the premises located at 3022 Fulton Circle in Lynden Township, and legally described in the Order attached as “Exhibit A” is a hazardous building. After discussion and review of the resolution and findings of fact, Jerry made a motion to adopt Lynden Township Resolution 07-01, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed. The resolution and findings of fact were signed and stamped with Lynden Township’s seal.

The second resolution is also an order of abatement of a hazardous building pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 463. The Township Building Inspector has determined that the premises located 19564 County Rd 145 in Lynden Township and legally described in the Order attached as “Exhibit A” is a hazardous building. After the review of the resolution and the findings of fact, Jerry made a motion to adopt Lynden Township Resolution 07-02, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed. The resolution and findings of fact were signed and stamped with Lynden Township’s seal. Jerry will contact Mike Couri to have him move forward.

Middendorf: The court date is set for February 23rd; it will give him 30 days to clean up the area. If this order is not followed, the clean up will proceed. The action to be taken for the clean up will be handled with the assistance of Stearns County Environmental Services and the Stearns County Sheriff’s Department.

All three of the above actions will be reviewed at the March monthly meeting.

Del had a call from Mary Storms questioning the cost of the permit for her garage. Ron said he would give her a call and explain the process that is used to calculate the cost of building permits.

Ron stated that Inspectron will be completing the inspections for Jeff Kempin’s addition that were started by the previous building inspector. A no-cost permit application has been submitted and the inspections will be billed to the township at the hourly rate. Ron did not know what was left to inspect. Anne asked for them to be completed as expeditiously as possible. Ron said it would be done in conjunction with other inspections.

A double wide abandoned trailer at 222nd St and County Road 75 was brought to the attention of the Township Board by Mona Bowden. The lot is bare except for this trailer. The property is listed as owned by Debora Bishoff. Mona felt it was a hazard, and an accident waiting to happen. The structure is an eyesore. It has been rumored that this property has been used for police training. Ron will get in contact with the owner. There will be an update next month.

Stephanie Kingston: She would like to rezone her remaining property on 17th Avenue (Ervin’s Acres) to an R-5. At this time the 25 acres does not have a building credit. She would like to sell it with building credits. When she platted the property last year, she stated it was not her intention to sell the 25 acres that were left; but taxes have risen and she feels that if she does not rezone, there will not be a chance to sell the acreage. She would rather sell this land and buy land in the area where she lives. The land in this area is in a moderate growth area, but though R-5 & R-10 are both appropriate in a moderate growth area, all moderate growth rezoning requests on land west of 17th Ave. have been granted with an R-10 designation. Anne stated that the intentions of the zoning districts in moderate growth were for R-5 to be closer to the boundary with Clearwater and areas further west to be R-10. It was also stated that if this area was granted an R-5 designation, then R-10 would never be utilized in the future. Stephanie said she did not have a building credit on the 25 acres because the amount of wetland on the property caused her to lose one of her credits. That ordinance is no longer in place, so Anne told Stephanie to talk to Angie at Stearns County Environmental Services to see if there was any way for that building credit to be restored. Then if she desired, she could sell the parcel with one building credit without rezoning. Jerry also suggested that maybe she could just sell the rest of the land with one of the platted lots that she has not sold. Anne explained that if she still wants to go ahead with a rezoning request, Environmental Services will give her an application form to bring to the township. The township board would make a recommendation on the request, but the final decision is made at the county level.

Hidden River: There was a request for a 30 mile per hour speed limit in the development. After discussion it was decided to move forward with placing 30 mile per hour signs in Hidden River. We will need to pass a resolution to do this. Dave will have a resolution ready for the March meeting. Del will order the signs and Dan will put them in when the ground is thawed.

City of Clearwater: Anne asked if she and Rick should meet with Lee Monk the new city mayor and one of their board members before the annual meeting to discuss their thoughts on Clearwater’s growth. Jerry felt that there should be no hurry. His understanding from the meeting with Troy Gilchrist was that there had to be a joint planning committee for any area that was in a planned annexation area. Jerry felt that if this is the case, we do not want to give up that control. Anne decided we should wait until we talk with Mike Couri to get a better understanding of the process.

Anne stated that Del is having a hard time understanding the meeting tapes, especially people in the audience. Anne found a sound grabber microphone on eBay for $65. Dave made a motion that Anne purchase a microphone for the clerk in that price range, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.

The chairs that were purchased by Jerry are here. Del asked about the tables that were ordered. Jerry said they were not in when he picked up the chairs but he would pick them up tomorrow. Del said thank you, she will not have to bring tables from home when she rents the township hall on February 18th.

Jerry talked about getting a new American flag and two flag poles. Jerry won a Minnesota State Flag at a MAT meeting; he will donate it to the township. They will be purchased and in place by the annual meeting in March.

Meeting Dates for February 2007:
Planning Commission and Board: February 13th and 26th 6:00 p.m.
Audit and Budget Meeting: Tuesday February 20th at 6:00 p.m.
Meeting with Mike Couri, Township Board and Rick Holman February 28th 6:00 p.m.
Road Meeting and Annual Meeting planning, Township Board and Rick Holman March 1st 6:00 p.m.

There was discussion about the tarring fund and what the uses are. It must be clarified and recommendations will be presented at the Annual Meeting. It will be discussed at the Road Meeting March 1st.

Correspondence and Bills were reviewed.

Jerry made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Jerry made a motion to accept the bills, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Anne made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dave, all in favor motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Del Moeller, Lynden Township Clerk

Anne Ackerman, Lynden Township Chair


Minutes from January 8, 2007
Those present were Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch, Dave Johnson, Karen Weeres, and Del Moeller. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Anne asked if there were any additions to the proposed agenda. Del stated that Mike Couri called at five p.m. and told her he would be attending the meeting. Anne stated that we will add him to the agenda when he arrives. Anne made a motion to accept the amended agenda, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.

Anne asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes. Jerry pointed out two minor typo errors; they will be corrected. Jerry made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion approved.

Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. This is the final report for 2006. Jerry made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.

The barn on Marvin Messer’s property was addressed. The township will move forward with the process to get the barn removed. Mike Couri, township attorney, explained that the process does not move quickly. Judges typically give the owner time to clean up; it is not a high priority in the judicial system. If it does get to the point where the township would have to clean up the property, we may have to wait for a long period of time before we recoup the expense. Anything of value found in the building as it is removed would go toward the expense of the removal. If there is more cost it would be put on the property taxes and the township would receive their payment in that way. All expenses incurred would need to be paid by the owner. This structure is in very bad shape. Ron stated that if we had a bad winter with heavy snow, it could have been knocked down by now. It is a major concern because children have been seen playing in the barn. Jerry said that because of the safety issue, this should be more of an urgent matter. Anne asked what kind of a time frame we should request for clean up. Ron stated 30 days. The notice will be served by the Sheriff; the 30 day period would start at that time. If nothing occurs in the 30 days, then the matter would go in front of a judge. Anne asked about fencing around the barn. It will be stated in the order that the barn must be secured by a fence until properly removed. The Timm property on Fulton will also move forward with clean up efforts. Mike expected this property to move more quickly due to the burned out building. Mike will have resolutions for the next meeting; we will handle both issues at that time.

The Middendorf case (20956 Franklin Road) has exhausted all possibilities of clean up. There has been no response from the owner to date. Mike Couri will move forward; the final paper will be served by the Stearns County Sheriff’s Office. The clean up order will be court issued. Jerry stated that an employee of Stearns County Environmental Services should be involved in the clean up process. Mike will handle the next steps to get the court order for the township to commence clean up efforts. Review in February.

Up to this time the board felt it was premature to talk to Clearwater about possibilities relating to an orderly annexation agreement. Now that Clearwater has a 20 year plan completed and it involves areas of Lynden Township, the board feels that timing is more appropriate for discussions with the city. The board plans to have a meeting with our Township Consultant and Mike Couri to discuss what options we have. Two possible dates were chosen: February 22nd or the 28th. We will let Mike know after our February 16th meeting the date it will be.

Anne called DeDe Kron to tell her that we will not accept any final plats at monthly meetings. They will now be reviewed at a Planning Commission meeting where the Township Board and Planning Commission are in attendance. We will not approve a final plat until we have a signed developer’s agreement which must be accompanied by a financial guarantee. The representatives for Lynden Valley Industrial Park are still working with the engineer regarding corrections to the road specifications. Jerry stated that we want Lynden Valley to pay all engineering and legal costs directly, but Mike said that all bills should be paid by the township and then developers should reimburse the township. He said this is best because the engineer and attorney are working on the township’s behalf, not for the developer. Mike will bill the township separately for Lynden Valley work, as should the engineer. We will pay the bills and be reimbursed by Lynden Valley. Mike will forward a form that he uses as an application for a final plat. We do not currently have a final plat application. We will review this at a planning commission meeting.

At this time Dave stated that in order to maintain documentation, he would like to make a motion to have the Township lawyer Mike Couri move forward with the necessary steps to clean up the three properties we discussed: the barn owned by Marvin Messer, the Timm property on Fulton Circle, and the Middendorf property. Seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
There is a sign in the Industrial Park that is illegal. Our ordinance does not allow signs higher than ten feet above grade level. There has been no permit obtained for this sign. This is a matter that Ron will handle. The address is 20076 Edison Circle and name of the company is Pro Tire. Ron will check into it. The owner of the property where the sign is located is Keith Franklin. We need to discuss how the price of a sign permit is calculated. This should be addressed as part of our discussion relating to signage at an upcoming planning commission meeting.

The board reiterated to Ron that all building permits in the industrial zone must be reviewed by the town board and planning commission before a permit is issued. Ron would be able to attend a planning commission meeting when necessary. At that meeting we would review a complete site plan in order to determine any potential issues before construction begins (e.g. access points to township roads, amount of impervious surface, etc.) We will also review the proposed use of the property to determine if it would be necessary for the property owner to submit a conditional use permit application.

The bike trail group has an informational flyer in production now. It will be sent to residents of the city of Clearwater in their utility bills, and should also be sent to residents of Lynden and Clearwater Townships. Tom Dodson and Harry Habstritt have offered to chair a fund raising committee to try to raise $120,000 over the next three years. These funds will be utilized to develop the trail head facility at Sportsmen’s Park.

Del attended Clerks election training on Dec 19th. Del stated that the meeting was to inform us of regulations for the upcoming election in March. They were encouraging all the townships to switch to November elections. The Lynden Township Board feels that we do not want to change to November elections. If we made the change, it would curtail attendance at our annual meeting. Also, it would change supervisor terms from three to four years and the positions would no longer be staggered so that one supervisor is elected every year. It is the feeling of this board that holding our election in March better benefits the township.

200th St. Reconstruction: Jerry was working with Mike Couri on options to pay for the reconstruction of 200th St. The cost will be approximately $300,000. He has several options and will have them ready for discussion at the Annual Meeting on March 13th. Jerry’s reconstruction financing options are available for review. The clerk has the information on file. Jerry asked the board to think about how to best spend our tarring funds because none of the traffic counts showed the numbers necessary to warrant tarring. We will discuss this at the annual meeting.

Jerry’s second presentation was about the money we receive from the county. There was an omission of $25,000 for snow plowing. This error was made by the clerk in reporting the levy for our revenue. The plan is to inform the people at the annual meeting of the error and we will add it to this year’s levy since it was already approved at last year’s meeting and was not collected. In this manner we will recoup the money. In the future we will complete this form at the organization meeting to ensure there are no omissions.

Clearwater Township Board Meeting: Anne and Rick attended the meeting. We had a chance to explain that Lynden Township did not tell the City of Clearwater to place an industrial area in Clearwater Township. Clearwater already had land at 24 & 104 designated industrial. They chose to expand the size of that area when they changed the area in Lynden Township north of I-94 from industrial to residential. We told them how we have handled our planning commission and our comprehensive plan. They need to do their own planning and create their own comprehensive plan in order to have more clout in future planning. Troy Gilchrist, a former Association of Townships attorney is offering a free planning seminar to Clearwater Township if they can get other townships to attend. The date will be February 3rd from 9-11 a.m. Anne stated that Rose from the township board requested Del to bring her famous rolls. We will attend this seminar, so this can be a good free education for us. Del will post this meeting.

Proposed DNR River Regulation Changes: Most of the Mississippi River frontage within Lynden Township would not change under the new proposed regulations. (Density would remain one house per four acres.) Still, the board expressed concern that the DNR plans to turn over jurisdiction of river development to municipalities in some areas. We feel it is important for the DNR to remain in control of development all along the river. Anne will send e-mail comments on behalf of the board to the DNR. She will state that the Lynden Township board opposes the DNR relinquishing control of development along the river, even within city limits.

Newsletter: Karolyn handed out an outline for the newsletter information. The topics were discussed and each board member will contribute news articles. Ron from Inspectron will have a short message about building permits. The usual township information, election news, annual meeting notice and clean up day information will be added. The deadline for information will be February 22nd. We will have the newsletter out by the end of February.

Jerry brought up the idea of getting new chairs before the annual meeting. Karolyn has a price of $25.00 each. After discussion, Anne made a motion for Jerry to purchase 20 new chairs and 3 six foot tables. He should also purchase two flag poles and a new American flag. This motion was seconded by Dave, all in favor motion passed.

Correspondence and Bills were reviewed.

Meeting Dates for January
Planning Commission and Board: January 16th and 29th 6:00 p.m.
Township Board will meet at the Clearwater Township Hall February 3rd at 9:00 a.m.
Audit and Budget Meeting: Tuesday February 20th at 6:00 p.m.

Jerry made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.
Jerry made a motion to accept the bills, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Anne, all in favor motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Del Moeller, Lynden Township Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Lynden Township Chair