Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch, and Dave Johnson, Treasurer Karen Weeres and Clerk Del Moeller. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Anne asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Anne made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed. Jerry made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Dave, all in favor motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. There we no questions. Anne made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
The barn clean up at 19564 County Road 145 was discussed. The clean up was completed with Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES) present. The actual clean up costs totaled $3,900; the total of all costs was $8,015.90. Resolution #2009-8 Certifying Township Costs to Abate Nuisance was reviewed and Anne made a motion to approve it, seconded by Jerry, all in favor motion passed. It was signed and Del will deliver it to the Stearns County Auditors Office.
Annandale Fire Meeting: Dave attended a meeting November 12th. Annandale is purchasing a new truck and the cost came in about $40,000 less than expected.
Boy Scouts: There has been a request for a special needs Boy Scout group to meet at the Lynden Township Hall. Anne made a motion to allow the group to meet up to five times a month, free of charge, on Tuesdays Wednesdays or Thursdays, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed. Del will work out the details with the scout leader and report in January.
Anne, Rick Holman, and Karolyn Boucher met November 24th to discuss technology improvements. Discussions included the need for a server for central document storage, possible purchase of a laptop for the township, internet access at the town hall, and improvements to the township web site. Anne will contact John Koshiol, owner of IT Connects of Clearwater for his input.
The minutes for the fall road tour were reviewed. Jerry will handle the tree trimming in December. Dave will research the cost of signs for the required reflectivity upgrade. This will be discussed at the annual meeting. Dave will review a permitted business at 16156 5th Ave. that has not registered with the township. Review in January.
A resident reported a tractor tire was left in the Lynden Valley Industrial Park and a load of leaves was dumped. Del will take care of having them removed.
Notification was received that Pearson vs. Lynden Township has been dismissed.
Ron Wasmund, Township Building Inspector, arrived and introduced Patti Wasmund.
17492 County Rd 44: Ron has made two visits to the house and nobody was home. He did not get any response from his written communication. Ron will contact the owner’s parents to attempt to determine the status. Review in January.
Donaghue has been repaired. A permit was issued to 1595 Donaghue. No new access will be allowed.
Pool Fence Violation: After review, it was determined that the body of water in question will not be considered a swimming pool. Although it has been enhanced, it is a natural body of water and will not be required to be fenced. Remove from the agenda.
Kramer Building Code Notification: Inspectron sent a letter to Melvin and Sharon Kramer informing them that the structure on their property does not meet the building code requirements for a dwelling unit, therefore it must be removed. The unit is to be removed no later than May 15th 2010. Review in June.
Kennel Inspections: Ron completed the annual inspection of the Berg Kennel and collected the fee. The facility was in excellent condition; the inspection report will follow. The Muggli Kennel has not been inspected. An inspection date was set then cancelled by Ms. Muggli. Ron will follow up with an inspection date and complete an inspection. If the kennel is not in compliance with the conditional use permit (CUP), then the process will begin for the CUP to be revoked. Review in January.
Information from Minnesota Association of Townships (MAT) was received regarding the valuation of the township hall and it contents. It was determined the building is underinsured. After discussion, Anne made a motion to pass Insurance Replacement Resolution #2009-9 raising the insurance coverage to the replacement value of the building. Jerry seconded the motion, all in favor, motion passed. The coverage will increase from $150,000 to $269,299. Del will send the original copy to MAT and provide a copy for Karolyn to post on the township web site.
March 9th Township Election: Del attended a meeting on December 3rd and was informed the township is required to use the Automark machine for this election. Special ballots will have to be ordered. Del will handle. Karolyn Boucher is the second head judge. Jerry will pick up the machine. It will be tested at the end of February.
Meeting dates: Planning Commission – December 21st 6:00 p.m.
The spring newsletter will be sent the first week in March. Review in February.
Correspondence was reviewed and bills were paid.
Anne made a motion to approve the bills and accept the correspondence, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Anne made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Del Moeller, Lynden Township Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Lynden Township Chair
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch, and Dave Johnson, Treasurer Karen Weeres and Clerk Del Moeller. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Anne asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Anne made a motion to approve the agenda with additions, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed, no changes were made. Jerry made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Dave, all in favor motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. There were no questions. Anne made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
The Messer barn clean up was discussed. Marv Messer was present. He wanted to clean up the property himself. Discussion ensued. Anne said she was willing to give him the opportunity to complete the clean up to the specifications outlined in the court order. Jerry and Dave agreed that it was too late to allow this. Dave made a motion to move forward with enforcement of the court order supervised by Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES). Jerry seconded the motion and it passed with two affirmative votes. Anne abstained from the vote. The bids for the clean up were opened. The lowest bid was $3900 by Lange Excavating. Dave made a motion to accept the bid, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed. Jerry will inform Lange of the winning bid. Del will inform the other bidders that their bids were not accepted. Mr. Messer will be informed when the clean up will be completed. Troy Freihammer from SCES will be present during clean up. The Data Practices Act was briefly discussed which allows complainants to remain anonymous.
Ron Wasmund, Lynden Township Building Inspector:
17455 County Road 44: The ownership issue has been resolved. A building permit has been issued to the owner of the property.
2802 Fulton Circle: This property is in the flood plain so any alterations to the structure must be competed in the same footprint. The property owner is working with Ron to acquire all necessary permits.
Ron will follow up on the remaining pool violation and will report next month.
Kraemer Structure: Ron reviewed the structure and determined it does not meet building code requirements. Mr. Kraemer said he would remove the trailer. Ron will follow up with official notification including a date for removal. Review in December.
Kennel Inspections: The annual inspection for the Berg kennel is set for November 9th. Ron will complete the inspection form and collect the $150 annual fee. Ron will follow up on compliance of the Muggli kennel and will secure an inspection date. Ron will report on these two issues in December.
The check received for the Keske 911 sign was returned for insufficient funds. Ron will follow up with Keske for payment of the $40 plus the additional $6 in fees.
Ron wanted to apologize for the level of service he has been providing the township and he hopes to improve. Anne acknowledged the importance of faster response time.
Steve Grossinger of 1822 Danforth Circle does not need any permits from the township regarding gun ownership. He will not have a business.
Road Mileage Form: Jerry completed the form requested by the county noting an additional 1.1 miles of roads in the township. The form was signed and Del will mail it.
There was a request from the Boy Scouts to use the town hall. Del will follow up to find out additional details. Review in December.
Weed Inspection: The annual weed inspection report was presented and reviewed. Dave made a motion to authorize the chair to sign the weed inspection form, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed. Del will mail the form.
Dave stated there will be an Annandale fire meeting November 12th. They will be discussing the purchase of a new pumper truck.
The fall road inspection will be reviewed in December. Del will look into the cost of signs from other vendors.
Anne, Rick Holman Planning Commission Chairman, and Karolyn Boucher Web Site Administrator, will meet November 24th to discuss technology improvements.
The fire contract with the city of Clearwater was reviewed. Dave made a motion to authorize the chair to sign the contract, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed. Clearwater Township is not currently interested in establishing a fire commission.
Meeting dates:
Planning Commission – November 30th 6:00 p.m.
Correspondence was reviewed and bills were paid.
Anne made a motion to approve the bills and accept the correspondence, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Anne made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dave, all in favor, , motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:59 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Del Moeller, Lynden Township Clerk
Ane Ackerman, Lynden Township Chair
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch, and Dave Johnson, Treasurer Karen Weeres and Clerk Del Moeller. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Anne asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. There were none. Anne made a motion to accept the agenda, seconded by Dave all in favor motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed, no changes were made. Anne made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Jerry, all in favor motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. The certificates of deposit were not renewed to help cover the 200th St. project. There we no questions. Anne made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Ron Wasmund, Township Building Inspector, was excused from the meeting and provided a written update: The Response Delivery meeting went well and he is hopeful it will resolve any outstanding issues.
The Keske property is working on compliance of required inspections. Ron will follow up. A check for the 911 sign was submitted.
Ron sent a letter to the property owners of 20404 13th Ave. reiterating the clean up deadline of January 1st.
Ron sent a letter to the property owner of the pool fence violation on County Road 44. Compliance within 90 days was requested.
The Messer barn clean up bids will be handled by Jerry Finch. The resolution for the Messer barn will be handled once the clean up is completed.
Lynden Land Ownership: The boat landing on Long Lake is owned by the township. It will be determined if this should be turned over to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
The proposed guard rails for 200th St. were discussed. The bid was reviewed and Jerry made a motion to approve the guard rails at a cost not to exceed $33,000, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Road counts have been completed. Jerry said the counts were less than the last time they were conducted. Brent Anderson has requested a copy of the reports. Del will mail it.
Clearwater Fire Commission: Sharon Lee, Clearwater Township Clerk, will discuss the possible formation of a Fire Commission at their next meeting to determine the interest of their township board. Review in November.
Lake Water Levels: David Weeres was present to follow up on the issue of the high water level on Long and Crooked Lakes as a result of a beaver dam. Jerry met with Dan Lais, DNR Hydrologist, and was informed that a permit would not be issued to the lake association but could be issued to the township. If requested, a permit could be issued for the installation of a Clemson beaver pond leveler, which keeps the lake at a consistent level. The lake association must make a determination how they want to proceed. If they want to request a Clemson leveler, they will have to fund the project and secure at least three volunteer lakeshore property owners to provide labor for installation and continuing maintenance. The Township could then pass a resolution requesting the permit for the leveler from the DNR. The township would authorize no funds for the project. David will contact the lake association to follow up. This topic will be added back to the agenda when a request is received from the lake association.
Technology Improvements: There was a short discussion on ways to improve the use of technology within the township. If the township can save money on web site hosting fees, other improvements can be implemented. A meeting will be held to discuss options.
Dave made a motion to approve the minutes from the two public hearings conducted on September 16th, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Steve Grossinger of 1822 Danforth Circle has inquired about selling guns as a home business. Dave will check into this. Review in November.
Letters have been received from a resident on Donahue asking for the road to be repaired. This road was reviewed on the road tour and is slated to be repaired. Jerry stated repairs will be completed this fall, weather permitting. Del will call the resident with the information.
Dave and Jerry will be attending Board of Appeals training on October 28th at the new Stearns County Service Center. Del will post. Anne will attend training at another site.
The township road mileage form needs to be submitted by the end of November. Jerry will complete the form and it will be signed at the November meeting.
A valuation survey of the township hall and property will be completed by the Minnesota Association of Townships. Del will handle this with the insurance adjuster.
Meeting dates:
Township Clean Up – Clearwater Maintenance Building Oct.17th 8:00 to 11:00 a.m.
Planning Commission – October 26, 2009 6:00 p.m.
Bills were reviewed and paid.
Anne made a motion to approve the bills and accept the correspondence, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Anne made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Del Moeller, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Lynden Township Chair
MONTHLY MEETING, September 14, 2009
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch, and Dave Johnson, Treasurer Karen Weeres and Clerk Del Moeller. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Anne asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. David Weeres asked to discuss water level on Long and Crooked Lakes. Anne made a motion to approve the agenda with the changes, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Anne asked if there were any corrections to the minutes. There were none Jerry made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. There we no questions. Anne made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Messer Barn Clean Up: After discussion, November 1st was established as the deadline date for clean up of the barn and foundation. Dave will follow up with Mike Couri on the proper procedure to recoup the township’s expenses including attorney fees. Jerry will contact Marv Messer. This project should be completed by November 30th 2009.
200th Street: The tarring project is completed. Some trees in the township right of way need to be trimmed or removed. Jerry made motion to complete the necessary tree work, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed. There is a need for guard rails due to the steep drop off in two spots. Jerry will get an estimate. Review in October.
189th St.: A resident requested to have the road resurfaced. Jerry has researched the project and believes the road is in fairly good shape but a chip coating should be considered next year. Jerry will follow up with the resident and inform him of our findings.
Jerry explained a road repair project that is needed on Fulton Circle. Jerry has a plan with Schendzielos that will cost about $7000. The adjacent property owner will be responsible for purchasing a culvert. Dave made a motion to move forward with the project, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed. Jerry agreed to review all bills received from
Schendzielos before they go to Karen for payment.
Road Counts: The counters are at Stearns County now and the reports have not been received. Brent Anderson has requested the complete results which will be given to him when they arrive. The road tour will be September 26th and all road issues will be reviewed at that time.
Resolution 2009-6 was reviewed and discussed to accept the roads in Lynden Valley Industrial Park as township roads. The developer has paid all bills due to the township. He is still obligated to pay M&R Sign Company and has stated they will be paid by October 1st. Anne made a motion to approve Resolution 2009-7 with the condition that all signs in the development will be paid for and properly placed, seconded by Jerry, all in favor motion passed.
Lynden Land Ownership: Review in October.
Clearwater Fire Contract: Anne will request a copy of the 2010 preliminary budget for the fire department from Clearwater. Del will talk with Sharon Lee, Clearwater Township Clerk, to determine their interest in the formation of a fire commission. Review in October.
Response Delivery: A proposed meeting between company representatives, township officials, and neighboring residents has not taken place.
17492 County Rd. 44: A final inspection has been completed. There were a few issues that will be corrected. Ron Wasmund, Township Building Inspector, will follow up on compliance. The township will receive a $40 check for the 911 sign. Remove from agenda.
20404 13th Ave S.: There is an ongoing investigation on this property. There will be an issue with clean up of the foundation. Review in November.
Pool Fence Violations: There is one remaining violation. Ron will follow up.
There will be two public hearings on Wednesday. Ron will work with Donna Smith on the required permits and inspections for the wind tower if the variance is approved.
The second public hearing is for a structure on Eaglewood Road. Discussion ensued regarding whether a travel trailer could be considered a dwelling unit according to Minnesota Building Code. Ron reviewed the requirements and it was clarified that any structure would have to meet those requirements to be allowed.
Dave asked about a building permit for a new home on the property at 19828 County Road 44. It was concluded the property is a piece of land that is still for sale and the prospective new owner wants to make sure a home can be built on the site.
Jerry noticed a home being built at 20032 County Road 45. After review it was determined that a building permit has been issued.
It was noted that a building permit has been requested for the property at 17455 County Road 44. Steve Lumley is listed as the owner.
2802 Fulton Circle: This home is being repaired and remodeled on the same footprint. Ron is aware of the project. The owner has acquired the necessary permits.
David Weeres made the township aware of the high water level on Long and Crooked Lakes. He explained that beavers have built a dam across the outlet. Though the township is concerned that our roads in the area could be impacted if the water gets too high, it was determined that the township has no jurisdiction as the waters are governed by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). David explained some options to alleviate the problem. Jerry agreed to talk to the DNR hydrologist for the area. Review in October.
Karolyn Boucher reviewed suggested articles to be published in the fall newsletter. Topics were assigned. Deadline for information is September 30th. The newsletter will be mailed the first week in October.
Clean up day is set for October 17th. Only trash and scrap metal will be accepted. Anne and Dave will not be able to attend. Del will get assistance for the day.
County Information Portal: Anne reviewed the information and gave it to James Kantor, Planning Commission Administrator, to research the service and set up a township account. This will be discussed at a planning commission meeting.
Resolution 2009-7 was reviewed. It establishes that all audio recordings of planning commission meetings are solely for the purpose of assisting the Town Clerk or Planning Commission Administrator to develop accurate minutes. Anne made a motion to approve Resolution 2009-7, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Meeting dates:
Public Hearing (Road Variance) – September 16th – 7:00pm
Public Hearing (Wind Tower) – September 16th – 8:00pm
Road Tour – September 26th 8:00 a.m.
Planning Commission – September 28th 6:00 p.m.
Monthly Meeting – October 5th 7:00 p.m.
Bills were reviewed and paid.
Anne made a motion to approve the bills and accept the correspondence, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Dave made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:57 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Jenny Schmidt, Deputy Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Lynden Township Chair
MONTHLY MEETING, August 3, 2009
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch, and Dave Johnson. Treasurer Karen Weeres and Deputy Clerk Jenny Schmidt were also present. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Anne asked if there were any changes to the agenda. Jerry asked to add a speed report, also a discussion of certificates of deposit and signs. Dave made a motion to approve the agenda with the changes, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Anne asked if there were any corrections to the minutes. Jerry asked for an unnecessary sentence to be deleted. After discussion, Jerry made a motion to approve the minutes with the change, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. There we no questions. Anne made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Ron Wasmund, Township Building Inspector:
Response Delivery: Neighboring residents were present to hear the results of the planning commission review of Response Delivery’s application for revision of their conditional use permit. The Planning Commission completed a site visit. They questioned hours of operation, type of business and parking. Rick Holman, Planning Commission Chairman, said the planning commission and consultant Chelle Benson agree that a conditional use permit is not appropriate for this situation because they are meeting the requirements of limited industrial zoning. Dave Johnson indicated he was very disappointed that there is no representation from Response Delivery at tonight’s meeting. This business should understand that they should make an effort to get along with neighbors on a voluntary basis. The Board does have options which include making 200th Street a no parking street. Anne requested Ron do some follow up. Ron is to arrange a meeting between homeowners, Response Delivery, a representative from the Planning Commission and himself to try to improve the situation. The letter to Response Delivery should also include language stating that we have chosen not to take this to public hearing, but parking and noise may still be an issue. The phone number of Keith Laronge was provided to interested residents. Ron is to check compliance prior to next meeting.
Wind Generator in Industrial Park: Donna Smith was present. She was advised that Lynden Township does support alternative energy but the existing wind tower was altered without a permit. The tower is non-conforming in a limited industrial zone because it doesn’t meet the required set back. Donna explained her February 2008 discussion with Rick Holman who referred her to the ordinances. She did not realize she needed a permit. The new wind generator began work on July 11, 2009. Two issues need to be addressed. She needs to apply for an after the fact building permit at a penalty fee of double the cost. In addition, Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES) is advising a variance request because of distance to the property line, so she must apply to the township for that. Jerry Finch will verify that in writing within 10 days. Ms. Smith was also advised to check with the State of MN regarding the sell back of electricity. Ron needs several items of information. He will deal directly with her.
20404 13th Ave S: Ron Hinkemeyer was present. The Board relayed their concerns regarding this property and reminded him that the deadline for removal of the substandard structure is October 1, 2009. There is opportunity for illegal activity and it is considered a public nuisance. Mr. Hinkemeyer indicated his intentions are to take down the house, but the other buildings are used for storage. The town board assured Mr. Hinkemeyer that the storage buildings are not in question. After discussions, an agreement was reached that the structure would be taken down quickly, cleaned up and neatly stacked by the end of the year. The foundation will be discussed at the January 2010 meeting. Ron is to send a letter to Mr. Hinkemeyer memorializing this agreement.
17492 County Road 44: Kesske property inspection is set for August 5th at 4:30 p.m. Review in September.
Pool Fence violations: Pearson fence is up. Gates should be installed on August 6th. No contact has been made with Broich yet. Schueler has possible modifications to the deck but should be in compliance. Ron will follow up. Review in September.
Don Miller: Del is to send a letter thanking him for his timely removal of the interim use structure.
Messer Barn Clean Up: Clean up is in process. Deadline remains Sept 1, 2009. Jerry hand delivered a copy of Ordinance #171. Review in September.
1535 200th Street Violation: Per Dave Johnson, this is going to prosecution by Stearns County. We can take this off our agenda.
18464 Driftwood Rd Violation: Dave continues to follow up. Review in September.
Clearwater Fire Contract: After several attempts to get a copy of the revised budget, we still do not have one. Anne will follow up. Review in September.
200th Street Reconstruction: Construction is set to begin on August 24th. Jerry will continue to contact residents on that road. Jerry made a motion to accept the lowest bid from Mid MN Hotmix at $315,986.20, seconded by Anne. Discussion was held regarding payment of this project. The initial $100,000 will be paid out of cash. There are two certificates of deposit (CD) that will not be renewed on September 10th. The remaining payment would be taken from those two CDs. Motion passed. Anne suggested a road meeting prior to construction to allow further discussions as Jerry is also recommending 189th St. and 7th Ave. get an overlay. Equipment is already in the area, so the bid should be fair.
Lynden Land Ownership: Dave continues to investigate. Review in September.
Lynden Industrial Park Roads: Bob Herges was present and made a formal request that Lynden Township initiate proceedings to undertake maintenance of the roads in Lynden Valley Industrial Park. Street signs have been ordered and installation should take place in the next couple of weeks. The outstanding bill will be paid upon Mr. Herges receiving an invoice from the township. Anne will handle this. Per Jerry, our engineer has reviewed the roads and is in agreement with Mr. Herges’ request. Anne will prepare a proposed resolution for consideration at the September meeting.
Road Issues: We need a speed check on Eaglewood Road, then on 200th Street once construction is complete. The traffic counter that had been out did not record any data, so we need to start over. Jerry will check on the cost of purchasing a counter in lieu of renting. Jerry will contact Joe Furey in regards to mowing the area by the guardrails on Eaglewood. Jerry indicated the infiltration system will not work on Dover. He will continue to work on other options. Dave indicated sign inventory is complete. 470 total signs, 67 that are completely missing. Dave requested authorization to explore a grant from 3M. Prioritizing should be addressed at the upcoming road meeting (date to be determined). Jerry made a motion to grant Dave’s request, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.
Melvin Kraemer: Jerry spoke with Angie at SCES. Stearns County is requesting the township notify Kraemer that he needs to supply us with a site plan with his intentions for all the structures on his property. Jerry will draft a letter for Del to send. This item now moves to the Planning Commission agenda.
Meeting dates:
Planning Commission – August 31 6:00 p.m.
Monthly Meeting – September 14 7:00 p.m.
Bills were reviewed and paid.
Anne made a motion to approve the bills and accept the correspondence, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Dave made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:03 p.m., seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.
Respectfully submitted, Jenny Schmidt, Deputy Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Lynden Township Chair
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch, and Dave Johnson, Treasurer Karen Weeres and Clerk Del Moeller. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Anne asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Jerry asked to add some items. Anne made a motion to approve the agenda with the additions, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Anne asked if there were any corrections to the minutes from the previous meeting. There were none. Jerry made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Annandale Bank does not offer any money market accounts so Karen renewed a certificate of deposit. There were no questions. Anne made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report, seconded by Jerry, all in favor motion passed.
Pearson Wind Tower Placement: There has been no action on the wind tower. Ron Wasmund, Township Building Inspector, will notify us if there is an application for a building permit.
1535 200th St. Violation: Dave has spoken to Don Adams, Director of Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES). No progress has been made. The complaint will be referred to the Stearns County Attorney’s Office.
Lynden Valley Industrial Park Letter of Credit: A letter of credit in the amount of $18,825 was received from Falcon Bank of Foley. This will be held until the roads are accepted by the township and all bills have been paid, including a $75 snowplow bill from last year. The roads were constructed in August of 2007. The developer must request township acceptance of the roads. Dave made a motion to accept the letter of credit in the amount of $18,825, seconded by Jerry, all in favor motion passed.
City of Clearwater Fire Contract: There has been no response to our requests for a copy of their budget and the formation of a fire commission. Del will contact Jennifer, the City Administrator.
Septic System: The septic system has been repaired. Dave mapped the septic tank and the pipes to the building. It will be kept on file. A fence was discussed. Dave will follow up with Dan for installation.
Sign Inventory: The inventory is complete but the data entry has not been done. All signs are required to be upgraded to higher reflectivity standards. We will discuss this project at the 2010 annual meeting.
200th Street Reconstruction Bids: Brian Shultz of Duffy Engineering was present. He is handling the engineering for the 200th St project. The bids were opened and the results were as follows: Knife River-$318.854.70, Mid Minnesota Hot Mix-$315,986.20, Central MN Specialists-$390,445.70, Hard Drives-$332,772.90. Brian will review the bids before final acceptance. He will follow up with Jerry.
17492 County Road 44: Ron will follow up with Mike Couri on this issue. Review in August.
20404 13th Ave S.: Ron is working with the property owner to get the abandoned house removed. Del knows the owner and called to discuss it. She was informed they could have the building removed by October 1st. Ron has been talking to the property owner’s son. He will follow up on the October 1st deadline.
Response Delivery: Area residents Jason Lauermann and Tammy Tetrick stated there are ongoing problems with this business. They said there has been little improvement in noise level. They described some specific incidents and Jerry asked them to document each one and to contact the sheriff. Ron stated the business owner wants to be cooperative and resolve the problems. They will be applying for revision of their conditional use permit (CUP). James Kantor, Planning Commission Administrator, will set up a site visit when the application is received. This CUP should be reviewed at the July 27th Planning Commission meeting. Review in August.
Pool Fence Violations: The property owner at 14872 Hidden River Dr. has confirmed that construction on their fence will begin shortly. Another resident on Hidden River Dr. will complete the fencing on his above-ground pool soon. The other pool in question has been called a natural pond. Ron will research this issue to determine the need for compliance. He will have a report in August.
Messer Barn Clean Up: Though some clean up has been done on the property, the work on the barn is not complete. Jerry talked to the property owner who said clean up will be completed by September 1st. Dave questioned whether the court ordered clean-up would expire. Jerry will follow up on this. If the work is not done by September 1st, the township will get bids to finish the project.
Dover Road: Jerry gave a short demonstration of the infiltration that could be used on Dover Road. The area that would be proposed for this is by the home of Liz White. It will not be very costly and sounds like a plan that could work. In conclusion the board told Jerry to move forward with the plan. He will have the information at the August meeting.
Wind Generator in the Industrial Park at JK Storage: A new unit has been placed on the tower that was originally constructed without a permit. Though the area is zoned industrial, the tower does not meet the required setbacks. A letter will be sent to the property owner asking them to come to next month’s meeting to discuss this issue.
The annual levy form was reviewed. Dave made a motion to approve the 2010 levy and send the form to the Stearns County Auditor-Treasurer’s Office, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Jerry attended a CapX 2020 meeting on June 22nd. Routes for the proposed electric line were reviewed at this meeting. An additional alternate route through Lynden Township has been added. Potentially affected property owners have been notified and there is still time to provide public input.
A letter will be sent to a resident on Franklin Rd to remove a fence that has been placed in the right of way. He will be asked to have it removed by July 15th. Mowing ditches will soon start.
A speed radar trailer will be placed on Eaglewood Road to remind people of the speed limit. It was suggested that it be placed in a few different locations on the road. Jerry will be handling this. Jerry will also follow up on the placement of traffic counters on three of the more heavily traveled township roads.
A resident from 189th St. was present to ask the township board to consider a tar overlay on the road. He said the road is in bad shape and suggested that the overlay could be completed while the 200th St. project is done. His opinion was it would save the township money to do it now rather than have to redo the entire road later. Jerry will discuss this with Brian from Duffy Engineering. Review in August.
Correspondence was reviewed:
The township received a Permitted Use Form from a resident on 200th St. who has a home based business. This document will be filed.
Information from County Attorney Janelle Kendall’s office was received stating that the township will receive a portion of court fine revenue if they pass a resolution. The proposed resolution was reviewed and Dave made a motion to approve Resolution 2009-5, seconded by Jerry, all in favor motion passed. Del will deliver a copy of the resolution to the County Attorney’s office.
The summer short course training session will be offered by MN Association of Townships on Monday July 20th. Karen and Anne will be attending. Jerry will attend in the afternoon.
A five year road construction plan was received from the Stearns County Highway Department. It was reviewed and will be filed.
Stearns County has a new land management information tool that is available via subscription to townships. Anne will follow up on this.
MN Pollution Control Agency sent a letter stating they are extending the permit for the community septic system in the Grass Lake area for the next five years. This will be kept on file.
Dave is trying to locate some land that has been determined to be under the ownership of Lynden Township. Review in August.
Meeting dates for July 2009:
Planning Commission – July 27th 6:00pm
Bills were reviewed and paid.
Anne made a motion to approve the bills and accept the correspondence, seconded by Jerry, all in favor motion passed.
Anne made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dave, all in favor motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 10.01 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Del Moeller, Lynden Township Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Lynden Township Chair
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman and Dave Johnson, Treasurer Karen Weeres and Clerk Del Moeller. Jerry Finch was not present. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Anne asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Karolyn Boucher, Web Site Administrator, asked to review the township’s website. Anne made a motion to approve the agenda with the addition, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Anne asked if there were any corrections to the minutes. There were none; Dave made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. There were no questions. Anne made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report, seconded by Dave, all in favor motion passed.
A certificate of deposit (CD) valued at $107,886.80 matures June 11, 2009. After a short discussion, Dave made a motion to authorize Karen to research interest rates on CD’s and money market funds available through Annandale Bank and choose the option with the best interest rate, seconded by Anne all in favor motion passed.
Ron Wasmund, Township Building Inspector:
17492 County Road 44: The property owner has not responded to Ron’s second letter regarding illegal occupancy. Ron talked with Kyle Hartnett an attorney at the office of Mike Couri, Township Attorney. They will send a certified letter. Ron will follow up with Mike for enforcement.
Response Delivery: Ron and Jerry Finch met with a representative from Response Delivery on site. The company wants to work with the township to achieve compliance. Specific issues were discussed with possible solutions. If they want to park vehicles outside, they will need to apply for an amendment to their Conditional Use Permit (CUP). Ron said the septic must be located because nothing can be parked there. Review in July.
20404 13th Ave S.: Ron had a discussion with the owner of the property about removing the abandoned building. They are considering having the township complete the work and assess the costs to the property. Ron will determine next steps to ensure compliance. Del will also talk to the property owners’ son.
Pool Fence Violation: The property address is 14872 Hidden River Dr. Ron received a letter from Mr. Pearson explaining his plans to fence the pool in order to comply with the ordinance. Review in July.
3006 Fulton Building Permit: A permit was issued and all questions have been resolved.
Messer Property Clean Up: Dave spoke to Tom Dobson from Annandale Bank who informed him that the bank is not involved because the property is no longer in foreclosure. Mr. Messer is now responsible for the clean up. A building permit has been issued for some work on the house, but no further clean up of the barn has been completed. After a short discussion it was determined that the township will move forward with securing bids to finish the clean up. Del will ask Jerry to handle. Review in July.
1535 200th St. & 18464 Driftwood Rd.: These two properties are in violation and the information was previously sent to Stearns County Environment Services (SCES). Dave will write a letter to Don Adams, Director of SCES, to see what action is being taken. Del will send the letter.
Lynden Valley Letter of Credit: The letter of credit (LOC) must be renewed by July 1st. Del sent a letter with a deadline of June 10th. If a new LOC is not received, a second letter will be sent certified before the township draws on the existing LOC before its expiration.
Annandale Fire Truck: Discussion ensued about charges for Annandale Fire Department’s new fire truck. The township is not buying equipment, but we contract for the department’s services and pay a share of their expenses. Dave suggested we table this topic until he has more information from the Annandale Fire Department. Dave will inform Del when this should be put back on the agenda.
Clearwater Fire Contract: A letter was sent to the mayor and city council of the city of Clearwater informing them that the township would sign the fire contract after review of their final budget numbers. They need to provide us with the information. The letter also reiterated our desire for the formation of a Clearwater Area Fire Commission. Review in July.
Kevin Winkelman (Lumley Property): Kevin was not present.
200th St. Reconstruction: Duffy Engineering is managing the project for the township. The township will advertise for bids and the project will be completed this year. Jerry will report next month.
Levy Form: Review in July.
Town Hall Septic Repair: The final bill came in $300 higher than the original estimate of $500. The system was originally installed incorrectly and that error was corrected by the contractor performing the repairs. Karen asked Del to get proof of insurance from the contractor. The bill will be paid in full at the July meeting. There was discussion about protecting the septic system by putting some sort of fencing at the edge of the parking lot and placing plants around the area. Dave will look into the project. Review in July.
Karolyn has not updated any new forms on the township web site because she is not sure who will be replacing her as Planning Commission Administrator. Interviews are planned for Monday June 8th.
James Kantor was present at the meeting. Anne asked him if he would be interested in becoming a member of the Planning Commission. The position was explained to him and he was given Del’s phone number. He will contact Del if he wants to be considered for the position.
Karolyn said the web site is missing Resolution 2009-1. Del found the resolution and Karolyn will post it.
Dave located TJ’s Small Engine Repair. The address is 16155 5th Ave. Dave will give the information to Rick. Dave has started an inventory of Lynden Township road signs. We must be in compliance with new reflectivity standards for all signs by 2012. It was noted that costs for signs should be included in developer’s agreements.
Meeting dates for June 2009:
Planning Commission Interviews – June 8th 6:00pm
Planning Commission – June 29th 6:00pm
Bills were reviewed and paid and correspondence was reviewed.
Anne made a motion to accept the bills and correspondence, seconded by Dave, all in favor motion passed.
Anne made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dave, all in favor motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Del Moeller Anne Ackerman
Lynden Township Clerk Lynden Township Chair
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson, Treasurer Karen Weeres and Deputy Clerk Jenny Schmidt. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Anne asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Dover Road was added under unfinished business. Dave made a motion to approve the agenda with the changes, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.
Anne asked if there were any corrections to the minutes. There were none. Jerry made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Chelle Benson’s bill was fairly high due to not being submitted for approximately 4 months. Jerry made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Ron Wasmund, Township Building Inspector:
17492 County Rd 44: No response to Ron’s business card that was left on the door. Due to lack of response, Ron has now sent a letter to Township Attorney Mike Couri requesting prosecution. Table to June meeting.
Response Delivery (200th St.): Ron has now had contact with General Manager Dave Hengel and discussed the violation of the Conditional Use Permit (CUP). Hengel states he was not made aware of the CUP by the previous owner. Ron will get a meeting set up with Hengel, Jerry Finch and himself very soon. Neighbors submitted written concerns. Table to June meeting.
Pool Fence Violation: Ron sent a certified letter out to the owners at 14872 Hidden River Dr. today. Ron expects a follow up inspection by June 4. Table to June meeting.
Messer Property Clean Up: Some clean-up has taken place, but not near enough. Jerry spoke with Tom Dobson at Annandale State Bank. If the Bank has not taken over the property, and it sounds like they have not, either the township continues negotiations with Messer or proceeds with the bids for clean-up. Dave will follow up. Table to June meeting.
Eaglewood Road building permit: Deck/porch: Ron to verify set-backs being met
13th Ave Structure Removal: Ron to check. Table to June meeting.
Daisy Circle: Roofing permit? Ron to check.
Annandale Fire Department (Brian Haag): Annandale Fire Dept hopes to replace its 1987 Pumper Truck in 2010. Projected cost is $400,000. Their current truck is 22 years old and not economical to repair. All other Townships have approved this request. Next step is the City Council. Townships have either a cash option or a 5 year note. The Board expressed it disappointment because they were given no prior notice before it was discussed at the annual meeting. Better communication is expected. Brian agreed to lock in the township’s current contracted rate for five years if the township chooses the cash option. The Board will discuss and make its decision.
Dover Rd: The two residents who asked that this be placed on the agenda are not present. Neely and Willicks were present and live on that road and ask the Board what projects are planned for Dover. The Board indicated there are no immediate plans for asphalt. Jerry is attempting to crown the road so that the water runs off both sides. There is an infiltration basin that may help with this. He will also try and assist with the diversion of water into Willick’s rock bed.
Floodplain Boundary-Pearson Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS): The Board received a letter from Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES)/Don Adams dated 4/28/09, but the letter does not address the 500/100 year floodplain boundary question. This letter also states the appeal time has run. Dave made a motion to allow Ron to send a letter to Pearson with notification of the proper elevation for placement of the WECS, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Lynden Township Resolution 2009-02: Special Protection Overlay Districts was reviewed.
Jerry made a motion to adopt Resolution 2009-02, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed. All resolutions are available on the township’s web site. Anne will forward to Karolyn Boucher to post.
Clearwater Watershed Meeting – May 20: Jerry will attend and he will notify Dennis Lowen. Jerry will contact Ken Bachofer to see if he is interested in attending.
Clearwater Fire Contract: Anne would like to see a Clearwater Area Fire Commission established before the fire contract is signed. Dave made a motion to table this contract until we see their adopted preliminary budget, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Eaglewood Parking Signs: Jerry will let Del know which signs to order and will get them posted.
Sun Plastics/Paul Amundson: Sun Plastics building is now vacant. Possible renter: Internet Auctions/Ron Wolseth. Wolseth’s sponsor is K-Bid. This business basically allows buyers to look at items on line. If a purchase is made, option of pick-up or ship. Wolseth expects to move around 200 items per week. He hopes to store all inside, but there may be some outside. The original building was constructed around 1980, so there is no CUP. He is aware of the covenant regarding fencing. The Board is concerned about outside storage and also directed Wolseth to Ordinance #2.1 for more restrictive signage regulations. The Board determined that his proposed use is permitted and instructed him to submit a permitted use form. He was also informed that if he wants any outside storage, he will need to construct a fence or apply for a CUP for a designated display area. Follow up will occur at a planning commission meeting.
Lynden Valley Letter of Credit Renewal: The letter of credit expires 7/1/09. Anne will review the Developers Agreement and notify Mr. Herges. Table to June meeting.
200th St. Engineering Study: Two bids have been received. Jerry recommends he be allowed to talk to Bonestroo and Duffy regarding the evaluation, design and construction services of 200th Street. No objections. Table to June meeting.
Traffic Counters: Jerry is taking care of this.
Lynden Township Resolution 2009-03: Meeting Tapes was reviewed.
Jerry made a motion to adopt Resolution 2009-03, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Lynden Township Resolution 2009-04: Stop Sign was reviewed.
Dave made a motion to adopt Resolution 2009-04, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.
Levy Form: Del will prepare and be ready by June. Tabled to June meeting.
Approval of Meeting Minutes:
April 13 Board of Equalization. Dave made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
April 18 Spring Road Tour. Dunmore: Del is sending out violation letter. John Austin: Dave will report back. Daisy Circle: Jerry will contact.
Meeting dates: May 28 6:00 p.m. Planning Commission
June 1 7:00 p.m. Monthly Meeting
June 8 6:00 p.m. Planning Commission Interviews
Correspondence was reviewed.
Bills were reviewed.
Anne made a motion to accept the correspondence and approve the bills, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Anne made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:02 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Del Moeller, Lynden Township Clerk Anne Ackerman, Lynden Township Chair
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch, Dave Johnson, Karen Weeres and Clerk Del Moeller. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Anne asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Susan Furey asked to speak about parking on Eaglewood Road. There was a short discussion about the expansion of wireless internet service in the township but it was not added to the agenda. Dave asked to have the Annandale Fire Department added. Anne made a motion to approve the agenda with the changes, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Anne asked if there were any corrections to the minutes. There were none; Dave made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. There were no questions. Jerry made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Dave, all in favor motion passed.
Ron Wasmund, Township Building Inspector:
17492 County Road 44: Ron has not followed up. Review in May.
Cell Tower on 27th Ave.: All issues have been resolved; Ron will issue the building permit.
Response Delivery: Ron sent a letter to the manager, Dave Hengel, asking him to attend this meeting. He was not present and did not respond to the letter. There is not a mailbox at their address: 2314 200th St. Ron will send a certified letter asking for a written plan detailing how they will comply with the conditional use permit (CUP) that was issued for the premises. Jason Lauermann was present and expressed additional concern about damage to the driveway and ditch in front of his house. Jerry will talk to John Sanner, Stearns County Sheriff, to discuss additional tools for compliance. Review in May.
Pool Fence Violation: Ron has not followed up since an initial letter was sent last fall. He will follow up now that it is warm enough for a fence to be installed. Property address is 14872 Hidden River Dr.
Messer Property Clean Up: The property now has a solid waste problem that must be dealt with as soon as possible. The property has been taken over by Annandale Bank. Discussion ensued. Jerry will talk to Troy at Stearns County Environmental Service (SCES) and Tom Dobson at Annandale Bank to get the property cleaned up quickly. Review in May.
Anne provided Ron with the contact information of a resident on Grass Lake who had called about building a home. Ron explained that he is working with Insurance Service Office (ISO) to review the township’s enforcement of the building code. Ron said the efforts could ultimately reduce homeowner’s insurance premiums. Ron will keep us informed as the process is completed.
Building Permit Surcharge: There was a question about when the township is charged for preparation of the state surcharge report. Ron will ensure we are being charged correctly.
Hodnefield Administrative Split: There has been a request from Todd Hodnefield for a land split. This was reviewed at the last planning commission meeting. The county has determined the proposed split qualifies as administrative. The township has no jurisdiction over administrative splits but must issue a Certificate of Compliance. Anne has prepared the necessary paperwork. Dave made a motion to authorize the chair and clerk to sign the Certificate of Compliance, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed. Dave affixed the township seal to the document. The original copy will be given to Sandra Hodnefield when she arrives; a copy will be kept in our files.
Eaglewood Road: Residents present expressed concern about the possible placement of no parking signs on Eaglewood Road. Discussion ensued about the dangers of people parking on the road so close to the intersection. It was concluded that “No Parking Here to Corner” signs will be installed as a safety measure. The exact placement of the signs will be determined after the road tour. Jerry also informed the residents that the 25 mph speed limit is now enforceable on Eaglewood.
A question was asked about snow plows hitting a mail box. Anne explained the township’s contractor is only responsible if the resident has installed one of the approved swing-away mailbox supports.
Anne presented a draft resolution about shoreland protection districts. Changes were suggested. This will be revised and reviewed at the next planning commission meeting.
Clearwater Fire Department Contract: Anne read in the Clearwater Tribune they found a possible $7000 reduction in the fire department budget. She asked Del to check with the Clearwater City Administrator if that would lower our contract amount since it is partially based on the budget. Del will follow up.
Mike Holman, Lynden Township Assessor: Mike informed the board that market values have gone down for the first time in years. Changes in Green Acres will be the only increases in valuation. The Tax Equalization Meeting will be held April 13th. Many residents have signed up for appointments and most will be coming with appraisals. Randy Vait had a question about his property compared to a neighbor. The board asked him to return for the meeting April 13th to discuss his situation.
Short Course Training: Information on how to deal with property clean up was given to the clerks. Del will make a copy of the information and give it to the board members in May. Anne was told by a township attorney that if we passed a resolution stating the purpose of recording meetings was to assist the Clerk and Planning Commission Administrator with the minutes, the tapes would not have to be saved. Dave will prepare a resolution.
Mileage Rates: The township can pass a resolution stating that mileage is reimbursed at the current IRS rate so nothing will have to be done as the rate varies. Dave will prepare a resolution.
Minutes from March Meetings: Minutes from the March 10th Annual Meeting, March 12th Canvass and Organization Meetings, and March 16th Public Hearing Sullivan Road Vacation meeting were reviewed. Anne made a motion to approve the minutes from all the meetings, Jerry seconded the motion, all in favor, motion passed.
Jerry received a call from a property owner along County Road 45. They found fifty tires dumped on their property. After discussion it was determined that Jerry would check out the situation and make a decision on how it will be handled when the tires are brought to the township clean up.
Dave will attend the Annandale Fire Meeting April 16th. He thinks a representative from Annandale should come in front of the board. They never attended a monthly meeting as promised before the annual meeting. As a result, the board was unaware of possible options relating to their purchase of a new truck. Dave will follow up with this.
Anne would like to attend the April 23rd township training. Dave made a motion to authorize Anne to attend the meeting with her expenses reimbursed, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
The condition of 200th Street was discussed. Jerry has asked for proposals from two engineering firms to determine the costs for each firm to manage the potential reconstruction project.
Clearwater Watershed District is planning a regional meeting next month to deal with water quality issues. They have asked for representation from the township board. Jerry will attend. Ken Bachofer also expressed interest in learning more about the goals of the group. Jerry will follow up with Ken to see if he wants to attend the initial meeting with Jerry.
Dave made a motion to authorize the chair and the clerk to sign the contract for Allied Waste for recycling services, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Del will fill out the levy form for the county; review at the May meeting.
Meeting dates for April 2009:
Tax Equalization Meeting – April 13th 7:00pm
Annandale Fire Meeting (Dave Johnson) – April 16th 7:00pm
Spring Road Tour – April 18th Meet at Township Hall 8:00am
Planning Commission – April 20th 6:00pm
Township Officers Meeting – April 24th Freeport City Hall 7:00pm
Clean Up Day Clearwater Maintenance Building – April 25th 8:00am till 11:00am
Bills were reviewed and paid.
Anne made a motion to accept the bills and correspondence, seconded by Jerry, all in favor motion passed.
Anne made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dave, all in favor motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:07p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Del Moeller, Lynden Township Clerk Anne Ackerman, Lynden Township Chair
Del Moeller called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Dave Johnson made a motion to elect Brian Nickolauson to moderate the annual meeting; Gail Bradford seconded the motion, all in favor motion passed.
Minutes of the previous year’s annual meeting were available to all residents in attendance. Brian asked if the reading of the minutes from the 2008 annual meeting could be waived. Dave Johnson made a motion to waive the reading of the minutes from last year, seconded by Gail Bradford, all in favor, motion passed.
Dennis Nierngarten made a motion to waive reading of all checks written and received, seconded by John Austin, all in favor, motion passed.
Anne Ackerman thanked township resident and business owner John Koshiol for the use of the LCD projector for the township meeting. The 2008 treasurer’s report was available for review. Anne Ackerman presented highlights of the report. She introduced Karen Weeres, Township Treasurer, and thanked her for her service. The Township keeps a second set of financial records in Quicken which is used to run the reports. The annual audit was completed and both sets of books balanced with the Annandale Bank statements. Anne explained the bank accounts including the checking account which is used for everyday expenses and has a balance of $223,807.40 and the savings accounts which constitute the tarring fund. Some of the tarring fund is held in certificates of deposit which generated $9271 in interest last year. The tarring fund balance is $387,070. A motion was made by Rick Holman to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Gail Bradford, all in favor, motion passed.
Newspaper: We are currently using the St. Cloud Daily Times and Clearwater Tribune, plus posting meeting notices at the township hall. Gail Bradford made a motion to retain the papers, Bill Bradford seconded the motion, all in favor, motion passed.
Attorney: Couri, MacArthur & Ruppe have represented Lynden Township again this past year. Dave Johnson made a motion to retain Couri, MacArthur & Ruppe, seconded by Randy Pullis, all in favor, motion passed.
Depository of Funds: The Township utilizes Annandale Bank. Rick Holman made a motion to retain Annandale Bank, seconded by Dave Johnson, all in favor motion passed.
Recycling: Allied Waste Services has provided the township’s recycling service for the past year. A motion was made by Gail Bradford to retain Allied Waste as the recycling service, seconded by Randy Pullis, all in favor motion passed.
Annandale Fire: Scott Picken and Greg Brown represented the Annandale Fire Department. Scott stated the fire department responded to 12 calls in Lynden Township, all were rescue calls. In 2010 the proposed cost will be $9,418, the same as the previous year. In addition to the cost of service, Scott also presented the department’s proposal to purchase a new truck. The township’s share could be paid in one lump sum or over five years with interest. Dave Johnson attended the Annandale fire meeting and stated there was no discussion of the lump sum payment option. We will discuss our options later when we review the proposed levy for next year.
Doug Neiters, Clearwater Fire Chief, represented the Clearwater Fire Department. Lee Monk, mayor of Clearwater, was also present. Doug presented the 2010 contract for fire protection. Doug explained there were several meetings between the City of Clearwater, Clearwater Township and Lynden Township. The meetings resulted in a new formula for fire contract calculations where 67% of the cost is based on a three year rolling call average and 33% is based on dividing a third of the annual department budget three ways. The 2010 proposed budget for the township is $57,624. Dave Johnson thanked the fire departments for their service.
Anne presented the annual township update. She started her presentation with pictures taken around the township. Most of the pictures were provided by township resident Ken Bachofer. Ken is a volunteer Minnesota Master Naturalist who does an amazing job capturing the beauty of our township. Ken was thanked for his contributions.
Anne introduced the rest of the town board and the planning commission members who were present. Anne explained the role of the township’s Planning Commission. Interviews are held every May. She thanked Karolyn Boucher, the township’s webmaster, for her work keeping our web site up to date.
Anne reviewed general township information and noted upcoming important dates: Township Clean Up will be April 25th, and the Tax Equalization meeting will be held April 13th at 7:00 p.m. by appointments made with the County Assessor.
Anne reviewed the ordinance and comprehensive plan updates that were completed this year. Anne explained the majority of the changes related to alternative energy and wind energy conversion systems (WECS). The township supports alternative energy and WECS in appropriate locations, specifically industrial and agricultural areas. The township adopted a more restrictive standard to allow smaller towers in residential areas, but towers above 40 feet will require a conditional use permit (CUP). Anne explained these changes were triggered by a CUP application the township denied to place a WECS in the Hidden River subdivision. The applicant was given an alternative site to place the tower in the common area of the subdivision instead of along the Clearwater River. The applicant is appealing the township’s decision and moved the proposed location closer to the river thus falling under Stearns County’s jurisdiction in the shoreland area. The County Planning Commission supported the township’s position and recommended denial of the CUP application. Members of the town board testified in front of the County Commissioners who had the final decision. Despite the township’s opposition, the commissioners voted to approve the CUP. Lee Lenzmeier, Stearns County Commissioner, was not present at the meeting. Anne expressed her disappointment that Mr. Lenzmeier would not be available to explain to township residents why he ignored the opinions of the people who elected him, the township board, and the county’s planning commission.
The Clearwater Watershed District is forming a task force to deal with water quality issues. They would like to have a representative from Lynden Township and additional citizen input. If interested, call Del Moeller at 558-6610.
CapX2020 Electric Expansion: The transmission line will go from Fargo to Monticello through Lynden Township. It will have 150 foot tall single pole towers spaced about 1000 feet apart. There is a 150 foot corridor easement. The preferred route has been established along the I-94 corridor. The township was in support of that route. There are two alterative routes. Maps of the route proposals and informational brochures are available. Potentially impacted property owners will be notified by mail. Jeff Kempin was thanked for his efforts in support of the I-94 corridor.
Building Permits were down in 2008. There were 87 permits issued. Permits were for additions, remodels, roofing, siding, windows, plumbing, and accessory buildings. This is the first year with no new single family home permits issued.
Anne introduced Ron Wasmund from Inspectron Inc. Ron is the township’s Building Inspector. At the annual meeting last year there were many questions regarding building permits. Ron presented information explaining the building permit process and enforcement of the Minnesota building code. Inspectron can be reached at their toll free phone number 1-800-322-6153 and via their web site Building permit packets with complete instructions are available. Bob Broich asked if a building permit was needed before constructing a wind tower. Ron explained it is required. Bob Klaverkamp said he thought the $75 permit fee imposed for agricultural buildings was unnecessary. Ron explained the reasoning behind the site inspection fee.
Anne gave a township road update and thanked Jerry Finch for his work managing the roads. The township continues to work to improve the condition of our roads. Residents asked if calcium chloride could be applied earlier in the season. Jerry said he will attempt to do so. Anne explained feasibility studies were competed in 2008 on two different roads. The first was a result of a petition received from the residents of Frankfurt and Fairfax Roads. The project was not completed. The second was to determine the cost of continuing the tar on Franklin Road. An appraiser was also hired to determine possible assessment amounts for property owners. A public hearing was held, the majority of property owners were against it, and the project did not move forward. The township’s tarring policy was discussed at length. Tarring is driven by recommended traffic counts. Many residents expressed their desire for the township to tar more roads. Anne explained the tarring fund levy for 2010 was proposed to be reduced to $20,000 because no roads currently warrant tarring. Extensive discussion followed and many residents felt the number was too low. Bob Klaverkamp suggested using tarring funds for the reconstruction of 200th Street. It was established that updated traffic counts will be completed on the three busiest township roads to determine if any roads may warrant future tarring.
The Annandale fire contract was discussed. It was determined the township could pay their share for the new truck in a lump sum, but levy the cost over five years. The levy for 2010 would be $12,616. Dave Johnson made a motion to approve the proposed Annandale fire levy, seconded by Gail Bradford, all in favor, motion passed.
After continued discussion about tarring funds and the proposed levy, Gail Bradford made a motion to approve the proposed levy for 2010 as follows:
Road and Bridge – $125,000
Snow Removal – $25,000
General Government – $97,000
Annandale Fire – $12,616
Clearwater Fire – $57,624
Tarring Fund – $40,000
Total — $357,240
Dave Johnson, seconded the motion, the motion passed by a hand count.
Election results were announced as follows:
Number of voters: 198 signatures on the polling place roster
11 accepted absentee ballots
Candidate: Jerry Finch (Supervisor) Votes Received: 146
Candidate: Valorie La Beau Muggli (Supervisor) Votes Received: 59
Candidate: Karen Weeres (Treasurer) Votes Received: 190
Bill Schmidt received one write-in vote for supervisor.
Jerry Finch won the term for Supervisor and Karen Weeres won Treasurer.
John Austin made a motion to set the date for the 2010 Annual Meeting on March 9th, seconded by Dave Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.
Bill Schmidt made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Rick Holman, all in favor, motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Del Moeller, Lynden Township Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Lynden Township Chair
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch, Dave Johnson, and Clerk Del Moeller. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Anne asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Jason Lauermann was added to the agenda. Dave asked to have letterhead reviewed after the minutes were approved. Jerry made a motion to approve the agenda with the changes, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Anne asked if there were any corrections to the minutes. There were none; Dave made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
A draft of the township letterhead was presented by Dave. Dave noted that the address on the letterhead is the physical address of the town hall. Dave suggested the post office should forward all mail to the township clerk’s address. Karolyn Boucher, Planning Commission Administrator, will handle that with the post office. Anne made a motion to adopt the letterhead for all township correspondence, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. There were no questions. Jerry made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Dave, all in favor motion passed.
Ron Wasmund, Township Building Inspector:
17492 County Road 44: Ron sent a letter to the owner to set up a time for the required inspections. Ron will have a report in April.
Ron will be presenting building permit information at the annual meeting. Anne will add his outline to the PowerPoint presentation. He will be available for questions from residents.
Messer Property Clean Up: Dave has not heard from Troy at Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES) regarding the solid waste clean up. Dave will follow up. A hearing on the barn clean up is scheduled for March 9th. Mike Couri, township attorney, will handle it. Report in April.
Russ Pearson Wind Tower: The County Commissioners approved a conditional use permit (CUP) for the proposed wind tower in the shoreland district, despite the township’s opposition and the recommendation for denial by the county planning commission. Bob Alsop, the attorney assigned by Minnesota Association of Townships (MAT) to handle the case, said the case against the township has not been dropped. They are asking for a six month delay. Bob recommended we accept their proposal. Dave was against this. Anne explained the attorney said it would be expensive to fight their request and the court would most likely grant the request. Discussion ensued and it was determined we should accept the advice of our attorney. It was noted that a building permit for the tower will be required from the township. Del will note that in a letter to Heidi at SCES.
Anne asked Del to check on the fire contract from Clearwater. Del will follow up with Fire Chief Doug Neiters to see if he plans to attend the annual meeting.
Sullivan Road Petition: Al and Pam Sullivan presented a valid petition for the township to consider vacation of a road. The road is an undeveloped platted road that runs through their property, Lots 1-3, Block 4 Clearwater Harbor, Section 32, Lynden Township, Stearns County. It is PID #19.10571.000. After a short discussion, Anne made a motion to accept the petition; Dave amended the motion to add that the Township Chair and Clerk are authorized to sign the order to set the public hearing, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed. The public hearing was set for March 16th at 7:00 pm. Del will handle the required publication and notices. Pam signed a form for release of damages.
Brian Haag, Annandale Fire Chief, was not present.
CapX 2020: Tim Carlesgaard was present. He handles public affairs for the CapX 2020 electric line project. Tim explained that certificate of need for the project has been approved. Tim presented a map and reviewed the proposed routes through the township. Their preference is along the I-94 corridor, though MN DOT has issues with the proposal. Alternate routes have also been mapped. Public meetings will be held as the route is finalized. Notices will be published in area newspapers and affected landowner will receive a direct mailing. Tim left a map of Lynden Township with route alternatives noted. It will be available for residents to review at the annual meeting.
Jason Lauermann has concerns with Response Delivery, a business located directly across from his property on 200th St. East. Tammy Tetrick was also present. Jason and Tammy explained the problems with the semi trucks arriving nightly, including noise at all hours, and numerous vehicles parked on the roadway. Trucks often use Jason’s property to turn around and have caused damage to his mailbox, ditch and driveway. They sometimes leave a trailer sitting overnight with the refrigeration unit still running. He said numerous delivery trucks are parked in the lot, including a damaged truck that has been there for two years. The board explained that the area is zoned limited industrial and their business is a permitted use. Del found a CUP that was issued for the previous business in 1999. Response Delivery is required to abide by the conditions in that permit. They are currently in violation of the condition stating that no vehicles can be parked outside. It was determined that Ron Wasmund will handle the violation. He will contact the manager and ask him to attend the April 6th monthly meeting. At that time we will address the violation and also discuss noise issues and damage to the roadway. Add to April agenda.
Certificate of Compliance for Dan & Kristi Moeller: The Moellers are executing an administrative subdivision of their property. A certificate of compliance was presented. Jerry made a motion to approve the issuance of a certificate of compliance and authorize the chair and clerk to sign the document, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
P.O. Box: Karolyn explained there no longer a need to have a post office box in Clearwater. She will close the box before the post office moves to the new location.
Dave stated we should order a 911 sign for the township hall. Del will handle.
Annual Meeting: The proposed agenda was reviewed. Dave will check if Brian Haag from the Annandale Fire Department will attend or if another representative will be there.
Karolyn will prepare some handouts for the annual meeting concerning recycling and clean up day. She will also post the date of the annual meeting and the agenda on our web site.
The audit and budget minutes from February 24th were reviewed. Dave made a motion to approve the minutes for both meetings, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Swearing in for elected officials will be completed at the Spring Short Course March 23rd. Del will issue the required certificates of election.
Correspondence was reviewed:
The bridge report was received from the Highway Department. They have a bridge marked that is not in Lynden Township. Dave will follow up. Review in April.
Information was received from Roger Brown’s final plat. He was also assigned a fire number. Del will file this information and order the 911 sign.
The Supervisors must be recertified before the 2010 tax equalization meeting. Mike Holman will be at the April monthly meeting; at that time we will ask about information on recertification.
The Stearns County plat book has been updated; the cost is $40. Dave made a motion for the clerk to purchase one for the township, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
A notice from the DNR was received stating they are working to combine the Scenic River District rules with the Shoreland rules. Jerry is on the district shoreland committee; he will follow up.
A survey from Stearns County on hazards was received. The survey was completed and Del will return it to the County.
A notice was received asking for the township’s cooperation with the 2010 Census. It will be noted in the fall newsletter, and a notice will be put on the web site.
Meeting dates for March 2009:
Annual Meeting – March 10th 8:00 pm
Public Hearing for Sullivan Road Vacation Petition – March 16th at 7:00 pm
County Ordinance Update Meeting – Collegeville Township Hall – March 18th 7:00 pm
Township Officers 2009 Spring Course – St. Cloud Holiday Inn – March 23rd 9:00 am to 3:30 pm
Canvass Meeting/Organization Meeting to Follow – March 12th 6:00 pm
Planning Commission – March 30th 6:00 pm
Bills were reviewed and paid.
Anne made a motion to accept the bills and correspondence, seconded by Dave, all in favor motion passed.
Anne made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dave, all in favor motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:15p.m.
Del Moeller, Lynden Township Clerk Anne Ackerman, Lynden Township Chair
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch, Dave Johnson, and Clerk Del Moeller. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Anne asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. One item concerning a complaint was removed from the agenda. Dave added two items to the agenda. Anne made a motion to approve the agenda with the changes, seconded by Jerry all in favor, motion passed.
Anne asked if there were any corrections to the minutes. There were none; Jerry made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. There were no questions. Jerry made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Dave, all in favor motion passed.
Pearson v. Lynden Township: Pearson’s conditional use permit (CUP) application to place a wind tower in the shoreland district was considered on January 15th by the Stearns County Planning Commission (SCPC. The SCPC voted to recommend denial to the county board. The Stearns County Commissioners have set a public hearing for February 17th at 10:15 a.m. to consider the matter. Jerry and Anne will attend to present the township’s position. The hearing date for the Pearson’s appeal of the township’s decision has been moved to April 9th at 9:00 a.m.
TJ Small Engine Repair: This is an issue for the planning commission. Karolyn has sent the form for permitted or provisional use registration to TJ Engine Repair. There is no application fee. Follow up will occur at the Planning Commission meeting in February.
Clearwater Fire Contract: Lynden Township, Clearwater Township, and the City of Clearwater met January 29th to discuss the fire contract formula. An agreement was reached at this meeting. This will be reviewed at the annual meeting March 10th.
The parking issue on Eaglewood Road has been resolved. Jerry will call Bill and Barb Keigan to inform them. Jerry suggested we get no parking signs for that area. Jerry will review the catalog and find an appropriate sign to post in the spring.
The Comprehensive Plan changes were approved at the planning commission meeting on January 26th. Copies will be distributed to the board and planning commission members. A copy will be placed at the Clearwater Library. Karolyn Boucher, Planning Commission Administrator, will handle this.
Ordinance 2009-1 was approved at the January 26th meeting. It was signed, the township seal was applied and Del will ensure it is recorded and copies disseminated appropriately.
Jerry explained there is a change in variance definition as a result of a legislative ruling. We will need to make adjustments to our findings of fact. This will be reviewed with the planning commission.
Dave proposed using township letterhead for all correspondence. Dave made a motion to adopt letterhead essentially in the form he presented, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed. Dave will forward the final version and it will be used for all township correspondence in the future.
Alcohol Compliance: Dave suggested Lynden Township should send letters of recognition to the three businesses that were checked in Clearwater and were all in compliance. They are Eagle Trace Golfer’s Club, Flintstones, and Little Dukes Liquor. There were 28 violations found out of 96 establishments checked. Dave will draft the letters.
Dick Holthaus: Dave questioned that his property is still in Gustafson’s name. Dick has stopped pursuing subdividing the property so the ownership of the parcel is not an issue for the township.
Karen Weeres, Treasurer, questioned if Chelle Benson, Lynden Township Consultant, should receive a 1099 instead of a W-2. Dave will check with Mike Couri, Township Attorney, for his opinion.
Spring Newsletter: Karolyn reviewed the proposed content and article assignments were given. Deadline for submissions is February 20th. Anne asked Karolyn to add a notice that Ron Wasmund, Township Building Inspector, will be attending the annual meeting on March 10th. He will give a presentation and be available for questions. Karolyn will send a copy of the newsletter to be reviewed by the board members for any additions or corrections. The mailing will be done on March 3rd.
The Public Hearing for February 3rd was discussed. Sean Clark will make a short presentation of the findings of the feasibility study completed on Franklin Road.
Correspondence was reviewed. Bills were reviewed.
Ron Wasmund arrived; building permits were reviewed. Ron was given a copy of ordinance 2009-1, which requires agricultural buildings to secure a site permit. The cost will be $75.
The form for provisional and permitted uses was reviewed with Ron. It will be provided to businesses when they apply for a building permit. Karolyn will make the form available on the township’s website and Ron will add the form to Inspectron’s website.
17492 County Road 44: The home owner canceled the appointment Ron had set for January 13th and said he would call Ron to reschedule. Ron has not heard from him. Ron will follow up with a letter detailing what action needs to be taken. Review in March.
Election Judges: A list of names of election judges for the March 10th annual election was reviewed. Marlice Finch was removed form the list due to Jerry’s presence on the ballot. Dave made a motion to approve the list, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed from the fire contract meetings and the Public Hearings for proposed ordinance and comprehensive plan changes. Anne made a motion to approve the minutes from the meetings, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Jerry presented the three year road plan he has developed.
A complaint was received about the house and yard area of the Messer property on County Road 145. Dave will send a letter to Don Adams, Stearns County Environmental Services, for the county to handle it under their nuisance ordinance. Review in March.
Meeting dates for February 2009:
Public Hearings February 3rd 7:00 p.m. Franklin Road Feasibility Study
Planning Commission February 23rd 6:00 p.m.
Audit and Budget Meetings February 24th 6:00 p.m.
Anne made a motion to accept the bills and correspondence, seconded by Dave, all in favor motion passed.
Anne made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dave, all in favor motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:36 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Del Moeller, Lynden Township Clerk Anne Ackerman, Lynden Township Chair
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch, Dave Johnson, and Clerk Del Moeller. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Anne asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Jerry asked to add the fire contract. There were no other additions. Anne made a motion to approve the agenda with the addition, seconded by Jerry all in favor, motion passed.
Anne asked if there were any corrections to the minutes. There were none; Jerry made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. There were no questions. Jerry made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Dave, all in favor motion passed.
Roger Brown was present to get signatures on his final RKB plat. Dave made a motion to authorize the Chair, Anne Ackerman, Clerk Del Moeller and Planning Commission Chair Rick Holman to sign the final plat. Jerry seconded the motion, all in favor, motion passed. The preliminary plat was approved at the October 24th Planning Commission meeting. Roger stated there were no changes. The township has no jurisdiction over this platting process because all lots are at least 20 acres. The plat was signed.
Ron Wasmund, Township Building Inspector:
17492 County Road 44: Ron made a personal call to this address. There are several issues with this property. Ron will meet on January 13th with the resident. He will have a report on this at the next meeting.
22096 Fairmont Rd.: Dormers were installed without a permit. There was a short discussion. Ron informed the board that Inspectron would not bill the township or the homeowner for the investigation fee.
Agricultural Building Inspections: Anne informed Ron that there will be a Public Hearing on January 12th to hear input on proposed changes to our ordinance and comprehensive plan. Per Ron’s recommendation, the changes include imposing a site permit requirement for agricultural buildings. This would allow Inspectron to confirm setbacks and building placement. The proposed fee would be $75. The board will inform Ron if the ordinance is changed.
Scott Michalski: There were question about the building that was being built on his property. Jerry checked with Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES). There are no issues with this property.
TJ Small Engine Repair: Jerry talked with the owner today. He gave him Karolyn’s phone number. This is an issue for the planning commission. Anne will forward Karolyn the form for permitted or provisional uses in the township. Review in February.
Building permits were reviewed; Ron provided a summary of 2008 building permits.
Jim Schulz, P.E., Project Manger for SEH: Jim presented the results of the feasibility study and estimated costs for Franklin Road improvements. The study was divided into two parts: Franklin Road from the end of the existing tar to Plum Creek, and from Plum Creek to County Road 75 including 222nd St. East. The estimated cost for the entire project was $786,170. Jim also presented the results from the independent appraiser who was hired to determine potential increases in property values as a result of the improvements. A lengthy discussion ensued and the board set a date for a Public Hearing on Tuesday February 3rd at 7:00 p.m. SEH will handle the notifications, mailings, and public hearing as part of the feasibility study agreement.
Messer Barn Clean Up, 18464 Driftwood Road, and 1536 200th St. will have no further action until spring. Del will add the first two to the agenda in April. 1536 200th St. will be reviewed in July.
Eaglewood Road Parking: There is a problem with cars parking on the side of the road waiting for the school bus. Jerry will look in to the situation. Review in February.
Bonestroo Bill: Anne contacted Bonestroo about the bill for the Fairfax/Frankfurt Road feasibility study. Bonestroo agreed to reduce the bill by $1034, which were the costs associated with notification for the public hearing. The remaining balance will be paid tonight.
Pearson v. Lynden Township: A hearing date for Pearson’s appeal has been set for March 6th at 9:00 a.m. Despite the pending litigation, the Pearsons have applied to Stearns County to place the proposed wind tower in the shoreland area of the Clearwater River, thus falling outside township jurisdiction. A public hearing with the Stearns County Planning Commission has been set for January 15th at 7:00 p.m. Jerry is a member of that board and will research the proposal. Discussion ensued. Anne will prepare a statement of the township’s position on this issue and will attend the January 15th meeting to present it to the planning commission. This meeting will be posted. Anne will continue to keep Bob Alsop informed. He is the attorney from Kennedy & Graven who is handling our case.
Clearwater Fire Contract: The township would like to reach a fair agreement with the City of Clearwater. Jerry will contact the St. Augusta City Clerk and Dave will check with the Annandale City Clerk to see if they would be interested in covering more of Lynden Township in case we are unable to reach an agreement with the City. Del will contact Clearwater Township Clerk to set a date to discuss the issue. She will also contact the City of Clearwater to see if they have set a date for the joint meeting.
Jerry prepared a notice about residents placing snow in the right of way. He distributed them in residents’ paper boxes by Grass Lake. Jerry will send it to Karolyn to post it on the township
There is a septic system problem at the Township Hall. Jerry suggested that we do not rent out the town hall until the issue can be resolved and repairs completed in the spring. Del will inform Pat Voigt.
Meeting dates for January 2009:
Public Hearings January 12th at 7:00 and 7:15 p.m. Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan Changes
Planning Commission January26th at 6:00 p.m.
Public Hearing February 3rd 7:00 p.m. Franklin Road Project
Anne asked Del to mail an invoice to Bob Herges and letters about two dog violations.
Correspondence was reviewed. Bills were reviewed and paid.
Anne made a motion to accept the bills and correspondence, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Anne made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dave, all in favor motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:47 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Del Moeller, Lynden Township Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Lynden Township Chair