Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson. Deputy Clerk Jenny Schmidt and treasurer Karen Weeres were also present. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Anne asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Anne asked that snow removal be added. Jerry asked to add Eaglewood Road Sheriff’s report. Anne made a motion to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed. Jerry made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Discussion was held regarding expected income and market value reductions. Anne made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Review of Building Permits (Ron Wasmund, Inspectron): A written report was submitted for filing. Gordy Hennen met with Ron regarding remodeling at his residence.
1656 Davenport Rd. – Grain Bin Removal: Gary Utsch of Inspectron was contacted by the owner of the bin. He informed the owner that the bin must be removed by December 17th or further action would be taken. Gary will complete a physical inspection on December 18th and inform the supervisors of the status.
18652 Eaglewood – Deck Permit: Ron Wasmund of Inspectron hand delivered a permit application to the owners prior to November 25, but has not received anything back. He expects the document soon based on conversations with the owner. Stearns County Environment Services (SCES) has jurisdiction regarding issuance of a site permit due to the shoreland location of the deck. Review in January.
Sun Plastics Driveway: Jerry was informed by the tenant that the access is temporary and will be removed when they are no longer using the property. Jerry believes any damage to township roads from heavy equipment will be repaired at their expense. The tenant has submitted a permitted / provisional use registration.
Industrial Park Outdoor Storage: Jerry will follow up on this issue as the container is still on premise. Review in January.
Firearms Permit – Mary Lambert: Lynden Township has received a completed and signed Permitted / Provisional use registration from Lambert. Her intent is to run an on-line internet business selling guns, with no retail business. The registration was accepted and filed. No further action is necessary.
200th Street No Parking Signs: The signs have been received and a map for installation provided.
Eaglewood Road – Sheriff Report: Stearns County Sheriff’s Department patrolled this area from September 30 through December 1. The report indicates:
• 58 vehicles targeted
• average speed 23 mph
• 18 traffic stops resulting in verbal warnings
The Sheriff is willing to continue to monitor the road upon request. Jerry also had contact with the Sheriff regarding parking violations on the 149th Street cul de sac.
Industrial Park New Business: Wayne Jandik has purchased the property at 1950 202nd Street, which is between Warner Park and the former Mathison Motors site. The intended use is warehousing, storage, and distribution for on-line auctions, similar to a K-Bid. This is a permitted use. There might be some revolving inventory that may occasionally be outside, but nothing long term. It was noted that if he intends to store anything outside it must be screened. No retail site is intended at this time. Retail would require a conditional use permit. The township’s more restrictive sign ordinance was reviewed. Jandik will be in contact with Ron Wasmund regarding Permitted / Provisional Use registration, signage and fencing. Stearns County has already inspected the septic. He is hoping to start construction in a few weeks.
Approve Meeting Minutes from October 12, 2010 Continuation of Annual Meeting: Dave made a motion to approve the minutes from October 12, 2010, continuation of the annual meeting, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.
Snow Removal: Jerry continues to field calls regarding slippery, icy roads. He has a very good working relationship with our plowing contractor, Schendzielos, and will continue to follow up on issues. Anne fielded a call from Nick Schmidt on County Road 44 regarding a mailbox that was damaged by a plow and will refer him to the Stearns County Highway Department.
Filing Notice Due for Publication: The filing for Lynden Township offices will be open from December 28 through January 11 for the March 8, 2011 election. The Clerk is to publish the notice two times in the St. Cloud Times and the Clearwater Tribune and post the notice at the town hall.
Recent Newsletter: James Kantor, Planning Commission Administrator, indicated the missing labels were due to Stearns County’s Beacon system only allowing a search for up to 1000 records at a time. The issue has been corrected and the affected residents will receive the newsletter shortly.
Mileage Rates: The IRS standard reimbursement rate beginning January 1, 2011 will be $0.51 / mile.
Meeting Dates: Planning Commission – December meeting cancelled.
January Monthly Meeting – January 3, 7:00 p.m.
Planning Commission – January 24, 6:00 p.m.
Planning Commission – January 31, 6:00 p.m.
Correspondence: Stearns County Assessor / Steve Chmielewski Appraiser
Census Bureau Boundary and Annexation Survey (Anne)
Anne made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Bills were reviewed. Anne made a motion to accept the bills and authorize payment of check numbers 5003 through 5046, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Dave made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Deputy Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson. Deputy Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Karen Weeres were also present. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Anne asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Dave made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed. Jerry made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Anne made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Review of Building Permits: No written report was available but Gary Utsch the township’s locally based building inspector from Inspectron was present. Gary was provided a copy of the revised Stearns County Zoning Ordinance #439.
Grain Bin Removal: A letter was sent on October 13 stating removal must be completed within 30 days. Gary indicated the mailbox is no longer there, so not sure if the letter was received. He will either visit the site and hand-deliver the letter or post the letter on the door. If the bin is not removed by November 15th, the case will be forwarded to the township attorney for action. Gary will keep the board informed.
Sun Plastics Driveway: Jerry believes this is a temporary issue and the new driveway will be removed after their business in the area is finished. The culvert is plastic and does not meet the township’s specifications. Jerry will follow up to get a permitted use form on file and include an agreement that outlines restoration should township roads incur any damage from their equipment.
Accessory Building Mike Albers – 19th Avenue: Stearns County noted this property is located within the Scenic River District, so a site permit was issued through their office.
18652 Eaglewood Deck / Platform: A complaint was received regarding a deck being built close to Long Lake. Gary will follow up to determine if a building permit is needed and verify that the County has issued a site permit for the construction.
Gordy & Dolly Bielke: 18658 17th Ave East. The residents indicate they wish to demolish their existing structure and move in a rambler home currently located in Moorhead. This new structure would utilize the existing foundation. Discussion ensued with the Board and the Building Inspector and the following steps were reviewed with the Bielke’s:
• The movers are to contact Inspectron to verify the home has been inspected and the inspection paperwork must be provided for Inspectron’s review before the structure is moved into the township.
• They must apply for a demolition permit through Inspectron before work commences.
• The concrete contractor is to contact Inspectron for a permit before footings are poured.
• When appropriate, Inspectron will follow up with a notice of intent to issue a permit to the County, which gives the County 5 days to respond. The County will determine if the existing septic system needs to be certified.
17th Ave Nuisance Violation: Stearns County is holding off on any further action with the violation until the proposed accessory building is built. Remove from the agenda.
Road Tour Follow-Up:
• 13th Avenue shoulders have been fixed for the winter, but issues remain. Will need to address in the spring.
• Industrial Park Outdoor Storage – Jerry will review and report back next month.
• Donahue cul de sac Repair – Tar not available at this time of year. Jerry will pursue a temporary patch if possible.
• Eaglewood Road – Jerry to follow up in spring with possible white center lines on the curves.
Qwest Cable Burial / 222nd Street: Pursuant to direction from Township Attorney Mike Couri, Jerry signed the document and returned it to Qwest.
Firearms Permit / 193rd Street: The Township received an inquiry from the Department of Justice. A resident is requesting to sell firearms out of their home. Dave will review and respond accordingly.
Foxtail Court: Jerry has resolved the issue regarding water run off.
200th Street Trucks: An allegation was brought forth that Response Delivery trucks were driving in someone’s yard. Dave has ordered the no parking signs that were previously discussed and will follow through with installation.
Meeting dates: Planning Commission – November 15 @ 6:00 p.m.
Mississippi River Training – November 29 @ 5:30 p.m.
December Monthly Meeting – December 6th @ 7:00 p.m.
Planning Commission – December 13 @ 6:00 p.m.
Correspondence: Clearwater Watershed District – CD for Ken Bachofer
Conditional Use Permit from County – Cory Zenzen (File)
Construction Site Permit from County – Vernon Wipper (File)
Annual Weed Control Report – Dave will submit
Order Confirming Sale / Regional Land Holdings Judgment
A discussion was held regarding our recent newsletter. Some residents did not receive their copy. James will follow up with the County’s address generation system.
Dave noted November 30th is the last day to certify any special assessments to the county auditor for inclusion in taxes.
Anne made a motion to approve the bills and accept the correspondence; Dave amended the motion to include payment of the bills utilizing check numbers 4982 through 5001, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Dave made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:24 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Deputy Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair
Township Deputy Clerk Jenny Schmidt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Dave Johnson made a motion to elect Brian Nickolauson to moderate the continuation of the annual meeting, Jerry Finch seconded the motion, all in favor, motion passed.
The order of business for the meeting is to finalize the levy amount for Lynden Township. At the March annual meeting we recessed the meeting in order to retain the opportunity to deal with possible unallotment issues.
The original proposal was $351,403.
Treasurer Karen Weeres, gave a brief report regarding our current financial position. She noted additional property tax income will be collected in December.
Anne Ackerman stated that despite the fact that we are losing $13,000 from the Governor’s unallotment, we should not need to raise the levy by that amount.
Jerry Finch agreed with Anne’s assessment. It was noted that the township can continue to attempt to save money where possible without cutting services. We can tap into our reserve funds if necessary. Especially with the current economic uncertainty, the Township Board does not want to increase the township’s portion of residents’ property taxes.
Dave Johnson concurred, stating $351,403.00 is sufficient, but noted that this number is exclusive of any market value credits from the state.
Jerry Finch made a motion to certify the final levy for Lynden Township at $351,403, which is the original amount which was discussed in March 2010, with no increase. Motion seconded by Dave Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.
Deputy Clerk Jenny Schmidt is to deliver the Statement of Town Officers Elected, Taxes Voted and Bond Certificate to the Stearns County Auditors Office on October 13, 2010.
Dave Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 p.m., seconded by Jerry Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt
Deputy Clerk
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson. Deputy Clerk Jenny Schmidt was present. Treasurer Karen Weeres was absent but submitted a report. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Anne asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Jeff Meyer from Pro Tire asked to be added. Anne made a motion to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed. Dave made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Jerry made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.
Review of Building Permits (Ron Wasmund, Inspectron): Ron was not present. A written report of permits was submitted and reviewed and will be filed.
Hydrology Report (Eaglewood): Duffy Engineering submitted a hydrology report about the old culvert area on Eaglewood road by the Long Lake lagoon. The engineer’s findings indicate the road is stable and safe. It was reiterated that the township only has jurisdiction over the road. Additional issues should be addressed with the DNR.
Pro Tire – Jeff Meyer: Pro Tire has moved his existing business from the Franklin building to the building that Pat Haegle formerly occupied. A few issues were discussed and direction given:
• Moving the sign should not be an issue as long as the sign is within 150 sq feet.
• The stand alone “Yokohama” sign must meet a 36 sq feet requirement.
• Contact Building Inspector Ron Wasmund for questions regarding water / septic.
• Wood pile by the road – Meyer should contact Haegle.
• Road easement – Meyer was informed the road is a private road, dedicated for public use but not maintained by Lynden Township. The road was not built to township specifications and was not accepted by the township. If further development occurs to the west, the road would need to be improved before it could be accepted and maintained.
17th Ave Nuisance Violation: A bus remains parked on the property. Issue remains open.
Newsletter: Karolyn Boucher, Newsletter Editor, has the first page draft complete. Submissions are still coming, but it should be ready for mailing on October 19.
Election Follow Up Issues: Karolyn will take a more active role as Head Election Judge due to Clerk Del Moeller’s medical leave. This includes required publication, testing materials, scheduling of judges, and delivery of documents. The same election judges who were approved for the primary will also handle the general election. Anne made a motion to approve the election judges, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Road Tour Follow Up: The road tour took place on October 2, 2010. A summary of issues was reviewed. The document has been filed with the town clerk. A few items need to be addressed:
• 13th Ave road is fine, but the shoulder is slumping. Jerry will follow up.
• Business in industrial park south of Z Marine – Outside storage or shipping container issue. Will be reviewed.
• Eaglewood – The Township responded to residents “speed monitor” request. The Sheriff has agreed to provide deputies to monitor speed and issue citations accordingly.
Access to County Documents: Stearns County has a new information system that allows access to recorded documents for a per page fee. A township account has been established and the system can be accessed via the beacon portal.
Annual Meeting Continuation: The continued meeting is set for October 12, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. There we will discuss the proposed levy and the impact of a reduction in local government aid. Anne proposed adding $14,000 to the number that was discussed at the annual meeting to make up for the reduction in aid. This would allow for discussion at the scheduled meeting. The levy could only be reduced at that meeting, not increased. By adding the amount of aid lost to our preliminary levy, the option remains for us to keep it in or revert back to the original levy proposal. Jerry agreed. Dave disagreed and stressed the importance of having a separate line item in our budget for local government aid. Jerry made a motion to take the levy amount talked about at the annual meeting in March, plus $14,000 and send this to the county auditor as a preliminary levy, seconded by Anne, motion passed with a 2 to 1 vote. The levy form was filled out and Jenny will deliver it to Jerry at the Stearns County Auditor’s office tomorrow, October 5, with a copy to Del for filing. The final levy will be determined at the October 12th meeting.
Meeting Dates: Continuation of Annual meeting – Oct 12th 7:00 p.m.
Planning Commission – October 25th 6:00 p.m.
November monthly meeting – November 1st 7:00 p.m.
Correspondence: Qwest buried cable – Jerry to forward to Township Attorney Mike Couri for review
Stearns County Road Mileage Report – Jerry to review for newly
accepted asphalt roads and file with the county highway engineer
Insurance Liability Coverage – To Del for filing
Anne made a motion to approve the bills and accept the correspondence, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Jerry made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:57 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Deputy Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson. Treasurer Karen Weeres and Deputy Clerk Jenny Schmidt were also present. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Anne asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Niles Bierschenk, who is leasing the Sun Plastics building asked to be added. Anne made a motion to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed. Jerry made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Jerry made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.
Review of Building Permits (Ron Wasmund, Inspectron): Ron was not present. Reports were reviewed and given to Township Clerk Del Moeller for filing.
ITT Core Sampling (Eaglewood): Duffy Engineering submitted a letter stating they have reviewed three borings from the area in question. Based upon these samples, they have determined that the road bed material is stable and the existing road bed meets or exceeds our road specifications. It is their opinion that the road is adequate and only needs routine maintenance. Anne and Jerry are both satisfied with Duffy’s opinion. Dave questions whether this report is sufficient to address the residents’ concerns. He requests we consider having a hydrologic engineer review the road and possibly the video of water seepage. Jerry will follow up with Duffy regarding hydrologists and report back at the October meeting.
It was noted that the formation of a Lake Improvement District is the best long term solution to issues relating to the Long Lake lagoon.
Dick Nohner requested the speed on Eaglewood Road be addressed. After discussion, it was decided that Jerry would ask the Stearns County Sheriff to occasionally monitor speeds on the road and determine the possibility of hiring an off duty officer for specific periods of time.
Niles Bierschenk / Sun Plastics: He has rented the Sun Plastics Building for an 18 month period. His company is working on the CapX power line project. He intends to have office desks and minimal storage inside the building. Trucks may be parked outside the building at night. The Board determined this is a permitted use in this area but we need confirmation from them that if there is any damage to our township roads, they will cover the cost of repair. Jerry will work with Mr. Bierschenk on this issue.
17th Ave Nuisance Violation: Troy Freihammer of Stearns County Environmental Services suggested closing the complaint since efforts at abatement are taking place. Jerry has asked him to leave the issue open to address a bus still on the property.
Regional Land Holdings Judgment: There has been a Judgment entered and the property will be sold. The township’s Developer’s Agreement remains intact and enforceable. The Sheriff’s sale is set for October 20, 2010. Anne will follow up with Michael Couri, Township Attorney, regarding our costs and will attempt to recoup them.
Dover Road No Trespassing Signs: The signs have been removed. Lynden Township will continue to maintain the road as we have been.
K&M River Heights: A $500 check was received from John Bowden to cover the costs of crack filling. Anne made a motion to approve Resolution #2010-3, A Resolution accepting platted roads for maintenance by the township, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed. The original will go to Del for filing with a copy to Township Webmaster Karolyn Boucher to post to the township’s web site.
Election Follow Up / Town Hall Issues: Karolyn and Del will handle the scheduling of the election judges for the general election. Karolyn suggests 6 judges at all times. The Board approved this request. A list of minor town hall maintenance issues was discussed and will be handled.
No Parking & Other Signs: The sign order has been placed by Del but she has not received it yet. Dave will follow up with Del. Dave also provided a visual description of where the no parking signs should be placed on 200th Street in the industrial area. Dave could find no specific regulations on placement so he is using municipal standards. He will also discuss the “break away” post design with Dan Moeller.
Document Server: Planning Administrator James Kantor, Planning Commission Chair Rick Holman, Consultant Chelle Benson, and Anne will continue to work on this project. Karen Weeres will be given access to post treasurer documents.
Newsletter: Karolyn and the Board discussed its contents. The deadline for submissions is October 5th, with copy going to the printer by October 15th so the mailing can go out on October 19th. It was noted there will be no fall clean up day.
Meeting Dates:
County Ordinance Training – Sept 15th 7:00 p.m.
Planning Commission – Sept 27th 6:00 p.m.
Road Tour – October 2nd 8:00 a.m.
October Monthly Meeting – Oct 4th 7:00 p.m.
Continuation of Annual Meeting – Oct 12th 7:00 p.m.
Proof of publication – Notice of testing auto mark machine
Election Systems – Service report
Fairhaven Township – Brushing on 13th Avenue (Jerry will handle)
Couri MacArthur – Rate increase of $5.00 per hour
Boy Scout calendar – Conflict with Oct 12 (James to notify troop)
Anne made a motion to approve the bills and accept the correspondence, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Dave made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:03 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Deputy Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson. Treasurer Karen Weeres, Clerk Del Moeller who covered from 7:00 to 7:30 and Deputy Clerk Jenny Schmidt who covered from 7:30 to the end of the meeting were also present. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Anne asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. There were none. Anne made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed. Dave made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Jerry made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.
Review of Building Permits (Ron Wasmund, Inspectron): Discussion was held regarding a permit request by Greg Potthoff. He is building a new patio home, but would like to leave a portion of the basement of the original home to use as a storm shelter. The permit will allow the structure as an accessory building, not for occupancy. Six months after the occupancy permit for the new home is issued, the old structure must be removed. Permit reports were reviewed and given to Del for filing.
Design Electric: It has been verified that a business is not being operated out of this area and the current outdoor storage is not a violation. This is a closed issue.
Long & Crooked Lake Association: The Board continued to urge the Lake Association to form a Lake Improvement District, which would then have taxing authority for issues relating to the lakes. It was acknowledged that the process would take some time to complete. It was reiterated that the Board only has authority over the road, not the lake and water levels. Discussion continued regarding the Long Lake lagoon and whether Eaglewood Road in that area is at risk because of the crushed culvert underneath the road surface. Jerry has contacted Duffy Engineering and they will manage the process of core sampling in that area and will make a recommendation to the Town Board prior to the September monthly meeting. Jerry will forward the information to the Lake Association.
Regional Land Holdings – Letter of Credit: Bob Herges, the developer of Lynden Valley Industrial Park requested the return of his letter of credit. Anne stated the township released the letter of credit when Resolution # 2009-6 was passed and the roads were accepted. Del located the letter and was instructed to return it to Herges. It was noted that Regional Land Holdings property in the township is in foreclosure and the township’s attorneys are working to keep our developer’s agreement in force. We will attempt to recoup any legal costs expended. Anne will follow up with our attorney.
200th Street No Parking Signs: Jerry verified with Stearns County that the township is allowed to post “no parking” signs as long as we have an ordinance in place. If we do post signs, we should provide the Stearns County Sheriff’s Department with the information so that enforcement can take place. Jerry made a motion to post no parking signs to encompass the Lynden Industrial Park on both sides of 200th Street, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed. Dave will get Del the specifics for ordering signs. Jerry will provide the information to the Sheriff.
Dover Road Repairs: A major repair was avoided by re-grading the road surface to divert the flow of water to the opposite side of the road. The cost was $1800. Issue closed.
Dover Road No Trespassing Signs: Township Attorney, Mike Couri sent a letter on 7/27/10 to Shirley and Kevin Winkelman indicting they must immediately remove any signs. If they are not removed, the Township has the authority to do so. The Board decided if the signs are not removed by Friday, August 6th, 2010, township maintenance man Dan Moeller should remove any signs and store them at the township hall.
K&M River Heights Roads: James Kantor, Planning Commission Administrator, confirmed via the County’s database that the roads in the development are dedicated to the public. This needed to be confirmed in order to consider the roads for acceptance. The township had a crack filling contractor in the area and Jerry authorized them to fill the cracks on the roads. The cost was $500 and the township paid the bill. Jerry will contact residents John Bowden and Gary Stang to notify them that when the township is reimbursed for the crack filling the roads will be considered for acceptance.
17th Avenue Nuisance Violation: Jerry met with Troy Freihammer of Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES). The violation and abatement order has been sent to the Stearns County Attorney’s office for review. The County Attorney is reviewing the order. The County is also attempting to determine whether an unauthorized business is being run on this property.
189th Street / 7th Avenue: These two roads were not crack filled and the contractor recommended a chip coating process, which should last 7 to 10 years. A bid was reviewed and Anne made a motion to authorize expenditure of up to $12,500 for the chip coating of 189th Street and 7th Avenues with the money to come from the tarring fund, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Beachwood / Basswood Signs: Del was instructed to order these two signs along with others noted by Jerry and Dave. Maintenance man Dan Moeller is to erect them.
County Ordinance Changes: Jerry indicated the County will offer a training session some time this fall. The township should continue to review our ordinance in the meantime.
Dave asked that a reminder be placed on the home page of the township website regarding the Green Acres program. The deadline for submission is August 16th. James will contact Karolyn Boucher, Township Webmaster.
Meeting Dates: Document Server Training – August 16th 6:00 p.m
Planning Commission – August 31st 6:00 p.m. (subject to cancellation if no agenda items)
September Monthly meeting – Sept 13th 7:00 p.m.
CAP X – Final Route Report reviewed and filed.
District 5 meeting August 18 – Jerry may attend.
Letter received regarding American National Bank Civil Action.
Township Legal Seminar will be held September 9th.
Stearns County – Amendment to Ordinance 439 received.
MN Dept of Revenue Market Value Credit Reduction – This will be held by Del until Oct 12th (Continuation of Annual Meeting).
Anne made a motion to approve the bills and accept the correspondence, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Anne made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Deputy Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson. Treasurer Karen Weeres and Deputy Clerk Jenny Schmidt were also present. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Anne asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Anne asked that we include signs under the Long & Crooked Lake agenda item. Jerry Finch requested we add Dover Road. Anne made a motion to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed. Jerry made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Anne made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
CLOSED MEETING: American National Bank vs. Regional Land Holdings: This issue was resolved in a closed session. The session was attended by a representative from our township attorney’s office Robert Ruppe, Esq., Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson. MN law allows a closed session to address litigation. Minutes of this closed meeting will be made public once the litigation is complete.
Kramer Variance Recording: It has been verified that the variance has been recorded.
Design Electric: Ron did a quick site visit. There are 3 semis, a one ton dump truck, one aluminum flat bed, an enclosed van, and 3 boats in the yard. The business does not operate out of this area, but the question of outdoor storage of items remains. It is unclear if the storage constitutes “operation of business”. Gary and Ron will follow up and report back. Pend to August meeting.
2275 197th St.: Per Ron, the building is empty with no new construction.
No Parking Ordinance: Dave provided the proposed general parking prohibition ordinance. It is Ordinance #2010-1 for general purposes, but Ordinance #4 for recording purposes. This ordinance was partially intended to address two sections of Eaglewood Road, but general in nature. Anne made a motion to approve Ordinance #4 and to authorize the Town Board Chair and Town Clerk Del Moeller to sign, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed. Del will handle recording of the document.
Signs on 200th Street: Jerry will research general criteria and any requirements for posting no parking signage on a through street. Pend to August meeting.
Building Permits / Ron Wasmund: Reports were given to Del to file. Ron informed the Board that the insurance rating information has been given to Webmaster Karolyn Boucher. Karolyn has also posted to the web the information regarding the temporary surcharge increase on building permits. Ron was reminded to send email notification of building permit applications to the Board.
Long & Crooked Lake Association: Ken Bachofer informed the Board that the Association received a grant and is ready to have the “stop aquatic hitchhikers” signs posted at the landing. Due to the joint venture, Lynden Township will provide the posts and pay for the labor to install the signs. Del will follow up with Ken and Dan Moeller, Township maintenance man.
Long and Crooked Lake Association: Discussion continued regarding the lagoon culvert. Ken Bachofer submitted a written statement. Other area residents are concerned about the condition and possible erosion of the road near the lagoon, flooding and lake quality. They also have been in contact with the MN Department of Natural Resources (DNR) regarding the high water mark and ask that the Town Board put in a culvert to address these issues. Jerry provided information he received from Township Attorney Mike Couri and encouraged residents consider forming a Lake Improvement District (LID). Dave made a motion to authorize Supervisor Jerry Finch to contact an engineering firm to begin an assessment of the former culvert and determine what course of action can be taken by the Town Board, if any, to resolve this issue, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed. Pend to August meeting.
Library Donation: The bill for $2410.71 was Lynden Townships “rent” portion. Per the Town Board, Karen should pay the $2000 that was allocated at the annual meeting.
17th Ave Nuisance Violation: Jerry has no information. Pend to August.
Document Server: James Kantor, Planning Administrator, submitted a proposed plan that includes the objective, scope of services, costs and implementation schedule for the KnowledgeTree software. Dave made a motion to authorize expenditure as outlined in the 7/12/10 proposal, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.
Scanner: Dave made a motion to authorize expenditure, not to exceed $600, for the purchase of a scanner, based on the required specifications, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed. James will provide the specifications.
Dover Road: This road repair will be handled similar to the Fulton Circle repair. The township intends to slow the flow of water down by reconstructing the ditch on the north side of Dover and fill the ditch with a granite-like substance. Stearns County Soil and Water and the Lake Association intend to install an infiltration basin. The township work should be done within 2-3 weeks. Dave made a motion to authorize expenditure of up to
$8000, as per quote, for the project on Dover Road, seconded by Anne, all in favor,
motion passed. Jerry informed the board that he was made aware of a possible injury from a hole in the road. He discussed the situation with the road contractor.
Jerry also brought to the board’s attention a no trespassing sign on Dover Road. He will have Mike Couri address this.
K&M River Heights Roads: A request was received to have Lynden Township accept the roads. Anne responded indicating it is the property owners’ responsibility to provide the Board with a recorded document proving the roads are dedicated to public use. Jerry will inspect the condition of the roads and report back in August.
Clearwater Area Fire Commission: Clearwater Township has expressed interest in the formation of a fire commission. Anne will follow up and continue to update the Board.
Election Judges: 14 names were provided to the Board. A training session is scheduled for August 7th. Anne made a motion to approve the list of election judges, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
County Ordinance Changes: Del received copies of the updated ordinance. Board members and the planning commission will be given their copies on July 26th.
Traffic Counter Purchase: Anne made a motion to authorize expenditure of up to $300 for the purchase of a traffic counter, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Baxter Rd. / Beaverwood Rd.: Both Del and Dave received calls regarding issues on these roads. Since they are not township roads the board is not taking any action.
Meeting dates: Planning Commission July 26, 2010 6:00 p.m.
Correspondence: Certificates of Real Estate Value (Del to file)
City of St Cloud Bio Solids (Del to file)
Population and household information (Del to get to Karolyn)
Bills: $85.00 per hour mowing fees (Jerry to follow up)
Recycling bill has increased to $1990/month based on 398 users
Jerry informed the board the calcium will be applied this week
Anne made a motion to accept the correspondence and approve the bills, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Anne made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Deputy Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson. Treasurer Karen Weeres and Deputy Clerk Jenny Schmidt were also present. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Anne asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Resident Tom Middendorf requested to be added to the agenda to address Design Electric. Jerry Finch requested we add signage on Franklin Road. Anne made a motion to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed. Jerry made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Jerry made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Kramer Trailer: Trailer has been removed. Ron will follow up with Stearns County to make sure variances have been recorded. Remove from the agenda.
17492 Co Rd 44: Ron has been corresponding with an agent from AgStar Financial and they are holding the deed. Stearns County has a legal action against Keske. Remove from agenda. Ron will ask to add it in the future when there is an update.
Response Delivery: Doug Orvedahl, General Manager, has met with the concerned neighbors and made some adjustments. This seems to be addressing these issues. Remove from agenda.
215/250 Alder – New Construction Questions: Per Ron, both addresses have been issued permits and are in compliance.
Design Electric Permitted Use: Area resident Tom Middendorf questioned the activity at Design Electric (222nd St.). There are three semi-trailers on the property. Ron will follow up and report back in July. Pend to July meeting.
Tom Middendorf: Questioned the bill for clean-up of his property. Jerry was reimbursed for his time spent on this issue. This resolved Tom’s concerns.
No Parking Ordinance / Signs (200th & Eaglewood): Dave provided a sample ordinance from Mike Couri, Township Attorney. No public hearing is necessary. Place this on the Planning Commission agenda for June 28, 2010.
17th Ave Nuisance Violation: The case is active at the county level. Pend to July.
HAVA (Help America Vote Act) Grant: Lynden Township was not one of the recipients of this grant. Dave will make sure to apply the next time the grant is available.
Document Server (July Board Review): Rick Holman, Planning Commission Chair, and Anne Ackerman will preview it with James Kantor, Planning Administrator, before James presents it at the July monthly meeting.
Dick Powell – Certificate of Compliance: Mr. Powell presented a document illustrating an administrative split of land. Owner of tract A would be Richard and Barb Powell and this parcel would retain the existing building credit. Owner of tract B would be Rudy Pramann and this parcel would be considered unbuildable until rezoned. Anne made a motion to authorize issuance of a Certificate of Compliance for parcel #19.10354.0007, with tract A retaining the existing building credit and tract B being considered unbuildable until rezoned, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed. Anne will prepare the documents and leave them in the township mailbox for Mr. Powell to pick up.
Dick Powell – Administrative Action (Pauline Mathies): After review of these documents, the Board determined they could not issue a Certificate of Compliance regarding this land transaction due to Mr. Powell being the buyer, not the owner. Mr. Powell was referred to Stearns County to determine if this proposed split could be considered administrative in nature.
Legal Service: Stearns County Deputy Tony Kotschevar served the Lynden Town Board papers regarding Court file no. 73-CV-10-4497 American National Bank of MN vs. Regional Land and Holding, LLC and Lynden Township, a MN Township. Anne accepted service on behalf of the Board and will forward the document to Mike Couri.
Budget Adoption Format: Dave provided a sample of the budget format that Benton County currently uses. This format allows for identification of revenues and expenditures. Dave will submit a detailed Lynden Township proposal for consideration. Pend to October meeting.
Ken Bachofer/David Weeres – Long and Crooked Lake Assoc: The Association requests the township re-establish the original out-flow of water from the lagoon. They believe this flow of water was altered around 1970 when Eaglewood Road was built. They have found no document stating why the original out flow was changed, but request that the township design / re-establish some movement of water in the lagoon. Jerry will follow up with Mike Couri. Pend to July meeting.
Attorney / Client Email: Strike from agenda.
Library Donation: We received a bill for $2410.71. The amount that was approved at the annual meeting was $2000. Karen will follow up.
Crack Filling: A bid was received from Glieden Enterprises to crack fill the entire township. Jerry made a motion to authorize expenditure of this money for asphalt maintenance, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Pedestrian Sign on Franklin: We need to place a stop ahead sign on Franklin. Dave will take care of this.
Meeting dates: July Monthly Meeting July 12 @ 7:00 p.m.
Legal Seminar June 10th (Posting completed.)
Planning Commission June 28 @ 6:00 p.m.
Summer Short Course July 12
Correspondence: Certificates of Real Estate Value (Del to file)
Proof of Publication – Assessment Notice (Del to file)
Stearns County – Local Board of Appeal results (Del to file)
Anne made a motion to accept the correspondence and approve the bills, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Anne made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:54 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Deputy Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson.
Treasurer Karen Weeres and Deputy Clerk Jenny Schmidt were also present. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Anne asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. The spelling of Mike Holmen’s name was corrected. Dick Nohner asked to be added to address issues on Long Lake. Brian Musech asked to be added to update the township on the Lumley property. Dave Johnson asked to add 1) HAVA (Help America Vote Act) Grant 2) bonded indebtedness report 3) road sign update. Anne made a motion to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed. Dave made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Anne made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Mike Holmen (Stearns County Assessor): There were five dry land sales, one river sale and zero lake sales. The Assessor determined there was a 5% overall decline in residential value. Holmen indicated even though this is what the assessor determined, the Department of Revenue (DOR) does have the right to make changes. That is a possibility and if so, any changes would occur by mid June.
Review Building Permits (Ron Wasmund, Inspectron): Ron submitted his April reports for filing. A question was raised regarding Jerry Storms and a possible business being run out of his new home. Per Andy Anderson, that business was sold. A question was raised regarding 250 and 215 Alder Road. Did this owner apply for a permit? Ron will check into this and report back to the Board prior to the next monthly meeting. Ron indicated he will make every effort to continue to respond to township issues in a timely fashion and will keep the lines of communication open.
Response Delivery Issues: Tammy and Jason (neighbors to Response Delivery) expressed concern and frustration. Issues with parking on the road, the noise, and the back-up beepers continue, often late into the night. They questioned garbage service, a barrel business and un-licensed vehicles. Ron will follow up on these issues with a letter to the owner. The Board encouraged them to continue contacting the Sheriff regarding parking, but since this area is zoned light industrial, the township is limited in their actions. Dave will check with Mike Couri, Township Attorney, as to a parking resolution / ordinance. Review in June.
Dick Nohner: With fishing opener approaching, Dick would like to address enforcement of parking at the Long & Crooked Lake access and no parking on Eaglewood Road. Dave will also review this parking issue with Couri. Review in June.
Brian Musech (Lumley Property Update: It is very unlikely there will be one single buyer, so they are moving toward platting. Musech requested one single point of contact and was directed to contact Rick Holman (Planning Commission Chair). Musech was also strongly encouraged to first read the township’s subdivision ordinance before moving any further. The ordinance is very specific in the steps that must be taken.
20404 13th Ave S.: Clean up is completed and returned to grade. Remove from agenda.
17492 Co Rd 44 (Keske) Update: Ron has notified Ag Star Financial, the bank that owns the property, of the outstanding required inspections. Dave questioned how much money the township has spent on this issue and if we can we recoup any of that. He also asked how we get notified of the next sale of this property. We need to ensure the proper inspections are completed. Pend to June for Ron to follow up.
Kramer Trailer Removal: May 15 is the deadline for the trailer removal. Ron had contact with the owner on April 12 and April 21 in which he provided the applicable ordinance provisions and the building code requirements. Ron believes the intent is to replace the blue existing structure within its same footprint.
ISO Building Code Enforcement Report: Lynden Township’s Effectiveness Rating is 3, which is good. Del is to file the report in the building code file. Ron is to get information to Karolyn for web posting.
Permitted Business 16155 5th Ave: Dave indicates the correct address is 16155 5th Ave. The required form will be sent to the property owner asking them to return it. The sign complies with the township’s sign ordinance. This item can be taken off the agenda.
17th Ave. Nuisance Violation: Jerry spoke with a concerned neighbor about achieving compliance with the ordinance. Stearns County is actively pursuing this issue. Continue to review.
Short Course Follow Up: Dave noted that Resolution 2006-8 addresses three minimum maintenance roads (portions of Franklin, Lake Maria, & 8th Ave.), so no further follow up is needed.
Dave states each stop sign must have a stop ahead sign. He will work on ordering what is needed.
Employees vs. Independent Contractors and Volunteers – Any time direction and supervision is given to a worker, they become an employee. These casual employees should be calculated and listed under workers compensation as employees. Karen will watch for the annual request for information. Volunteers are not covered under workers compensation, but may be covered under our insurance policy (up to $7500).
Bond for Treasurer: Dave provided a document that indicates The Minnesota Association of Townships (MAT) Agency provides $100,000 of bond coverage for township officials. This agency also sends the statutorily required notice of bond coverage to the auditor annually.
Document Server: Per the request of James Kantor, this matter pended to June.
HAVA Grant: Dave has been checking the Secretary of State website for the outcome of the grant application, but nothing is noted yet. If Lynden does receive this grant, the deadline for signatures is May 31, 2010, which is prior to our next monthly meeting. Dave made a motion to authorize the town clerk and chair to sign such agreement upon its receipt, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed. Anne thanked Dave for his efforts to apply for the grant.
Road Sign Replacement: Dave attended a meeting regarding road signs on April 17th. The information indicated the posts must be a density of 3 pounds per foot and must be installed in a breakaway design. He will follow up on our needs. Del is to inform Dan to not install any signs without calling for a utility locator first.
CapX 2020: Not addressed. Stricken from agenda.
Road Tour Follow Up: Del is to order any new construction 911 signs. Approximately six are needed. Prior to any install, there needs to be a locator contacted.
Messer Clean Up: Even though the barn clean up is complete, the property still looks terrible. Gun shots have been heard and the Sheriff has been contacted regarding those shots. It was noted that the court order only involved clean up of the barn.
Meeting Dates: May 10th 7:00 p.m. Local Board of Appeals
June 8th 6:00 p.m. Planning Commission
June 7th 7:00 p.m. Monthly meeting
Correspondence: None
Anne made a motion to approve the bills, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Anne made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:26 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Deputy Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson. Treasurer Karen Weeres and Deputy Clerk Jenny Schmidt were also present. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Anne asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Kim Johnson from Dust Coating asked to be added. Anne made a motion to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed. Jerry made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Anne made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Ron Wasmund, Township Building Inspector, was not present. The Board discussed the lack of timely response from him. Anne will follow up with Ron. The clerk was instructed to file the permits by property identification number, unless there is a specific file for that particular person.
17492 Co Rd 44 Update: Will address later when Wasmund is present. Wasmund did not appear; never addressed.
ISO Building Code Enforcement Report: Will address later when Wasmund is present. Wasmund did not appear, never addressed.
Permitted Business 16155 5th Ave: Dave has discussed this with Mike Couri, Township Attorney. He will resend the application to the property owner. Anne questioned what size sign is allowed. Dave will review. Pend to May meeting.
HAVA Grant: This grant would allow for a handicap door opener. Request was for $4300; no response yet. Anne thanked Dave for his work on the application.
Wind Energy Production Report Tax: Karen checked with the Stearns County Auditor and was told that the production of the tower does not meet the threshold for taxation.
Kramer Follow Up: Follow up on trailer removal in May.
Technology Updates: Call Log: A document has been set up using Google docs. Township staff can register complaints / contacts, etc., post any action, enter any updates and record the resolution for issues.
Document Server: James Kantor, Planning Commission Administrator, asked for this to be pended to May meeting as he is still researching options.
17th Ave. Nuisance Violation: Stearns County Ordinance #333 governs this situation. Property owners were not present. Neighbors Kent Schumacher and Jesse Zieman were present. Discussion held. Jerry made a motion that the Lynden Township Board refer enforcement of the Nuisance Violation on 17th Ave. to Stearns County, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.
Kim Johnson, Dust Coating, Inc: Kim thanked Lynden Township for our business and looks forward to working with us in the future.
Dick Nohner: He had some questions regarding building permits. Referred to both Ron Wasmund and Don Kleumke at Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES).
149th St Damage: This is a Stearns County road approach, not a Township road. Jerry has made the County Highway Engineer aware of the issue.
Treasurer’s Record Retention: Pursuant to Resolution #2006-5, a record is made that the 2002 Claims are being recycled and the 2002 checks are being shredded.
Bond for Treasurer: Del will check with Minnesota Association of Townships (MAT) regarding the bonding statement on the bottom of an official document. Pend to May.
Short Course Review: Information exchanged. Dave will follow up on three items: 1) employees / contractors in relation to worker’s compensation 2) regulation regarding stop ahead signs 3) minimum maintenance roads resolution
Approve Meeting Minutes: Minutes from February 23, 2010 and March 22, 2010 were reviewed. Jerry made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed. Note: Annual meeting minutes are in draft form but will not be approved until 2011 Annual meeting.
Training Session: Anne requested to attend the April 22 Urban Short Course and a June 16 Training Session. Jerry made a motion to allow Anne to attend the courses, Dave modified the motion to include reimbursement by Lynden Township, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.
Meeting Dates: Road Tour – April 24th Follow up in May. Del to post.
Planning Commission – April 26th 6:00 p.m.
Board of Equalization – May 10th 7:00 p.m.
Correspondence: Long and Crooked Lake Assoc. is holding a public meeting 4/12/10 to develop a lake management plan. Supervisors may attend as interested public, not as Township officials. Del to post.
The proposed Clearwater Fire Contract was received. Questions still remain. The contract will not be signed until our questions are answered.
A mowing bid was received from Kunkel Lawn Care. Del will contact Joe Furey, the current mower, to see if he will match the bid. Del will follow up.
6/10/10 Couri MacArthur seminar: Board members are interested in attending this free seminar. Del to post.
Report of outstanding indebtedness: Karen will follow up.
Anne made a motion to approve the bills and accept the correspondence, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Anne made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Deputy Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson. Treasurer Karen Weeres and Deputy Clerk Jenny Schmidt were also present. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Anne asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Jerry made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed. Dave made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Jerry made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.
Ron Wasmund, Township Building Inspector, was excused by the Board.
17492 Co Rd 44: This property never received final occupancy inspection and is currently in foreclosure. Ron contacted Township Attorney Mike Couri to determine how to achieve compliance. Pend to April meeting.
Permitted Business 16156 5th Ave: The Township has not received the documents to properly register this business. Anne suggested one more try. Dave will contact Mike Couri and follow up as deemed appropriate as there have been three attempts already.
Technology Improvements: The Township website was reviewed and a list of suggested changes has been compiled. A suggestion was made to have “un-approved” minutes posted in advance of the monthly meeting. Karolyn Boucher, Web Administrator, hopes to have the changes completed by April. The website has had 47,000 hits since inception.
Snow Plow Issues: $25,000 was levied and we have already spent $33,000. Our contract states there must be 2 inches of snow or more to trigger plowing. Jerry stated Mike Schendzielos, Township Road Contractor, is very responsive to our needs.
CapX 2020: Many residents were present to hear Jerry review what he is going to present at the public hearing on March 8, 2010, at the Clearwater Township Hall before Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Beverly Jones regarding the routing of the proposed electric transmission line. The Town Board has formulated a resolution that the line should stick to what has been deemed the preferred route, which is adjacent to and parallel with the I-94 corridor. Jerry addresses MN Statute 216 including several issues such as human conflicts, extra costs by diverting the line, and the detrimental impact to 20 or so residents. Residents present questioned the health risks, Scenic River Act, Long Term Growth Plan and eminent domain. The Board indicated all of these things were addressed in previously passed Resolution 2008-3. The EIS (Environmental Impact Statement) was reviewed at length. Jerry explained the ALJ must make a recommendation to the Public Utilities Commission, then that Commission makes the final decision. Jerry was thanked for all his hard work on this project. Anne made a motion to approve Resolution 2010-1, a Resolution expressing a preference for the CapX 2020 Power Line Route, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Annual Meeting Planning: The proposed agenda was reviewed. Anne has received submissions from Dave; Jerry will submit his presentation shortly. Anne will prepare the final presentation. Dave has confirmed with Couri that collecting donations for injured firefighter Cory Broich is acceptable. Dave will check on grants available for sign reflectivity upgrades. Dave spoke with Eugene Dufault, Special Programs Coordinator / Human Resources with the Minnesota Association of Townships (M.A.T.) regarding the governor’s unallotment as it relates to townships and the resulting reduction of our levy. He suggested we not adjourn our annual meeting, but rather recess until fall for the purpose of setting the final levy payable in 2011. At that meeting, the township could either increase the levy due to the unallotment or accept the March 2010 levy dollar amount. A proposed fall meeting date of Tuesday, October 12, 2010, 7:00 p.m. was discussed. A decision will be made at the annual meeting.
Meeting dates:
Annual Meeting March 9th 8:00 p.m.
Election Canvass / Organization March 11th, 6:00 p.m.
M.A.T. Short Course March 22
Planning Commission March 29th 6:00 p.m.
Stearns County report of outstanding indebtedness – Karen will respond.
Stearns Auditor- Our Road and Bridge levy meets the requirement to qualify for gas tax
Stearns Auditor- Document showing computation of initial tax rate for taxes payable 2010
Stearns Public Works- Annual bridge inspection- No deficiencies found.
Stearns Auditor / Secretary of State- There are grant funds available thru HAVA (Help America Vote Act). Dave made a motion to pass Resolution 2010-2, A Resolution that allows the Town Board to apply for a grant for the purpose of improving access to polling places, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed. Dave will handle.
Building Code Enforcement Review Report was received. Pend to April meeting. Review with Ron Wasmund.
Anne made a motion to approve the bills and accept the correspondence, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Dave indicated a Wind Energy Production Report from Donna Smith was due by February 1, 2010 with the MN Department of Revenue. The Township should receive 20% of the tax related to that by February 28, 2010. We have not seen that. Karen is to follow up with Stearns County. Pend to April meeting.
Anne made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Deputy Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair
Minutes were approved at the Annual Meeting March 8, 2011.
Township Clerk Del Moeller called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Del announced the township is collecting donations for injured firefighter Cory Broich and pointed out the donation receptacles.
Jerry Finch made a motion to elect John Koshiol to moderate the annual meeting, Dave Johnson seconded the motion, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes of the previous year’s annual meeting were available to all residents in attendance. Dave Johnson made a motion to waive the reading of the minutes from the previous year, seconded by Robert Foss, all in favor, motion passed.
The 2009 treasurer’s report was available for review. Supervisor Anne Ackerman presented highlights of the report. She introduced Karen Weeres, Township Treasurer, and thanked her for her service. The Township keeps a second set of financial records in Quicken. The annual audit was completed and all accounts balanced with the Annandale Bank statements. Anne reviewed the bank accounts including the checking account which is used for everyday expenses and has a balance of $250,458 and the savings account which constitutes the asphalt roads fund which has a balance of $138,487. A motion was made by Robert Foss to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Barb Keigan, all in favor, motion passed.
Anne Ackerman made a motion to waive the reading of all checks written and received, seconded by Jerry Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Newspaper: We are currently using the St. Cloud Daily Times and Clearwater Tribune, plus posting meeting notices at the township hall. Robert Foss made a motion to retain the papers, Bill Keigan seconded the motion, all in favor, motion passed.
Attorney: Couri, MacArthur & Ruppe have represented Lynden Township again this past year. Dave Johnson made a motion to retain Couri, MacArthur & Ruppe, seconded by Brian Musech, all in favor, motion passed.
Depository of Funds: The Township utilizes Annandale Bank. Roland Froyen, made a motion to retain Annandale Bank, seconded by Dave Johnson, all in favor motion passed.
Recycling Service: Allied Waste Services has provided the Township’s recycling service for the past year. A motion was made by Robert Foss to retain Allied Waste as the recycling service, seconded by Wayne Ethen, all in favor motion passed.
Annandale Fire: Scott Picken represented the Annandale Fire Department. He stated the fire department responded to 8 calls in Lynden Township; all were rescue calls. The proposed cost for fire coverage for next year is $9418, the same as the previous year. The Department’s new truck will be arriving soon. The Township has decided to pay their share of the budget in one lump sum and spread the levy over fire years.
A representative from the Clearwater Fire Department was not present.
Anne Ackerman thanked township resident and business owner John Koshiol for the use of the LCD projector for the township meeting. Anne presented the annual township update. She started her presentation with pictures taken around the township. Most of the pictures were provided by township resident Ken Bachofer. Ken is a volunteer Minnesota Master Naturalist who does an amazing job capturing the beauty of our township. Ken’s contributions are greatly appreciated. It was noted that Ken is teaching photography classes through community education.
Anne introduced Karolyn Boucher, Web Site Administrator, and noted the web site is currently being updated. There have been 42,000 visitors since the inception of the site in May 2005. The web site is an excellent resource. Karolyn was thanked for her work.
Anne reviewed general township information and upcoming important dates: Township Clean Up will be Saturday May 1st and the Tax Equalization meeting will be held May 10th at 7:00 p.m. by appointment; call the County Assessor for appointments.
Anne introduced James Kantor, Planning Commission Administrator, who is helping the township with technology updates. Wireless internet is now available at the town hall which allows access to resources during meetings, including Stearns County’s new information portal. James is also researching a document server for secure storage of township files.
Anne reviewed the role of the Planning Commission. Interviews for interested Planning Commission members occur every year, typically in June.
There were 86 building permits issued in 2009, including three new single family homes.
Supervisor Dave Johnson reviewed the federally-mandated sign reflectivity upgrade requirements. Dave noted the township’s sign inventory has been completed. He anticipates the cost to replace all warning and regulatory signs will be $35,650 plus labor costs of $2100. The signs must be replaced by January of 2015 and all street name signs must be replaced by January, 2018. Dave noted the possibility of future levy implications in order to fund this project.
Supervisor Jerry Finch presented an update on the CapX 2020 electric expansion project. He reviewed the Township’s resolution that was presented at the March 8, 2010 public hearing in front of the Administrative Law Judge who will make the final route recommendation. The resolution reflects the township’s support of the preferred route along the I-94 corridor.
Jerry reviewed the annual road report and noted the success of the 200th Street repair project. He also explained road repairs that were completed this year and other repairs that will be considered for the future. Traffic counts were completed this summer and no gravel road is close to the threshold required to consider tarring. The road with the traffic count is Craigway Road in Wood’s Edge. Any proposed tarring project would need to be driven by a petition by the property owners.
The only change in the proposal from last year is a decline in the Clearwater Fire levy. The overall proposed reduction is 1.6%.
Brian Musech made a motion to eliminate the levy for the asphalt road fund. The motion did not receive a second.
Bill Schmidt made a motion to approve the levy as presented, seconded by Jerry Finch, all in favor motion passed.
Anne discussed the implications of the Governor’s unallotment and the need to consider recessing the meeting instead of adjourning it in order to approve the final levy after any possible unallotment that may occur. A date to reconvene the meeting was proposed for Tuesday October 12th at 7:00 p.m.
Election results were announced as follows:
Number of voters: 86 signatures on the polling place roster
1 accepted absentee ballot
Candidate: Anne Ackerman (Supervisor) Votes Received: 79
Candidate: Del Moeller (Clerk) Votes Received: 87
There were two write-in votes for the Supervisor position.
Anne Ackerman won the term for Supervisor and Del Moeller won the Clerk’s term.
Bill Schmidt made a motion to set the date for the Annual Meeting for Tuesday, March 8, 2011, seconded by Dave Johnson, all in favor motion passed.
Bill Schmidt made a motion to recess the meeting until Tuesday October 12th at 7:00 p.m. at the Lynden Township Hall, seconded by Robert Foss, all in favor, motion passed. The meeting was continued at 9:22 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Del Moeller, Lynden Township Clerk Karolyn Boucher, Head Election Judge
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson. Treasurer Karen Weeres and Deputy Clerk Jenny Schmidt were also present. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Two preliminary matters were discussed. 1) Karen to arrange to send flowers to Del due to surgery. 2) The Board encourages the community to support Cory Broich, the Clearwater firefighter who was injured. Donations are being accepted at Annandale Bank. Dave will check with Township Attorney Mike Couri about having a donation receptacle at the annual meeting.
Anne asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Anne made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed. Dave made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Anne made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Permitted Business 16156 5th Ave: Dave met with the business owner on 1/26/10. Dave provided the form that needs to be filled out along with a stamped envelope. Dave was told the sign would be removed. Dave was also told there is a location in Annandale they hope to move to in the next 6 months.
Sign Reflectivity Upgrades: Dave verified the signs we currently purchase are the least expensive option that meets the new requirements. Our invoices should reflect HI, which means high intensity material. We should discuss this at our annual meeting as a plan needs to be in place by 2012, “warning” signs must be replaced by 2015, and “street” signs must be replaced by 2018.
Green Acres Meeting: Dave was not able to attend. A suggestion was made that we provide a link to the county information in our next newsletter.
Technology Updates: The Lynden Township website will be reviewed by a subcommittee on 2/25/10. Wireless internet service is now available at the town hall. James Kantor, Planning Administrator, reviewed the invoice with the Board. James is still following up on options for a document server.
Snow Plow Issues: There was not much plowing this last month, but lots of salt and sand was spread. Karolyn Boucher, Newsletter Editor, will put a reminder in the newsletter that pursuant to policy, plowing occurs after two inches of snowfall.
Approve Election Judges for Annual Meeting: Proposed election judges are Annette Bryant, Marlice Finch, Fran Spears, Karolyn Boucher, Sheila Koshiol, and Jenny Schmidt. Dave made a motion to approve these judges for the township’s annual election, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed. Karolyn is the head judge.
Newsletter for March: Karolyn provided a sample of Wakefield’s mailing. Discussion was held regarding article assignments. Articles must get to Karolyn by 2/18, documents will go to the printer by 2/25, with the intent to mail out on 3/2.
Annual Meeting Planning: The agenda will be discussed after the audit and budget meetings on 2/23/10.
Absentee Ballots: These must be ready by 2/5/10.
Kramer Notification: Mr. Kramer indicated he never received a letter from Ron Wasmund, Township Building Inspector. The Board acknowledged this may have been an oversight on Ron’s part. Mr. Kramer’s intent is not to live on this property; it is for recreational use. The Board did grant him a variance, but the structure still must meet the “dwelling” requirements. The Township Board has responsibility for 1) distance from the road and 2) building code. All other regulations are through Stearns County. Ron indicated he will follow up with Mr. Kramer.
17492 Co Rd 44: Ron has made two attempts to meet with the owners. Ron has not issued a certificate of occupancy. Ron will contact Mike Couri to proceed with action to enable Ron to complete the required inspections. Pend to March.
Muggli Kennel Inspection: Ron inspected the kennel today. Ron found Ms. Muggli to be in compliance with the conditional use permit (CUP). She is sending Ron the names of the dogs with their vaccination reports. The inspection is complete and a copy of the report will follow.
Meeting Dates: Planning Commission 2/22/10 6:00 p.m.
Audit/Budget/Annual Meeting Planning 2/23/10 6:00 p.m.
Web Site Review 2/25/10 6:00 p.m.
Correspondence: Annandale State Bank Release from Pledge. Dave made a motion to authorize Anne to sign, if appropriate, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed. Anne will follow up to determine the nature of the request.
Spring Short Course: Dave made a motion to authorize Supervisors, Clerk and Treasurer to attend this course on 3/22/10 and that the fees be paid by Lynden Township, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.
Tri-County Humane Society: Anne made a motion to extend the annual agreement with Tri-County for stray animals; Dave requested an amendment to the motion to include authorizing the Chair and deputy clerk to execute said document, motion seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Boundary Validation for Census: Anne will handle this.
County Auditor 2010 Special Assessment Report: reviewed / filed
Bills were reviewed and paid.
Anne made a motion to approve the bills and accept the correspondence, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Dave made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:24 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Deputy Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch, and Dave Johnson, Treasurer Karen Weeres and Clerk Del Moeller. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Anne asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Anne made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed. Jerry made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Dave, all in favor motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. There we no questions. Anne made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Boy Scouts: A meeting schedule has been set. They will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Del will monitor the calendar and handle the key for them.
Technology Updates: Internet access is now available at the township hall. James Kantor, Planning Commission Administrator, is reviewing service options. Ron Wasmund, Township Building Inspector, has offered space on Inspectron’s server for township document storage. James and Ron will discuss the details.
James has contacted Stearns County about the availability of free computers. He will follow up.
17492 County Rd 44: Ron has been unable to contact the owners. He will contact Stearns Electric and the owner’s parents to attempt to determine the status of the property. Review in February.
Muggli Kennel: A building permit application has been received. Ron sent a letter stating the kennel must be inspected by January 15th. Review in February.
New construction in the township was discussed. Anne will complete a report for the census.
Kevin Winkelman asked to be on the agenda but was not present.
Terri Larson Koshiol was not present. She sent a detailed complaint which was reviewed by Mike Couri, Township Attorney. He advised us that the issues raised are not under the jurisdiction of the township.
Jerry has been handling all snow plowing issues with the plowing contractor Schendzielos. It was noted that plowing only occurs after a two inch snowfall. Jerry was thanked for his management of the township roads.
Dave will attend the Green Acres meeting on January 27, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. Review in February.
Anne noted she attended Board of Appeals training and has been recertified. All three board members are certified for the Local Board of Appeal and Equalization.
Jerry will attend the Stearns County ordinance update meetings. He will review the proposed changes at the January 25th Planning Commission meeting.
There was a short discussion on local government unallotment. It was noted that we will not receive the full levy for our township this year. It will be further reduced next year. This will be reviewed and discussed at the annual meeting.
The board approved the renewal of Del’s notary public designation.
Meeting dates: Planning Commission – January 25th 6:00 p.m.
Correspondence was reviewed and bills were paid.
Anne made a motion to approve the bills and accept the correspondence, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Anne made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Del Moeller, Lynden Township Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Lynden Township Chair