DECEMBER 12, 2011
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson. Clerk Jenny Schmidt was present. Chelle Benson, Consultant, was also present. Ackerman opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
The purpose of tonight’s meeting is to consider a Conditional Use Permit for a Limited Rural Business requested by Jody Gueningsman, 15067 County Road 44, South Haven, MN, 55382. A conditional use permit is required for a Limited Rural Business in the A-40 zoning district.
No correspondence was received by the clerk.
A site visit was conducted by the Planning Commission. They reviewed the performance standards listed in Section 6.34 of Stearns County Zoning Ordinance #439 adopted by reference as Lynden Township Ordinance #7.
The proposed use is independent insurance adjusting which does not include retail sales. There will be four employees with normal postal deliveries. No signage.
The Planning Commission is in favor of the application and recommends approval of the permit.
Resident Dennis Niemi, who is an adjacent land owner, is in favor of the application.
Finch made a motion to close the public hearing, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, passed.
Finch made a motion, based on the Planning Commission’s findings of fact, to approve the application for a Conditional Use Permit with the condition that the Township receive a copy of the Federal Employee ID and the MN Business Registration numbers, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.
Finch made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson. Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Karen Weeres were also present. Ackerman opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Ackerman asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed. Johnson made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Johnson made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Review of Building Permits (Ron Wasmund, Inspectron): Ron Wasmund was not present.
Impervious Surface Requirements 20148 21st Ave E (Property Identification [PID] # 19.10748.0005: Wasmund must follow up.
20954 Franklin Road (PID # 19.10980.0001): This site has a 5th wheel camper on the property. A letter has been sent to the owner with no response to date. Pend to January meeting.
Road Sign Replacement Policy Resolution: Johnson has prepared and distributed the document for review prior to the January meeting.
Administrative Split 14623 County Road 44 (PID # 19.10432.0000): There will be no action by the Town Board unless and until a request for a Certificate of Compliance is received.
Conditional Use Permit Application (CUP) 15067 County Road 44 (PID # 19.10426.0025): JAG Adjusting has a public hearing scheduled for December 12th. The Planning Commission has completed the site visit.
2012 Township Elections: Stearns County has been designated as the location for processing absentee ballots. Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Karen Weeres are to proceed in finding a deputy for their respective positions. Clerk is to publish Candidate Filing Notice and Notice of Testing Auto Mark Voting Machine. Clerk Schmidt appoints Karolyn Boucher to be Co-Head Election Judge.
Taxation Notices / 2012 Levy: Ackerman will prepare an article regarding taxation notices for the spring newsletter. A discussion was held regarding the implications of the loss of homestead credits.
Approve 11/14/11 Public Hearing Minutes: Johnson made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Clearwater Fire Contract: The proposed fire contract was received 11/8/11. Ackerman will contact Clearwater Township to discuss their interest in the formation of an advisory board. Pend to January meeting.
Changes to Web: Webmaster Boucher suggests a section be added to include County news and notes. No objection by the Board.
Meeting dates: Planning Commission-December 12th 6:00 pm
Public Hearing-CUP Application-December 12th 7:00 pm
January Monthly Meeting-January 9th 7 pm (January 2nd Legal Holiday)
Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which includes:
• Stearns County Recorder Lynden Township Ordinance No 7 DOC # A1355154
• Office of the Secretary of State Elections Division (Boucher)
• Central MN Council on Aging Survey (Johnson)
• Certificate of Completion / Developers Agreement for Lynden Valley Industrial Park
Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Bills were reviewed. Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 5465 through 5485, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Ackerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair
NOVEMBER 14, 2011
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson. Clerk Jenny Schmidt was present. Chelle Benson, Consultant and Jennifer Buckentine from Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES) were also present. Ackerman opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
The purpose of tonight’s meeting is to consider adoption of Lynden Township Land Use and Zoning Ordinance Number 7 and repealing Ordinance Number 2.1.
After discussion, final revisions were made to all documents.
Ackerman made a motion to close the public hearing, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Ackerman made a motion to enact Lynden Township Land Use and Zoning Ordinance Number 7, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to adopt Lynden Township Resolution Number 2011-3 to allow summary publication, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to adopt, with Attachment number one (1), the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the County of Stearns and the Town of Lynden, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Four copies of the MOU were signed. Three copies were given to Buckentine to be considered for signature at the next Stearns County Board meeting and one for posting at the Clearwater Public Library. Clerk is to forward the Resolution to Webmaster Karolyn Boucher for posting on the township’s web site. Clerk is to publish the Summary Publication in this week’s papers. Clerk is to deliver to the Library a copy of the MOU and Ordinance #7. Clerk is to record Lynden Township Land Use and Zoning Ordinance Number 7 at the Stearns County Recorder’s Office.
Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:24 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson. Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Karen Weeres were also present. Ackerman opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Ackerman asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Finch asked to add sign replacement. Ackerman made a motion to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed. Finch made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Johnson questioned a receipt. Weeres explained the income is from the Market Value Credit and court fees. Johnson made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Review of Building Permits (Ron Wasmund, Inspectron): Ron Wasmund was present.
Muggli Inspection Fee: The annual kennel inspection fee has not been received. The Board requests Wasmund send a letter asking for payment and if it is not received, make an unannounced visit to collect it.
Compass (Formerly Response) Delivery Parking Plan: Contact with business manager Overdahl has been sporadic. Wasmund did hear from him today, but it was a very limited conversation. Wasmund observed unlicensed vehicles and questions whether they meet the impervious surface requirements of the township. He will follow up on the issues and let us know when we should put this back on the agenda.
Election Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities (EAID) Grant: Johnson has submitted the application.
20954 Franklin Road (Property Identification [PID] # 19.10980.0001: This site has a 5th wheel camper on the property. Wasmund has completed a site visit. It appears the parties stay in the camper on weekends. The septic is contained solely within the camper as of today. Finch will prepare a letter that includes both the Township and County websites to allow the resident easy access to ordinances governing dwelling units. Clerk is to mail out once received.
235 Alder Road (PID #19.10634.0000: The Township will take no action on this matter as no application has been received.
Boy Scout Troop 613 Eagle Scout Project Tyler Langford: Langford is proposing a landscaping project for the town hall as his Eagle Scout Project. A preliminary cost estimate for the project is $230.00. Research continues as to road right of way, septic placement and best time for planting. The Board indicates the project seems feasible but requests Langford submit a time- line for the project (beginning to end), a hard estimate, and a copy of the research and care of the plants after installation. Once Langford has this information, he is to call the clerk to get back on the agenda.
Public Hearing Preparation: Ackerman will review the proposed ordinance and get the suggested revisions into the final draft prior to the November 14th hearing.
Road Tour Follow Up: Wasmund sent a letter and permit applications to residents on Fairmont and Eaglewood for the work that has already started. A response is due from both by November 15th. Hogrefe has purchased a lot in Lynden Industrial Park, but Wasmund questions the impervious surface requirement. Finch will review the plat. Discussion held regarding how the clerk gets notified when a 911 sign needs to be ordered. Both Wasmund and the Board will work together to get the information to the clerk. Wasmund will also follow up on the All-Bid possible outside storage issue. Finch will review the Road Tour minutes and let the clerk know which signs need to be ordered.
Road Sign Replacement: A resolution needs to be in place by January 22, 2012. The resolution should include how the Township plans on complying with the mandate. Johnson will have a proposal for the Board to review at the December meeting.
Meeting dates: Public Hearing-Ordinance #7-November 14th 7:00 pm
Monthly Meeting-December 5th 7:00 pm
Planning Commission-December 12th 6:00 pm
January Monthly Meeting-January 9th 7 pm (January 2nd Legal Holiday)
Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which includes:
• Stearns County Treasurer Tax Capacity 2012 (dollar amount verified)
• Stearns County Highway Weed Control Certification (Johnson)
• MNDOT Federal Transportation Enhancement Funding (no action)
• Stearns County Environmental Services Amendment to Ordinance 439 (clerk copy)
• Minnesota Association of Townships (MAT) Insurance Certificate
Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Bills were reviewed. Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment of check numbers 5447 through 5462, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Ackerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson. Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Karen Weeres were also present. Ackerman opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Ackerman asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Johnson asked to add Homestead Credit. Johnson made a motion to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed. Finch made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Ackerman made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed. Weeres continues to have issues with the township computer. Ackerman made a motion to authorize expenditure of not more than $550.00 for the purchase of a laptop and procuring a copy of Microsoft Office software, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.
Review of Building Permits (Ron Wasmund, Inspectron): Ron Wasmund was excused from tonight’s meeting.
Compass (Formerly Response) Delivery Parking Plan: Update to be given at November meeting.
Dick Powell – Certificate of Compliance 16981 County Road 145 (Property Identification # 19.10355.0000): Ackerman made a motion to authorize the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance regarding the administrative land split, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed. The original Certificate was given to Powell with a copy to the clerk for imaging and filing.
Election Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities (AEID) Grant: Johnson seeks authorization to reapply for the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) grant which would help cover the costs of an automatic door opener. Ackerman made a motion to pass Resolution # 2011-2, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed. Resolution forwarded to Webmaster Karolyn Boucher for posting, with the original to clerk for filing.
Homestead Credit: Johnson indicates we need to be prepared to address the loss of the homestead credit when we start the budgeting process for next year. In 2010, our credit was $14,630. Boucher has posted an article on the website to make township residents aware of the issue and will include the information in the newsletter which will be mailed prior to the Truth in Taxation Meeting.
Highway Sign Replacement: Johnson continues to follow the legislative changes regarding this mandate.
Meeting dates: Road Tour – October 8th 8:00 a.m. Planning Commission – October 24th 6:00 p.m. (tentative)
Monthly Meeting – November 7th 7:00 p.m.
Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed. The Township Road Certification indicating 40.1 miles of roads in Lynden Township was received. Johnson made a motion to accept the certification, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed. Stearns County Auditor/Treasurer sent a billing for the costs of administering the special assessment and for mailing truth in taxation statements. Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Bills were reviewed. Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment of check numbers 5425 through 5438, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.
Ackerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:47 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman and Dave Johnson. Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Karen Weeres were also present. Ackerman opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance after a brief moment of silence to commemorate yesterday’s ten year anniversary of the events of September 11th.
Ackerman asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. There were no additions. Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed. Johnson made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Johnson made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Review of Building Permits (Ron Wasmund, Inspectron): Ron Wasmund was excused from tonight’s meeting.
Payne Patio 18652 Eaglewood Road – Property Identification (PID) # 19.10942.0000: Wasmund verified compliance. This is a closed item.
Compass Delivery Parking Plan: Email correspondence from Wasmund indicates he and Manager Doug Overdahl have not met yet, but removal of the unlicensed vehicles has been completed. Ackerman will relay concerns to Wasmund regarding compliance with impervious surface area requirements, trucks in driveway and unresponsiveness of Overdahl to phone calls.
Gene Koenig Dwelling Replacement 16152 5th Ave (PID # 19.10363.0010): No application has been received by Koenig therefore the issue is closed until receipt.
Wheeler Chickens 2253 200th St. (PID # 19.10599.0001): Clerk and Chair received email correspondence from Ms. Wheeler in regards to the removal of the chickens. Ackerman followed up with Mr. Wheeler in a phone conversation explaining removal was necessary to comply with residential standards. The chickens are gone and the issue is closed.
Pauline Matthees Land Split 16981 County Road 145 (PID # 19.10355.0000): No party present.
Newsletter: Editor Karolyn Boucher was not present. After discussion the Board is suggesting we skip the fall newsletter. Ackerman will notify Boucher.
Romine Feed Lot Document 17296 County Road 145 (Property Identification #19.10346.0000): Romine has a feed lot in which Stearns County indicated he needs to create a manure storage area to control the run off. Stearns County Environmental Services and Stearns County Soil and Water have required him to bring a document to the Township for feed lot review. He is unclear as to whether a public hearing at the county level is needed. Johnson made a motion to authorize the Chair and Clerk of Lynden Township to sign the feed lot document indicating Lynden Township has no additional ordinance requirements and that Stearns County has jurisdiction over this matter, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed. Original document was returned to Romine with a copy to the clerk for imaging and filing.
Meeting dates: Planning Commission – September 26th 6:00 p.m.
Monthly Meeting – October 3rd 7:00 p.m.
Road Tour – October 8th 8:00 a.m.
Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed. Boy Scouts town hall rental application was reviewed and approved by the Board and will be kept on file. City of Clearwater Stickney Crossing Library is requesting payment. Weeres will follow up. Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.
Weeres informed the Board the treasurer’s computer is not performing as it should. Kantor is to look in to possible solutions.
Weeres and Schmidt started Cities & Towns Accounting System (CTAS) training and will continue over the next several months.
Bills were reviewed. Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment of check numbers 5404 through 5424, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:04 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch, and Dave Johnson. Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Karen Weeres were also present. Ackerman opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Ackerman asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. There were no additions. Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed. Finch made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Johnson made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Review of Building Permits (Ron Wasmund, Inspectron): Ron Wasmund was excused from tonight’s meeting as he has no outstanding items.
Response Delivery Parking Plan: Wasmund is to work with Manager Doug Orvedahl of Response Delivery (now known as Compass Delivery) to ensure the parking plan achieves compliance. Ackerman will relay concerns regarding driver Ziebarth, dock plate noise and road damage to Wasmund so he can address them with Orvedahl. Place on September agenda.
Town Hall Rental Contract: Contract has previously been adopted. Johnson made a motion to waive the rental fees for two specific entities: Hidden River Association and Long and Crooked Lake Association, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed. The Clerk is to contact Pat Voigt for reservations already made.
Gene Koenig 16152 5th Ave PID # 19.10363.0010: Koenig informs the Board he wishes to replace his existing 14 x 70 mobile home with a newer model. He is currently looking at a 16×80 or a double wide structure. The Board informs Koenig of the current ordinance requiring either replacement with the same existing footprint size or the requirement that the structure must be 20 feet wide. Koenig was also instructed to contact Stearns County for septic certification. If Koenig wishes to pursue the 16 x 80 model, he must apply for a variance at the Township level. The variance application and contact information was provided. When a completed variance application is submitted, the Board will move forward with setting a public hearing date.
Wheeler Chickens 2253 200th Str PID # 19.10599.0001: A letter was sent to Wheeler on July 25, 2011 regarding a violation of Stearns County Ordinance #439. Ms. Wheeler responded to the clerk indicating she was not able to attend tonight’s meeting but opposed the suggestion that there is a violation. Finch will draft a response letter which will include a specific date for removal of the chickens and forward to the clerk for mailing.
Basswood Road Water Issue: Basswood Road is flooded due to high water levels. Finch has placed cones in the area so it is properly identified as an issue.
Road Report: Finch will contact Dan Moeller in regards to mowing near Plum Creek. The intersection of 5th Ave and 155th St. will be inspected for high water and the exact location of the culvert.
Meeting dates: MN Association of Townships (MAT) District Meeting – August 17th
Planning Commission – August 29th 6:00 p.m.
Monthly Meeting – September 12th 7:00 p.m.
Correspondence: The survey for the Office of Legislative Auditor was completed. The clerk is to mail the original, keeping a copy for our records.
Other correspondence, including the MAT District Meeting, was reviewed. Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Kantor informed the Board of the increase in monthly server host fees. He will continue to research the issue. Johnson made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment of check numbers 5384 through 5403, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:28 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch, and Dave Johnson. Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Karen Weeres were also present. Ackerman opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Ackerman asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. There were no additions. Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed. Finch made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Johnson made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Review of Building Permits (Ron Wasmund, Inspectron): Ron Wasmund was present and the following issues were addressed:
• Hodnefield Horse Barn PID 19.10504.0010. Fee has been paid. Pictures of footings were provided for diameter and setbacks were confirmed. Framing inspection completed. Waiting on call for final inspection.
• Keske Inspection Compliance PID 19.10333.0050. Keske is once again owner of the property. Permit #2006-19 was issued back in 2006. Payment for 911 sign has been received. Inspectron has completed all required inspections and issued a Certificate of Occupancy for the property.
• Stolp Building Permit PID 19.10672.0000. Stolp contacted Gary Utsch from Inspectron in March 2011 and requested an extension of their permit. A verbal extension was granted for 6 months. Wasmund will monitor since this is tied to a nuisance abatement.
• Payne Patio Compliance PID 19.10942.0000. Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES) will not allow the newly built deck due to setback requirements. It must be lowered to the level required for a patio. A site permit was issued and the deadline for bringing the structure into compliance is 8-4-11.
• Grinsteiner Deck PID 19.10948.0000. The site permit is pending with SCES as this is a shoreland issue. Inspectron is prepared to issue the building permit.
Annual Kennel Inspections:
• Muggli kennels were inspected by Wasmund. The facility has 24 puppies and 11 adult dogs. The dogs appeared healthy and were current on shots. Muggli is aware of the County kennel ordinance. Wasmund will send a request for the annual $150 fee.
• Berg Kennel inspection is due in November.
Town Hall Rental Contract: Contract is complete. Johnson will get the application (page #5) copied in duplicate and review the new procedure with Pat Voigt. Voigt is to hand out the application (or parties may get the document from the township’s web site), accept the application, receive payment for hall rental and deposit, and provide the key to renters. Schmidt is to receive payment and application from Voigt so that the supervisors can review applications at the monthly meeting and coordinate the date on the Town Hall Google calendar schedule. A key marked “do not duplicate” will be provided to Voigt.
Storms Certificate of Compliance PID 19.10508.0000. SCES is considering this an administrative split since there are no building credits, therefore, Storms is requesting Lynden Township issue a Certificate of Compliance. Storms provided an aerial map of the area and reviewed with the supervisors that this sale to Scott Martin will attach 4.68 acres to an adjacent property already owned by Scott Martin. Ackerman made a motion to authorize issuance of a Certificate of Compliance for the administrative split of PID 19.10508.0000, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed. The original certificate was provided to Storms, and a copy was kept for filing.
Election Judge Roster: Roster of Judges is attached to the minutes. Ackerman made a motion to approve the list of election judges for both the primary election and the general election, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
No Parking Ordinance Enforcement: Finch informed the Board that he has provided the Stearns County Sheriff with a copy of our no parking ordinance that includes the area by the Long Lake boat access. Finch informed Lake Association members at a recent meeting to ask for assistance if there is a deputy in the area when they call in a potential violation.
The Lake Association found 5 volunteers to assist with a rain garden by the landing. Finch will help coordinate the project.
Manure Hauling Road Damage: Finch observed manure hauling near the Howard Johnson dairy farm. There is no problem at this time but he will discuss the issue of potential road damage with the owner.
Road Report: Finch reports projects on 4th Ave, Crescent, Cascade, Lake Maria, 8th Ave, Foxtail Ct and 200th Street are complete. Calcium chloride application is also complete.
Some ditch mowing is complete. Johnson reported weed inspections are on-going.
Meeting dates: Planning Commission – July 18th 6:00 p.m.
Monthly Meeting – August 1st 7:00 p.m.
Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed and will be filed, including Census information. Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.
Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment of check numbers 5358 through 5383, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeti
ng, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:42 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch, and Dave Johnson. Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Karen Weeres were also present. Ackerman opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Ackerman asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Three topics were added as items for Inspectron. Johnson made a motion to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed. Finch made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Johnson made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Review of Building Permits (Ron Wasmund, Inspectron): Ron Wasmund was present and the following issues were addressed:
• Ray Hogrefe was present and stated he intends to build a 60 x 120 commercial building in the Lynden Industrial Park, Lot #1 for warehousing for a construction company. Wasmund briefly advised regarding setbacks and permits. A building permit application was provided to Hogrefe with instructions to follow up with Inspectron.
• Response Delivery and the issues with neighbors appear to be in a state of resolution at this time. The no parking signs remain posted, but parking continues to be an issue as witnessed by Wasmund. Wasmund has asked the manager to develop a plan regarding the parking surface. This issue will be put on the August agenda for follow up.
• Todd and Holly Hodnefield / Franklin Road horse barn permit. Wasmund has not received payment for the permit, nor has he received setback verification. The owners clearly understood they were not to go past the framing stage. Wasmund is set to visit the property on Wednesday.
• The Keske property has reverted to the original owners. Wasmund will contact them regarding all pending inspections and payment. Place on July agenda.
• Stolp building permit (18227 17th Ave E) was issued on 10-27-10 and has now expired. Wasmund’s notes reflect Inspectron did a footing inspection on 5-20-11, one month past the expiration date of the permit. Wasmund will clarify.
• The higher surcharge on permits should not change.
• Payne / 18652 Eaglewood Rd: Deck to be lowered to a patio. Wasmund will review with Building Inspector Gary Utsch regarding 6 month permit and expiration.
• Grinsteiner / 18542 Eaglewood Road request for permit is over a month old. Wasmund is to act on this request tomorrow, June 7th.
• Stearns County Land Use Ordinance # 439 updates: Wasmund to review and become familiar with new regulations regarding building envelopes.
• Lee Miller accessory building. Wasmund to review with Utsch.
Ackerman discussed recent performance issues with Wasmund regarding response times. Wasmund promised improvements.
Arctic Cat Test Track: Finch has no further information. No action at this time.
Town Hall Rental Contract: The proposed contract and application were reviewed. After discussion, Ackerman will make a few revisions and provide the document to the Board and Webmaster Karolyn Boucher for posting on the web. Johnson made a motion to approve the contract essentially in the form presented, but as amended, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed. Ackerman made a motion to amend the fee schedule to reflect the cost of hall rental to be $50 rather than $30, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Monthly Claims: Deadline for submissions of claims is by the Thursday night prior to the monthly meeting.
Battle Road Property Complaint: Complainant not present. Johnson did review the property and found no noxious weeds. Issue not addressed.
Campers in Shoreland: Agreement to review this issue with the planning commission on June 27th. No action taken at this time.
Annual Kennel Inspections: In conjunction with the Planning Commission, the Board must determine whether we want to maintain our own kennel ordinance, which includes inspections, etc. or whether we want to adopt Stearns County’s ordinance. This is on the June 27th Planning Commission agenda. As part of Muggli’s Conditional Use Permit (CUP), an annual inspection was due in February 2011. Wasmund will perform an inspection and will also review the Berg kennel CUP.
Planning Commission Appointment: Johnson made a motion to re-appoint Greg Halverson to the Planning Commission for a 5 year term, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed. Johnson made a motion to appoint Brian Nickolauson to the Planning Commission as a new appointment, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed. Both appointments with expire in 2016. An additional appointment is necessary to ensure a quorum at meetings.
Robert Timm / 3022 Fulton Circle: Timm contacted Ackerman regarding the assessment against his property for clean up of a burned out trailer. Ackerman explained the expenses were high primarily because of legal requirements resulting from our inability to contact him. The township is unable to waive or reduce the assessment. Ackerman will research the file to provide him an itemized breakdown of the expenses.
20956 Franklin Rd / Tom Middendorf: Middendorf was present and was advised that a licensed well driller must be hired to fill in a well that has gone dry.
Webmaster Karolyn Boucher: Updates and information:
• MN Pollution Control Agency has placed stations in the Clearwater River for assessment.
• The Planning Commission does not have a formal application; Interested parties need to contact the clerk or the Planning Administrator.
• Lynden Township Ordinance #209 is now #439. Updates will be provided for posting.
• Requests to post information on our website should be forwarded to the supervisors for review and comment.
• Suggestion to put a profile of elected officials in our next newsletter.
Meeting dates: Township Legal Seminar – June 16th (Ackerman & Finch)
Summer Short Course – June 20th (Schmidt, Weeres & Finch)
Planning Commission – June 27th 6:00 p.m.
Monthly Meeting – July 11th 7:00 p.m.
Correspondence was reviewed and will be filed. Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.
Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment of check numbers 5337 through 5356, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch, and Dave Johnson. Clerk Jenny Schmidt was present. Treasurer Karen Weeres was not present. Ackerman opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Ackerman asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Ackerman requested adding planning commission structure. Johnson made a motion to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed. Johnson made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Johnson made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Review of Building Permits (Ron Wasmund, Inspectron): Ron Wasmund was excused from tonight’s meeting as he has no outstanding items. This month’s reports have not been received nor has Wasmund responded regarding Response Delivery issues. Johnson will follow up with Wasmund.
Kimball Police Department: Clerk Schmidt happened upon a document that made reference to Lynden Township having a contract with Kimball Police Department for service. The Board verified there is no contract between Lynden Township and Kimball Police Department.
Town Hall Rental Contract: The proposed contract and application were reviewed. After discussion, Ackerman will make revisions and bring the revised version to the June meeting. Schmidt will contact Pat Voigt for upcoming reservations.
May 17th Annandale School Board Informational Meeting: Schmidt to coordinate the opening and closing of the hall with Voigt.
Monthly Claims: Treasurer Weeres requests electronic submission of claims cease due to continued issues. She requests all claims be in the lock box or town hall office no later than the Thursday prior to the monthly meeting. Issue pended to June meeting for continued discussion.
Road Tour Follow Up: Clerk’s notes from the road tour were reviewed. Finch will handle the road issues and Johnson will handle signs and refer the Stolp permit issue to Wasmund.
Approve Meeting Minutes: Minutes from April 11th Board of Equalization meeting were reviewed. Johnson made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Project for Boy Scouts: Schmidt is to contact the organization and inquire if they are looking for projects. Anything they could do to enhance the appearance of our building area would be appreciated.
Structure of Planning Commission: The township web site has been updated to reflect Kantor’s term expires in 2015 and Halvorson’s term expires in 2011. Schmidt has received no inquires regarding the position. Rick Holman informed Ackerman he intends to resign from his position as chair. After discussion, the Board will consider him on leave of absence and will re-evaluate his position at the end of summer 2011. Johnson made a motion to appoint Finch as interim planning commission chair in Holman’s absence, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Arctic Cat Test Track: Finch received an inquiry regarding a possible test track on the land the City of St. Cloud recently acquired in the Township. Pend issue to June meeting to allow Finch to follow up.
Meeting dates: Planning Commission – May 31st
6:00 p.m.
Monthly Meeting – June 6th 7:00 p.m.
Correspondence: Stearns County Auditor Treasurer – 2011 Tax Capacity Rates
Excel Energy – Franchise Fees
17492 Co Rd 44 Property Sale – Bank sold property back to Keske;
Johnson/Wasmund to review, as a bill is outstanding with the Township
Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment of check numbers 5316 through 5336, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.
Ackerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch, and Dave Johnson. Clerk Jenny Schmidt and treasurer Karen Weeres were also present. Ackerman opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Ackerman asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Johnson requested adding James Murphy recognition. Ackerman made a motion to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed. Finch made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Per Weeres, the gas tax is a one time payment, based on 2010 numbers. The money was put in the township’s road and bridge fund. Weeres also explained the Verizon (hall phone) and Duet (clerk’s phone and internet) billings. Johnson made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
The record should reflect that treasurer Weeres has shredded the following items:
• The remaining checks from the old Cities and Towns Accounting System (CTAS) version, check numbers 5085 – 5250
• All claims from 2003 – 2004 including payroll and expenses
• Pre CTAS checks, check numbers 2250-2502
• Unused CTAS checks with past clerk Del Moeller’s address, check numbers 5251 – 6250
Review of Building Permits (Ron Wasmund, Inspectron): Ron Wasmund was excused from tonight’s meeting as he has no outstanding items. Reports have been received via email.
Trailer in Industrial Park: Finch has received information that the trailer is temporary and will be moved in the spring. He will monitor to ensure removal.
Clearwater Fire Contract: Lynden Township has now received the detailed call report. The report provides us the requested information. Ackerman is satisfied and is prepared to sign the contract. Ackerman also requests we form a fire commission as early as the fall of 2011. Discussion was held between the Board and Kevin Heaton, township resident and Clearwater fire fighter, regarding this commission and its purpose. Johnson made a motion to authorize the Chair and Clerk of Lynden Township to sign the Clearwater Fire Contract for the years 2011 and 2012, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed. The original contract was given to Heaton for filing with the City of Clearwater and a copy was retained for our records. Johnson requests Schmidt send a thank you to the City Clerk on behalf of the town board for the information.
17455 County Road 44 – Trailer Removed: Gary Utsch of Inspectron has verified the trailer has been removed as required.
Reference Property Identification Number (PID) in Monthly Minutes: Upon agreement of the Board, in the future the agenda and the minutes will reflect the corresponding PID with the address. This will allow for more efficient search of our records.
Response Delivery Issues: Resident Jason Lauermann has contacted the Board with regard to continuing noise and parking issues on 200th Street. He has contacted Response Delivery several times but has received no response. He questions whether Response Delivery is occupying the building at this time. Johnson will contact Ron Wasmund and ask that he follow up on this issue and provide the Board with more information at the May meeting.
Approve Meeting Minutes: Minutes from March 1st Budget, March 1st Audit, March 9th Canvass, and the March 9th Organizational meetings were reviewed. Finch made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed. The March 8th Annual Meeting minutes were reviewed. These will be approved at the 2012 Annual Meeting.
Minnesota Association of Townships (MAT) Training Follow Up: Weeres did not gain any information from the CTAS instructor. Johnson requests we adopt a sign renewal policy in a timely fashion. He will work on a proposal.
MAT Urban Short Course: Ackerman requests permission to attend the Urban Short Course on April 21 in Otsego. Finch is currently registered to attend the Couri and MacArthur training on June 16th. Johnson made a motion to authorize Ackerman to attend the Short Course, with reimbursement for registration, mileage and related expenses, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Project for Boy Scouts: Schmidt is to contact the organization and inquire if they are looking for projects. Anything they could do to enhance the appearance of our building area would be appreciated.
Shelving Units for Storage: Johnson made a motion to approve expenditure of up to $200 for shelving units at the town hall, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed. Schmidt will oversee their construction.
James Murphy Recognition: Recognition is given to James Murphy, founder of Murphy Ambulance, for his contribution to this community. Murphy Ambulance is now known as Gold Cross. Murphy recently passed away.
Lock Box: Finch has purchased a lock box that will be installed outside the town hall. A key will be distributed to Weeres and another key will be placed inside the town hall.
Meeting Dates: Local Board of Appeal and Equalization – April 11th 7:00 p.m.
Spring Road Tour – April 16th 8:00 a.m.
Document Server Training – April 19th 6:00 p.m.
Planning Commission – April 25th 6:00 p.m.
Spring Clean Up – April 30th 8:00 a.m.
Monthly Meeting – May 2nd 7:00 p.m.
Correspondence: Stearns County Engineer Sign Ordering (Finch)
Certificate of Liability Insurance – Johnson Crushing (Weeres)
Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.
Finch made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment of check numbers 5292 through 5315, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair
Township Clerk Jenny Schmidt called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Jerry Finch made a motion to elect Brian Nickolauson to moderate the annual meeting, Dave Johnson seconded the motion, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes of the previous year’s annual meeting were available to all residents in attendance. Robert Foss made a motion to waive the reading of the minutes from the previous year, seconded by Rick Holman, all in favor, motion passed.
Recognition of Del Moeller’s Retirement: Supervisor Anne Ackerman presented a plaque to thank Del for her years of service to the township. Her knowledge of the history of the area and her commitment to this township was a valuable asset that will be missed.
The 2010 treasurer’s report was available for review. Supervisor Anne Ackerman presented highlights of the report. She introduced Karen Weeres, Township Treasurer, and thanked her for her service. The Township keeps a second set of financial records in Quicken. The annual audit was completed and all accounts balanced with the Annandale Bank statements. Anne reviewed the bank accounts including the checking account which is used for everyday expenses and has a balance of $301,924.35 and the savings account which constitutes the asphalt roads fund which has a balance of $103,794.96. Revenues decreased slightly due to no public hearings in 2010. Resident David Johnson suggested this report be made available prior to the annual meeting to allow parties to review it more closely in advance of the meeting. Anne Ackerman said next year they should be able to post it on the township website after the audit is completed. The board will follow up on this action. A motion was made by Robert Foss to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Bill Schmidt, all in favor, motion passed.
Rick Holman made a motion to waive the reading of all checks written and received in 2010, seconded by Ken Bachofer, all in favor, motion passed.
Newspaper: We are currently using the St. Cloud Daily Times and Clearwater Tribune, plus posting meeting notices at the township hall. Rick Holman made a motion to retain the papers, Jerry Finch seconded the motion, all in favor, motion passed.
Attorney: Couri, MacArthur & Ruppe have represented Lynden Township again this past year. Dave Johnson made a motion to retain Couri, MacArthur & Ruppe, seconded by David Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.
Depository of Funds: The Township utilizes Annandale Bank. Dennis Nierengarten, made a motion to retain Annandale Bank, seconded by Anne Ackerman, all in favor motion passed.
Recycling Service: Allied Waste Services has provided the Township’s recycling service for the past year. A motion was made by Del Moeller to retain Allied Waste as the recycling service, seconded by Bill Schmidt, all in favor motion passed.
Clearwater Public Library: The Township received a Certificate of Appreciation which will be placed at the town hall. Anne Ackerman made a motion to support the Clearwater Public Library with an annual donation of $2000, seconded by Rick Holman, all in favor, motion passed.
Annandale Fire: Brian Haag and Jeff Repke represented the Annandale Fire Department. Haag stated the fire department responded to 8 calls in Lynden Township; 7 were medical calls, 1 was a fire call. There are 27 members on the department at this time. The department received a FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) Grant that will help cover general costs such as gear. The proposed cost for fire coverage for next year is $9418, the same as the previous year.
A representative from the Clearwater Fire Department was not present.
Anne Ackerman presented the annual township update. She started her presentation with pictures taken around the township. Most of the pictures were provided by township resident Ken Bachofer. Ken is a volunteer Minnesota Master Naturalist and an avid nature photographer. Ken’s contributions are greatly appreciated.
Ackerman introduced Karolyn Boucher, Web Site Administrator, and noted the web site has been running since May, 2005. There were over 14,000 visitors in 2010 alone. The web site is an excellent resource. Karolyn was thanked for her work.
Ackerman reviewed general township information and upcoming important dates: Township Clean Up will be Saturday April 30th and the Tax Equalization meeting will be held April 11th at 7:00 p.m. by appointment; call the County Assessor for appointments. Stearns County is offering a free Household Hazardous Waste pick up in our township on August 25th from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. here at the town hall.
Ackerman introduced James Kantor, Planning Commission Administrator, who is helping the township with technology updates. Wireless internet is now available at the town hall which allows access to resources during meetings, including Stearns County’s information portal. The document server for secure storage of township files has been implemented.
Ackerman reviewed the role of the Planning Commission. Stearns County recently updated Ordinance #209, so the planning commission is reviewing the township’s ordinances to verify that they conform to any changes. Interviews for interested Planning Commission members occur every year, typically in June.
There were 81 total building permits issued in 2010, including 4 new single family homes.
Ackerman reviewed the federally-mandated sign reflectivity upgrade requirements. Anticipated costs to replace all warning and regulatory signs will be approximately $40,000. This figure does not include street signs. The non-compliant warning and regulatory signs must be replaced by January of 2015 and all non-compliant guidance and street name signs must be replaced by January, 2018.
Ackerman briefly touched on the CapX 2020 electric expansion project, as the project is already under way. A resolution was passed last year that reflects the township’s support of the chosen route along the I-94 corridor.
Ackerman reviewed both the asphalt and gravel roads. 200th Street Reconstruction Project is now complete with guardrails. All asphalt roads received crack filling. Gravel roads were graded to prevent gravel loss. A traffic count was completed which indicated Craigway Road (Woodsedge) was the most traveled gravel road. The traffic count also indicated that no gravel road is close to the threshold required to consider tarring. Any proposed tarring project would need to be driven by a petition by the property owners.
Ackerman presented the proposed levy as follows:
Road and Bridge $ 125,000
Snow Removal $ 25,000
General Gov’t $ 97,000
Annandale Fire $ 12,616
Clearwater Fire $ 52,619
Asphalt Roads $ 40,000
Total $ 352,235
The overall proposed increase is .2%. The only increase is in the Clearwater Fire amount. Resident Robert Foss inquired if the Board took in to consideration the Local Government Aid (LGA) cuts from the state and whether the township should recess this meeting similar to last year. Supervisor Ackerman indicated the Board is comfortable with adjourning the meeting this year as they have planned for anticipated cuts.
Dennis Nierengarten made a motion to approve the levy as presented, seconded by Robert Foss, all in favor motion passed.
Election results were announced as follows:
Number of voters: 37 signatures on the polling place roster
Candidate: Dave Johnson (Supervisor) Votes Received: 37
Candidate: Karen Weeres (Treasurer) Votes Received: 37
Dave Johnson won the term for Supervisor and Karen Weeres won the Treasurer’s term.
Resident David Johnson questioned if the township would consider moving this meeting to coincide with the fall elections for efficiency reasons and based on voter turnout. Supervisor Ackerman indicated that the Board did consider that when that option was made available to townships, but decided against it. She noted other townships who changed to November elections are now trying to change back to March. The board will discuss this with other townships at the next training opportunity.
Dave Johnson made a motion to set the date for next year’s Annual Meeting for Tuesday, March 13, 2012, seconded by Jerry Finch, all in favor motion passed.
Robert Foss made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Rick Holman, all in favor, motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt
Lynden Township Clerk
Brian Nickolauson Moderator
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch, and Dave Johnson. Clerk Jenny Schmidt was also present. Treasurer Karen Weeres was excused from the meeting. Ackerman opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Ackerman asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. None requested. Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed. Johnson made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Finch made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Review of Building Permits (Ron Wasmund, Inspectron): Ron Wasmund was excused from tonight’s meeting as he has no outstanding items. Reports have been received via email.
Industrial Park Outdoor Storage: Shawn Cotter appeared on behalf of Shane Cotter. Mr. Cotter indicates the storage bin is temporary. He intends in the near future (late Spring 2011) to build a storage building and remove the bin from the site. Should the building plans not take place, he understands he needs to place the bin behind his existing building and also comply with the township regulations regarding fencing. Cotter was given Inspectron’s contact information.
Trailer in Industrial Park: David and Lucille Miller have been sent a letter instructing them to contact the clerk to be placed on the agenda. Pend to April meeting.
Clearwater Fire Contract: Lynden Township continues to work on getting a call detail report and specific answers to questions about the calculations. Ackerman continues to work with them, but if answers do not come soon, the Board will involve Township Attorney Mike Couri. Johnson is disappointed we cannot have a Fire Department representative here at the annual meeting for the second year in a row. The 2011 contract remains unsigned. The 2012 contract has been received with a proposed levy of $52,618.81. This needs to be voted on at the annual meeting March 8, but may not be signed by the Board until our outstanding issues are resolved.
Stearns County Assessors Steve Chmielewski / Bob Lindvall: Lindvall updated the Board regarding commercial / industrial assessments. This area is down one (1) to 2 (two) percent. Vacant lots are down ten (10) percent, taking into consideration CAPX easements. He is not aware of any transactions from the Sheriff’s sale of Regional Land Holding. Representative Chmielewski updated the Board regarding residential assessments. The building portions of Lynden Township values have been reduced by two (2) percent. The land portions have no changes. There were two (2) sales on Grass Lake, one sale was part of the study, the other was not. Ackerman questioned why the sale was removed from the sales study. Discussion was held and Chmielewski indicated there was not enough data to warrant a change at this time. Agricultural values remain the same, although there was a ten (10) percent increased for the Green Acres Program. There have been no adjustments made to residential parcels affected by CAPX. The Board of Equalization Meeting is set for April 11th.
Clerk Transition: Schmidt has discussed with James Kantor, Planning Administrator, the scanning of documents and the organization of the file room. Schmidt, Kantor and Weeres have authority to contact a volunteer group regarding shelving units to assist with the organization. Boucher requests a specific place for election materials. Laptop and phone are working well for clerk.
Annual Meeting Planning: Previous minutes and agenda have been provided to the clerk for distribution at the meeting. Ackerman has the slideshow prepared. Del Moeller recognition items have been ordered.
Approve Meeting Minutes: Pend to April meeting.
Meeting dates: Annual Meeting – March 8th 8:00 p.m.
Board of Canvass and Organizational Meeting – March 9th 5:30 p.m.
Short Course, St. Cloud Holiday Inn – March 21
Planning Commission – March 21st 6:00 p.m.
Monthly Meeting – April 4th 7:00 p.m.
Local Board of Appeal and Equalization – April 11th 7:00 p.m.
Spring Road Tour – April 16th 8:00 a.m.
Spring Clean Up – April 30th
Correspondence: Board of Canvass publication notice (Schmidt)
Request for Location of Mining Operations (Ackerman)
Lundgren Certificate of Liability Insurance for filing
Group Life Insurance / Post Election Update (Schmidt)
Noxious Weed Training March 30th (Johnson)
CAPX Permitted use for temporary drive and agreement to remove by end of 2011
Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment of check numbers 5251 through 5274, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Ackerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson. Clerk Jenny Schmidt and treasurer Karen Weeres were also present. Ackerman opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Ackerman asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Ackerman made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed. There was one change on page 2 to amend St. Cloud Commission to St. Cloud Area Planning Organization (APO). Ackerman made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Finch made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Review of Building Permits (Ron Wasmund, Inspectron): Ron Wasmund was excused from tonight’s meeting as he has no outstanding items.
Industrial Park Outdoor Storage: Finch sent a letter to the property owner Shane Cotter inviting him to our March monthly meeting. (Cotter had called Del Moeller indicating he was not available for the February meeting.)
Clearwater Fire Contract: Lynden Township continues to work on getting a call detail report and specific answers to questions about the calculations. Ackerman did receive the report of fire calls, but it was for the wrong year. The correct year is being sent to Ackerman. This report included the call log, but no addresses. Johnson questions under what section of Chapter 13 of the Data Practices Act are they denying us access to the addresses? The contract will not be signed until our questions have been answered.
Keith Helget / 197th Street: Helget owns a business on this road and questions why the township does not plow the road, and why the township does not maintain it when he is paying taxes on this property. He was informed 197th is not a township road because it was never built to township specifications which would include asphalting the road. Troy Johnson questioned whether residents on the road are being overtaxed. He also questioned why that road is being held to the standard of meeting township specifications if the subdivision ordinance was not in effect at that time. Pat Haegle indicates he hired an engineer to build / re-build the road several years ago, but does not intend to tar it. He does acknowledge that he never came to the town board and requested that they accept the road. Haegle was provided a copy of a letter dated 4-23-04 from Township Attorney Michael Couri regarding the design and construction of 197th Street. The township will not accept the road and will not maintain it until it is brought up to township specifications. All property owners present were encouraged to attend the Local Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting on April 11th.
Attorney Advice on Industrial Park Road: As long as the township has not maintained the road in the past, we do nothing. There is no recourse to compel a new owner to asphalt the road even if the property is in foreclosure.
Alder Road Sewer Repair: The wing of our contractor’s snowplow took the top off a manhole cover for the community sewer around Grass Lake. The manhole cover was in the township’s right of way. The Clearwater Watershed District has had it repaired, but Finch will follow up in the spring with gravel so this does not occur again.
Approve Meeting Minutes: Johnson made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from January 13, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Clerk Transition: Johnson made a motion to authorize expenditures for 1) clerk sign for Jenny, 2) plaque and corsage for Del Moeller, 3) cake, cookies, coffee, cider and coffee maker for annual meeting, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed. Ackerman made a motion to authorize up to $600 expenditure for a laptop and software for the clerk, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed. James Kantor, Planning Administrator, will recycle the previous computer. Schmidt, Ackerman and Weeres signed new cards for the bank. Karolyn Boucher, Head Election Judge, has received the ballots for the March election. Change of address for the clerk is being routed. A phone through Max Wireless will be available for the clerk’s use. The communication box in Del Moeller’s driveway will be taken down. The cleaning of the town hall and the town hall rental agreement will be reviewed at the organization meeting.
Spring Newsletter: Karolyn Boucher provided an outline and suggestions. February 18: deadline for copy, February 25: copy to printer; March 2: mailing. Boucher requested mailing labels from Kantor.
Double Wide Modular Home on 197th Street: It appears a home has been moved in recently. Finch will follow up. Pend to March meeting.
Meeting Dates: Planning Commission – February 28, 6:00
Audit & Budget – March 1, 7:00
Annual Meeting Planning – March 1, 7:00
Monthly Meeting – March 7, 7:00
Annual Meeting – March 8, 8:00
Board of Canvas and Organizational Meeting – March 9, 6:00
Short Course, St Cloud Holiday Inn – March 21
Local Board of Appeal and Equalization – April 11, 7:00
Spring Road Tour – April 16, 8:00 (tentative)
Spring Clean Up – April 30
Correspondence: -Stearns County Environmental Services – Grant funds for cleanup activity, Johnson will follow up.
-Stearns County Environmental Services dog kennel inquiry,
Ackerman will follow up.
-Erosion control meeting – Johnson made a motion to authorize
expenditure for registration, per diem and mileage for Finch to
attend this meeting, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.
-Workers Compensation Declaration – Weeres will file.
-Township Attorney Michael Couri – Final Judgment on Regional
Land Holdings. Kantor will scan and attach to the file
Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorize payment of check numbers 5067 through 5084, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Ackerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:23 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair
Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson. Deputy Clerk Jenny Schmidt and treasurer Karen Weeres were also present. Anne opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Anne asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Some topics were added then Anne made a motion to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed. Jerry made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Dave made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Review of Building Permits (Ron Wasmund, Inspectron): Ron was excused from the meeting as he has no outstanding items.
1656 Davenport Rd. – Grain Bin Removal: The bin has been removed; this is a closed issue and should be removed from the agenda.
18652 Eaglewood – Deck Permit: In the spring, a zoning permit will be issued for the deck to confirm that it will be lowered to a height that will allow it to be classified as a patio.
Industrial Park Outdoor Storage: Jerry sent a letter to Shane Cotter inviting him to our February monthly meeting.
200th Street No Parking Signs: The signs have been properly installed.
Snow Plow Mailbox Damage: A resident on County Road 44 has a swing-away style mailbox which was damaged by a snow plow. A witness believes it was a township plow that inflicted the damage. Discussion ensued, and because of the location on a county-maintained road, the township will not provide restitution. Anne will notify the resident. James fielded a call in regard to snow piles at end of the road by the former Northgate Homes site. Jerry will follow up.
Clearwater Fire Contract: Lynden Township continues to work on getting call detail reports and specific answers to questions about the calculations. The contract will not be signed until our questions have been answered. Anne will continue to follow up with Jennifer Wothe, City Administrator. Dave and Jerry encouraged Anne to contact township attorney Mike Couri.
Approve Election Judges: The 2011 pool of judges was submitted and is attached to the minutes. A motion was made by Jerry to approve the election judges, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Absentee Ballot Board: Resolution # 2011-1 was reviewed. Dave made a motion to adopt Resolution # 2011-1, a resolution appointing the absentee ballot board for the March township election, seconded by Anne, all in favor, motion passed.
Tri County Humane Society Contract: Anne made a motion to approve the extension of the contract for another year, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed. Deputy Clerk is to forward the original to Tri County, keeping a copy for township records.
St Cloud Area Planning Organization (APO): The St. Cloud APO would like a representative from Lynden Township to attend planning meetings regarding the possible extension of Opportunity Drive. Anne made a motion to authorize Jerry to be the Lynden Township representative and to be compensated at the standard rate, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
CAPX Road Report: A pavement assessment has been received and is available at the town hall for review. CAPX will restore any damage to township roads inflicted by their equipment. Also available is a map showing proposed locations of all power poles and their corresponding access roads.
Long and Crooked Lake: A Water Quality Data report has been received from Soil and Water Conservation District. Jerry may distribute the findings to the Lake Association.
Haegle Property in Industrial Park: Dave requests permission to work with Mike Couri to explore the possibility of requiring the next owner to finish the road to township specifications. Anne and Jerry support this.
March Election Items: Two legal notices were reviewed and printed. Karolyn will publish and James will post these notices.
Meeting dates: Planning Commission – January 24, 6:00 p.m.
Planning Commission – January 31, 6:00 p.m.
February Monthly Meeting – February 7, 7:00 p.m.
Correspondence: Sunray Printing Solutions Accounts (Karen)
SEH Retro-reflectivity Sign Training (Dave)
Secretary of State Survey (Karolyn)
Annual Weed Control Report (Dave)
Anne made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed.
Bills were reviewed and paid. Anne made a motion to accept the bills and authorize payment of check numbers 5047 through 5065, seconded by Dave, all in favor, motion passed.
Dave made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Jerry, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Deputy Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair