2013 Board Minutes


Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson. Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Karen Weeres were also present. Ackerman opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.

Ackerman asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. One item was added. Johnson made a motion to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Minutes were reviewed. Johnson made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Finch made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Ackerman all in favor, motion passed.

Review of Building Permits (Ron Wasmund, Inspectron): Township Building Official Ron Wasmund was not present.

Pool Fencing Violation (PID #19.10722.0560): Christopher and Marie Schneider still have not responded to letters. Township Attorney Michael Couri is proceeding with court action.

Gravel Hauling (PID #19.10376.0000): Township Clerk received clarification of the Aggregate Tax document originally received on 8/6/2013 from Stearns County. An amended document was received on 11/26/13 stating the Township will be receiving $659.16 in December. Finch attended the hearing regarding the gravel pit interim use permit. Property owner Duncan received an extension to haul the remaining material and finish the cleanup. It was noted that this is not an active pit and no new material will be crushed.

Plum Creek Water Quality Updates: Finch has been certified as a Watershed Specialist and will continue to work on this project. Testing of the creek will begin in April 2014 at Franklin Road.

Annual Weed Inspection: Johnson completed 20 inspections with 3 follow up contacts. The report is being sent as required.

Jerry Konz – Proposed Business in Lynden Valley Industrial Park (J.K. Landscaping): Konz is looking at purchasing three (3) one (1) acre lots in Lynden Valley Industrial Park to relocate his landscaping business. He would have a maintenance building and storage shed on the property but would also have outside storage for material and equipment. He is aware any outside storage would have to be properly screened. It is possible in the future there would be office space, retail sales and a display area. Discussions were held regarding building permits, fencing, signage, impervious surface requirements and storm water plans. Based on the information provided, this business would be considered a permitted use, with the exception of an outdoor display area and any sales. If Konz decides to proceed with the sales and display portion of the business, it would require a conditional use permit (CUP). Konz was given the CUP application and Planning Commission Chairman Brian Nickolauson’s contact information.

422 221st Street Re-Roofing Permit Fee (PID#19.10766.0003): During the fall road tour it was noted that this residence was re-roofing without a permit. Gary Utsch from Inspectron contacted the owner who indicated he had tried to contact Inspectron before he began the project but was unable to reach them. The property owner documented the project with photos. Utsch is ready to issue the permit but is requesting the penalty of double the permit fee be waived. Johnson will research as to who has the authority to waive this fee.

18939 County Road 44-Horse Violation (PID#19.10292.0000): Stearns County Environmental Services sent a notice of violation with a May 25, 2014 deadline for compliance.

2014 Levy Correction: Annandale Fire is listed on line #18 – separate from Lynden Township. No correction needed and the entire levy will be received.

Tri County Humane Society: Johnson made a motion to approve the contract for 2014 and to authorize the chair and clerk to execute said document, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Meeting Dates: Planning Commission-As needed
Monthly Meeting-January 6, 2014, 7:00 pm
Clearwater Satellite Fire Station Meeting-December 9, 6:30 pm

Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
• Stearns County Highway 2014 Construction plan
• Stearns County Auditor – Election training for clerks December 17 (Schmidt)
Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Bills were reviewed. Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 6033 through 6053, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:31 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair


Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson. Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Karen Weeres were also present. Ackerman opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.

Ackerman asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Minutes were reviewed. Johnson requested two revisions. Ackerman made a motion to approve the amended minutes, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Discussed money transfer between funds so that accounts do not show a deficit. No action was taken. Johnson made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Review of Building Permits (Ron Wasmund, Inspectron): Township Building Official Ron Wasmund was excused from the meeting as there were no outstanding issues.

Smith Property Sale (PID# 19.10386.0000 and 19.10384.0000): Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Area Wildlife Manager Fred Bengtson indicates Pheasants Forever is purchasing property from Smith with the specific understanding to donate it to the DNR for a Wildlife Management Area. This property is 615 acres and is located in both Wright and Stearns County on both sides of the Clearwater River. 160 of those acres lie in Stearns County, in Section 21 of Lynden Township. Once acquired, the DNR will make PILT (payment in lieu of taxes) payments to the County and the Township receives a portion of that. The closing should take place by the end of 2013. It would be 1 to 2 years before the DNR acquires ownership. Residents expressed concerns regarding cattle, child safety, parking access and crime. Bengtson said the DNR would address any issues. A site plan will be prepared.

Pool Fencing Violation (PID #19.10722.0560): Christopher and Marie Schneider have not responded to the Clerk’s July 24, 2013 letter. Township Attorney Michael Couri has also sent a certified letter to the owners requesting compliance within 30 days of September 3rd, 2013. Finch indicates the pool has now been drained. He will follow up with Couri.

Gravel Hauling (PID #19.10376.0000): Township Clerk is requesting clarification of the Aggregate Tax document received 8/6/2013 from Stearns County as this site was not listed for payment. Clerk to follow up.

November 5th Election: There will be no voting at the town hall on November 5th. There is a special election for Annandale residents taking place at the middle school.

Telcom Screening: Screening is complete and compliant with the ordinance. Clerk to send out a thank you note.

City of Clearwater Meeting Requests: Ackerman and Finch will continue to meet with the City of Clearwater regarding the possibility of a satellite fire station. The next meeting is on December 9th. Ackerman also met informally with Clearwater Mayor Edmondson and the City Administrator and discussed future growth plans. Talks will resume when appropriate.

Local Board of Appeals (LBAE): Finch was certified in June, 2013. Clerk is to return the form to the Stearns County Assessor. Johnson made a motion to authorize payment for registration and mileage for Johnson and Ackerman to complete LBAE training, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Spring Clean Up April 26, 2014: Lynden Township will participate in a cleanup day with the City of Clearwater on Saturday, April 26, 2014.

Road Tour Follow Up: Nothing added to notes.

Meeting Dates: Planning Commission-As needed
Monthly Meeting-December 2, 7:00 pm
Clearwater Satellite Fire Station Meeting-December 9, 6:30 pm

Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
• Stearns County Recorder-Klaverkamp Irrigation Line Document PID#19.10496.0000 and 19.10497.0000
• Stearns County Highway Department Annual Weed Inspection-(Johnson)
Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Bills were reviewed. Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 6011 through 6032, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair


Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson. Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Karen Weeres were also present. Ackerman opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.

Ackerman asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. One item was added. Finch made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Minutes were reviewed. Finch made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. It was noted that check # 5983 to Inspectron was voided as billing was sent in error and check # 5992 and 5993 were voided due to printer out of ink. Johnson made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Review of Building Permits (Ron Wasmund, Inspectron): Township Building Official Ron Wasmund was not present. Wasmund informed the board that Inspectron failed to forward Lynden Township Permits to Stearns County as required but will do so by the end of the week.

22064 3rd Ave E Trailer Removal-Kevin Tadych (Property Identification (PID) #19.10475.0002): Removal of the trailer will be complete by tomorrow, October 8th. The Board will verify compliance on the fall road tour scheduled for October 12, 2013.

Pool Fencing Violation (PID #19.10722.0560): Christopher and Marie Schneider have not responded to the Clerk’s July 24, 2013 letter. Township Attorney Michael Couri has also sent a certified letter to the owners requesting compliance within 30 days of September 3rd, 2013. Finch will notify township attorney Michael Couri to proceed with enforcement of the violation.

Township Hall Roof Damage: Chair Ackerman and Clerk Schmidt signed the Contract for Services with ABSC Home Improvements.

Storm Damage FEMA Reimbursement: Expected Reimbursement is $3680.

Annandale Fire Contract: Contract has not been signed yet per Couri instructions.

Gravel Hauling (PID #19.10376.0000): Township Clerk is requesting clarification of the Aggregate Tax document received 8/6/2013 from Stearns County as this site was not listed for payment. Clerk to follow up.

Plum Creek Water Quality Project Update: Finch will continue to collect water samples for testing so we can identify the source of the problem. Testing takes place April through October so this project will continue into 2014.

Property Clean Up Inquiry (PID#19.10983.0000): The township received an inquiry regarding the former Middendorf property and its history. Finch will collaborate with Stearns County on the response, as the County handled the clean up of the site.

City of Clearwater Meeting Requests: Ackerman and Finch will meet with the City of Clearwater regarding a possible satellite fire station on October 14. Johnson discovered that insurance rates are not calculated from a satellite station, only from the primary station. Ackerman will also meet informally with Mayor Edmondson regarding future growth plans.

Sign Replacement: Johnson, through maintenance man Gary Schmidt have been replacing signs and posts. Site utilities have been located by Gopher State One Call at the request of Johnson.

Meeting Dates: Planning Commission – As Needed
Road Tour – October 12, 2013 8:00 a.m.
Monthly Meeting – November 4, 2013 7:00 p.m.

Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
• Couri Legal Services Rate Increase
Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Bills were reviewed. Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 5988 through 6010, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:41 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair


Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson. Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Karen Weeres were also present. Ackerman opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.

Ackerman asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Minutes were reviewed. Finch made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. It was noted that check # 5958 to MN Association of Township was voided as payment had previously been received. Finch made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Review of Building Permits (Ron Wasmund, Inspectron): Township Building Official Ron Wasmund was excused from the meeting.

22064 3rd Ave E Trailer Removal-Kevin Tadych (Property Identification (PID) #19.10475.0002): Removal of the trailer is not complete. Enforcement of removal will continue. Finch will review the site to ensure compliance.

Compass Delivery Demolition (PID #19.10600.0016): Bob Muller and Mark Muller were present representing Telcom. Telcom Construction has purchased the adjacent Compass site. Schendzielos has been hired by Muller to demolish the damaged building. Start date for demolition is September 18th. Muller indicates the building will be removed with the exception of the utility room and possibly the floor. He has been in contact with Gary Utsch from Inspectron regarding permits and set back requirements. The business is considered a permitted use under Stearns County Ordinance #439 but is subject to performance standards. The loading dock has already been removed and will not be used. An aerial photo and sketch plan were submitted under the name of Clear Light, LLC. The two properties will remain separate. Required screening of outdoor storage on the Telcom site was discussed. Muller agreed to add opaque screening to the entire fenced perimeter of the Telcom site.

Pool Fencing Violation (PID #19.10722.0560): Christopher and Marie Snyder have not responded to the Clerk’s July 24, 2013 letter. Township Attorney Michael Couri has also sent a certified letter to the owners requesting compliance within 30 days of September 3rd, 2013.

Fire Code Adoption Ordinance #9: Ackerman presented a Resolution and proposed summary publication for consideration. Ackerman made a motion to pass Resolution 2013-3 to allow publication of Ordinance #9 by summary, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed. Clerk is to submit for publication and provide to Webmaster Karolyn Boucher for web posting.
Bob Klaverkamp / Franklin Road Encroachment Agreement: Recording of the agreement is not yet complete. Clerk will procure the required parcel numbers and resubmit the document for recording. Clerk will handle the billing.
Township Hall Roof Damage: Finch has obtained two estimates for repair of the town hall roof storm damage: Voigt Construction and ABSC Home Improvement. Finch has accepted the estimate from ABSC and will obtain a Workers Comp Liability form, Proof of Insurance, IC 134 and a lien waiver.

Storm Damage FEMA Applicant Meeting: Finch attended the August 7th meeting and believes we will be reimbursed up to 75% of our expenses from the June 21, 2013 storm cleanup. Finch will continue to follow up.

Annandale Fire Contract: Johnson will make contact with Michael Couri as to whether the contract should be signed pending the most recent discussion regarding a collective effort with all townships involved.

Gravel Hauling (PID #19.10376.0000): Township Clerk is requesting clarification of the Aggregate Tax document received 8/6/2013 from Stearns County as this site was not listed for payment.

Approve Public Hearing Minutes: Johnson made a motion to approve the August 5, 2013 public hearing minutes, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Meeting Dates: Planning Commission-As needed
Monthly Meeting –October 7, 2013 7:00 p.m.

Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
• Recordings of Ordinance # 4 and Ordinance #7
• Copies of Recorded County Permits for Dennis Nierengarten and Richard Nygaard
Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Bills were reviewed. Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 5967 through 5987, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:17 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair


Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson. Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Karen Weeres were also present. Ackerman opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.

Ackerman asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. One item was added. Johnson made a motion to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Minutes were reviewed. Finch made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Finch made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Review of Building Permits (Ron Wasmund, Inspectron): Township Building Official Ron Wasmund was excused from the meeting.

22064 3rd Ave E Trailer Removal-Kevin Tadych (Property Identification (PID) #19.10475.0002): Removal of the trailer is not complete. Gary Utsch from Inspectron recommends referral to Michael Couri, Township Attorney. Finch made a motion to move forward with enforcement through the Court system, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed. Finch is to correspond with Couri.

Compass Delivery Demolition (PID #19.10600.0016): Telcom Construction has still not been able to close on the purchase of the property. Gary Utsch from Inspectron indicated they are ready for demolition as soon as the closing takes place. Closing date is unknown at this time.

Bob Klaverkamp / Franklin Road Encroachment Agreement: Recording of the agreement and billing is not yet complete. Clerk will handle recording and billing and will hold the $5000 check until after the fall road tour.

Township Hall Roof Damage: The Town Hall sustained some roof damage in the June 21, 2013 storm. Finch has obtained two estimates for repair. He is also scheduled to attend a meeting with Stearns County Emergency Management on August 7th to inquire whether we can recoup some of our costs. Ackerman made a motion to authorize Supervisor Finch to choose an appropriate contractor and the lowest responsible bidder to repair the town hall roof, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Clearwater Fire Contract: Ackerman made a motion to authorize the Chair and Clerk to sign the Clearwater Fire Protection Contract, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Annandale Fire Contract: Johnson made a motion to authorize the Chair and Clerk conditionally approve the Annandale Fire Contract upon inclusion of the indemnification language, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed. The contract will be signed when the language is included.

Fire Code Adoption Ordinance #9: Ackerman made a motion to adopt Ordinance #9, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed. This Ordinance will be in full force and effect upon summary publication. Ackerman will prepare a Resolution and Summary publication for consideration at the September 9th, 2013 monthly meeting.

Annandale Fire Service Payments: Ackerman spoke with Annandale staff. They indicated a refund payment of $5995.00 is being processed. Annandale was informed they must send us invoices before any payment will be made.

Ordinance #7 Updates: Ackerman made a motion to adopt Ordinance 2013-1, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Ordinance #4 Updates: Ackerman made a motion to adopt Ordinance 2013-2, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Resolution # 2013-2: The proposed ordinance summaries were reviewed. Johnson made a motion to adopt Resolution #2013-2 for summary publication of the ordinance changes, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Pool Fencing Violation (PID #19.10722.0560): Christopher and Marie Snyder have not responded to the Clerk’s July 24, 2013 letter. Finch will refer the matter to Stearns County for enforcement.

Gravel Hauling (PID #19.10376.0000): Stearns County issued a reclamation date of July 27, 2013. Activity was noted at this pit.

Road Report: Finch reports that the Eaglewood culvert project requires a DNR permit and the 8th Ave culvert was filled.

SCORE Grant: Thanks to Dave Johnson’s efforts, $1000 was received to offset cleanup costs.

Storm Damage FEMA Applicant Meeting: Finch will attend the August 7th meeting.

Stearns County All Hazard Mitigation Plan: Information book has been received from Stearns County Emergency Management.

Town Hall Phone: No changes will be made.

Planning Commission: We will continue to look for interested members.

Insurance on Building: Johnson will obtain some insurance quotes.

Meeting Dates: Planning Commission-As needed
Monthly Meeting – Sept 9th 7:00 p.m.

Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
• MN Revenue-Town Aid $971.00
• Stearns County Public Hearing to address R3 Zoning Request
Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Bills were reviewed. Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 5943 through 5966, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Finch made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair


Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson. Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Karen Weeres were also present. Ackerman opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.

Ackerman asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Three items were added. Ackerman made a motion to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Minutes were reviewed. Ackerman made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres (latest version) was reviewed. Finch made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Review of Building Permits (Ron Wasmund, Inspectron): Township Building Official Ron Wasmund was present.

Compass Delivery Fire / Clean Up (PID #19.10600.0016): Telcom Construction continues to pursue the purchase of the property to expand their business. Gary Utsch from Inspectron has been in contact with Bob Mueller and Mueller is aware that a demolition permit must be issued, and the Board will need to review a site plan for the business expansion. He has also been informed that the existing screening is not in compliance with the ordinance and will need to be repaired and extended around the perimeter of the Telcom property.

Clearwater Fire Contract: Finch will request Township Attorney Michael Couri review the document before we sign and return.

Annandale Fire Contract: Finch will request Township Attorney Michael Couri review the document before we sign and return.

Clearwater Satellite Fire Station: Ackerman attended a meeting with the City of Clearwater and had discussions regarding the proposed satellite station. The next meeting regarding this issue is scheduled for October 14. Johnson invokes a conflict of interest. Finch and Ackerman will attend this meeting.

Fire Code Adoption Ordinance: Johnson and Ackerman will prepare the document for review at our August meeting. The language regarding inspections will be made more general and a period of review will be inserted. It was noted this document does not need to be recorded.

Bob Klaverkamp / Franklin Road Encroachment Agreement: Recording of the agreement and billing is not yet complete. Finch will contact Couri for a master copy. Clerk will handle recording and billing and will hold the $5000 check until after the fall road tour.

Stearns County Ordinance Changes-Chickens: The Board has not yet met with the Planning Commission to determine how the Ordinance change from Stearns County affects our Lynden Township Ordinance. The Board intends to generally accept the County’s language, but must have a public hearing to do so as our Ordinance is currently more restrictive. Resident Ginger Mandel expressed her desire to be allowed to have chickens on her property. Wasmund briefly reviewed what would be necessary for her to have chickens, including possibly a site permit. The Planning Commission and Board will meet to discuss proposed changes.

Property Questions (PID#19.10983.0000: No appearance by anyone.

Civil Defense Siren Inquiry: Resident caller was referred to Stearns County Emergency Services.

Township Hall Roof Damage: The Town Hall sustained some roof damage in the last storm. Weeres and Finch are handling the claim. An adjuster is scheduled to review the hall tomorrow 7/2/13. Finch will also obtain two estimates for repair.

Tree Damage and Brush Removal: Finch split the tree and brush removal projects between Norgren Tree Service and Stormy Landscape. Norgren has already submitted his invoice. Storms has not as of today.

Boy Scout Troop: The Troop has disbanded. The key has been obtained and will be turned over to Brian Nicholauson, Planning Commission Chair.

Personnel Paperwork: I-9 paperwork was completed by Supervisors, Clerk, Treasurer, Nicholauson and Planning Administrator James Kantor.

Annandale Fire Service Payments: Ackerman informs the Board there have been overpayments made to Annandale Fire in the amount of $7995. She will contact the City Clerk and request review of their records. Ackerman and Schmidt will follow up.

Training Information: Lynden Township plowed 197th Street East at one point during the 2012/2013 snow season even though this is not a Township Road. This was done in error and should not be done again.

Planning Commission: Member Cory Schueler has resigned. Ackerman hopes to reach Greg Halvorson in advance of the next meeting. Three remaining members are Nicholauson, Kantor and Gary Stang. Webmaster Boucher is to post the openings on the Website.

Town Hall Mowing Rate: Joe Furey requested an increase of $5.00 per mow due to gas prices. The Board declined the request at this time as the rate was set at the March 14, 2013 Organizational meeting and can only be addressed one time per year. Clerk to notify Furey.

Road Contractor Services: Finch received two bids for road services. Upon review, Chair Ackerman and Clerk Schmidt signed the Road Contractor Services Agreement between Lynden Township and Todd Schendzielos.

Lake Association Betty Payne: Resident Payne is concerned about the heave in the road on Eaglewood. Finch has reviewed the site and recommends repair, Ackerman and Johnson agree. Finch will contact the hydrologist and engineer for their recommendations.

Meeting Dates: Planning Commission-July 15 6:00 p.m.
Monthly Meeting – August 5 7:00 p.m.

Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
• Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES) Gary Stang-CUP approved
• SCES Richard Nygaard 19.10658.0000 Variance Granted
• SCES Public Hearing notice regarding Ordinance #489
• Clearwater Fire Contract – Finch (Review with attorney)
• Annandale Fire Contract – Finch (Review with attorney)

Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Bills were reviewed. Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 5921 through 5942, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Finch made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair


Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson. Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Karen Weeres were also present. Ackerman opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.

Ackerman asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Finch added two items. Ackerman made a motion to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Minutes were reviewed. Johnson made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Finch made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Review of Building Permits (Ron Wasmund, Inspectron): Township Building Official Gary Utsch was present.

22064 3rd Ave E Trailer Removal-Kevin Tadych (Property Identification PID #19.10475.0002): Utsch spoke with Tadych today regarding removal of the trailer. The June 3rd deadline has passed, but the alternative is court action and legal fees. Johnson made a motion to extend the deadline to July 1; motion failed for lack of a second. Discussion ensued. Finch made a motion to extend the deadline to August 1, 2013, seconded by Ackerman, motion passed. Utsch will follow up with Tadych.

Compass Delivery Fire / Clean Up (PID #19.10600.0016): The May 23rd deadline for cleanup has passed. The neighboring business, Telcom Construction is pursuing the purchase of the property to expand their business. Bob Muller from Telcom was not present. It was noted that Telcom’s existing screening is not in compliance with the ordinance and will need to be repaired and extended around the entire perimeter of the property. Utsch will follow up.

Clearwater Fire Call Report: The call report was received from Clearwater. Ackerman will request further information.

Fire Code Adoption Ordinance: An informational meeting was held on May 30 which the two Fire Chiefs and two property owners attended. No official action was taken but it was noted that the ordinance should include items such as a fee waiver and frequency of inspections. Johnson will continue to work on the draft document.

Bob Klaverkamp / Franklin Road Encroachment Agreement: Recording of the agreement and billing is not yet complete. Clerk is to do both and hold the $5000 check until after the fall road tour.

2013 Gravel Application: The streets that received gravel are: 208th, 13th, Craigway, 161st, 146th, and Franklin. Dust control was applied to Dunmore, Danforth, and 189th plus all roads that received new gravel.

Township Grader: Finch made a motion to sell the obsolete grader belonging to Lynden Township to Kent Wesbur for $2000, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed. This is not a retail transaction so there is no sales tax. Clerk to prepare a bill of sale.

Plum Creek: Plum Creek and other waters have been designated as impaired due to e-coli. Johnson made a motion to authorize Finch to explore the issue further, including sending in water samples for testing, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.

June 13 Legal Seminar: Johnson made a motion to authorize Chair Ackerman to attend the June 13th seminar, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Meeting Dates: Monthly Meeting – July 1st 7:00 p.m.

Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
• Franklin Road request to clear trees, brush – Finch
• State Demographic Annual Report on Population
• Clearwater Fire Contract – Finch (Review with attorney)
• Annandale Fire Contract – Finch (Review with attorney)
• Stearns County Ordinance #439

Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Bills were reviewed. Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 5902 through 5920, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Finch made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:11 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair


Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson. Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Karen Weeres were also present. Ackerman opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.

Ackerman asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Minutes were reviewed. Johnson made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Finch made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Review of Building Permits (Ron Wasmund, Inspectron): Township Building Official Ron Wasmund was present.

Brunner Administrative Split (Property Identification (PID) #19.10698.0003): Jeff Brunner indicates he has met with Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES) regarding his 25 acre piece of property on 17th Avenue. SCES considers the proposed split to be administrative. The outlot has one building credit which will remain with the 10 acre parcel. The residual 15 acres will be attached to the adjacent parcel Brunner currently owns. Because of the attachment, there will be no issues with access to either parcel. Johnson contacted Chelle Benson at SCES but continues to disagree with considering the split administrative in nature as the parcel has been previously platted. Ackerman believes that additional platting is not required, as a building credit already exists. She also noted that the subdivision agreement was amended as required by SCES before Outlot A could be used as a building site. Ackerman and Finch agree that all the requirements have been met for an administrative split. Brunner has provided Lynden Township with information delineating the ownership, acreage, and legal descriptions both before and after the proposed split. Ackerman made a motion to issue a Certificate of Compliance for the proposed administrative split, seconded by Finch, 2 in favor, 1 opposed, motion carried.

Clearwater Fire Contract: Fire Chief Doug Nieters was present and informed the Board that since the City of Clearwater also has their meetings on the first Monday of the month, he has no signed contract at this time but stated that the HIPAA language will be removed from the contract. The issue of receiving call reports was discussed in depth and it was agreed upon that Nieters would supply the Township a report showing the location of the incident, date and time of the incident, but not the nature of the call.

Clearwater Township Fire Substation: Fire Chief Doug Nieters noted this project is currently on hold due to a change in industry standards for computing insurance premiums. Insurance ratings are either based on ISO or GPS. Assignments were made for some attendees to contact their insurance agents to see how this change might affect their premiums.

Fire Inspections: Finch received a proposed Ordinance from Township Attorney Mike Couri. Couri suggested communication with local business owners about the possibility of a fire code adoption ordinance. Clearwater Fire Chief Doug Nieters and Building Inspector Ron Wasmund are in favor of setting up an informational meeting prior to the Board adopting this Ordinance so that any questions may be answered. Nieters could address items such as the need to pre-plan for a fire, and the safety of fire fighters, employees and neighbors. Wasmund will attend the meeting to handle any building related issues. Meeting date is set for May 30, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. at the Lynden Town Hall. Clerk Schmidt and Supervisor Johnson will prepare a letter for mailing to all local businesses.

Compass Delivery Fire / Clean Up (PID #19.10600.0016): Wasmund provided the Board with a copy of the letter sent to property owner LaRonge stating May 23, 2013 is the deadline for cleanup. If it is not completed by that date, he will turn the file over to the Township Attorney for further action.

Bob Klaverkamp / Franklin Road: Finch received from Township Attorney Michael Couri a proposed License Agreement to allow Klaverkamp to place an irrigation system under Franklin Road. Klaverkamp provided a $5000 deposit that will be held and returned if the road is properly restored to its original condition. This License is attached to the land, not the property owner, so it needs to be recorded. Upon review of the document, it was not prepared properly to allow recording. Finch will contact Couri for a corrected document. Clerk is to bill Klaverkamp for all fees associated with the transaction.
1065 Belview Road (PID#19.10214.0000): No application has been received. It may be possible for this site to be built upon without a variance.

Clearwater History Club Request: Karolyn Boucher and Sharon Lee are requesting access to the Stearns County Portal through the clerk’s user name and password, to allow them to research past owners on properties. The Township has access as a Government Agency and has been granted access for the sole purpose of Township use only. Planning Administrator James Kantor questions whether that information is even accessible under our limited access to available information. The Board agrees this is a great project but cannot allow anyone outside the township to access the system. Ackerman noted she would be willing to volunteer to research specific parcels.

Review Road Tour: Kevin Tadych lives at 22064 3rd Ave East and reports that cleanup of the trailer house has been delayed due to the weather we have been experiencing. He has been in constant contact with Ron Wasmund and believes the person he has hired will get the job completed by June 3, 2013. The Board approved a one month extension to June 3, 2013. Wasmund will confirm completion of the clean up and will report back to the Board.
2812 Fulton Circle has an iron rod archway. Wasmund will review for possible access issues.
21426 Franklin Road has a collapsed barn. Wasmund will review the site.

Approve Meeting Minutes: Finch made a motion to approve the April 8th Tax Equalization meeting minutes, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Dan Moeller-Maintenance: Finch will contact Moeller to confirm he is no longer the Township maintenance person.

Meeting Dates: Informational meeting re: fire ordinance – May 30th 5:30 p.m.
Planning Commission – As needed
Monthly Meeting – June 3rd 7:00 p.m.

Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which includes:
• SCES – Nygaard denial of variance
• Couri & Ruppe Legal Seminar – June 13

Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Bills were reviewed. Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 5879 through 5901, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:18 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair


Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson. Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Karen Weeres were also present. Ackerman opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.

Ackerman asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Three items were added. Finch made a motion to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Minutes were reviewed. Finch made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Johnson made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Review of Building Permits (Ron Wasmund, Inspectron): Ron Wasmund was not present.

Compass Delivery Fire / Clean Up (Property Identification (PID) #19.10600.0016): Johnson is to follow up with Wasmund as to the letter regarding cleanup of the fire.

Okonek Land Split (PID#19.10375.0010): Lynden Township has not received an application from Okonek. Item removed from agenda pending receipt of an application.

Fire Inspections: Per Finch, Township Attorney Mike Couri suggests communication with local business owners about the possibility of a fire code adoption ordinance. Finch will continue to research.

Clearwater Fire Contract: Ackerman is hopeful to have a resolution to the call data issue by the May monthly meeting. We have requested the city initial the revised 2012 contract and remove the disputed language from the 2013 contract.

Bob Klaverkamp / Franklin Road: Klaverkamp requests permission to put an irrigation pipe under Franklin Road. Couri advised Finch that Klaverkamp must sign an Encroachment Agreement. There would be no bond required if the township’s road maintenance contractor completes the work. An engineer would also be required. Klaverkamp would be responsible for all costs.

SCORE Grant: Johnson indicates the SCORE Grant application has been submitted and received by Stearns County. Approval is pending.

Brunner Administrative Split (PID#19.10698.0003): Jeff Brunner has a 25 acre piece of property on 17th Ave. He would like to split the property into a 10 acre lot with one building credit, with the remaining 15 acres being non-buildable and deed restricted. He intends to sell the 10 acres and retain the remaining 15. Though the parcel has one building credit, the subdivision agreement had to be revised in order to build on the parcel. Brunner went through the process to revise the agreement and has met additional Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES) requirements. SCES informed him this would be an administrative split. Johnson does not agree with this assessment as the parcel has already been platted. His interpretation of Section 4.1 specifically states an administrative split should not be used to create a buildable site. He also believes the planning commission should be involved. Ackerman believes that a building site is not being created, as a credit already exists. Ackerman and Finch agree that an administrative split is appropriate if all the requirements are met, and the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance is a function of the Board not the planning commission. Johnson is to follow up with SCES to get his questions answered. Brunner is to follow up with SCES and prior to the May monthly meeting, provide Lynden Township with information delineating the ownership, acreage, and legal descriptions both before and after the proposed split.

Rivers Edge Access (PID#19.10723.0037): Planning Commission member Gary Stang questioned road access to the lower portion of this property. There is already an existing access from the township road. Since this parcel is in the Scenic River District, the Township has no jurisdiction.

Planning Commission Structure: Brian Nickolauson is the Planning Commission Chairman, but based on his current work schedule, he may not be available for meetings. Though there have not been any recent subdivision applications, an alternative structure was discussed. It was determined the initial meeting designated in the flow chart would occur with the Town Board at a regular monthly meeting if the Planning Commission Chairman is not available. The Board discussed holding occasional planning meetings even if no applications have been received. If there is going to be a meeting, the clerk must be notified so that she can post the meeting.

Short Course Training / Urban Short Course: Per Weeres, our accounting system software may be updated in the near future. There may be a one time fee plus an annual fee for this software. Irene Bright was a speaker and focused on payroll and bookkeeping. Per Finch, he must sign all road maintenance billings. Ackerman requested approval to attend the Urban Short Course. Johnson made a motion to approve Chair Ackerman to attend the Short Course on April 18th, with reimbursement for registration fee, mileage and per diem, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Approve Meeting Minutes: Johnson made a motion to approve the March 14 Canvass meeting minutes and the March 14 organizational meeting minutes, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Mississippi River / Plum Creek: Finch has learned that Plum Creek has a heavy concentration of e-coli bacteria. He will continue to research.

Clearwater Township Fire Substation: Ackerman requested permission to attend a yet to be scheduled meeting with Clearwater Township regarding a proposed substation. This meeting would simply be an initial informational discussion about the substation. Johnson and Finch have no objection.

Meeting Dates: Local Board of Appeals – April 8, 7:00 p.m.
Road Tour – April 13th 8:00 a.m.
Township Clean Up – April 27, 8:00 a.m.
Planning Commission – As needed
Monthly Meeting – May 6th 7:00 p.m.

Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which includes:
• Stearns County Auditor – 2013 Tax Capacity Rates
• Inspectron – Ruff’s Pet Resort Kennel Inspection
• MAT Urban Short Course – April 18th

Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Bills were reviewed. Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 5844 through 5863 and 5870 through 5878, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Ackerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:43 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair


Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson. Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Karen Weeres were also present. Ackerman opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.

Ackerman asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Two items were added. Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Minutes were reviewed. Finch made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Finch made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Review of Building Permits (Ron Wasmund, Inspectron): Ron Wasmund was present.

Compass Delivery Fire / Clean Up (Property Identification (PID) #19.10600.0016): Fire occurred December 11, 2012. Wasmund previously spoke with owner Keith LaRonge who indicated there are ongoing negotiations with insurance companies. The building is a total loss and needs to be removed but that cannot happen until the site is fully released by the insurance company. Wasmund will send LaRonge a notice which will include specific expectations regarding clean up of the site. Clearwater Fire Chief Doug Nieters and Fire Marshall Brian Kunkle request they be copied on this correspondence.

Storms Fire (PID #19.10547.0000): Wasmund confirms Storms had a permit for the property for the improvements that were underway. Nieters states the building was a total loss.

Clearwater Fire Chief Doug Nieters – Fire Inspections: Fire Marshall Brian Kunkle was also present. Nieters and Kunkle suggest the Township adopt the fire code to grant the Fire Marshall the jurisdiction and authority for fire inspections. Wasmund agrees there should be communication between fire and building authorities but there is a process that needs to be followed to grant the authority for inspections. Wasmund is to provide the Board and Township Attorney Couri with the proposed language for an ordinance.

2331 197th Street E – Impervious Surface Requirement (PID#19.10674.0407): Wasmund indicates the requirements have been met on this property.

Countryside Industrial Park Stormwater Plan: Per Wasmund, the culvert is in place for this property. This will be confirmed on the upcoming road tour. Implementation of the stormwater plan will be considered when the adjacent property, PID #19.10674.0406 is improved.

2458 200th Street E Access (PID#19.10600.0010): Finch has relayed to Building Inspector Utsch that the Township will not allow access on to 200th Street. There has been no site plan submitted at this time; no further action.

Kennel Inspections: Utsch from Inspectron will be completing the inspection this week and collecting the fees owed.

Steve Chmielewski – Stearns County Assessor: Chmielewski not present but sent an email. Board members are to review the documents prior to the April meeting.

Okonek Land Split (PID#19.10375.0010): Jeremy Okonek would like to purchase 5 acres off a 40 acre parcel that is zoned A-40. The 40 acres has one building credit so he would be allowed to build on the 5 acre piece, but the residual would be deed restricted. Discussion was held regarding the difference between an administrative split and platting the property. Administrative subdivision was suggested. The improbability of rezoning to allow another 5 acre parcel with another building credit was noted.

Diane Schneider 15968 4th Ave. E. (PID #19.10406.0000): Schneider has 5 acres with a home on the property. The request is to be allowed to place another dwelling on the same parcel. The Board informed her there is no allowance for two dwelling units on one parcel unless it is approved as an interim use.

Jeff Westrum, 230 Baxter Road (PID #19.10658.0000): Westrum currently has a variance application before the Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES) Board of Adjustment to build a home. The Board of Adjustment inquired as to whether the Lynden Board would grant a variance for encroachment into the set back for the road right of way. There was no formal request before the Board, but it was noted similar previous requests have been denied.

Paul and Julie Jansky (PID #19.10364.0030): Jansky owns 82 acres and is looking to purchase an adjacent piece of property from Larry and Noreen Ergen. They need a Certificate of Compliance to complete the transaction. Johnson indicates we cannot proceed tonight due to the fact we have no documentation from the Ergens. Johnson made a motion to authorize Chair Ackerman and Clerk Schmidt to issue and sign a Certificate of Compliance upon receipt of all necessary documentation, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Industrial Park Identification Sign: Loren Mathison erected this sign on private property several years ago on the corner of 21st Ave. E. and 200th Street. He relayed to the clerk that business owners wishing to place their name on the sign can order a sign and erect it themselves. The Township has no maintenance agreement and no involvement.

Road/Plowing Issues: No issues at this time.

Annual Meeting Planning: Treasurer Weeres questioned the amounts going to Road and Bridge and Snow. Discussion was held and it was determined that the Treasurer is authorized to adjust the allocation of payments from Stearns County.

Approve Meeting Minutes: Johnson made a motion to approve the February 26 Audit meeting minutes and the February 26 Budget meeting minutes, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Meeting Dates: Annual Meeting – March 12 8:00 p.m.
Canvass/Organizational Meeting – March 14 6:00 p.m.
Planning Commission – March 25th, 6:00 p.m. (If needed)
Monthly Meeting – April 1, 7:00 p.m.
Local Board of Appeals – April 8, 7:00 p.m.
Township Clean Up – April 27, 8:00 a.m.

Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which includes:
• SCORE Grant – SCES – Johnson
• Public Sale – PID #19.10788.0000 and 19.10983.0000 – Stearns County Auditor – Finch
• Town Officers Association – Meeting April 25

Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Bills were reviewed. Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 5830 through 5843, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Ackerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair


Township Clerk Jenny Schmidt called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Dave Weeres made a motion to elect Jim Sorenson to moderate the annual meeting, David L Johnson seconded the motion, all in favor, motion passed.

Minutes of the previous year’s annual meeting were available to all residents in attendance. Wayne Ethan made a motion to approve the minutes and waive the reading of the minutes from the previous year, seconded by Rob Schmidt, all in favor, motion passed.

The 2012 treasurer’s report was available for review. Clerk Jenny Schmidt presented highlights of the report. The splitting of the financial responsibilities between the Treasurer and the Clerk has proved successful. The annual audit was completed on February 26th and all accounts balanced with the Annandale Bank statements. Schmidt reviewed the bank accounts including the checking account which is used for everyday expenses and has a balance of $363,603 and the savings account which constitutes the asphalt roads fund which has a balance of $217,567. Revenues are up over 7% which may be due to tax-forfeited parcels sold and back taxed paid. Other income also increased such as court fines, grant reimbursements and more public hearings. Expenditures were up over 13% which was primarily driven by more spending on roads, dust control and pre-purchased gravel. A motion was made by Rob Schmidt to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Wayne Ethan, all in favor, motion passed.

David L Johnson made a motion to waive the reading of all checks written and received in 2012, seconded by John Austin, all in favor, motion passed.

Newspaper: We are currently using the St. Cloud Daily Times and Clearwater Tribune, plus posting meeting notices at the township hall and posting them on the Township website. Jerry Finch made a motion to retain the papers, Del Moeller seconded the motion, all in favor, motion passed.

Attorney: Couri & Ruppe, P.L.L.P. have represented Lynden Township again this past year. Anne Ackerman made a motion to retain Couri & Ruppe, P.L.L.P. as the Township Attorney, seconded by Jerry Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Depository of Funds: The Township utilizes Annandale Bank. David L Johnson made a motion to retain Annandale Bank, seconded by Karen Weeres, all in favor motion passed.

Recycling Service: Allied Waste Services has provided the Township’s recycling service for several years. The total paid in 2012 was $26,845 which is our greatest general government expense. Supervisor Ackerman indicated the Board may review the cost of other vendors. A motion was made by John Austin to retain Allied Waste as the recycling service, seconded by Bill Schmidt, all in favor motion passed.

Clearwater Public Library: The Library completed its move to a larger space in the Clearwater Center which has allowed them to host meetings and events for their patrons. A letter sent to the Board thanks us for our support. Anne Ackerman made a motion to support the Clearwater Public Library with an annual support donation of $2000, seconded by Del Moeller, all in favor, motion passed.

Annandale Fire: Ben Traeger and Mark Westoff represented the Annandale Fire Department. The Department has 25 members. They responded to 171 total calls in 2012, 12 of those being in Lynden Township, with an average response time of 7 minutes, 33 seconds. The Department anticipates truck replacement in 2016 but no increase is requested for 2014. They are requesting $12,616 from Lynden Township, which is no change from last year. Thank you to Annandale Fire for your service.

Clearwater Fire: Doug Neiters, Clearwater Fire Chief, represented the Clearwater Fire Department. They responded to 244 total calls in 2012, 66 of those being in Lynden Township. Cost for 2014 is $58,882 which is a slight increase. Neiters indicates he recently met with Clearwater Township and they are considering constructing a substation and would like to meet with the Lynden Township Board to determine our interest. Clearwater Township would donate the land toward this project. Only a building is needed, as Clearwater Fire Department already has the equipment and manpower. The facility would cost roughly $300,000. Ackerman hopes to have the contract issues resolved soon. David L Johnson commends the Department for its service and dedicated work.

Clearwater Mayor: Pete Edmondson introduced himself to the group. Elected in January, 2013, he is excited about the future, ready to work with the township and open for questions.

The group was entertained by a photographic presentation by township resident Ken Bachofer, a Minnesota Master Naturalist.

Anne Ackerman presented the annual township information and update:
Township Website: Thank you to Webmaster Karolyn Boucher. The township’s website (www.lyndentownship.org) has been running since May, 2005. We are near 100,000 visitors (99,648). The web site is an excellent resource along with the newsletter, communication box and bulletin board.

Ackerman reviewed general township information and upcoming important dates: Township Clean Up will be Saturday April 27th and the Tax Equalization meeting will be held April 8th at 7:00 p.m. by appointment. Call the County Assessor for appointments. This is the forum where residents can appeal improper assessments.

Dave Johnson was thanked for his work securing a $1000 Grant to help pay for clean up day, and a $3000 Grant for installation of a handicapped door opener. Also, a window air conditioning unit was added to the Town Hall for use during primary elections in August. Thank You to Head Election Judge Karolyn Boucher for a well trained and organized group of election judges.

Wireless internet continues to be available at the town hall which allows access to resources during meetings, including Stearns County’s information portal. The document server for secure storage of township files has been implemented and addition of documents is ongoing.

Stearns County is considering changes to Ordinance #439 which would allow the raising of chickens in some residential areas. The Township has revised our Memorandum of Understanding with Stearns County to delineate enforcement responsibilities. If you are interested in becoming a Planning Commission member, contact James Kantor, Planning Administrator.

There were 3 conditional use permits granted for businesses in 2012: Ruff’s Pet Resort, Outlet Recreation (RV & Golf Cart Sales), and Midnight Auto Sales. There was one variance application in 2012 which was denied. There were 63 total building permits issued in 2012, including 2 new single family homes and 2 new commercial construction permits. Permit income is up 21% at $6062.

Ackerman reviewed the federally-mandated sign reflectivity upgrade requirements. New legislation was passed to replace warning and regulatory signs at the end of their useful life instead of the January 2015 Deadline. Lynden Township’s Inventory is 416 signs which would be a projected cost of $40,000. Now this can be spread over years as signs fail. Poles must be replaced with an approved break-away design which will add additional cost, but no increase to the levy is planned.

Ackerman reviewed both the asphalt and gravel roads. In 2012, we had success utilizing a water truck and purchased a new supply of gravel. We added gravel to Franklin Road, 208th Street, 200th Street West, Craigway and Lake Maria Road. We spent approximately $50,000 on dust control and completed a culvert replacement repair on Crescent Road. Extensive tree trimming was done. There were no major asphalt expenses in 2012. Our asphalt road fund balance is at $217,567. $40,000 in unspent 2012 road levy was transferred to the asphalt fund. Some existing asphalt roads will need repairs soon. Road counts show no roads warrant asphalt. Any proposed tarring project would need to be driven by a petition of at least 35% of abutting property owners.

Ackerman presented the proposed levy as follows:
Road and Bridge $125,000
Snow Removal $25,000
General Government $90,000
Annandale Fire $12,616
Clearwater Fire $58,882
Asphalt Roads $40,000
Total $351,498

The overall proposed levy Increase for 2014 +.6%. The 2014 levy is lower than 2012. Dick Nohner made a motion to approve the levy as presented, seconded by John Austin, all in favor motion passed.

Election results were announced as follows:
Number of voters: 36 signatures on the polling place roster.
Candidate: Anne Ackerman (Supervisor) Votes Received: 34
Bill Schmidt (Supervisor)Votes Received: 1
Mark Ryan (Supervisor)Votes Received: 1

Candidate: Karen Weeres (Treasurer) Votes Received: 35
James Todd (Treasurer)Votes Received: 1
Anne Ackerman won the term for Supervisor and Karen Weeres won the Treasurer’s term.

The Annual Meeting for 2014 will be held Tuesday, March 11, 2014.

Jerry Finch made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Bill Schmidt, all in favor, motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jenny Schmidt Jim Sorenson
Lynden Township Clerk Moderator


Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson. Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Karen Weeres were also present. Ackerman opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.

Ackerman asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Ackerman made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Minutes were reviewed. Johnson made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Finch questioned payment to Johnson Crushing. Clerk reflects a $30,000 payment in November, 2012 and a $15,000 payment in January, 2013. Finch indicates check #5828 is then a duplicate of check #5804 that was issued in January, 2013 and the invoice dated 1/2/13 should not be paid. Clerk is to void check #5828. Johnson made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Review of Building Permits (Ron Wasmund, Inspectron): Ron Wasmund was not present.

Powell Administrative Split (Property Identification PID # 19.10355.0000): Jamie and Eva Powell may be purchasing 60 acres from Pauline Matthees. Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES) considers this to be an administrative split for this property. Powell plans to keep 40 acres, with the remaining 20 acres to another buyer. There are no building credits on the 40 acre site; the 20 acre site would have one credit. A transfer of development rights (TDR) will be signed by the sellers and their parcel would then be deed restricted. Ackerman requests the Powells have Angie Berg notify the Township when the TDR has taken place. Ackerman also informs the Powells they must supply the clerk with 1) ownership 2) acreage and 3) legal description both before and after the split so that a Certificate of Compliance can be issued at the time requested. Johnson requested language regarding an easement and/or public road be added to the Certificate of Compliance. An aerial photo was provided.

Response Delivery Fire aka Compass Delivery/Fire Inspections: Fire occurred December 11, 2012. Structure has now been secured but items remain for cleanup. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency was contacted in regard to the storage of pharmaceuticals but they did not deem it an issue as items were distributed but not stored in the facility. Ackerman spoke with Clearwater Fire Chief Doug Neiters and he plans to attend our March meeting to discuss inspections. Our Building Inspector, Ron Wasmund, should also attend the meeting.

2331 197th Street E – Impervious Surface Requirement (PID#19.10674.0407: Strike from agenda as Wasmund not present.

Countryside Industrial Park Stormwater Plan: Strike from agenda as Wasmund not present.

Stearns County Hazard Mitigation Plan: Finch attended the meeting. Lynden Township is one of four townships that are participating in this plan. This plan allows us to apply for a grant if a hazard should occur. Finch will be receiving written documentation for our records.

2458 200th Street E Access (PID#19.10600.0010): Gary Utsch from Inspectron questioned road access from this parcel. After discussion, Finch will contact Utsch and indicate for PID#19.10600.0010 the Township has no position. But for PID #19.10600.0011 access from 200th Street is NOT allowed. Finch will also inquire as to intended activity.

Newsletter: Karolyn Boucher proposed some items for the Spring Newsletter. Each Supervisor is to get their articles to Boucher by Friday, February 22. The newsletter will go to press February 26, mailing March 1, with a delivery date of March 4.

Township Election: Johnson made a motion to approve the election judge roster which is attached to these minutes, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed. Johnson made a motion to authorize Boucher the necessary expenditures to prepare for the annual meeting but not to exceed $75.00, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed. Johnson expressed his gratitude to Boucher and her team for making the November general election move so smoothly.

Road/Plowing Issues: Finch received calls from M&M Bus, Voigt’s Bus and the US Postmaster regarding the icy roads. Schendzielos and Sons Inc responded and graded the roads with a serrated ice carving blade. Ackerman questioned who paid for this piece of equipment and Johnson questioned whether they use it on other gravel roads other than those in Lynden Township. Finch will follow up with Schendzielos. In a January 14th email, Johnson corresponded with Michael Couri, Township Attorney, in regards to a grader the township owns and allows residents to use, free of charge. After discussion regarding liability it was decided Johnson would attain the equipment from the Moeller property and keep it at his residence. The equipment will be under the control of the Board.

Meeting Dates: Planning Commission – February 25, 6:00 p.m. (If needed.)
Audit/Budget – February 26, 6:00 p.m.
Monthly Meeting – March 4, 7:00 p.m.
Annual Meeting – March 12, 8:00 p.m.
Local Board of Appeals – April 8, 7:00 p.m.

Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which includes:
• Certificate of Liability Insurance – Johnson Crushing – Weeres
• Stearns County Purchasing – sale of cross conveyor – no action
• SCES – Meeting Feb 27 Ordinance #439 –Supervisors
• Town Officers Assn – Day at the Capital – no action

Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Bills were reviewed. Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 5821 through 5827 and 5864 through 5869, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair


Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson. Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Karen Weeres were also present. Ackerman opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.

Ackerman asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Finch added one item. Johnson made a motion to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Minutes were reviewed. Johnson made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Treasurer’s report by Karen Weeres was reviewed. Weeres indicated we have received Ag market value (MV) credit but not homestead MV credit. Weeres is to inquire regarding homestead credit and report back via email. Finch made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Review of Building Permits (Ron Wasmund, Inspectron): Ron Wasmund was excused.

Wayne Jandik-All Bid- Signage and Outdoor Storage (PID # 19.10748.0000): Wayne Jandik has not contacted the Township since the December meeting. No action until an application is received.

312 Alder Road – Camper Trailer (PID #19.10454.0000): Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES) is handling the violation and a letter will be sent. Remove from agenda.

Powell Administrative Split (PID # 19.10355.0000): Powell did not attend. No action.

Response Delivery Fire aka Compass Delivery: Fire occurred December 11, 2012. Structure has not been secured as of today’s date. Inspectron previously posted the building structurally unsound. Johnson proposed Resolution 2013-1 to secure the premises. Ackerman made a motion to approve Resolution 2013-1 Response aka Compass Delivery Fire Security of Structure, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed. It was noted that if they intend to rebuild, they would need to present a proposed site plan to the Board that is in compliance with all ordinances.

Road/Plowing Issues: Finch indicates some residents are putting snow in the township right of way. He presented a memo that addresses any questions. He also has referred residents to our website regarding mailbox specifications and post requirements. The question of private road variance authority has been raised at the county level. It was determined the township will handle all variances from private road easements. Finch will follow up.

Meeting Dates: Planning Commission – January 28, 6:00 p.m. (If needed.)
Monthly Meeting – February 4, 7:00 p.m.

Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which includes:
• Census Bureau – Ackerman will handle
Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Bills were reviewed. Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 5798 through 5820, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:47 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair