2018 Board Minutes


Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Dennis Niemi and Dave Johnson.  Clerk Jenny Schmidt, Deputy Clerk Joe Stender and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present.  Ackerman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Ackerman asked if there were any additions to the agenda.  There were none.  Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Ackerman all in favor, motion passed. Minutes were reviewed.  Ackerman made a motion to approve the monthly meeting minutes, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

13th Ave. Culvert Repair:  The DNR has not issued the necessary permits to complete the culvert repair.  Niemi will ensure the township’s road signs are in our possession for future re-installation and will follow up with the DNR so the project can be completed in the spring.

Eaglewood Road Culvert Repair:  Niemi confirmed the culvert is not more than 4 years old and does not need to be replaced.  Muskrat damage between the culvert and the road surface has been repaired at a total expense under $3000.

189th & 7th Ave. Repair:  Niemi requests authority to pursue the repair of these roads.  He has spoken with the Stearns County Highway Engineer and hopes to tandem with the county contract.  The 2014 estimate for this project was $43,500.  Johnson made a motion to authorize Short Elliot Hendrickson (SEH) to proceed with core drilling and to allow Niemi to pursue the potential reclamation of the road, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Fulton Circle Road Repair:  Reports indicate sections of this road gets very slick in the spring due to the high water table.  Niemi will follow up to determine if additional material is warranted.

Clearwater Fire Contract:  City Administrator Kevin Kress has not sent an update regarding the proposed revision of the fire contract formula.  Clerk Schmidt is to follow up.

Resolution 2018-04 Designating a Contact Person:  A resolution designating contacts was considered and determined to be redundant as the road contract already designates Dennis Niemi as the contact person.  The proposed resolution was withdrawn.

Supervisor Transition (Documents):  Ackerman has begun to upload documents to the server in advance of her retirement in March.   Templates for documents such as violation warning letters, administrative citations, and certificates of compliance will be prepared.  In the future, supervisors will provide the details to input and the clerk will generate the documents.

Emmett Road & 5th Ave. Objects in Roadway:  Emmett, Emerson and 5th Ave. are all private roads.  A resident inquired about bringing his trash and recycling bin to the intersection of Emmett and 5th Ave. where another resident sometimes removes the bins and places obstructions along the edge of the roadway.  Since these are private roads, the Board has no authority over the issue.  Ackerman will follow up with the resident.

Local Board of Appeals and Equalization Meeting Date:  Ackerman and Johnson completed their certification.  Niemi has signed up for training.  The date set for the 2019 meeting is April 4th.

Certificate of Compliance 20702 27th Ave E. (Property Identification [PID] #19.10560.0020):  A portion of the septic system on this bank-owned property encroaches on to the neighboring property.  An agreement between the two property owners is pending.  An administrative subdivision will be completed to correct the issue, thus requiring the issuance of a certificate of compliance from the township.  Johnson made a motion to table this item to the January meeting to allow for the receipt of the necessary documents, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – As Needed
Monthly Meeting – January 7, 7:00 p.m.

No Building permits from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were received.

Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:

MATIT Workers Compensation Audit – Treasurer
SEH Contract – Niemi entered in to an agreement with SEH to handle Township engineering services.  Johnson made a motion to approve the contract, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence listed above, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Bills were reviewed.  Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 7400 through 7435, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Ackerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair


Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Dennis Niemi and Dave Johnson.  Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present.  Ackerman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Ackerman asked if there were any additions to the agenda.  Two items (“Culvert repair on Eaglewood” and “IT assistance”) were added.  Ackerman made a motion to approve the agenda with the additions, seconded by Johnson all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to approve the monthly meeting minutes, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Complaints – 483 221st St. E (PID #19.10766.0014) – Two Administrative Citations were issued to the listed property owner, Lake Central Bank, on October 8th.  A representative from the bank was present and it was clarified that the bank has no rights to the property until August of next year.  Based on the advice of Township Attorney Mike Couri, Niemi made a motion to withdraw the issuance of the Administrative Citations based on the fact that the bank has no rights to the property until August 2019, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.  The property will continue to be monitored by the Sheriff’s Department.

Pilgrim’s Pride Road Weight Request-Hauling on 155th St. – Niemi presented a proposed permit to allow Pilgrim’s Pride to haul their requested loads on 155th St. The permit includes a $100 annual fee and the requirement that the company pays for any necessary road repairs.  Niemi made a motion to approve the Annual Agricultural Permit, seconded by Ackerman.  Discussion was held regarding road inspections.  It was noted that the township’s engineer completed an initial inspection of the road.  Johnson made a motion to amend the previous motion to add that Pilgrim’s Pride must pay any additional costs for subsequent inspections.  After further discussion, Johnson withdrew the amendment.  The first motion was called for a vote, all in favor, motion passed.

Road Maintenance Contracts – Discussions were held regarding the proposed contracts with Schendzielos.  Niemi will incorporate suggested changes for the summer (September 2018 -November 2019) contract.  Ackerman made a motion to approve the summer contract essentially in the form presented, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  No changes are needed for the winter (September 2018 – June 2019) contract.  Ackerman made a motion to approve the winter contract, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  A resolution designating contacts will be considered at the next monthly meeting.

13th Ave. Culvert Repair – Niemi continues to work with the DNR to obtain a permit to complete this repair.  Billing from Schendzielos will also be reviewed.

Clearwater Fire Contract – A joint meeting between representatives from Lynden Township, Clearwater Township and the City of Clearwater was held on October 10 at Clearwater City Hall. Supervisors Ackerman and Johnson attended.  After discussion, it was agreed that the existing formula for contract calculations will be revised.  The formula will no longer include a fixed portion of the fire department’s budget, but instead will be calculated solely using a rolling call average, most likely five years instead of the existing three.  The assignment of calls on the interstate was also discussed, but no changes were finalized.  City Administrator Kevin Kress will follow up with the townships.

Clearwater Fire Call Data Request:  The city of Clearwater continues to maintain they are unable to provide the requested call data.  They directed us to Stearns County, and after forwarding a formal request, the information was quickly provided by the Stearns County Sheriff’s office.  Ackerman will review the information and compare it to numbers provided by the City.  Ackerman will follow up with a representative from the Sheriff’s Department as needed.

Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Application – 1950 202nd St. E (PID #19.10748.0000):  This CUP was being handled by Stearns County.  The roads in the area are rated as 7 ton roads instead of the 9 ton capacity required by the applicant’s business.  As a result, it was noted that the application has been withdrawn.

Lynden Valley Industrial Park Security:  Concerns were raised regarding semis pulling in and parking along the road in the evenings and occasionally overnight, off-loading garbage and depositing human waste.  A security light was discussed, but instead, Johnson suggested it would be more effective to regulate parking in the area and provided a resolution to that effect.  Ackerman made a motion to approve Resolution 2018-03, a Resolution to Erect Parking Control Signs, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.  Johnson will work with Maintenance man Gary Schmidt regarding installation of signage.

Violations – 22087 Fairmount Rd (PID #19.10707.0009):  A complaint was received regarding vehicles and junk at this property.  Niemi observed a large trailer being loaded with items to be hauled away, and noted the condition of the property appeared to be improving from what was observed on the recent road tour.  Johnson also reviewed the location and though he observed several vehicles parked along the property lines, Stearns County has removed unlicensed vehicles from their ordinance, so it was determined the property does not meet the level of a violation at this time.  The property will continue to be monitored regarding the possibility of people living in the accessory building.  An Administrative Warning will be issued if deemed appropriate.

Resolution 2018-02: A Resolution Designating a Polling Place:  Johnson made a motion to approve Resolution 2018-02, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Fall Road Tour Follow Up:  Minutes were reviewed to ensure completion of the items.

Supervisor Transition (Documents):  Ackerman will be retiring from the Board in March.  Discussion was held regarding the Supervisor transition and what documents will be placed on the document server.

Local Board of Appeals and Equalization Training Reminder:  Ackerman and Johnson have completed their certification.  Niemi will sign up for training.

IT Assistance for Niemi:  Johnson made a motion to authorize an expenditure for James Kantor to work with Supervisor Niemi regarding IT issues, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Culvert Repair on Eaglewood Road:  The culvert on Eaglewood by the boat landing is in need of repair.  Ackerman believes the entire culvert was replaced a few years ago and questioned why it would need repair again so soon.  Niemi will review it with Schendzielos.  Johnson made a motion to authorize an expenditure not to exceed $50,000 for the repair of the culvert, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – As Needed
Monthly Meeting – December 3, 7:00 p.m.

Building permits from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed.

Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
ROW Permits (2) Midco – Johnson
Stearns County Auditor Levy Confirmation – Clerk
Highway Engineer Township Road Mileage Certification Form – Niemi
Stearns County Weed Inspection Form – Johnson
Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence listed above, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Bills were reviewed.  Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 7382 through 7399, noting that check #7348 was voided, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Ackerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair


Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Dennis Niemi and Dave Johnson.  Clerk Jenny Schmidt, Deputy Clerk Joe Stender and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present.  Ackerman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Ackerman asked if there were any additions to the agenda.  Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to approve the monthly meeting minutes, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed.  Niemi made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Candidates for Public Office were present and introduced themselves:
Jeff Howe, Candidate for State Senate
Lisa Demuth, Candidate for State Representative
Joe Perske, Candidate for State Senate and current Stearns County Commissioner

Dogs Running at Large – 1332 Dunmore Circle (PID #19.10766.0014) – Phillip Kramer filed an appeal to the Administration Citation issued in response to multiple complaints of his dogs running loose.  The township’s hearing officer conducted an appeal hearing on September 17, 2018 and after discussion with the appellant, ruled to dismiss the citation as there was not a willful disregard of the Ordinance.  Kramer was advised to keep his invisible fence in working condition and keep his dogs on his property unless leashed.  Clerk Schmidt is to send a $25.00 invoice to Kramer which represents one half the appeal hearing fee.

Complaints – 483 221st St. E (PID #19.10766.0014) – An inspection conducted October 1, showed the tent and RV continue to be occupied and junk remains on the property.  Niemi made a motion to authorize the issuance of Administration Citations to the property owner Lake Central Bank, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

SCORE Grant Reimbursement – The $3,000 payment has now been received.

Pilgrim’s Pride – Hauling on 155th St. – Niemi reviewed the request to haul overweight trucks with a representative from the Stearns County Highway Department.  Their current procedure is to issue a permit per load with a load fee.  Niemi will now follow up with Township Attorney Mike Couri to review options.  The Board remains concerned about determining the best way to guarantee the company would be required to pay to repair any damage to the roads.

Road Contracts:  Niemi provided Ackerman and Johnson with proposed summer and winter contracts for Schendzielos.  They will review prior to the November meeting for any suggested changes.  Niemi will also provide the contracts to Couri for review.

Clearwater Fire Contract – Ackerman spoke with the chair of the Clearwater Township Board regarding the proposed preliminary fire contract increases for 2020.  A joint meeting between both townships and the city has been set for October 10 at the Clearwater City Hall. Supervisors Ackerman and Johnson plan to attend.

Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Application – 1950 202nd St. E (PID #19.10748.0000):  Arevalo Transport LLC has submitted an application for a CUP for a large trucking terminal.  This property is partially located in shoreland so Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES) is handling the application, but they suggested the applicant contact the Township as we are the road authority for the roads that access this property.  The Board reviewed the application and noted that it indicated the property is served by a 9 ton road.  Johnson informed the applicant that the roads in this area are 7 ton roads and are posted as such in several places.  Niemi noted that the state has declared all roads to be 9 ton roads unless otherwise posted.  This road has been posted as a 7 ton road for years.  Arevalo stated he was told the sign was wrong.  The Board advised Arevalo he must abide by the weight restrictions on the posted signs.  Ackerman will follow up with SCES.

Request for Proposals for Funding from Stearns County AIS Prevention Fund:  Clerk is to forward the information to the Long and Crooked Lake Association so they can apply if they so choose.

Permits for Work in Right of Way (Xcel Payment; Wright/Hennepin):  Xcel has completed their work.  No invoice is necessary as the permit application indicates the $150 fee is to be paid.  Johnson will follow up.  No permit is required for the Wright/Hennepin work near Basswood.

John Deere Financial Request for Payment:  Niemi received a call from John Deere requesting payment for an equipment purchase.  Upon review, the payment is due from Linden Township, located in Brown County, MN.

Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – As Needed
Fall Road Tour – October 9th at 1 p.m.
Clearwater Fire Joint Meeting – October 10 at 9:00 a.m.
Monthly Meeting – November 5, 7:00 p.m.

Building permits from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed.

Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
Certification of Liability Insurance –Short, Elliot, Hendrickson, Inc
Certification of Liability Insurance – M L Schendzielos and Sons, Inc
Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence listed above, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Bills were reviewed.  Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 7367 through 7381, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Ackerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:33 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair


Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Dennis Niemi and Dave Johnson.  Deputy Clerk Joe Stender and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present.  Ackerman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Ackerman asked if there were any additions to the agenda.  “Frontier work in right-of-way (ROW)” was removed.  “Applications and appeal forms” was added by Johnson.  Johnson made a motion to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to approve the monthly meeting minutes, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Alder Road Tarring Petition – The residents of Alder Road decided not to submit a petition at this time.  Niemi noted the road is currently in good condition.

Dogs Running at Large – 1332 Dunmore Circle (PID #19.10766.0014) – Phillip Kramer has filed an appeal to the Administration Citation issued in response to multiple complaints of his dogs running loose.  The township’s hearing officer will set an appeal hearing date; the board has no authority over this issue.  The appeal officer will contact Kramer to set the hearing date.

Complaints – 483 221st St E (PID #19.10766.0014) – An inspection conducted September 10 showed the tent and RV still present and occupied.  Some progress has been made on removal of junk and trash, but much remains on site.  A representative from Lake Central Bank informed Niemi that though Stearns County records list Lake Central Bank as the property owner, they have no rights to the property.  Niemi will follow up with a contact from Lake Central’s legal representation team.  If there is no additional progress before the October meeting, an Administration Citation will be considered at that time.

Summer Road Contract (Grading & Mowing) / Request for Proposals – Ludenia Landscaping and Schendzielos submitted proposals.  Representatives from Schendzielos were present.  After discussion and negotiation about mowing and brushing rates, Niemi made a motion to accept Schendzielos amended proposal for summer road maintenance to run from the present to November 1, 2019.  Johnson seconded the motion, all in favor, motion passed.  Niemi will draw up a revised contract for Schendzielos.  Niemi made a motion to accept Schendzielos winter road maintenance proposal, dated August 28, 2018 to run from the present to June, 1 2019.  Johnson seconded the motion, all in favor, motion passed.

Culvert Extension Projects – 13th Ave / Lake Maria Road – Schendzielos submitted a quote to complete this project; no other proposals were received in advance of the meeting.  Johnson made a motion to accept Schendzielos proposal to complete the culvert extensions, Ackerman seconded the motion, all in favor, motion passed.

Double Chip Coat – Eaglewood Road at Emerson – Niemi reviewed the section of Eaglewood that was missed.  Niemi noted the equipment shifted away from the road edge in this area, but because of cost-prohibitive mobilization expenses, nothing can be done after the fact.

SCORE Grant Reimbursement – The payment is pending, but we anticipate receiving $3,000.

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Stearns County – The MOU has been approved by the Stearns County Board and a signed copy has been received.

Dogs Running at Large – 20202 9th Ave E (PID #19.10500.0020) – Based on a complaint about loose dogs allegedly coming from this address on multiple occasions, an administrative warning was sent to the property owner and the resident.  The resident responded and claimed it was not their dogs that were loose.  Ackerman will follow up with the complainant.  This complaint will be considered closed unless irrefutable proof is received.

Dirt in 19th Ave ROW – 20837 19th Ave E (PID #19.10554.0001) – Niemi spoke with the property owner, who admitted to placing dirt into the ROW.  Niemi explained that he can’t put anything in the ditch.  The property owner apologized and will fix the issue.

Pilgrim’s Pride – A request was received for permission from the township to haul up to 97,000 pounds along 155th St. to the chicken barns.  The request noted the weight per axle would not change, but the increased limit would allow them to make 20% fewer trips.  Concern was raised about possible damage to the road.  Niemi will do more research and follow up with Township Attorney Mike Couri to review options.  He will also contact the Stearns County Highway Department to determine how they are handling the issue on County Road 44.

Clearwater Fire Contract – A proposed preliminary contract amount for 2020 has been received from the city of Clearwater and again reflects a significant increase.  Ackerman will communicate with a representative from Clearwater Township and report back at the October meeting.

Forms and Applications – Johnson submitted an updated administrative hearing request form and a form to appeal a hearing officer’s decision.  Both forms include ordinance references which detail proper procedures.  Ackerman updated the preliminary and final plat application forms to reflect the newly revised Subdivision Ordinance. All new forms will be made available on the township’s web site.  Ackerman will also revise the variance and conditional use permit applications to make them consistent with the other new forms.

Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – As Needed
Monthly Meeting –October 1, 7:00 p.m.
Fall Road Tour – October 9th at 1 p.m.

Building permits from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed.

Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
Certification of Liability Insurance –Ludenia Landscaping, LLC
Certification of Liability Insurance – AllSpec Services, LLC
Cancellation/Nonrenewal Notice – Vonn’s Trucking Inc
Legal Service Rate Increase – Couri & Ruppe, P.L.L.P
Month End Remittance – Stearns County Court Administration, Financial Unit
Rengel Printing mail entry and payment technology notice
Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence listed above, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Bills were reviewed.  Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 7332 through 7366, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Ackerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Joe Stender, Deputy Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair


Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Dennis Niemi and Dave Johnson.  Clerk Jenny Schmidt, Deputy Clerk Joe Stender and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present.  Ackerman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Ackerman asked if there were any additions to the agenda.  Two items (Alder Road and SCORE grant) were added.  Johnson made a motion to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to approve the monthly meeting minutes, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Fence / Repair Reimbursement – 19519 Hubble Road (PID #19.10748.0116):  Payment for the road repair has been received and screening has been installed on the gate to achieve compliance.  It has been observed that some of the trees are dead. The Clerk will email the property owner requesting replacement of the dead trees.

Midco Franchise Agreement:  Midco has been informed that on the advice of Township Attorney Michael Couri, we will not sign a franchise agreement.  Item removed from the agenda.

Encroachment Agreement – Frontier:  Citizens Communications DBA Frontier is not willing to sign the proposed encroachment agreement.  Johnson notified a representative of the company that no work will be permitted without a signed agreement.  He was also informed that the township has adopted a right-of-way ordinance which now requires a permit and was directed to our attorney if he has questions.

Road Grading & Mowing Contract / Request for Proposals (RFP):  Johnson will work with Niemi to get a summary of the RFP ready for publication.  Niemi noted that our summer contract with Schendzielos has expired and that he talked with Mike Ludenia about mowing and brush work in the ditches.  It was noted that mowing needs to commence as soon as possible.  Niemi made a motion to hire Ludenia to complete current mowing and brush work provided their pricing is less than or equal to what we paid Schendzielos, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.  A certificate of liability insurance will be provided.  Niemi will secure quotes from interested contractors for culvert extensions on 13th Ave and Lake Maria Road.  Quotes for that work and responses to the RFP will be reviewed at the September meeting.

Double Chip Coat Project Final Payment:  Ackerman indicated a small section on the curve of Eaglewood Road across from Emerson Road was missed.  Niemi will review the road and follow up with the contractor.  Final payment will be released when this issue is resolved.

Recycling Service RFP:  Clerk Schmidt received no quotes in response to the RFP.  The township will retain Republic for recycling service.

Town Hall Internet:  Ackerman met with a representative from Stearns County IT who checked the internet speed at the hall and determined it is adequate for the elections.  The booster antenna will be installed after the elections.

Zoning Ordinance #7, Subdivision Ordinance #8 & Road and ROW Specifications Ordinance #12:  These documents have been fully executed, published, recorded and posted, so they are now in full force and effect.

Eaglewood Road Signage:  The Lake Association has not determined their next steps in relation to additional road signage.  Item removed from agenda until there is a request for further action.

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Stearns County:  Johnson made a motion to approve the MOU, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed. The Chair and Clerk signed the original.  The Clerk will forward the original to Stearns County for their approval and signatures.

Dogs Running at Large – 1332 Dunmore Circle (PID #19.10911.0000):  Multiple complaints have been received about two dogs who reside at this address running loose.  Most recently a Sheriff’s Deputy found the dogs in Lynden Valley Industrial Park and transported them to the Humane Society.  As a result of multiple occasions of disregard for the ordinance, Johnson made a motion to issue an administrative citation rather than a warning of administrative notice, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  Ackerman will draft the citation for the clerk to issue.

Complaint – 483 221st St E (PID #19.10766.0014):  A neighbor requested assistance in getting this site cleaned up.  It was noted there is junk and garbage all over the property and the residence has no trash service.  The property is in foreclosure and as of July 31, 2018, Stearns County records list the owner as Lake Central Bank.  In addition, people are living illegally in an RV and a tent on the property.  Johnson recommended this be turned over to Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES) as a health and safety issue.  Ackerman will follow up with SCES and draft violation letters directed both to the occupants and the bank.

Approve Ordinance Meeting Minutes (7/10/18):  Johnson made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Alder Road Asphalt Inquiry:  Jerry Riesberg was present as a representative for residents interested in the possibility of paving of Alder Road.  He explained the development was created in the late 1960s and now has more year round residents.  He counted 36 homes that are impacted by the condition of the gravel road and resulting dust issues.  He asked about the tarring of 161st Street.  Ackerman explained 161st was not tarred, but is a test site for a double chip coat applied to a gravel road.  The coating can work well on primarily through roads, but Alder Road is most likely too dense with too much turning traffic for that to be an option.  Information on the township’s paving policy was provided to Riesberg.  If traffic counts don’t warrant paving, property owners with 35% of frontage abutting the road must sign a petition requesting asphalt.  If a road is paved, the township pays the cost of bringing the gravel road up to specifications and all costs of the asphalt would be assessed back to the benefiting property owners.  Once a valid petition is received, the township would commission a feasibility study.  It was noted that if this project were to move forward, 146th St. would be included.  Riesberg was provided with the necessary information to move forward if he so chooses.

SCORE Grant:  The grant was submitted by Johnson on 7/18/2018.

Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – As Needed
Monthly Meeting –September 10, 7:00 p.m. (One week later because of Labor Day)

Building permits from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed.

Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
Stearns County Public Hearing – Jeff Drown
Certification of Liability Insurance –Vonn Trucking (Treasurer)
Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence listed above, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Bills were reviewed.  Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 7310 through 7331, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Ackerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair


Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Dennis Niemi and Dave Johnson.  Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present.  Ackerman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Ackerman asked if there were any additions to the agenda.  Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to approve the monthly meeting minutes, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Administrative Split – 2573 Co Rd 143 (Property Identification [PID] # 19.10560.0000):  James T. Todd currently owns 81.49 acres and intends to sell approximately a 57 acre parcel and another .81 acre parcel separately.  Stearns County has determined this is an Administrative split.  This change is reflected in the survey which shows the 3 tracts of land.  Parcel A is 22.85 acres, parcel B is 57.05 acres, and parcel C is .81 acres.  Parcel A would be retained by Todd, Parcel B will be offered for sale, and Parcel C will be owned by Leonard Helget.  Johnson made a motion to authorize the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance for the administrative split described in the survey provided, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  The original certificate was provided to Todd with a copy retained by the clerk.

Encroachment Agreement – Frontier:  Frontier’s legal department has reviewed our proposed agreement and replied with suggested changes.  Supervisor Johnson has requested the involvement of Township Attorney Mike Couri as their proposed changes eliminate many protections sought by the township.  As a result, Johnson made a motion to rescind the approval of the encroachment agreement made on April 2, 2018, seconded by Niemi.  Discussion ensued which included noting that Frontier has removed their name from the agreement.  A vote was called, all in favor, motion passed.  Johnson will follow up with Couri and will also work to recoup the costs incurred by the Township.  Johnson previously informed a sub-contractor for Frontier to cease work until this is resolved.

Midco Franchise Agreement:  The Certificate of Insurance has been received.  We expect work to being the week of July 2 or July 9.  Midco’s request for a Franchise Agreement has been forwarded to Couri for review.  Johnson will follow up.

Fence / Repair Reimbursement – 19519 Hubble Road (PID #19.10748.0116):  The request for payment dated June 12th has not yet been received.  Clerk Schmidt is to request payment within 10 days to avoid late charges and interest.  Clerk is to also remind property owner Dan Jenniges of the requirement to install a gate which meets the screening requirements of the ordinance.  Trees have been planted as required by the approved screening plan.

Alder Road Rain Garden Installation (PID #19.10628.0000):  The drain sleeve which was ordered for the rain garden infiltration area has not yet been received.  Upon arrival, Niemi and Maintenance Man Gary Schmidt will install it.

Annual Bridge Inspection:  After talking to area residents, Niemi has contacted the DNR regarding the beaver dam at the Plum Creek bridge on 200th St. East.  In order to maintain proper water levels, they recommend the dam not be altered.  Niemi relayed this information to Jodi Teich from the Stearns County Highway Department.  Niemi will follow up to get something in writing to retain in the file.

Road Tour Follow up – Brush in ROW (Fruth):  Niemi reports the area is in compliance.

Road Grading & Mowing Contract / Request for Proposals:  Niemi is preparing a Request for Proposal for Schendzielos and other interested road contractors for summer road maintenance.

Recycling Service Request for Proposals:  Johnson has prepared a Request for Proposal for recycling service.  Clerk Schmidt to publish 2 times and post at the town hall.

Town Hall Internet:  James Kantor was not present and will update the Board at the August meeting on the status of antenna installation to improve internet speed.

Zoning Ordinance #7, Subdivision Ordinance #8 & Road and ROW Specifications Ordinance #12:  Ackerman reviewed the highlights of the ordinance changes.  A meeting is set for July 10th at 5:00 p.m. to complete a final review of the ordinances before they are recorded.  Any potential changes would be related to format or grammatical in nature.  A public hearing was held on June 18, at 7:00 p.m.  Johnson made a motion to adopt Zoning Ordinance #7, Subdivision Ordinance #8 & Road and ROW Specifications Ordinance #12 essentially in the form as presented, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.  Clerk Schmidt will publish and post a summary notice.  Johnson made a motion to authorize Chair Ackerman and Clerk Schmidt to sign the final versions outside of a regularly scheduled meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Resolution 2018-01 Summary Publication of Ordinance Updates:  Ackerman made a motion to pass Resolution 2018-01 for summary publication, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Dust Control:  Application has been delayed as our contractor is having difficulty procuring the product.  Niemi anticipates application with two weeks and will continue to follow up.

Tales of Gold Kennel – Valorie LaBeau:  LaBeau reportedly has filed a federal lawsuit against Stearns County alleging a civil rights violation.  The Township was not named in the suit.

Road Elevation – 2712 Fulton Circle (PID #19.10813.0000):  Clerk Schmidt and Chair Ackerman received an inquiry from a potential buyer of a property on Fulton Circle asking whether the township would consider elevating the road so that it is above the flood plain.  Ackerman informed her that because it was cost-prohibitive, the Board would not consider this.  She was referred to Stearns County and the DNR as this parcel is in shoreland and is located in the Scenic River District.  Those agencies would have jurisdiction over the activity that would be allowed on this parcel.  Johnson noted that an official feasibility study had been completed on this area a few years ago.

Election Update:  Stearns County did receive some grant funds for the new election equipment, but billing for the equipment and iPads will be sent in July.  Future billings will be annual.

Approve Election Judges:  Johnson made a motion to approve the list of election judges for both the primary election and the general election, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Judges:  Alvina Johnson, Fran Spears, Jo Magney, Hilary Studenski, Julie Duncan, Kris Miller, Myriam Mansell, William Bradford, Charles Schultz, Ruth Schultz, Roger Brown, Elizabeth Leitch-Sell, Sheila Koshiol, David M. Johnson, Dennis Niemi, Tracy Nickolausen, Barry Hample, and Jenny Schmidt.

Approve Ordinance Meeting Minutes (4/9, 4/30, 5/21, 6/7):  Johnson made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Approve Public Hearing minutes (6/18): Johnson made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – As Needed
Final Ordinance Review Meeting – July 10, 5:00 p.m.
Monthly Meeting –August 6, 7:00 p.m.

Building permits from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed.

Torgersen on behalf of the Long and Crooked Lake Association expressed concern about the speed on Eaglewood Road.  The age of the population on the road has changed and there are many younger children on the road.  The Association is requesting the addition of another speed limit sign and a “children at play” sign.  It was noted that signs that aren’t required are typically funded by the requesting party and installed by the township.  Clerk Schmidt is to provide the pricing of these signs to Torgersen.  The Lake Association will reply with a proposed plan.  Once a proposal is received, the Board will review their request.

Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:

MPCA Wastewater Permit – (Clerk to file)
MN State Demographic Center – Population and Household Estimate
Certification of Liability Insurance –Midco (Treasurer)
Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence listed above, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Bills were reviewed. Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 7289 through 7309, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Ackerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:19 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair


Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Dennis Niemi and Dave Johnson.  Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present.  Ackerman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Ackerman asked if there were any additions to the agenda.  One item was added.  Johnson made a motion to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to approve the monthly meeting minutes, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  Newly appointed Deputy Treasurer Randy Pullis was introduced and Torgersen noted all Board members must sign the new signature card at Lake Central Bank.

Steve Soyka, Stearns County Sheriff Candidate introduced himself and his background of service.

David Fanger – 1974 216th Street E. (PID #19.10723.0027):  Fanger inquired about the possibility of adding asphalt or a double chip coat to Franklin Road.  The history of the Franklin Road feasibility study was discussed along with the township’s tarring policy and the petition process.  Though Franklin Road could be a possible candidate for a double chip coat, it was noted that the double chip coat on 161st St. will be under observation for a few more years to determine the longevity of the surface before the process is implemented elsewhere.  The Board will consider amending the tarring policy to address possible assessments relating to the cost of double chip coating.  Ackerman requested Niemi place traffic counters on Franklin Road to determine if traffic volumes warrant further study.

Drainage Issue – 251 Alder Rd (PID #19.10628.0000):  Niemi has ordered a drain sleeve for the rain garden infiltration area.  He believes this will allow the rain garden to function properly even if the soil is frozen.  Once the cover is obtained, Niemi and Maintenance Man Gary Schmidt will proceed with installation.

Fence Construction – 19519 Hubble Road (PID #19.10748.0116):  Hardrives has completed the repair of the holes cut into Hubble Road and submitted an invoice.  The Township will pay the bill and send a letter to property owner Dan Jenniges for reimbursement of the repair expense and any other costs incurred as a result of this violation.  Jenniges also must install a gate and plant the trees per the approved screening plan in order to achieve compliance.

Bronson Electric Site Plan – 20021 Edison Circle (PID #19.10600.0001):  The variance application submitted by Ryan and Nathan Nordlund has been withdrawn.

Deputy Treasurer Appointment:  Randy Pullis has been appointed as Deputy Treasurer.

Recycling Service:  Johnson is preparing a Request for Proposal for recycling service.

2018 Road Projects / Contract:  Niemi questioned the amount of the Schendzielos bill for crack filling and will review the bill with the contractor.  Niemi is preparing a Request for Proposal for Schendzielos and other interested road contractors for summer road maintenance.

Encroachment Agreements for Utility Work:  Insurance verification from Midco is pending.  Frontier has not yet returned the signed agreement.  Johnson will follow up to ensure no work is allowed without receipt of a signed agreement.

Town Hall Internet:  Kantor received a quote from Century Link for $60 per month with a 2 year contract.  The current provider is Arvig (FKA Palmer) and current monthly charges are $17.  Kantor will obtain a cable and install an antenna that should improve the speed through Arvig.

Zoning Subdivision & Road Ordinance Updates:  A meeting was set for June 7th at 6:00 p.m. to finalize proposed ordinance changes.  A public hearing date was set for June 18, at 7:00 p.m.  Clerk Schmidt will publish and post notice.  Ackerman will post draft ordinances on the web site.

Annual Bridge Inspection:  Niemi has contacted the DNR regarding the beaver dam at the Plum Creek bridge on 200th St. East.  If there is no new beaver activity, Niemi will research removal options.

Records Destruction:  Schmidt and Torgersen destroyed records pursuant to the schedule.

Dust Control:   Dust control application should be within the next week.

Violation – 18026 Co Road 145 (PID #19.10344.0012):  Samara Juhl was present to respond to the violation letter.  She stated that she is not conducting or running any sort of repair business from the property.  She works on her and her mother’s vehicles and has three cars for parts.

Meeting Dates:
Legal Training Seminar – June 14
MAT Summer Training – June 18, 1 – 5:30 p.m.
Ordinance Review Meeting – June 7, 6:00 p.m.
Public Hearing for Ordinance Updates – June 18, 7:00 p.m.
Monthly Meeting – July 2, 7:00 p.m.

Ackerman made a motion to authorize any interested Board members to attend the legal training seminar and/or the MAT training with all time, mileage and expenses reimbursed, seconded by Johnson, all in favor motion passed.

Building permits from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed.

Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
Midco request for Resolution (Previously denied on advice of attorney) – (Schmidt)
Wright Co public hearing Bass Lake
Stearns County Environment Services – Accessory Building after the fact variance notice
Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence listed above, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Bills were reviewed. Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 7269 through 7288, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Ackerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:33 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair


Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Dennis Niemi and Dave Johnson.  Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present.  Ackerman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.

Ackerman presented former Supervisor Jerry Finch with a plaque and thanked him for his eighteen years of service to the township.

Ackerman asked if there were any additions to the agenda.  Ackerman made a motion to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to approve the monthly meeting minutes, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Newly appointed Deputy Clerk Joe Stender was introduced.  Stender has taken the Oath of Office and will be training with Clerk Schmidt over the next few months.

Drainage Issue – 251 Alder Rd (PID #19.10628.0000):  Niemi visited with the property owner and they reiterated they had no interior damage from the water issue.  Niemi believes the problem was a result of the soil above the rain garden freezing.  He discussed options with Schendzielos and it was suggested that a drain sleeve 24 inches in diameter be placed in the rain garden.  No survey would be required and no approval from the DNR would need to be obtained.  Johnson made a motion to authorize Niemi to explore the cost and implement the rain garden repair up to an amount not to exceed $3000, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Certificate of Compliance – Larry Storms (PID #19.10517.0050):  Storms currently owns 117.9 acres and intends to sell approximately a 70 acre parcel and retain the other two residual parcels.  Stearns County has determined this is an Administrative split and required a change to the homesteaded parcel from 3 acres to greater than 20 acres.  This change is reflected in the survey which shows the 3 tracts of land.  Parcel A is 21.2 acres, parcel B is 69.5 acres, and parcel C is 27.4 acres.  Parcels A & C would be retained by Storms, and Parcel B will be owned by Rich Janski.  (Note: there is a discrepancy between Beacon and the survey regarding the amount of acreage).  Ackerman made a motion to authorize the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance as noted in the survey provided, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.  The original certificate was provided to Storms with a copy retained by the clerk.

Fence Construction – 19519 Hubble Road (PID #19.10748.0116):  In March of this year Dan Jenniges, Owner of SMA LLC, submitted a proposed screening plan which was approved by the Board.  Niemi reported that recently Jenniges did not follow the approved screening plan and instead cut holes through the asphalt surface of the cul-de-sac on Hubble Road.  Though the property line encroaches into the cul-de-sac, there is a recorded easement for the road, and a fence cannot be placed in the right of way.  Niemi will hire a contractor to repair the road surface.  The cost of the repair will be paid by Jenniges.  Niemi will compile an invoice for billing.

Encroachment Agreement for Utility Work:  The signed agreement from Midco/Midcontinent Communications for cable TV in the Grass Lake/Hidden River area has been received, along with the License and Permit Bond.  Insurance verification is pending.  The signed agreement from Frontier for fiber optic cable along Franklin Road has not been received as of yet so the issue remains pending.  Johnson indicated they may request expansion of the area covered.  Johnson will continue to follow up.

Town Hall Internet:  Internet service at the town hall will remain with Arvig (FKA Palmer) until the end of the month.  Kantor will continue to follow up with Century Link for internet service at the township hall.  Price is still pending.

Plum Creek Water Quality Project Update:  Data has been submitted to the MPCA with the goal of getting Plum Creek removed from the impaired waters list.  It was noted that the Board has not approved any township funds to be spent on this project in 2018.

Zoning Subdivision & Road Ordinance Updates:  A meeting was set for May 21st at 6:00 p.m. to finalize proposed ordinance changes.  Johnson has provided Couri with a copy for review.

Certificate of Compliance – 18383 Dover Road (PID #19.10291.0000):  Jeff Drown currently owns 156 acres and intends to split this into 2 parcels.  Parcel A is 46.6 acres upon which he intends to construct a new home.  The home will be accessed from County Road 44.   Parcel B is 107 acres which currently has the existing home.  (Note: there is a discrepancy between beacon and the survey regarding the amount of acreage).  Drown would retain ownership of both parcels.  Stearns County considers this an administrative split.  It was noted that his access will be considered a driveway and not a township road.  In addition, Drown was instructed to contact Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES) for a construction site permit and township building inspector Nancy Scott for a building permit.  In addition, Drown was told to consult with SCES about any trees he wishes to remove because tree removal in shoreland is regulated by the County’s ordinance.  Discussion was held regarding Dover Road and the fact that despite that it is technically on his property, Dover Road is a township road based on use and maintenance.  After discussion, it was determined that Niemi will meet on site with Drown to determine the proper boundaries of the township’s right of way in the Dover Road cul-de-sac.  Ackerman made a motion to authorize the issuance of Certificate of Compliance as noted in the survey provided, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.  The original certificate was provided to Drown with a copy retained by the clerk.

Bronson Electric Site Plan – 20021 Edison Circle (PID #19.10600.0001):  Ryan and Nathan Nordlund provided a site plan and inquired about having two driveway accesses for their business.  They were advised that the ordinance is still under review, but the Board is considering allowing an additional access point with an approved site plan for non-residential uses in an industrial zone.  Discussion followed regarding a possible request for variance.  Ackerman made a motion to waive the site visit requirement, so if a variance application is received, the public hearing fee would be $400, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.  If an application and payment is received, a public hearing will be set for May 21, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.

2018 Road Construction Projects (County Request):  Clerk Schmidt is to notify Stearns County the Township has no road construction projects slated for 2018.

Deputy Clerk / Treasurer Appointments:   Deputy Clerk Joe Stender has been appointed.  The Deputy Treasurer appointment is pending.

Recycling Service:  The Republic representative stated they are unwilling to lower their price.  Johnson will prepare a Request for Proposal.

Road Tour Follow Up:  Notes from the road tour were reviewed.

2018 Road Projects / Contract:  Niemi will work on a new contract with Schendzielos and/or a request for proposal for road contractors.

Approve Tax Equalization Minutes:  Johnson made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – As Needed
Public Hearing Bronson Electric Variance (If payment is received) – May 21, 6:00 p.m.
Ordinance Review Meeting – May 21, Following the public hearing
Monthly Meeting – June 4, 7:00 p.m.

No Building permits from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were received.

Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
Clearwater River Watershed District – (Niemi)
Couri Township Legal Seminar – (Johnson)
Rengal Printing – Thank you for newsletter printing
Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence listed above, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Bills were reviewed. Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 7250 through 7268, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Ackerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair


Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Dave Johnson, and Dennis Niemi. Stearns County Senior Appraiser for Agriculture, Residential and Shoreland properties in Lynden Township Don Ramler, Appraiser Mitch Determan and Clerk Jenny Schmidt. Chair Ackerman called the meeting to order at 7:00. The record should reflect that Supervisor Ackerman has been certified via completion of the required training, which was verified by Stearns County records.  Johnson will confirm his certification and Niemi will take the required on-line course in advance of the 2019 meeting.

There were no scheduled appointments, no walk-ins and no correspondence.

The 2018 Assessment Overview is based on the results of the assessment sales ratio study covering the period from October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017.  There were 18 qualified sales during this time period, 16 off water and 2 on water.  The sales indicated a median ratio of 91.04%.  There was $2,352,457 of new construction.  This is up from $2,142,324 a year ago.

The results of the Local Board of Appeal for 2018 are as follows:
NAME                                          PARCEL#                                   ACTION
No changes were made as there were no appearances.

Johnson made a motion to adjourn the Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted
Jenny Schmidt
Lynden Township Clerk


Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Dennis Niemi and Dave Johnson.  Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present.  Ackerman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Ackerman introduced newly elected Supervisor Dennis Niemi and also recognized former Supervisor Jerry Finch and thanked him for his eighteen years of service to the township.
Ackerman asked if there were any additions to the agenda.  Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to approve the monthly meeting minutes, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Drainage Issue – 251 Alder Rd (PID #19.10628.0000):  Building Official Nancy Scott completed her visit to the site and indicated the property owner reported no interior damage.  Niemi will take over this project and pursue permission from the DNR and affected property owners for installation of an overflow drain as recommended by the township’s engineer.  Review in May.

Barking Dog Citation – 1829 Danforth Circle (PID #19.10689.000):  Clerk Schmidt issued an Administrative Citation and the fine has been paid.  The payment included a letter asking for the Board to consider amending the language of the ordinance and questioning the validity of the videos.  After discussion it was determined the Board will not consider a change to the ordinance as they believe the current wording fulfills the original intent of the ordinance but agreed that if another complaint is received, a Board member will attempt to personally corroborate a purported violation.  Ackerman will follow up with both parties.

Encroachment Agreement for Utility Work:  The proposed agreements for Frontier and Midco/Midcontinent Communications were discussed.  After review of some minor suggested changes, Johnson made a motion to approve the agreements essentially in the form provided and to allow the Chair and Clerk to sign the finished documents outside of a regularly scheduled meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  As our right of way ordinance is not finalized, it was noted that we are not issuing a permit for these agreements.  As a result, the $150 permit fee does not apply but Johnson will follow up to recoup the $250 charge from our engineering firm and the $475 charge from Township Attorney Mike Couri.

Clerk’s Cell Phone / Town Hall Internet:  Planning Administrator James Kantor received notice that Palmer Wireless (Duet) will discontinue our phone service as of March 30, 2018.  The clerk’s phone number has been successfully ported to a Tracfone.  Internet service at the town hall will remain with Palmer until the end of the month.  Kantor will continue to follow up with Century Link for internet services which will be installed after the spring thaw.  Price is still pending.

Zoning Subdivision & Road Ordinance Updates:  A meeting was set for April 9th at 6:00 p.m. to finalize proposed ordinance changes.

Certificate of Compliance – Larry Storms (PID #19.10517.0050):  Storms currently owns 117.9 acres and intends to sell approximately a 70 acre parcel and retain the other two residual parcels.  Stearns County has determined this is an Administrative split.  Ackerman informed Storms of the information needed for the township to issue a Certificate of Compliance.

Junk Complaint 724 Crescent Road (PID #19.10926.0000):  Both Niemi and Ackerman reviewed the property and found it does not reach the level of nuisance.  It was noted that Stearns County removed un-licensed vehicles from its ordinance.  The clerk will respond to the complainant.

Road Manager Transition:  Johnson and Niemi met with Finch and reviewed information about township roads.  Finch reminded the Board of the snow policy: Schendzielos will plow when 2 inches of snow fall.  He noted that safety for school buses and all vehicles is a priority, thus application of salt and sand is often necessary even if there is not a 2 inch snowfall.

Alder Road Conditions Complaint:  Niemi will contact Schendzielos for repair of potholes.

Public Works / Emergency Manager Designation:  The clerk will notify Emergency Management that Niemi is now the contact person.

Road Restrictions – 19th Ave E:  Discussion was held regarding road restrictions.  Niemi will draft a letter for the clerk to send to the St. Cloud Waste Water Treatment Facility requesting they discontinue the use of 19th Ave E. as we assume it is a 7 ton road.

Deputy Treasurer Resignation:  Ackerman made a motion to accept the resignation of Deputy Treasurer Karen Weeres, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.  Resident Randy Pullis expressed interest in the position.  Treasurer Torgersen will follow up.

Deputy Clerk Candidates / Interviews:   Clerk Schmidt received two inquiries regarding the position.  Interviews will take place in the upcoming weeks.

Approve Canvass, Reorganization and Fire Meeting Minutes:  Johnson made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – As Needed
Noxious Weed Meeting – April 4, 10:00 a.m. or 7:00 p.m.
Tax Equalization Meeting – April 5, 7:00 p.m.
Workshop to Finalize Ordinance Updates – April 9, 6:00 p.m.
Road Tour – April 12, 1:00 p.m.
Township Cleanup Day –April 28, 8:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Monthly Meeting – May 7, 7:00 p.m.

Building permits from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed.

Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
Ginger Mandel payment and correspondence
MN Association of Townships – Semi-Annual Meeting 4-26-2018 (Niemi)
Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence listed above, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Bills were reviewed. Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 7219 through 7249, noting check numbers 7228, 7232 and 7234 are voided, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Ackerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair


Township Clerk Jenny Schmidt called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Anne Ackerman made a motion to elect Brian Nickolauson to moderate the annual meeting, seconded by John Austin, all in favor, motion passed.

Wayne Ethan made a motion to waive the reading of the 2017 annual meeting minutes, seconded by Rob Schmidt, all in favor, motion passed.

Wayne Ethan made a motion to approve the minutes from the 2017 annual meeting, seconded by Rob Schmidt, all in favor, motion passed.

The 2017 treasurer’s report was available for review. Treasurer Dan Torgersen presented highlights of the report. The annual audit was completed on January 30th and the Clerk and Treasurer’s books and Lake Central Bank statements balanced exactly. The checking account balance is $502,356.  2017 revenue was $432,331 and expenditures were $354,751.  A motion was made by Anne Ackerman to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Lyle Rudningen, all in favor, motion passed.

Barry Seguin made a motion to waive the reading of all checks written and received in 2017, seconded by Myron Vait, all in favor, motion passed.

Newspapers: We are currently using the Citizen-Tribune.  We also post notices on the website and at the Town Hall.  Dick Nohner made a motion to retain the Citizen-Tribune as our official newspaper, seconded by David L. Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Attorney: Couri & Ruppe, P.L.L.P. continues to represent Lynden Township. David L. Johnson made a motion to retain Couri & Ruppe, P.L.L.P. as the Township Attorney, seconded by Brian Kunkel, all in favor, motion passed.

Depository of Funds: The Township currently utilizes Lake Central Bank.  Sherburne State Bank is an alternative.  John Austin made a motion to approve both banks for depository of funds, seconded by Todd Voigt, all in favor motion passed.

Recycling Service: The per cart rate increased from $5.00 to $5.25 in 2017.  A motion was made by David L. Johnson to retain Republic as the recycling service provider, seconded by Brian Kunkel, all in favor, motion passed.

Trash Hauler Consolidation: In February, a representative from Republic expressed an interest in submitting a proposal for consolidated trash service.  Prior to tonight’s meeting, the Board received many objections to this and will continue with the free market system unless the request became resident-driven.  Discussions included positive aspects of consolidation such as fewer trucks on township roads and costs could be controlled through a contract.  Discussions also included negative aspects such as prior experiences with rate increases, trucks leaving oil spots and no choice in haulers.  Dan Torgersen made a motion to send out a Request for Proposals (RFP), seconded by Dennis Niemi.  Johnson explained that RFPs would be reviewed by the Board and price would not be the only consideration.  The Board could choose to reject all proposals.  The motion was called for a vote: nobody in favor, all opposed, motion failed.

Clearwater Public Library:  David L. Johnson made a motion to authorize the Lynden Township Board to donate $2,000 to the Clearwater Branch of the Great River Regional Library as permitted by MN Statutes §§ 134.12 & 365.10, allowing payments to the library for the benefits library services provide locally in that it is a convenience to township residents, serves a public purpose and is in the township’s best interest to authorize this donation, seconded by Brian Kunkel, all in favor, motion passed.

Annandale Fire:  Chief Dale Machovsky represented the Annandale Fire Department. They responded to 207 total calls in 2017, 9 of which were in Lynden Township. The levy request for 2019 is $13,536.

Clearwater Fire:  Chief Ryan Pridgeon represented the Clearwater Fire Department.  They responded to 260 total calls in 2017, 71 of which were in Lynden Township.  The levy request for 2019 is $72,816 which is a 33.4% increase.  On behalf of the township, David L. Johnson thanked both departments for their service.

Anne Ackerman presented township updates which included a Plum Creek Neighborhood Network update, information about the Beaver Island Trail extension, and highlights of the subdivision, zoning and kennel ordinance updates.  A public hearing regarding the ordinances will be held soon.  Ackerman presented information on both the asphalt and gravel roads and a building permit report.  Traffic counts again show no roads currently warrant asphalt.

Ackerman discussed the 2019 levy. The Board is recommending approval of a 10% increase rather than the 33.4% increase requested by the City of Clearwater for fire service.  The recommendation is based on the need for better communication and not due to performance.  Lynden is satisfied with the Department’s service and hopes to continue to contract with the City.  The Board is requesting a meeting with the City and Clearwater Township to discuss changes to the formula for calculation of payment, assignment of calls on I-94, the option of recouping costs from non-residents, and a better understanding of long-term needs so such a significant increase can be avoided in the future.  Chief Pridgeon noted that an internal accounting error occurred so the funds that were supposed to be set aside for equipment upgrades were never assigned.  Pridgeon stated the current formula is incomprehensible and indicated that a meeting would be appropriate.  Chief Machovsky explained how the annual Annandale fire commission meeting works.

Ackerman presented the proposed levy as follows:
Road and Bridge $ 190,000
General Government $ 90,000
Annandale Fire $ 13,536
Clearwater Fire $ 60,041
Total $ 353,577
Overall the proposed levy increase for 2019 = .006%

John Austin made a motion to approve the levy as presented by the Board, seconded by James Kantor, all in favor motion passed.

Beaver Island Trail Funding:  Dan Torgersen made a motion to use $7500 of the Park Dedication Fee funds toward the Beaver Island Trail, seconded by James Kantor.  Discussion was held.  David L. Johnson was not comfortable using the total amount accrued toward one single item.  Tim Terwey made a motion to amend the original motion to authorize the Board to use the Park Dedication Fee funds to support the trail, with the actual amount being determined by the Board; Rob Schmidt seconded the amended motion.  The amendment to the original motion was called on for a vote, all in favor, motion passed.  The amended original motion was called for a vote, all in favor, motion passed.

Election results were announced as follows:
Number of voters: 182 signatures on the polling place roster
Candidate:    Jerry Finch (Supervisor)                Votes Received: 59
Candidate:    Dennis Niemi (Supervisor)            Votes Received: 124
Write in:         Erik Kask                                      Votes Received: 1

Candidate:    Jenny Schmidt (Clerk)                  Votes Received: 166
Write-In:         Erik Kask (Clerk)                         Votes Received: 1
|Write-In:         Marlene Kalla                             Votes Received: 1
Write-In:         Mike Michalski                             Votes Received: 1

Dennis Niemi won the three year term for Supervisor and Jenny Schmidt won the two year Clerk’s term.

The Annual Meeting for 2019 will be held Tuesday, March 12, 2019.

James Kantor made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Wayne Ethan, all in favor, motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 9:41 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Brian Nickolauson, Moderator


*Clerk’s Note: The March 5th monthly meeting was postponed to March 12th due to weather.

Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson.  Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present.  Ackerman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.

Ackerman asked if there were any additions to the agenda.  Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to approve the monthly meeting minutes, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed.  Finch made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Dave Bentrud, Waite Park Chief of Police and candidate for Stearns County Sheriff was present to introduce himself and inquired about any concerns or issues our township may be having.

Outdoor Storage – 19519 Hubble Rd. (Property Identification [PID] #19.10748.0116:  Dan Jenniges, Owner of SMA LLC submitted a proposed screening plan which includes gated fencing fronting Hubble Road and trees on the north and south sides of the property (attached).  Johnson made a motion to approve the plan as submitted, noting the west side may be required to be screened in the future, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.  Jenniges has indicated he will be in compliance by the May 1, 2018 deadline.

Possible Trash Hauler Consolidation:  The inquiry regarding trash hauler consolidation was initiated by a vendor.  This will be on the annual meeting agenda for discussion.  The Board has not taken a position on the issue and has received many negative comments.

Annual Newsletter:  The newsletter was received by some township residents today so the mailing deadline of February 28th was not met.  Newsletter editor Penny Leuthard was working with Rengel printing and due to editorial changes and a mistake by the printer, the publication date was delayed.  Leuthard will submit her invoice for services and investigate other options for next year’s newsletter.

Annual Meeting Planning:  The agenda has been finalized and posted to the web.  Schmidt is handling refreshments.  Ackerman made a motion to substitute election judge Alvina Johnson for Myriam Mansell due to illness, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Subdivision, Road & Zoning Ordinance Updates:  A meeting was set for April 9th to finalize proposed changes.

Drainage Issue – 251 Alder Rd (PID #19.10628.0000):  After consultation with Township Attorney Michael Couri, Finch has been working with our representative from township engineering firm Bogart and Pederson to consider installation of an overflow drain at this site.  The infiltration system that was installed in 2016 is working, but due to current weather circumstances, an overflow drain may be needed.  Permission from the MN DNR would need to be obtained prior to installation.  Building Official Nancy Scott is scheduled to visit the site later this month to inspect the site and view any interior damage.

Barking Dog Complaint – 1829 Danforth Circle (PID #19.10689.000):  This issue was first addressed in December 2017.  The barking was resolved after an official warning was issued, but multiple violations have recently been confirmed.  Clerk Schmidt is to issue an Administrative Citation which includes a $200 fine with a compliance deadline in 15 days.

Encroachment Agreement for Utility Work:  The proposed agreement for Midco/Midcontinent Communications has been reviewed by Couri and our engineer.  Johnson is waiting on a reply from Midco.  Johnson noted that Frontier Communications has been notified that we will also require an agreement for the work they will be performing on Franklin Road.

Cable Television Regulation:  Couri has recommended we not sign any proposed resolution as we want to retain our rights to consider future imposition of franchise fees.

Clearwater Fire Proposed Levy:  The City of Clearwater proposed a 2019 Levy of $72,816, which is a 33.4% increase.  The Board finds this unacceptable primarily due to the lack of communication from the city and the township’s desire to change the formula used to calculate annual charges.  Representatives from Lynden and Clearwater Township met jointly with City Administrator Kevin Kress.  Kress was informed that the Lynden Board will recommend to its residents a proposed 2019 Levy of $60,041, which is a 10% increase.  Clearwater Township will also recommend a 10% increase.  A meeting was requested to discuss changes to the formula and to get a better understanding of future budget needs.  It was noted that the Board appreciates the fire department’s work and they have no intention of terminating the contract.

Annandale Fire Proposed Levy:  The City of Annandale proposed a 2019 Levy of $13,539, which is a 5.9% increase.  The unit price went from $68 to $72.  A unit is defined as a parcel with a structure.  Johnson noted that the current debt for equipment will expire in 2021.

Town Hall Septic:  Finch has needed to contact Roto Rooter 2 times in the last several years due to the septic freezing.  Possible use of a septic heater was discussed.  Johnson suggested the slope of the pipe should be inspected as that may be the issue.

Township Cleanup Day / SCORE Grant:  The date is set for Saturday April 28th.  Johnson has applied for a $1000 SCORE Grant to help defray the costs.

Planning Commission Members:  Ackerman made a motion to accept the resignation of Brian Nickolauson, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.  The township will revert to a 5 member planning commission which lowers the quorum requirement to 3 members.

Palmer Wireless – Town Hall Internet / Phone Service:  James Kantor received notice that Palmer Wireless (Duet) will discontinue our phone service as of March 30, 2018.  Johnson made a motion to authorize an expenditure not to exceed $200 to transition the clerk’s phone, ensuring that the 320-774-8507 is retained, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – As Needed
Annual Election – March 13, 2:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Annual Meeting – March 13, 8:00 p.m.
Election Canvass Meeting – March 14, 5:00 p.m.
Reorganization Meeting – March 19, 6:00 p.m.
MAT Short Course – March 27, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Monthly Meeting – April 2, 7:00 p.m.
Noxious Weed Meeting – April 4, 10:00 a.m. or 7:00 p.m.
Tax Equalization Meeting – April 5, 7:00 p.m.
Workshop to Finalize Ordinance Updates – April 9, 6:00 p.m.

There were no building permits received from Building Inspector Nancy Scott this month.

Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
Midco/Midcontinent Communications – Proposed resolution for Cable TV (Rejected)
Stearns County Environmental Services – Ordinance 570 to Amend Ordinance 439
MN Association of Townships – Town Law Review (new name for Legal Short Course)
Central MN Dust Control  (Finch)
MN Association of Townships – 2018 Spring Short Courses
Stearns County Auditor – Wind Energy and Solar Power Production Taxes (Torgersen)
Stearns County Auditor – 2018 Tax Payments (Torgersen)
Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence listed above, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Bills were reviewed. Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 7204 through 7218, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Ackerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair


Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson.  Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present.  Ackerman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and asked for a moment of silence in memory of long-time township resident Jim Voigt.  Ackerman then led the pledge of allegiance.

Ackerman asked if there were any additions to the agenda.  Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to approve the monthly meeting minutes, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed.  Johnson questioned entries on the cash control statement and receipts report.  Torgersen answered Johnson’s questions.  Ackerman made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Republic Recycling Services – Jenifer Mason:  Mason is the area representative and wanted to ensure that the company is meeting our needs.  She stated they are an environmentally responsible company that could provide garbage pickup in addition to the recycling services they already provide.  She notes that centralized trash pickup would reduce the amount of traffic on the roads, ultimately saving the township money on road maintenance costs.  Republic currently provides 100% of the recycling in Lynden Township and 20% of garbage pickup.  It was noted that if the township would consider a change, a request for proposals would be advertised.  This topic will be discussed at the annual meeting.  Mason will put together a draft proposal to use as an illustration for discussion purposes at the annual meeting.

Outdoor Storage in Lynden Valley Industrial Park – 1934 196th St E (PID #19.10748.0101):  Jeff Johnson, owner of Johnson Crushing, was present and informed the Board he owns 3 lots on 196th St E.  He plans to install a berm and plant pine trees as soon as the frost goes out.  He understands the outdoor storage of equipment is not in compliance with the ordinance, but because of the frozen ground, he cannot commence planting until it thaws.  The pine trees will be 6 feet in height at the time of planting to comply with Stearns County’s vegetative screening requirements and will be in place by May 31.  He noted the equipment currently on site would be stored at this location from December to February and then would be moved to job sites.  Johnson was told to contact Building Official Nancy Scott to obtain any necessary permits.

Second Driveway – 19064 Eaglewood Road (PID #19.10597.0000):  Correspondence was received in January from Dianne O’Neill stating the second driveway no longer exists.  It was observed that no tracks were coming from that access point since the snowfall on Saturday.  This site will continue to be monitored, and this item will be added back to the agenda for additional enforcement if required.

Town Hall Internet / Phone Service:  James Kantor has confirmed that Century Link would be our provider and has been in contact with them.  They will provide a 5MB connection and recommended a business router.  He has not obtained pricing as of yet.  Work cannot begin until April due to frozen conditions. We will retain Duet / Palmer Wireless for the clerk’s cell phone.

Annual Newsletter:  Johnson made a motion to hire Penny Leuthard for the annual newsletter project at a rate of $35/hour, with the total amount not to exceed $300 unless further justified, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.  Newsletter content is to be provided to Leuthard so that mailing can be completed by February 26.  Johnson made a motion to authorize the issuance of a check outside of a regularly scheduled meeting to cover newsletter postage fees, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Work in Township Right of Way (ROW) – Midcontinent Communications:  Clerk Schmidt received an email from Paco Erickson inquiring about permits for proposed utility work in the ROW of Beachwood, Baxter, Alder, Hidden River, 146th and 3rd.  Finch knows of no history of utilities in the ROW.  Supervisor Johnson discussed encroachment agreements and will follow up with Erickson to determine what is needed and provide the documents so work can commence.

Subdivision, Road & Zoning Ordinance Updates:  Ackerman and Finch are to review.  Discuss in March.

Election Judges for March Elections:  Ackerman made a motion to approve the following judges for the upcoming March election: Barry Hample, Myriam Mansell, Marv Kinghorn, David M. Johnson and Julie Duncan, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Approve Public Hearing / Meeting Minutes:  Protocol for the annual audit was discussed and changes will be implemented next year.  Johnson made a motion to approve the January 30 Audit, Budget and Hoppe Public Hearing minutes, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Resident Dennis Niemi was present and noted that the trees on 165th St. need trimming.  Finch will follow up.

Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – As Needed
Monthly Meeting – March 5, 7:00 p.m.
Annual Election – March 13, 2:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Annual Meeting – March 13, 8:00 p.m.
Election Canvass Meeting – March 14, 5:00 p.m.
Reorganization Meeting – March 19, 6:00 p.m.

There were no building permits from Building Inspector Nancy Scott this month.

Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
Wright County Planning and Zoning public hearing – Bass Lake rezoning request
Town Officers Association – Township Day at the Capitol
Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence listed above, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Bills were reviewed. Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 7184 through 7203, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Ackerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair


Present:  Supervisors Dave Johnson, Jerry Finch and Anne Ackerman, Treasurer Dan Torgersen and Clerk Jenny Schmidt.

Ackerman called the meeting to order at 7:29 p.m.

Treasurer Torgersen submitted to Clerk Schmidt the Statement of Orders Issued for filing.

Documents for the annual meeting were distributed which included the proposed agenda, and a report on revenues, expenditures and the levy.  Treasurer Torgersen reviewed a detailed report of revenues and expenditures from 2014 through 2017.  Torgersen noted additional known 2018 expenditures and presented a draft 2018 budget.  Torgersen also presented a draft 2017 Treasurer’s Report which will be provided to residents at the March 13th annual meeting.

After discussion, it was determined the goal is to keep the levy as close to the 2018 amount of $351,357 as possible.  The General Government levy will possibly be adjusted to offset changes in fire contract amounts.

The Board will propose the following levy for 2019:
Road and Bridge                              $190,000.00
General Government                         $90,000.00
Clearwater Fire                                $ To be determined
Annandale Fire                                $ To be determined

Ackerman made a motion to recommend this preliminary levy to the Lynden Township residents at the annual meeting, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

The proposed annual meeting agenda was discussed.  The annual library donation was reviewed.  Johnson previously provided statutes relating to donations.  Ackerman will research the possibility of utilizing Lynden Township’s portion of Stearns County’s Park Dedication fees to help support the Beaver Island Trail extension.  The Clerk will remind residents that last year it was decided that public notices are only published in the Citizen-Tribune. After discussion, it was determined Clerk Schmidt will arrange for refreshments for the residents.  Treasurer Torgersen will present the Treasurer’s report.  Supervisor Ackerman will present the township update including Finch’s road report and general information.  Ackerman will also present the proposed levy.  Johnson requests a bigger screen be used to project the presentation.

Finch made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:17 p.m., seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt
Lynden Township Clerk


Present:  Township Supervisors Dave Johnson, Jerry Finch and Anne Ackerman, Treasurer Dan Torgersen and Clerk Jenny Schmidt.

Ackerman called the meeting to order at 6:53 p.m. and noted that the Supervisors were convening as the Board of Audit.

An audit of both claims and disbursements was completed following guidelines set out in the MIL 105D General Inspection, Level 1.  In 2017 there were 131 receipts and 277 disbursements.  13 claims and 8 receipts were randomly pulled and the Board verified the check numbers, dollar amounts and recipients against CTAS reports and Lake Central Bank statements.

The treasurer’s CTAS records match the bank statements.  All checks and invoices matched the bank statement.  After review, the Board of Audit found no irregularities.  Ackerman made a motion to accept the audit results, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.  The Board members signed the required documents.

Ackerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m., seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt
Lynden Township Clerk

Hoppe Variance Public Hearing Minutes January 30, 2018 (Click the blue link below to access minutes.)


Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Jerry Finch and Dave Johnson.  Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present.  Ackerman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.

Ackerman asked if there were any additions to the agenda.  Ackerman made a motion to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to approve the monthly meeting minutes, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Outdoor Storage in Lynden Valley Industrial Park – 19519 Hubble Rd. (PID #19.10748.0116):  Dan Jenniges, owner of SMA, was present and informed the Board he owns 5 lots on Hubble Rd.  He stated he plans to build on the north end of the property and would include fencing as required by the ordinance.  He understands the items currently on the south end of the property are not in compliance with the ordinance, but asked if enforcement could be deferred until he constructs his building.  He hoped to avoid the expense of a temporary fence, especially as the ground is currently frozen.  Neighboring property owner Jerry Konz from JK Landscape expressed his displeasure with the appearance of the site and believes everyone should be held to the same standard.  Johnson made a motion to waive enforcement of the fencing requirement until May 1, 2018, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.  Jenniges was told to contact Building Official Nancy Scott to obtain the necessary building permits.

Driveway Relocation – 16475 4th Ave. E. (PID #19.10375.0010):  Stearns County Planning Commission recommended approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for property owner Larry Gutnecht with the following conditions:  The property owner shall obtain a new 911 address from the County and work with the Township to obtain a new 911 sign and remove the northern culvert and approach and restore the northern driveway to agricultural land by June 1, 2018.  Johnson expressed concern that the Gutknechts failed to respond to inquiries and moved the 911 sign without permission.  Ackerman made a motion to approve the use of the original south driveway designated in the CUP, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.  Ackerman will inform Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES) of this decision.  The Gutnechts are aware that they must submit a $50 fee to obtain a new 911 sign.

Second Driveway – 19064 Eaglewood Road (PID #19.10597.0000):  Correspondence was received from Dianne O’Neill stating the second driveway no longer exists.  Johnson observed today there were tracks coming from that access point.  The property will continue to be monitored.

Fire Department Call Charge Ordinance:  Johnson has still not received any comment from the City of Clearwater.  The matter will continue to be tabled until a response is received.

Town Hall Internet / Phone Service:  James Kantor has confirmed that Century Link would be our provider and will contact them.  Clerk Schmidt is to sign and return the permission form to Frontier for work to be done on Franklin Road in May.

Variance Application – John and Sarah Hoppe – 379 Beachwood Rd (PID #19.10441.0000):  The Board has received a valid application and payment.  Planning Administrator Kantor will arrange a planning commission site visit and the Commission will make a recommendation to the Board prior to the public hearing.  A public hearing has been set for January 30 at 6:00 p.m.

Land Split Inquiry – James Todd – 2573 Co Rd 143 (PID #19.10560.0000):  James Todd has an 80 acre parcel and would like to split off 22.5 acres on the north end of the parcel.  The remaining acreage would continue to be farmed and may be sold to the current renter.  Todd was informed by SCES they did not need to plat.  Based on that information, this should be considered an administrative split, which would require the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance from the Township.  Todd was told of the information that is needed to issue the Certificate, which must be approved at a future meeting.

Stearns County Ditch 39 Informational Meeting:  The Board has been copied on a letter from Stearns County regarding potential repair of the ditch.  Any or all of the Supervisors may attend an informational meeting that will be held at the town hall on January 17.  Finch will open and close the town hall for the county representatives.  Johnson made a motion to waive the town hall rental fee as this is a government entity, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Roads to Chip Coat:  The Township will be included in Stearns County’s bidding and contract process for the chip coating of Eaglewood Road and Hidden River Drive.  The 2.2 total miles are estimated to cost $27,000.  Ackerman made a motion to approve expenditures for the chip coating of Eaglewood Road and Hidden River Drive, at an estimated cost of $27,000, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Annual Newsletter:  A brief discussion was held.  Options for a newsletter editor were discussed.  Review in February.

Appoint Absentee Ballot Board:  Johnson made a motion to appoint Barry Hample and Kris Miller as the absentee ballot board for March elections, seconded by Finch, all in favor, motion passed.

Beaver Island / 19th Ave. Bike Trail:  19th Ave. is being considered as part of the proposed Beaver Island Trail extension as a route for bike trail access to Warner Park.  The County Highway Department has denied our request to take over responsibility of 19th Ave.  A discussion was held regarding options for supporting funding for the proposed trail extension.  It will be a topic for the annual meeting.

Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – January 22, 6:00 p.m.
Hoppe Public Hearing – January 30, 6:00 p.m.
Annual Audit / Budget Meeting – January 30, at or about 6:30 p.m.
Monthly Meeting – February 5, 7:00 p.m.
Road Salt Symposium –February 8.  Ackerman made a motion to authorize Supervisor Finch to attend this meeting and that expenses incurred be reimbursed, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Building permits from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed.

Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
Stearns County Bonded Indebtedness Report (Torgersen)
Couri-Ruppe address information (All)
Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence listed above, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Bills were reviewed. Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 7167 through 7183, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Ackerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair