2019 Board Minutes

MONTHLY MEETING, December 2, 2019

Those present were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi and Tom Plaggerman.  Clerk Jenny Schmidt, Deputy Clerk Joe Stender and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present.  Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.  Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda.  Plaggerman made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  Minutes were reviewed.  Niemi made a motion to approve the November 2019 regular Board meeting minutes, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.  Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed.  Receipts totaled $2,533.62; Disbursements $17,229.22; Ending Balance $249,767.81.  Niemi made a motion to accept the November 2019 treasurer’s report, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Clearwater Fire Contract and Fire call report:  A Special Meeting has been set for December 16th at 4:30 p.m. at Clearwater City Hall with Clearwater Township, Lynden Township and the City of Clearwater City to discuss fire contracts.  Payment for Fire Services was issued to the City of Clearwater in the amount of $34,694.56 as set out in the November 14th letter from Twp Attorney Couri. The amount takes in to account the call adjustments.  Clerk Schmidt has not yet received a revised invoice as requested in that same November 14th letter.

Resolutions 2019-05, 2019-06, and 2019-07 Resolutions Authorizing Contract with Interested Officer Under Minnesota Statute § 471.88 Subd. 5:  The resolutions identify certain tasks that are not mandated by statutes.  Since Couri has not yet responded to questions, as per email sent by Chair Johnson on 10-16-2019, this matter is tabled to January meeting.

Refuse Study:  Niemi made a motion to authorize the clerk to advertise the request for quotes, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.  Clerk will publish in approved paper and mail to surrounding refuse businesses.  Sealed quotes are due January 3, 2020.  Pend to January  meeting.

LaDuke driveway 196 Craigway Road PID #19.11021.0000:  The Administrative Warning was not sent per request of Niemi.  Niemi reports the black dirt covering the culvert is in the appropriate width and has emailed the owner the ordinance information, including that the driveway cannot be extended to the full width of the culvert.  Niemi is to forward a copy of the email to Clerk Schmidt for the record and obtain photos next spring.

13th Avenue Town Line Road Agreement with Fairhaven Township:  Township Attorney Couri has made suggested changes which are now incorporated in to the document.  Niemi is to forward to the Board the “mark-up” document for our records.  Johnson made a motion to authorize Clerk Schmidt to submit the agreement to Fairhaven Township for review and approval, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

2020 Newsletter: Penny Leuthard agreed to manage and create the township newsletter at the rate of $35/hour.  Johnson make a motion to approve the verbal agreement in principal, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Spring Clean Up Day:   Clearwater Township has agreed to allow Lynden to use their facility for cleanup day but do not want to partner on the same days due to traffic concerns.  Plaggerman will continue to research items to make this happen.  

Alder Road Solicitation of Bids for the curb barrier project:  Schendzielos has proposed that he be the general contractor for this project.  He has completed installing the berm at Alder Rd.  Niemi is to obtain a bid from Schendzielos for the curb project as there are approximately 5 land owners involved.

Road Tour Follow Up:  Outstanding items include #1-5 (Johnson), items 7-9 (Niemi).  Completed items include #6, #10-13.

Lynden Valley Industrial Park administrative (minor subdivision) request to combine the lots to collectively manage only 2 septic locations (not 10) and impervious surface requirements: PID #19.10748.0112, 19.10748.0113, 19.10748.0114, 19.10748.0115, 19.10748.0116:  No appearance by Jenniges so matter is removed until further info received.

SCORE Grant reimbursement submitted 11-14-19:  $3,018.89 has been requested by Supervisor Johnson in re Cleanup Day.

Amendments to Stearns Park and Recreational Trail Ordinances:  Johnson makes motion to authorize Johnson to submit a written objection to the removal of the restriction on studs/metal traction devices on bituminous recreational trails, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Schendzielos Bid: Rates for Services 2020 Summer Maintenance:  Johnson made a motion to authorize Niemi to negotiate rates for services and to offer up to a 2 year contract, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Building permits:  Permits submitted from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed, 3 in total.
Driveway Permits:  A verbal approval for a driveway on Franklin road was given by Niemi in November.  The written approval is pending and will be submitted next month.
Right of Way Work Permits: A permit is pending for MIDCO for work on 202nd St. and 21st Ave to bury a cable.

Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
MATIT Workers Comp Audit (Torgersen will complete)
Stearns Electric Annual Capital Credit (Torgersen will deposit)
Stearns County Auditors Pre-General Election Clerk training December 11th at the West Side Service Center.  Johnson made a motion to authorize Schmidt to attend the meeting and to pay mileage and per diem, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Schabel Enterprises Liability Insurance
MAT Solicitation for Short Course topics
SCES Notice of Public Hearing for Twin Star Equipment – PID # 19.10748.0000

Review Bills and Claims for Approval
Niemi made a motion to approve Johnson payroll and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed.
Plaggerman made a motion to approve Niemi payroll and expense claim, seconded by Johnson, 2 in favor, Niemi abstained, motion passed.
Niemi made a motion to approve Plaggerman payroll claim, seconded by Johnson, 2 in favor, Plaggerman abstained, motion passed.
Niemi made a motion to approve all other bills and claims, utilizing check numbers 7666 through 7685, inclusive, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.
Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – As Needed
Special Meeting – between the entities of City of Clearwater, Clearwater Township and Lynden Township to discuss Fire Contracts at Clearwater City Hall – December 16th at 4:30 p.m.
Monthly Meeting – January 6, 2020, at 7:00 p.m.
Niemi made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:28 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair

MONTHLY MEETING, November 4, 2019

Those present were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi and Tom Plaggerman.  Clerk Jenny Schmidt, Deputy Clerk Joe Stender and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present.  Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.  Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda.  Upcoming Town Officers Association meeting and completed Comprehensive Plan meeting were added.  Plaggerman made a motion to approve the agenda with the additions, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  Minutes were reviewed.  Niemi made a combined motion to approve the September 2019 regular Board meeting minutes, the September 30 and October 9 Special fire contract meeting minutes, the October 10 Fall Road tour minutes, the October 17, 25 and 29 Special winter road maintenance meeting minutes, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.  Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed.  Receipts totaled $4,081.63; Disbursements $27,002.26; Ending Balance $277,261.01.  Niemi made a motion to accept the September 2019 treasurer’s report, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Clearwater Fire Contract and Fire call report:  On October 22 Clerk Schmidt received an email from City Administrator Kress requesting a meeting date of November 4th to review contract options.  The Board declined that date as it conflicted with our regularly scheduled monthly meeting and requested the meeting be held jointly with Clearwater Township and Couri.  Since then Kress resigned effective Nov 21st, 2019.  The Board has received no response back in regards to a new date and a joint meeting.  As noted in the October 9th special meeting minutes, the current contract runs thru December 31, 2020.  Plaggerman spoke with Clearwater Township Clerk Jean Just today and confirmed she also requested a joint meeting.  Since the final fire payment is due next month Plaggerman will contact Couri and request he ask the City of Clearwater to send us a new invoice reflecting the agreed upon adjustments and amended amount.

Resolutions 2019-05, 2019-06, and 2019-07 Resolutions Authorizing Contract with Interested Officer Under Minnesota Statute § 471.88 Subd. 5:  The resolutions identify certain tasks that are not mandated by statutes.  Since Couri has not yet responded to questions, as per email sent by Chair Johnson on 10-16-2019, this matter is tabled to December meeting.

Refuse Study:  Responses due November 15.  Pend to December meeting.

Request for Proposals [RFP] for Winter Road Maintenance:   A contract was signed on October 29th with Schabel Enterprises of Central Minnesota.  Insurance information has been provided.  Clerk will follow up for the Tax ID #and Articles of Incorporation as filed with the secretary of state.

LaDuke driveway 196 Craigway Road PID #19.11021.0000:  The Administrative Warning was not sent per request of Niemi.  Niemi was at the site today and paced it off.  Black dirt now covers the culvert, but the culvert has not been shortened.  Niemi will 1) take pictures of how it currently looks and 2) will issue a reminder to the owner that the driveway cannot be extended to the full width of the culvert, copying the clerk for records.

13th Avenue Town Line Road Agreement with Fairhaven Township:  Township Attorney Couri is reviewing the document.  Once review is complete, Niemi can send it on to Fairhaven Township for review and approval as noted in the October meeting minutes.

Ronald Bartosiewski 15463 3rd Ave land split inquiry – PID #19.10424.0000:  Bartosiewski currently owns 64.95 acres and intends to sell approximately a 10.94 acre parcel and a 21.85 acre parcel.  Stearns County has determined this is an administrative split.  This change is reflected in the survey which shows the 3 tracts of land.  Parcel A is 31.86 acres, parcel B is 10.94 acres and parcel C is 21.85 acres.  Parcel A would be retained by Bartoskiewski, parcel B would be offered for sale to Mitchell Moeller and Ann Moeller, parcel C would be owned by Gregory Halvorson and Nicole Halvorson.  Bartosiewski would retain the building credit. Niemi made a motion to authorize the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance for the administrative split described in the survey provided, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. The approved, original signed Certificate of Compliance was provided to Bartosiewski, with a copy retained by the clerk.

2019 Township Mileage:  Johnson made a motion to approve the Lynden Twp. mileage at 40.1 miles, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. 

2019 Township Weed Report: Johnson completed 16 inspections and 3 land owner contacts as noted in the report. Johnson makes motion to approve the report, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

433 Beachwood Road variance inquiry – PID #19.10711.0000:  No action take as no one present.

2020 Newsletter: Johnson makes a motion to hire Penny Leuthard for the annual newsletter project at $35 per hour which is the same rate as 2018, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.  Kantor is to contact Leuthard for follow up.

2020 Local Board of Equalization and Appeal:  Johnson made a motion to accept the proposed LBEA date of Thursday April 16, 2020 at 6:00 p.m., seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Spring Clean Up Day:   Johnson suggests a contingency plan of partnering with Clearwater Township or possibly using their location.  Plaggerman will follow up.  

Jeff Howe and Lisa Demuth request for open meeting:  The Board requests confirmation from Howe and Demuth before moving forward with this request.  Johnson will follow up with them individually.  Clerk is to notify Barry Vanburen his request is pending.

Stearns County Comprehensive Plan Meeting:  Johnson reports the meeting focused on adjacent jurisdictions and communities working together to resolve issues.

Building permits:  Permits submitted from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed.
Driveway Permits:  A verbal approval for a driveway on Franklin road was given by Niemi.  The written approval is pending and will be submitted next month.
Right of Way Work Permits: Wright Hennepin Electric for work in Hidden River to place underground 3 phase wire.

Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
Certificate of Insurance: Asphalt Surface Technologies Doing Business as Astech
Town Officers Association semi-annual meeting Thursday, Nov 14 at Freeport Community Center.  Johnson made a motion to authorize Niemi to attend the meeting and to pay mileage and per diem, seconded by Plaggerman, Niemi abstains, 2 in favor, motion passed.
Schabel Enterprises Liability Insurance
Stearns County net tax capacity report
Annandale Public School Notice of Special Election
Review Bills and Claims for Approval
Niemi made a motion to approve Johnson payroll and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve Niemi payroll and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Niemi abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve Plaggerman payroll claim, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, Plaggerman abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve all other bills and claims, utilizing check numbers 7646 through 7665, inclusive, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – As Needed
Monthly Meeting – December 2, 7:00 p.m.
Plaggerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair


Those present were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi and Tom Plaggerman.  Clerk Jenny Schmidt, Deputy Clerk Joe Stender and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present.  Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.  Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda.  Johnson removes Jeff Drown – Michels Underground Fiber optic line as there is no application—info provided for a bid.  Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda with the removal, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Minutes were reviewed.  Plaggerman made a motion to approve the September 2019 regular Board meeting minutes, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  The September 30 special meeting minutes have not been received from Clearwater Township, pend to November meeting. Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed.  Receipts totaled $4,977.34; Disbursements $91,530.16; Ending Balance $287,384.04.  Niemi made a motion to accept the September 2019 treasurer’s report, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Clearwater Fire Contract and Fire call report: On September 10th the City of Clearwater sent the 90 day notice to terminate the fire contract.  As posted, the Lynden Township Board and the Clearwater Township Board met on September 30th and will meet again on October 9th to discuss future fire contracts.

Resolutions 2019-05, 2019-06, and 2019-07 Resolutions Authorizing Contract with Interested Officer Under Minnesota Statute § 471.88 Subd. 5:  The resolutions identify certain tasks that are not mandated by statutes.  Since Couri has not yet responded to questions, Johnson made a motion to table this item to the November meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Refuse Study:  Niemi provides the Board with the proposed letter to be sent to several refuse companies with a response deadline of November 15.  This is not a request for proposals but rather the gathering of information to present at the annual meeting.  The document communicates the intent to maintain free enterprise.  Johnson made a motion to authorize the clerk to send the letter as written, a discussion was held after which Plaggerman amends the motion to modify the language in the letter to better illustrate the intent, amended motion seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Request for Proposals [RFP] for Winter Road Maintenance:   No proposals have been received in response to the RFP.  Niemi has contacted over 20 potential contractors and will continue his search for a bid.

LaDuke driveway 196 Craigway Road PID #19.11021.0000:  The driveway continues to be out of compliance with the permit issued.  Niemi will further document matter with photos. Niemi and Clerk Schmidt are to issue a warning letter with a deadline for compliance.

Resolution 2019-05 Designating Annual Polling Place:  Johnson made a motion to adopt Resolution 2019-05, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Newport Leasing Group – 20041 Edison Circle and 20035 Edison Circle, PID #19.10600.0004/19.10600.0003:  NewPort Leasing Group/Justin Sundell is purchasing the 2 properties owned by Design Home and Travis Kent.  Newport is a heavy truck and trailer sales.  The business plan suggests that the 20041 Edison, 4 acre lot is intended for trailer parking with roughly 100 parking spaces.  The 20035 Edison, 2 acre lot is intended for trailer leasing and a future shop.  This would be a 24/7 business operation and he is aware of the 7 ton road restriction.  Zoning is appropriate but questions about fencing, screening, impervious surface, and storage need to be reviewed with Stearns County Environmental Services.  Planning Administrator James Kantor will follow up.

13th Avenue Town Line Road Agreement with Fairhaven Township:  Niemi made a motion to send the proposed agreement to Township Attorney Mike Couri for review and upon approval, send it on to Fairhaven Township for review and approval, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

246, 203 and 215 Alder Road:  Niemi previously received a quote from Schendzielos for 2 jobs on Alder Road.  1) $3500 to remove existing dirt from east filtration bin and replace with black sand, and 2) $4960 to alter Alder road near 246 Alder Rd. and the west filtration bin by shaping it route the water in a gully or ditch toward the west basin rather than across private property.  No easement is necessary as all work would be done within the road right of way.  Niemi has since received a recommendation from Short Elliot Hendrickson, Inc (SEH) that suggests a physical barrier to prevent stormwater from running down the driveways, such as a curb.  Stearns County Soil and Water Conservation should be contacted.  Johnson made a motion to authorize solicitation of bids for this curb barrier project, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Building permits:  Permits submitted from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed.
Driveway Permits: none.
Right of Way Work Permits: Clearwater River Watershed District(CWRWD )– SepticCheck submitted a permit for a 4 inch, forcemain sewer pipe for about 400 feet in the right-of-way to be installed between Hidden River and the Clearwater Harbor systems to connect the two sewer systems. CWRWD has provided a letter declaring their ownership and responsibility under Ordinance 12.
Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
Class Action Notice: Opioids Negotiation
SHAPE Listening Sessions 10-21-2019
SCES AISPrevention RFP
MN Pollution Control Agency rule changes hearings
Review Bills and Claims for Approval
Niemi made a motion to approve Johnson payroll and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve Niemi payroll and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Niemi abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve Plaggerman payroll claim, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, Plaggerman abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve all other bills and claims, utilizing check numbers 7628 through 7645, inclusive, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – As Needed
Clearwater Township & Lynden Township to review future fire contracts – October 9, 1:00 p.m.
Fall Road Tour – October 10, 1:00 p.m.
Monthly Meeting – November 4, 7:00 p.m.
Plaggerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:49 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair


Those present were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi and Tom Plaggerman.  Clerk Jenny Schmidt, Deputy Clerk Joe Stender and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present.  Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda.  Niemi made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. Minutes were reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to approve the August 2019 meeting minutes, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed.  Plaggerman made a motion to accept the August 2019 treasurer’s report, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Clearwater Fire Contract and Fire call report: Twp. Couri continues to work with the Attorney for the City of Clearwater regarding 2018 billing call discrepancies involved with 2019 pay formula for the Clearwater contract.  Couri and the Board have received data for 16 of the 18 calls in dispute.  The remaining 2 calls and how the discrepancies are going to be rectified are pending along with monetary donations for 2018.  Johnson explained to resident Andy Struffert that a Fire Commission is typically an advisory commission which gives the opportunity for entities to exchange information.  Clerk Schmidt received an email from Clearwater City Administrator Kevin Kress on August 30 requesting a date to meet to discuss future fire contracts.  The Board agrees they are available on September 18th at 1:00 p.m.  Clerk Schmidt will relay this information to Kress and post the meeting.

13th Avenue Town Road Line Agreement:  The agreement has been signed by the City of St. Augusta. Johnson made a motion to approve the Agreement for the Division of Maintenance Responsibilities for a City-Town Line Road and to authorize Chair Johnson and Clerk Schmidt to sign said document, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Resolutions 2019-04, 2019-05, and 2019-07 Resolutions Authorizing Contract with Interested Officer Under Minnesota Statute § 471.88 Subd. 5:  The resolutions identify certain tasks that are not mandated by statutes.  Since Couri has not yet responded to questions, Johnson made a motion to table this item to the October meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Refuse Study:  Niemi provides the Board with the proposed request for price list document.  This is not a request for proposals but rather the gathering of information to present at the annual meeting.  The document communicates the intent to maintain free enterprise.  Johnson suggests revisions such as changing “proposal” to “pricing proposals or price list” and also requests the document be revised so that it is clear between recycle and refuse.  Pend to October meeting.

Stearns County Comprehensive Plan Survey:  Plaggerman made a motion to decline participation in the survey, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed. 

Request for Proposals [RFP] for Winter Road Maintenance:   The RFP was published in the Citizen Tribune and Annandale Advocate with a response date of September 6th.  The Clerk received no response.  The Clerk will publish in the St. Cloud Times with a response date of September 20th.  Stearns County Hwy Engineer Jodi Teich will provide Niemi a list of contractors.  Niemi will contact the St. Augusta and the City of Clearwater.  Clearwater Township has declined.

Fall Road Tour:  The Board will hold the fall road tour on October 10, 1:00 p.m.

7th Ave and 189th St Resurface Project:  The project is completed under budget.

35mph Speed Zone-200th St:  Johnson researched the request to add flashing lights or some sort of lighting to bring more attention to the speed zone.  Quote received from M-R Sign was $1700 per sign. Matter will be closed.

246 Alder Road and 250 Alder Road:  Niemi received a quote from Schendzielos for 2 jobs on Alder Road.  1) $3500 to remove existing dirt from east filtration bin and replace with black sand, and 2) $4960 to alter Alder road near 246 and the west filtration bin by shaping it route the water in a gully or ditch toward the west basin rather than across private property.  No easement is necessary as all work would be done within the road right of way.  Niemi made a motion to contract with Schendzielos as set out in the quote, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Building permits:  Permits submitted from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed.
Driveway Permits: 19.11021.0000, 196 Craigway Road, LaDuke is not in compliance.   Niemi will make contact.  Pend to October for possible administrative action.
Right of Way Work Permits: none.
Jeff Drown – Michels Underground Fiber optic Line – PID 19.10291.0010:  Johnson received information that Drown is soliciting a bid from Michels Underground to place a Fiber optic line from Dover Road to his residence in the township right of way.  Johnson will review whether this is for a single persons benefit, or whether others could tap in to this line, and who would own and be responsible for the line.
Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
Certificate of Liability – AllSpec
Couri and Ruppi – 2020 Rate increase of 5%
Review Bills and Claims for Approval
Niemi made a motion to approve Johnson payroll and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve Niemi payroll and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Niemi abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve Plaggerman payroll claim, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, Plaggerman abstained, motion passed.
Niemi made a motion to approve all other payroll claims with the exception of Supervisor claims, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Niemi made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 7606 through 7627, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – As Needed
City of Clearwater to discuss future fire contracts – September 18, 1:00 p.m.
Monthly Meeting – October 7, 7:00 p.m.
Fall Road Tour – October 10, 1:00 p.m.
Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:54 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair


Those present were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi and Tom Plaggerman.  Clerk Jenny Schmidt, Deputy Clerk Joe Stender and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present.  Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.  Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda.  Refuse study and Hubble Road were added. Plaggerman made a motion to approve the agenda with the additions, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  Minutes were reviewed.  Niemi made a motion to approve the July 2019 meeting minutes, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed.  Plaggerman made a motion to accept the July 2019 treasurer’s report, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Clearwater Fire Contract and Fire call report: Twp. Couri continues to work with the Attorney for the City of Clearwater regarding 2018 billing call discrepancies involved with 2019 pay formula for the Clearwater contract.  Couri and the Board have reviewed the City of Clearwater’s 7/29/2019 response to our 7/10/2019 email in which the 2015, 2016, and 2017 calls were disputed due to the lack of or insufficient address.  There was originally a 174 call count to Lynden Township.  There were 6 improperly allocated calls which dropped the call count for Lynden down to 168, with 18 still in dispute.  Invoice No 1509 dated 3/27/19 was never an agreed upon amount and unilaterally imposed by the City.  The March 2018 annual meeting electorate determined a 33% increase was excessive and therefore approved a 10% increase.  During this same time period the Board had requested documentation for calls and the request was denied with the instructions to get the information from the Stearns County Sheriff.  With the information we have received to date, we are now at an 18 call discrepancy.  Johnson explains most of these 18 are mile marker calls along I-94 and if we would have received the information years ago we may not be where we are today.  Resident and Clearwater Fire Chief Ryan Pridgeon states the fire departments practice of how calls are recorded has changed.  Historically they entered the address dispatch provided them.  If there is an address that does not exist from those 2015, 2016, and 2017 calls it may not be able to be traced.  Now, since early 2018, they confirm the address of the call.  Pridgeon explains that the increase was due to a capital improvement plan placed on them from Stearns County.  He indicates he has provided all the information requested, including the 18 calls that remain in dispute, to the City’s Administrator but can get that same information to the Lynden Board if we provide which 18 calls they are.  He is not in favor of a fire commission that micro-manages his department.  Should it come to the decision of cancelling the contract, they would invoke the 90 day cancellation period pursuant to the contract.  The formula used for the previous contract was explained to resident Joshua Gladis.  His concern is that help is received when it is needed and what costs would be associated back to him in the event the City ends the contract.  Resident Chad Sylvester hopes a resolution is near as it appears the information is gathered it just needs to get to the correct people involved.  Niemi suggests a fire commission be established similar to the Annandale Fire Commission.  Lynden attends in an advisory capacity with a voice but no vote.  Plaggerman reviewed the call logs and does not believe the City was trying to be deceiving in any way.  He spoke with the City Mayor and she is willing to continue reviewing the discrepancies.  To avoid this confusion in the future and have better relations and communication between us a Fire Commission sounds appropriate.  In the hopes of resolving this issue, Plaggerman makes a motion to pay the balance of the 1st half of Invoice No 1509, dated 3/26/2019 in the amount of $6,387.50, and to include a letter with the payment asking that a Fire Commission be established and that a new invoice showing the adjusted totals based on findings of the call discrepancies be sent to us, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

13th Avenue Town Road Line Agreement:  Niemi proposed the agreement to the City of St. Augusta for their consideration at their 8/6/2019 meeting. Niemi will follow up.

Resolutions 2019-04, 2019-05, and 2019-07 Resolutions Authorizing Contract with Interested Officer Under Minnesota Statute § 471.88 Subd. 5:  The resolutions identify certain tasks that are not mandated by statutes.  Since Couri has not yet responded to questions, Niemi made a motion to table this item to the September meeting, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Refuse Study:  Niemi will meet with the 3 residents interested in this project and will report in September with their progress.

Lynden Valley Industrial Park Hubble Road:  Johnson observed materials in the cul de sac and Niemi will speak with the JK Landscaping manager.  The Jenniges property, they intend to refurbish and strip out approximately 6 inches of top soil and haul in crushed granite to meet fencing requirements. They also are looking for long term storage and have agreed to mow the vacant lots to the south end 2 times per year.  They were advised they must contact Building Inspector Nancy Scott for any permits on buildings using conex boxes.

SaveStation:  Rich Feneis presented information for the AED devices, initial setup and maintenance costs.

2019-04 Resolution to Establish a 35mph Speed Zone in a Rural Residential District -200th St:  This proposed resolution rescinds Resolution 2014-03 and extends the speed zone approximately 500 feet.  Niemi made a motion to adopt Resolution 2019-04, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.  Johnson will research the request to add flashing lights or some sort of lighting to bring more attention to the speed zone. 

Stearns County Comprehensive Plan Survey:  Niemi made a motion to pend this to the September meeting, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. 

Jerry’s Towing – 20026 Empire Road, Clearwater, MN  55320 (PID #19.10600.0022 & 19.10224.0024):  Resident Gladis expressed concerns that the property is becoming cluttered with tires, engines and demolition cars.  He is indicates there are 2 shipping containers that are over flowing with items and the fencing is an eye sore.  His understanding from the public hearing was that it was going to be a holding facility for insurance claims.  Plaggerman observed the property today and did not see a demolition car but does suggest an annual review of the CUP.  Johnson informs Gladis that the owner does have confirmation from MPCA that no permits are required to ensure the water and river quality.  We do have the conditions as set out in the CUP and at this time he is in compliance.

All Bid Inquiry (Currently owned by MM Properties Of Clearwater LLC) – 1950 202nd St E (PID #19.10748.0000):  Niemi met with Twin Star Equipment and Manufacturing owner Patrick Iwan.  Twin Star Equipment builds gravel dump boxes.  Niemi did issue a verbal sixty (60) calendar day temporary exception to the 7 ton road restriction so that they can make improvements to the lot.  Niemi made a motion to authorize Niemi to apply for a Local Road Improvement Program Grant to improve the roads from a 7 ton road to a 9 ton road, which would include Edison Circle, Empire Road, 21st Ave, 202nd St, and 200th St from Co Rd 145 to 21st Ave, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

13th Ave Culvert replacement:  Per Niemi the project is complete and DNR has been notified.

Building permits:  Permits submitted from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed.
Driveway Permit: none
Right of Way Work Permits: none
Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
Certificate of Liability – Vonn’s Trucking
Certificate of Liability – Republic Service
2020 Town Aid Notice
MAT District 5 meeting notice
Emerson and 5th Ave inquiry – Johnson reviewed property and found no concerns
SCES Public hearing notice – Beau Munsell/Carl Fagenbaum: 276 Battle Road.  19.10663.0000.
SCES 2nd letter to Schultz Dev (Mathison Motors) in re: junk and salvage operation – PID #19.10748.0104, 0105, 0106, 0109
Review Bills and Claims for Approval
Niemi made a motion to approve Johnson payroll and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve Niemi payroll and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Niemi abstained, motion passed.
Niemi made a motion to approve Plaggerman payroll claim, seconded by Johnson, 2 in favor, Plaggerman abstained, motion passed.
Niemi made a motion to approve all other payroll claims with the exception of Supervisor claims, all in favor, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 7583 through 7605, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – As Needed
Monthly Meeting – September 9, 2019, at 7:00 p.m.
Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair


Those present were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi and Tom Plaggerman.  Clerk Jenny Schmidt, Deputy Clerk Joe Stender and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present.  Stearns County Sheriff Deputies (SCSD) Thunstedt and Bonfield are present as our Township liaisons and general contact.  Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda.  Todd Fruechte was added. Niemi made a motion to approve the agenda with the additions, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. Minutes were reviewed.  Plaggerman made a motion to approve the June 2019 meeting minutes, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  Niemi made a motion to approve the June 19, 2019 Fagenbaum public hearing minutes, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed.  Plaggerman made a motion to accept the June 2019 treasurer’s report, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Clearwater Fire Contract and Fire call report: Twp. Couri continues to work with the Attorney for the City of Clearwater regarding 2018 billing call discrepancies involved with 2019 pay formula for the Clearwater contract.

13th Avenue Town Road Line Agreement:  Attorney Troy Gilchrist reviewed the draft agreement and made some suggested changes.  Plaggerman also suggests a change to 4a to include gravel road maintenance.  Johnson made a motion to authorize Niemi to propose the agreement to the City of St. Augusta for their consideration with the suggested revision, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Republic Services Recycle Contract:  General Manager Jon Snyder and Niemi met for contract negotiations.  The current contract expires April 6th, 2021 and will auto renew unless a notice of termination is submitted sixty (60) days prior to that date.  An agreement was reached as a result of the discussions:  every other week curbside recycling effective May 1st, 2020 @ $5.25 per home.  Johnson made a motion to authorize Niemi to pursue a waste study commission to include refuse collection and costs, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

17th Ave E Brush:  major stump removal is complete.

Mlaskoch / Right of Way (ROW) Permit – 703 200th St for MN Communication Inc. (PID #19.10266.0000):  Frontier Communications as project owner has submitted the ROW permit.  Once payment is confirmed, Johnson will proceed on the permit approval process.

Variance Application Carl Fagenbaum – 276 Battle Road (PID #19.10663.0000):  The variance application from Fagenbaum to build a structure at 276 Battle Road and to leave as constructed an existing garage where it is located has been approved.  Johnson made a motion to approve the documents for recording, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Clerk Schmidt is to record the variance with the Stearns County recorder.

Doug Bischoff – Franklin Road minimum maintenance road closure request:  Bischoff is not present at today’s meeting.  Niemi attempted to research the road history and when and how it was established with little success.  Plaggerman is concerned about a potential land locked piece should the request be granted.  Residents present indicate it is Old Highway 52.  Niemi made a motion to deny the request to close or otherwise restrict traffic on the minimum maintenance road, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Todd Fruechte – 19045 Emerson Road (PID #19.10584.0000):  Fruechte wishes to build an addition on his home.  He has been in contact with Stearns Co Environmental services (SCES) as this is in shoreland, and with Twp. Official Building Inspector, Nancy Scott.  Even though Emerson is a private but platted road, the Township does regulate the ROW.  Planning Administrator James Kantor will follow up with him on possible variance proceedings.

Resolutions 2019-04, 2019-05, and 2019-06 Resolutions Authorizing Contract with Interested Officer Under Minnesota Statute § 471.88 Subd. 5:  The resolutions identify certain tasks that are not mandated by statutes.  Since Couri has not yet responded to questions, Niemi made a motion to table this item to the August meeting, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Jerry’s Towing – 20026 Empire Road (PID #19.10600.0022 & 19.10224.0024:  Both Johnson and Plaggerman reviewed the property today and found no concerns.

Stearns County Comprehensive Plan Updates:  Kantor will convene the planning commission and complete the survey. 

Building permits:  Permits submitted from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed.
Driveway Permit: Tony LaDuke, 00196 Craigway Road – PID #19.11021.0000
Right of Way Work Permits: Frontier Comm., 703 200th Str & Frontier Comm., 21515 19th Ave E
Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
Noxious Weed Tour– Completed on June 18, 2019, by Johnson and County Weed Inspector, Bob Dunning.
Hazard Mitigation Plan Update– Johnson expresses concern with the absence of any warning system for stormy weather and an event triggering a warning from the Monticello nuclear power plant as portions of Twp are within 15 miles of the plant, which is initial warning zone.  SCSD Liaison will contact Emergency Mgt to see what can be done.
Review Bills and Claims for Approval
Plaggerman made a motion to approve Johnson expense claim, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed.Niemi made a motion to approve all other expense claims with the exception of Johnson, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.
Niemi made a motion to approve Johnson payroll claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve Niemi payroll claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Niemi abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve Plaggerman payroll claim, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, Plaggerman abstained, motion passed.
Niemi made a motion to approve all other payroll claims with the exception of Supervisor claims, all in favor, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 7559 through 7582, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – As Needed
Monthly Meeting – August 5, 2019, at 7:00 p.m.
Niemi made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:51 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair


Those present were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi and Tom Plaggerman.  Clerk Jenny Schmidt, and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present.  Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.  Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda.  Destruction of surplus and outdated electronics and agenda format were added. Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda with the additions, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Minutes were reviewed.  Plaggerman made a motion to approve the May 2019 meeting minutes, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to accept the May 2019 treasurer’s report, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Clearwater Fire Contract and Fire call report: Twp. Couri is working with the Attorney for the City of Clearwater regarding 2018 billing call discrepancies involved with 2019 pay formula for the Clearwater contract.

Short Elliot Hendrickson (SEH) billing:  Invoice 362876 has been reduced from $813.75 to $534.75.

13th Avenue Town Road Line Agreement:  Niemi drafted a new proposed agreement with City of St. Augusta to clarify issues with the existing agreement.  Johnson made a motion to authorize Niemi to procure an outside attorney to review the proposed agreement and obtain an opinion. Providing that opinion is positive, Niemi can present it to the City of St. Augusta for their consideration; motion seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Republic Services Recycle Contract:  General Manager Jon Snyder and Niemi met for contract negotiations.  The current contract expires April 6th, 2021 and will auto renew unless a notice of termination is submitted sixty (60) days prior to that date.  No agreement was reached as a result of these discussions.  Johnson made a motion to not cancel the existing contract and let it run its course.  Within the interim, the Board will pursue a study group to research a recycling contract and with an option to include waste garbage collection. Motion seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Land Division Inquiry – 15463 3rd Ave (PID #19.10424.0000):  Owner has not contacted clerk to be added to the agenda.  No action taken.

Labeau dog and waste complaint – 16855 County Road 44 (PID #19.10367.0000):  The matter has been referred to Stearns County Attorney for review.

17th Ave E Brush:  Brushing is completed.  Niemi will monitor the stump removal from ditch and advise at July meeting.

Spring Clean Up Day 5-4-2019 Review:  Discussion was held regarding better signage, trailer restrictions, vehicle unit definition and a waste study commission.  Johnson will create a draft listing of issues to be reviewed.

Chickens – 2253 200th Street E (PID #19.10599.0001):  Based on minimal evidence received, Niemi made a motion to decline any further action until further complaint or substantiation of the allegation, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Mlaskoch / Right of Way (ROW) Permit – 703 200th St for MN Communication Inc. (PID #19.10266.0000): Mlaskoch is performing work on behalf of MN Communication Inc.  Work has been done on 200th Str, west of 6th Avenue in the ROW, trenching a communication line through the roadway and ROW.  On April 24, 2019, Johnson made contact with an employee of Mlaskoch requesting a copy of a ROW permit who ultimately could not produce one.  Johnson has made several attempts to contact the business Mlaskoch to no avail. Niemi made a motion to allow Johnson to move forward under the Administrative Fine Ordinance #10 process, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.  Johnson will draft the paperwork and submit it to the clerk for mailing.

Variance Application Carl Fagenbaum – 276 Battle Road (PID #19.10663.0000):  The application was received on May 16, 2019 along with the $750 payment.  Planning Administrator James Kantor has set a site visit for June 5th.  A public hearing is set for June 19 at 6:00 p.m.  Clerk to arrange for publication and mailing to neighbors nearby.

Doug Bischoff – Franklin Road minimum maintenance road closure request:  Bischoff is requesting the Board restrict use of this road for the same issues raised several years ago.  Concerns surround garbage dumping, illegal activity and safety.  He is not asking that the road be vacated just wants 2 gates put up.  He has contacted the City of St. Cloud and the Sheriff.  Niemi will research the road history, when and how it was established, and talk with Couri about options.

Replacement Schedule for Township Electronics:  No schedule is needed for clerk and treasurer laptop replacement. Johnson made a motion to authorize the destruction of surplus and outdated electronics including 2 modems, a computer and an antenna and parts, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  Kantor will destroy these items, drilling through hard disks.

Planning Commission Reappointments:   Planning Administrator Kantor confirmed Todd Voigt is interested in continuing on the planning commission.  Niemi made a motion to reappoint Todd Voigt to the planning commission for a 5 year term, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Destruction of Records pursuant to Retention schedule:  Clerk Schmidt and Treasurer Torgersen have completed the destruction of the 2012 records pursuant to the schedule.

MN Dept of Labor and Industry Municipal Fee Report:  Johnson made a motion to authorize Torgersen to complete and sign the report, and be submitted by its due date of June 30, 2019, and by June 30th for all subsequent years, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Agenda format:  Niemi made a motion to approve Johnson’s request to add letters and numbers to the agenda format, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Chip Coating Woodbine & Elderberry:  This project is set for mid June and crack filling needs to occur before then.  He received two (2) estimates: Schendzielos $2,450 and Aztech $1,815.  Johnson made a motion to accept the estimate from Aztech in the amount of $1,815, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

All Bid:  Johnson reviewed the property today.  Semi trailers previously present are gone and a gate locks the entrance.  Johnson will contact new owner. 

Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – As Needed
Public Hearing –June 19, 2019, Variance Application from Fagenbaum – 276 Battle Road
Monthly Meeting – July 1, 7:00 p.m.
No Building permits were received from Building Inspector Nancy Scott.
Driveway Permit: Tony LaDuke, 00196 Craigway Road – PID #19.11021.0000 needs further review.
Right of Way Work Permit: none
Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
Tony LaDuke, 00196 Craigway Road new construction- PID #19.11021.0000
MAT Membership Cards
MAT Summer Specialized Training
MN State Demographer 2018 Population and Household Estimates
SCES letter to Schultz Dev (Mathison Motors) in re: junk and salvage operation – PID #19.10748.0104, 0105, 0106, 0109
Niemi made a motion to accept the correspondence listed above, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. 

Bills were reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 7539 through 7558, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:23 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Dave L. Johnson, Chair


Those present were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi and Tom Plaggerman.  Clerk Jenny Schmidt, Deputy Clerk Joe Stender and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present.  Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.  Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda.  Electronics, business cards and clean- up day were added.  Niemi made a motion to approve the agenda with the additions, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.  Minutes were reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to approve the monthly meeting minutes, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  Niemi made a motion to approve the LBEA meeting minutes, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.  Johnson made a motion to approve the spring road tour minutes, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Town Hall Internet:  Century Link has completed installation at the town hall.

Clearwater Fire Contract and Fire call report:  Payment for the 1st half of the 2018 Fire contract has been made tonight in the amount of $30,020.50 to the City of Clearwater and $6,768.00 to the City of Annandale.  Johnson continues to work with the agencies and Couri regarding Clearwater call discrepancies and the new formula for the Clearwater contract.

Short Elliot Hendrickson (SEH) billing:  Per Niemi, SEH agreed to suspend the current billing until the charges are clarified.  Nothing has been submitted for payment as of today.

Chip Coating Woodbine & Elderberry:  Stearns County received bids and it has been awarded to Aztec.  Our portion for this project will be $9,736.17.  No start date has been set.

Jerry’s Towing Truck in Shoreland – PID #19.10600.0022 and 19.10224.0024:  Johnson reviewed the shoreland overlay photo and the location of the trailer. Johnson concluded found that while one trailer was maybe over by one (1) foot at one corner, we are not going to pursue the issue.  The owner is working with Township Building Official Nancy Scott on a possible new structure.

13th Avenue Town Road Line Agreement:  Johnson has reviewed the current Town line road agreement with St. Augusta and the Township in re MN Statute 103E.525 which provides for a 50/50 cost split.  Township Attorney. Couri declared the statute does not supersede our agreement, so we will continue to pay full costs of the 13th Ave culvert replacement.  At the suggestion of Couri, Niemi drafted a new proposed agreement to clarify issues with the existing agreement.  Johnson and Plaggerman will review and suggest any revisions and report back at the June meeting.  While Couri cannot represent either Lynden or St. Augusta, he can facilitate the negotiations.

Republic Services Recycle Contract:  General Manager Jon Snyder proposed a new monthly pricing for every other week recycling.  Current pricing is at $5.25 per home.  Proposed pricing total cost is $7.25 per unit with annual adjustment on collection fee and the net processing fee being adjusted annually.  This is nearly a 31% increase.  With 555 units participating in recycling in the last billing, the extra costs amount to approximately $13,000.  Johnson explained this is part of the levy set at the March Annual meeting and cannot be changed until next March for 2021 levy.  Niemi made a motion that the Board authorize him to represent the Township for negotiations of this contract, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.  Niemi will meet with Snyder on May 15, 3:00 p.m.

Gravel Road Dust Control:  Niemi received a quote from Central Minnesota Dust Control representative Kurt Kubasch for $56,885.04. The township has found that dust control is very effective in keeping the roads well maintained.  This amount is approximately $13,000 more than in 2018 but the intent is to apply more heavily on the frequently traveled roads.  Cost sharing with the land owner may be discussed in the future.  Niemi made a motion to accept the quote from Central Minnesota Dust Control, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Property Use Violation under Stearns Co Ordinance #439, Section 6.30 – 2046 & 2084 196th Str E (PID #19.10748.0104 & #19.10748.0105):  Owner Jamie Schultz was present and explained clean-up will occur by May 10th and going forward they will not dismantle cars, but rather keep them in tact until the sale.  Johnson explains this issue of a salvage operation falls within the jurisdiction of Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES) but thanks Schultz for coming to explain.

Conditional Use Permit Inquiry – 21944 Fairfax Rd (PID #19.10857.0000):  Email inquiry indicates a potential buyer wanted to build a shed prior to building a house on the parcel.  SCES indicated that could not happen per Stearns County Ordinance #439.

Land Division Inquiry – 15463 3rd Ave (PID #19.10424.0000):  Parcel is 64.95 acres.  Owner wishes to break off 11 acres and 7acres to sell to adjoining land owner.  Clerk is to reach out to SCES to determine if this falls within the Certificate of Compliance boundaries.  It appears they may need to do an Administrative Subdivision for attachment purposes with Stearns County approval along with a certificate of compliance from the township.  Clerk will call owner.

Labeau dog and waste complaint – 16855 County Road 44 (PID #19.10367.0000): Johnson has provided Couri the supporting documents of the complaint.  Couri has referred the matter to Stearns County Attorney for review and action.

Road Tour 4-25-2019 follow-up:  Minutes were reviewed to ensure completion of the items.

Resolution 2019-01:  Resolution Creating Vice-Chair Position on the Lynden Town Board.  Johnson made a motion to adopt Resolution 2019-01, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Resolution 2019-02:  Resolution Establishing a Policy for the Compensation and Reimbursement of Town Officers.  Johnson made a motion to adopt Resolution 2019-02, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Resolution 2019-03:  Resolution Establishing a Fiscal Policy.   Johnson made a motion to adopt Resolution 2019-03, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Electronics:  Johnson made a motion to authorize an expenditure of $400 plus tax and $45 protection plan to purchase a Printer for the Clerk, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Laptops for Board members:  Pursuant to request, Kantor researched laptop purchases for the Board members.  He recommends the Lenova I5 Processor which sells at Best Buy for $700.  Johnson made a motion to authorize an expenditure of $700 for each laptop for each Board member, motion failed for lack of a second.

Business Cards:  Johnson formatted business cards for the Boards use if they so choose.  He received 2 quotes: FedEx – 250 cards @ $62.42 color or $31.75 black and Office Max – 100 cards @ $10 color.  Niemi made a motion to approve the format and authorize the expenditure for business cards for any Board member who chooses to order, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Spring Clean Up Day 5-4-2019 Review:  80 residents were checked in on Saturday.  Significant backlog occurred due to having only one working compactor truck for the Township.  Discussion was held regarding better signage and possible charge for trailers.  Johnson will follow up.

Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – As Needed
Monthly Meeting – June 3, 7:00 p.m.
Building permits from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed.
Driveway Permit: Jerry Konz/JK Landscape, 19556 Hubble Rd
Right of Way Work Permit: Wright Hennepin Electric–Birchwood & Basswood; and Arvig Enterprises Inc– 27th Ave E, Empire Rd, on both sides of I94 & 200th Street.
Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
Stearns County Addressing for 286 Alder Rd – Clerk
Township Legal Seminar Notice for June 13, 2019, from Couri and Ruppe
Stearns County Construction Site Permit Application– Clerk & Kantor to post to web
PID #19.10898.0000 – Ergen annual medical statement
City of St Cloud Bio Solids Report—to post on the Township website
Town Officers Association Minutes
Johnson made a motion to authorize himself and Supervisor Plaggerman to attend Township Legal Seminar on June 13, 2019, at Albertville MN, paying mileage and hourly compensation,  seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Niemi made a motion to accept the correspondence listed above, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. 

Bills were reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 7517 through 7538, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Niemi made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:16 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Dave L. Johnson, Chair


Those present were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi and Tom Plaggerman. Stearns County Appraiser for Agriculture, Residential and Shoreland properties in Lynden Township Mitch Determan, Senior Appraiser Don Ramler and Kathy Korte for Commercial Industrial. Also present is Clerk Jenny Schmidt. Chair Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 and led the pledge of allegiance. The record should reflect that Supervisor Johnson and Niemi have been certified via completion of the State required training, which was verified by Stearns County records.  Johnson confirms his certification.

There were 3 scheduled appointments, 1 walk-in (2 parcels) and 1 written correspondence.

The 2019 Assessment Overview is based on the results of the assessment sales ratio study covering the period from October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018.  There were 22 qualified sales during this time period, 15 off water and 7 on water.  The sales indicated a median ratio of 78.02%.  There was $2,610,200 of new construction.  This is up from $2,352,500 a year ago.

The results of the Local Board of Appeal for 2019 are as follows:
NAME                                          PARCEL#                                   ACTION
1.     Deonna Bouska                     19.10925.0015
Did not appear as per appointment. Square footage discrepancy affecting valuation. After a site visit prior to this meeting, the county assessor agreed to reduce to $445.700, as square footage had been miscalculated.  The Board agrees.
2.     Kelly Korpela                                    19.10765.0057
Appeared as per appointment, contesting valuation. No improvements to home but still valuation increase by $26,600. Determan indicates this is due to comparable homes.  In the absence of a formal appraisal being provided, the Board recommends no change.
3.     Cassandra Johnson                         19.10765.0055
Appeared as per appointment, contesting valuation.  No improvements to home and driveway is crumbling but still the valuation increase by $19,100. Determan indicates this is due to comparable homes  In the absence of a formal appraisal being provided, the Board recommends no change.
4.     Trace McCoy                                   19.10916.0000
EMail. After review the county agreed to make a bedroom adjustment therefore reducing valuation to $255,300.  The Board agrees.
5.     Lee Fredrickson                     19.10377.0008 & 19.10377.0009
Appeared as a walk-in.  Questioned parcels, building credits, and wetland designations.  Determan will follow up on those items.  In the absence of a formal appraisal being provided and the absence of a formal contest of the valuation of her property, the Board recommends no change.

Johnson made a motion to approve the actions as stated, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Niemi made a motion to adjourn the Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted
Jenny Schmidt
Lynden Township Clerk


Those present were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi and Tom Plaggerman.  Clerk Jenny Schmidt, Deputy Clerk Joe Stender and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present.  Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.  Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda.  Culvert training was added.  Niemi made a motion to approve the agenda with the additions, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.  Minutes were reviewed.  Niemi made a motion to approve the monthly meeting minutes, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. Niemi made a motion to approve the  Canvass and Reorganization Meeting minutes, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.  Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed.  Torgersen explained the four (4) CTAS reports that are provided each month which are: cash control statement, cash balance statement, receipts register and disbursements register.  In the future he will provide 1 copy for public review.  Each year he also receives a statement of collateral from Lake Central Bank.  He will provide an update regarding a fiscal policy at the May meeting.  Plaggerman made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Barry VanBuren introduced himself as liaison to Jeff Howe and Lisa Demuth.  Should we need to refer any issues, his contact information is 320-558-6330 or barry.vanburen@yahoo.com.

Town Hall Internet:  Arvig cancelled the town hall internet service effective March 1 and later denied service all together.  Kantor received no response from Inteleconnect.  Niemi made a motion to contract with Century Link at $60 per month plus fees for 5MG, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.  Kantor will contact Century Link for installation.

Clearwater Fire Contract and Fire call report:  On March 4th, the Clearwater City Council voted to accept the proposed calculation to allocate the total Clearwater Fire Department budget based on historical usage data as follows: Lynden Township 23%, Clearwater Township 24%, and the City of Clearwater 53%.  Lynden passed a 2020 levy of $71,728 which is 23% of the proposed Clearwater fire department’s 2019 budget.  Johnson continues to work with the agencies regarding call discrepancies and the new formula for the contract.  It was noted that though the contract has an automatic renewal, the intention is that further discussions will occur between the city and the two townships to finalize a long term plan for contract calculations.  Johnson has submitted the request for additional detail in re call reports from Stearns County and until that is received and reviewed, no request for meeting will be initiated by us. Johnson has been consulting with Couri in re the invoice and call number discrepancies.

Township Clean Up Day –April 27:  City Administrator Kevin Kress offered both May 4th and May 18th.  The Board is available May 4th.  Clerk Schmidt will notify Kress and keep everyone updated.   

Resurfacing 7th Ave & 189th St.:  3 bids were received for this project: 1) Knife River $76,304.30, Central Specialty $86,000 and Dunick $110,000.  Short Elliot & Hendrickson Engineering Firm (SEH) reviewed the bids and recommend Knife River be awarded the bid.  A full reclamation of the road is projected.  Core drilling has been completed.  Niemi made a motion to accept the bid from Knife River to reclaim 7th Ave. and 189th St., not to exceed $76,304.30, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Short Elliot Hendrickson (SEH) billing:  Per Niemi, SEH agreed to suspend the current billing until the charges are clarified.  Pend to May meeting.

No Parking signs in Lynden Valley Industrial Park (LVIP):  Signs have been ordered and received.  Johnson will work with Maintenance man Schmidt for spotting and installation.

2019 Road Construction:  Niemi has provided Stearns County Surveyor the projected road work in Lynden Township via email.

MAT Short Course Training review:  Supervisor Johnson and Niemi attended workshops and Supervisor Plaggerman attended new Supervisor sessions.  Niemi also had registered for a culvert seminar but has withdrawn his registration as it was full and only option was being held in Rochester.  He will attempt to get a refund for the fee and attend the June 17 session in St. Cloud at the MAT Short Course.  Johnson made a motion to authorize Niemi to attend the June session and pay registration and mileage, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Chip Coating Woodbine & Elderberry:  Stearns County has not received bids as of yet.  Niemi will follow up.

SCORE Grant:  Johnson has submitted the application on 3-14-2019 and Stearns Environ Svcs acknowledged receipt.  Invoices for a maximum $3,000 reimbursement total are due by October.

Spring Road issues:  Johnson expressed disappointment with our current provider in relation to blading and amount of snow left on roadway afterward.  Niemi fielded several calls for mailbox replacement and referred residents to our policy.

251 Alder Rd:  Niemi spoke with the owner about the water flow and discussed directing options.

Snow in Right of Way – 19016 Eaglewood Road [PID #19.10592.0000] and 19086 Eaglewood Road [PID #19.10583.0000]: Niemi reviewed the areas and will keep an eye on it next year.

Stearns Electric Co Rd 44 underground upgrades:  Stearns Electric is replacing underground lines.  The project is expected to last approximately 10 days to 2 weeks beginning in June. A permit along with the fee has been submitted.  Johnson will follow up.  Johnson report an additional ROW project permit forthcoming from Wright-Hennepin for Basswood and Birchwood and possibly Verizon in re tower site along I94 and 27th Av.

Recycle Contract and Communication:  Place on the May agenda.

Jerry’s Towing Fence Screening – PID #19.10600.0022 and 19.10224.0024:  Per Johnson, they are aware of the screening issue and once the frost is out they plan on installing an internal metal fence to comply.  Jerry is also working with Official Building Inspector Nancy Scott for a possible addition to his building.  Johnson will continue research on the trailer in shoreland.

Ordinance #12 Road and ROW Specifications Revision:  Johnson made a motion to approve the amendment to Ordinance #12, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  Clerk is to insert the amendment in to the Ordinance.

Attaching supporting documents to the Agenda:  Clerk Schmidt and Treasurer Torgersen will provide 1 meeting packet for public access at the monthly meetings. 

13th Avenue Town Road Line Agreement:  Johnson has reviewed this agreement with Couri.  MN Statute 103E.525 provides for a 50/50 cost split but it does not supersede our agreement, so we will continue to pay full costs of the culvert replacement.  Niemi will contact the City of St. Augusta to possibly update the agreement.  While Couri cannot represent either Lynden or St. Augusta, he can facilitate the negotiations.  Niemi indicates the Wesbur complaint is a Spring thaw issue and he does not see a need for a culvert.

Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – As Needed
Noxious Weed Training-April 3
Tax Equalization-April 4, 7:00 p.m.
Spring Road Tour – April 25, 1:00 p.m.
Township Clean Up Day-May 4, 8:00-11:00 a.m. (pending confirmation)
Monthly Meeting – May 6, 7:00 p.m.

No Building permits were received from Building Inspector Nancy Scott.
Driveway Permit: Kurt Neidermeier, PID #19.10723.0029
Right of Way Work Permit: Stearns Electric, Co Rd 44 & Co Rd 7 to 200 Str E

Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
CRWD Community Sanitary Sewer Operation and Maintenance – Niemi
MAT Town Law Review – Niemi and Plaggerman
Stearns County Auditor 2019 Solar Power & Wind Energy Production Tax
Johnson made a motion to accept the correspondence listed above, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  Bills were reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 7488 through 7516, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Plaggerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Dave L. Johnson, Chair


Township Clerk Jenny Schmidt called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Dennis Niemi made a motion to elect Brian Nickolauson to moderate the annual meeting, seconded by Dan Torgersen, all in favor, motion passed.

Wayne Ethan made a motion to waive the reading of the 2018 annual meeting minutes, seconded by Rob Schmidt, all in favor, motion passed. Dennis Niemi made a motion to approve the minutes from the 2018 annual meeting, seconded by Wayne Ethan, all in favor, motion passed. 

The 2018 treasurer’s report was available for review. Treasurer Dan Torgersen presented the Board of Audit report and highlights of the treasurer’s report. The annual audit was convened on January 30th and the Clerk’s and Treasurer’s books and Lake Central Bank statements balanced exactly. At the close of 2018, the checking account balance was $459,614.  2018 revenue was $484,105 and expenditures were $526,847.  A motion was made by Anne Ackerman to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Bill Schmidt, all in favor, motion passed.  David L. Johnson made a motion to waive the reading of all checks written and received in 2018, seconded by Anne Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Newspapers: We currently use the Citizen-Tribune.  We also post notices on the website and at the Town Hall.  David L. Johnson made a motion to retain the Citizen-Tribune as our official newspaper, seconded by Todd Voigt, all in favor, motion passed.

Attorney: Couri & Ruppe, P.L.L.P. continues to represent Lynden Township. Dan Torgersen made a motion to retain Couri & Ruppe, P.L.L.P. as the Township Attorney, seconded by Randy Pullis, all in favor, motion passed.

Depository of Funds: The Township currently utilizes Lake Central Bank.  Sherburne State Bank is an alternative.  Jerry Finch made a motion to approve both banks for depository of funds, seconded by Todd Voigt, discussion was held.  David L. Johnson made a motion to amend the original motion to name Lake Central Bank as a primary depository of funds and Sherburne State Bank as an alternative, Dave Weeres seconded the amended motion, the amendment to the original motion was called for a vote, all in favor motion passed.

Recycling Service: The cost is currently $5.25 per recycling cart.  A motion was made by Tom Plaggerman to retain Republic as the recycling service provider, seconded by Anne Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Clearwater Public Library:  David L. Johnson made a motion to authorize the Lynden Township Board to donate $2,000 to the Clearwater Branch of the Great River Regional Library as permitted by MN Statutes §§ 134.12 & 365.10, allowing payments to the library for the benefits library services provide locally in that it is a convenience to township residents, serves a public purpose and is in the township’s best interest to authorize this donation, seconded by Anne Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Annandale Fire:  Assistant Chief Chris Townsend represented the Annandale Fire Department. They responded to 226 total calls in 2018, 6 of which were in Lynden Township. The levy request for 2020 is $13,536.

Clearwater Fire:  Chief Ryan Pridgeon represented the Clearwater Fire Department.  They responded to 252 total calls in 2018, 65 of which were in Lynden Township.  The levy request for 2020 is $71,728. 
On behalf of the township, Anne Ackerman thanked both departments for their service.

Anne Ackerman presented township updates which included highlights of improvements to the township website, upcoming important dates, and resources available to township residents. She reviewed updates to the zoning ordinance, a simplified subdivision ordinance, and the new road and right-of-way ordinance.  She also reported on conditional use permit and variance applications received in 2018, administrative warnings and citations, building permits, and the annual road report providing information on past and future projects for both gravel and asphalt roads. 

Ackerman reviewed the components of the proposed 2020 levy. She noted that after several Joint meetings with the City of Clearwater and Clearwater Township, a new flat percentage formula for Clearwater fire contract calculations was approved.  The formula for 2020 for Lynden Township will be 23% of the total Clearwater fire department budget. The township supports the new formula which eliminates the need for analysis of call numbers.  She noted that discrepancies between calls reported by Clearwater and reports received by Stearns County are under review. Clearwater has agreed to hold regular meetings to ensure better communication between the three entities.

The Road & Bridge levy, which has not been raised since 2008, is proposed to increase $35,000 due to higher snow removal and road maintenance costs.  Primarily due to higher recycling costs, the General Government levy is proposed to increase $10,000. That number has not increased since 2004.
Ackerman presented the proposed levy as follows:
Road and Bridge $225,000
General Government $100,000
Annandale Fire $13,536
Clearwater Fire $71,728
Total $410,264
Overall the proposed levy increase for 2020 is +16%
It was noted that $12,775 which was not levied at last year’s meeting for the 2019 fire contract with the City of Clearwater was not added back to the levy.
Al Horn made a motion to approve the levy as presented by the Board, seconded by Dave Weeres, all in favor motion passed.

Election results were announced as follows:
Number of voters: 56 signatures on the polling place roster:             

Candidate: Tom Plaggerman (Supervisor)               Votes Received: 28
Candidate: Todd Voigt (Supervisor)                         Votes Received: 28
Candidate: Daniel Torgersen (Treasurer)                 Votes Received: 51

The Board of Canvass will meet on Wednesday, March 13 to review the summary statement and select a winning Supervisor candidate by lot.  Daniel Torgersen won the two year Treasurer’s term.

The Annual Meeting for 2020 will be held Tuesday, March 10, 2020 at 8:00 pm.

David L. Johnson presented Anne Ackerman with a plaque and thanked her for her 19 years of service to the residents of Lynden Township.

David L. Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Rob Schmidt, all in favor, motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Brian Nickolauson, Moderator                                                         


Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Dennis Niemi and Dave Johnson.  Clerk Jenny Schmidt, Deputy Clerk Joe Stender and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present.  Ackerman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.  Ackerman asked if there were any additions to the agenda.  Resurfacing 7th Ave & 189th St. and snow plowing were added.  Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda with the additions, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  Minutes were reviewed.  The language regarding the Clearwater River Watershed Administrator correspondence was clarified. Ackerman made a motion to approve the monthly meeting minutes with the clarification, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

13th Ave. Culvert Repair:  After Niemi contacted Senator Jeff Howe for assistance, the permit from the DNR was received.  Niemi has provided a copy to Schendzielos and will ensure the project is completed as soon as conditions permit.  Work cannot begin before June 15, 2019.

2019 Newsletter:  The newsletter was mailed on February 22.  The Board appreciated Penny Leuthard’s work in compiling the document. In 2020, the newsletter should be mailed later.  Ideally, it will be received a week before the annual meeting.

Town Hall Internet:  Arvig cancelled the town hall internet service effective March 1 and provided an option to upgrade at a minimum cost of $47 per month for 5MB.  Kantor will pursue Arvig and other options for service.  Clerk Schmidt will contact Stearns County to determine internet requirements for the March township election.

Clearwater Fire Contract:  Ackerman and Johnson attended several joint meetings with Clearwater Township and the City of Clearwater to finalize changes to the fire contract formula.  On March 4th, the Clearwater City Council voted to accept the proposed calculation to allocate the total Clearwater Fire Department budget based on historical usage data as follows: Lynden Township 23%, Clearwater Township 24%, and the City of Clearwater 53%.  Lynden will propose a 2020 levy of $71,728 which is 23% of the proposed Clearwater fire department’s 2019 budget.  The city will provide a revised contract illustrating the new calculation. It was noted that though the contract has an automatic renewal, the intention is that further discussions will occur between the city and the two townships to finalize a long term plan for contract calculations.  Ackerman discussed discrepancies between the call reports provided by Stearns County and the call numbers provided by the city.  She has notified City Administrator Kevin Kress and Fire Chief Ryan Pridgeon of the issue.  Ackerman has requested that Kress provide a detailed 2018 call report to cross-check against the Stearns County report.  After review, next steps will be determined.  Johnson thanked Ackerman for her efforts and research on this project.

Annandale Fire Contract:  Niemi attended the Annandale Fire Commission meeting.  The requested levy remains the same at $13,536.  It was noted that there were six calls for service in the township in 2018 (4 medical, one CO alarm, and one cancelled in route).  Projected long term needs for the department include a tanker, a walk-in vehicle and a new roof for the fire hall.

Annual Meeting Planning:  Plans are finalized for the March 12th meeting.  The 8:00 p.m. start time of the 2020 Annual meeting will be added to the agenda.

Township Clean Up Day –April 27:  This item will be added to the April agenda pending a formal invitation to participate from the city of Clearwater.   

Mailbox Damage / Snow Plowing:  Niemi received multiple calls for damaged mailboxes.  The township’s policy outlined in Resolution 2008-10 states that unless a swing-away mailbox support is used, neither the Township nor its contractor are responsible for replacement. 

Niemi will follow up with Schendzielos regarding plowing issues.

Resurfacing 7th Ave & 189th St.:  Short Elliot & Hendrickson Engineering Firm (SEH) reviewed bids for this project and recommend Knife River be awarded the bid.  Johnson questioned how a subsurface bid can be made without having soil borings completed.  Ackerman made a motion to accept the bid from Knife River to reclaim 7th Ave. and 189th St., not to exceed $76,304.30, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Tails of Gold Letter Complaint:  An unsigned, anonymous letter was placed in the town hall drop box regarding Tails of Gold questioning whether the kennel was still operating after their permit was revoked.  Resolution 2017-06 addresses the township’s complaint policy which states that anonymous complaints are considered suspect at best.  The identity of complainants is considered confidential data. If the complainant chooses to identify themselves, the Board would gather additional information and review the complaint at that time.

Stearns County Variance Request – Jeff Johnson – PID #19.10820.0000:  Applicant Johnson notified Supervisor Johnson that Stearns County denied the request for an accessory building.  The public hearing notification was received too late for the Board to submit official comment in support of the application.  It was noted that Johnson has done exceptional work cleaning up the parcel.  Clerk Schmidt has not yet received a copy of the written decision.

Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – As Needed
Annual Election-March 12, 2:00-8:00 p.m.
Annual Meeting – March 12, 8:00 p.m.
Canvass Meeting – March 13, 6:00 p.m.
Reorganization Meeting – March 20, 6:00 p.m.
Spring Short Course Training – March 26
Monthly Meeting – April 1, 7:00 p.m.
Noxious Weed Training-April 3
Tax Equalization-April 4, 7:00 p.m.
Township Clean Up Day-April 27, 8:00-11:00 a.m.

No Building permits were received from Building Inspector Nancy Scott. A new construction site permit form has been received from Stearns County. It has been provided to Scott and will be posted to the web site.

Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:

Central MN Dust Control – Niemi
Central Applicators – Niemi
Census Boundary Survey (Stearns County –  Michael Pooler is responding for all townships)
Stearns County Auditor Levy information
Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence listed above, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Bills were reviewed.  Ackerman questioned the amount of the bill from SEH engineering.  After review, Niemi determined it should not be paid and will follow up with a representative from SEH to clarify the nature of the charges.  Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 7471 through 7487, noting check 7476 payable to SEH was voided, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Ackerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:33 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair


Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Dennis Niemi and Dave Johnson. Clerk Jenny Schmidt, Deputy Clerk Joe Stender and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present. Ackerman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Ackerman asked if there were any additions to the agenda. Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Minutes were reviewed. Ackerman made a motion to approve the monthly meeting minutes, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed. Johnson made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Certificate of Compliance 20702 27th Ave E. (Property Identification [PID] #19.10560.0020): Clerk Schmidt received the proposed legal descriptions required to issue the certificate. Ackerman made a motion to authorize the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance for the administrative subdivision described in the survey provided, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. The original document will be mailed to the applicant with a copy retained by the clerk.

13th Ave. Culvert Repair: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has advised no permit is necessary from their agency for this project. Niemi has attempted to contact our state legislators with no success to communicate the delay caused by the DNR. Niemi will continue to follow up with the DNR to ensure the project can be completed in the spring.

Clearwater Fire Contract: Ackerman and Johnson attended a joint meeting with Clearwater Township and the City of Clearwater to discuss changes to the fire contract formula. After extensive discussion and review of options, it was determined that a fair and appropriate calculation would be to divide the total Clearwater Fire Department budget based on historical usage data. According to information provided by the city, on average, calls were attributed to Lynden Township 23% of the time. Clearwater Township’s usage totaled 24% and the City of Clearwater’s rate was 53%. Based on the results of the discussion, City representatives were informed that Lynden intended to propose a 2020 levy of 23% of the proposed Clearwater fire department budget. No formal decision was made, and a follow up meeting is scheduled for February 25th. Ackerman will inform Township Attorney Michael Couri of the discussions.

Road Inventory Spreadsheet: Using Beacon’s measuring tool, Ackerman confirmed the township’s road mileage reported to the County is accurate.

Website PDF Applications: James Kantor has converted all the township’s application forms to fillable PDF versions. The updated forms have been posted to the website.

2019 Newsletter: Penny Leuthard has received most of the newsletter content and will now compile the information. She will send the draft to Niemi for final proofing. A mailing date of February 25th is expected.

Annual Meeting Planning: The proposed agenda was reviewed at a January 30th meeting. Brian Nickolauson has agreed to be the moderator. James Kantor will set up the AV equipment. Appoint Absentee Ballot Board : Ackerman made a motion to appoint Jenny Schmidt and Barry Hample as the Absentee Ballot Board, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Approve Annual Election Judges: Johnson made a motion to approve the slate of election judges from the November 2018 general election as potential judges for the township annual election, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Visual Equipment for Meetings: Preliminary discussions occurred regarding the possible installation of equipment in order to provide the Board and others in attendance at meetings visual access to topics under discussion.

Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – As Needed
Annandale Fire Meeting – February 21, 7:00 p.m.
Clearwater Joint Fire Meeting – February 25, 6:00 p.m.
Monthly Meeting – March 4, 7:00 p.m.
Annual Meeting – March 12, 8:00 p.m.
Canvass Meeting – March 13, 6:00 p.m.
Reorganization Meeting – March 20, 6:00 p.m.

Building permits from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed.

Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
Stearns County Public Hearing for Johnson Variance 19.10820.0000
Clearwater River Watershed District notification of a new District Administrator
Town Officers Association – Township Day at the Capitol
Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence listed above, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Bills were reviewed. Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 7456 through 7470, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Ackerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:59 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair


Present: Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi and Anne Ackerman, Treasurer Dan Torgersen and Clerk Jenny Schmidt.

Ackerman called the meeting to order at 7:16 p.m.

Treasurer Torgersen submitted to Clerk Schmidt the Statement of Orders Issued for filing.

Documents for the annual meeting were distributed which included the proposed agenda, and a report on revenues, expenditures, the proposed budget, and the levy. Treasurer Torgersen reviewed a detailed report of revenues and expenditures from 2014 through 2018, and projected revenues and expenditures through 2020. Torgersen noted known 2019 and 2020 expenditures and presented a draft 2020 budget. Torgersen also presented a draft 2018 Treasurer’s Report which will be provided to residents at the March 12th annual meeting. It was noted that both the road and general government levies have not been increased for many years and as a result, the net bank balance is declining.

After discussion of the proposed budget which included a significant increase in both current and projected road expenses, it was determined to recommend a 16% increase for the 2020 levy. The total recommended levy will be $410,264.

The Board will propose the following levy for 2020:
Road and Bridge $225,000
General Government $100,000
Clearwater Fire $ 71,728 (Preliminary number)
Annandale Fire $ 13,536 (Preliminary number)

Johnson made a motion to recommend this preliminary levy to the Lynden Township residents at the annual meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. The proposed annual meeting agenda was discussed. The annual library donation was reviewed. Johnson will provide the statutorily required language relating to donations. After discussion, it was determined Clerk Schmidt will arrange for refreshments for the residents. Treasurer Torgersen will present the Treasurer’s report. Supervisor Ackerman will present the township update including Niemi’s road report and general information. Ackerman will also present the proposed levy. Planning Administrator James Kantor will be asked to set up the projectors and screen for the presentation.

Ackerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m., seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt
Lynden Township Clerk


Present: Township Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Dave Johnson, and Dennis Niemi, Treasurer Dan Torgersen and Clerk Jenny Schmidt.

Ackerman called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and noted that the Supervisors were convening as the Board of Audit.

An audit of both receipts and disbursements was completed following guidelines set out in the ANSI ASQC Z1.4-1993, General Inspection Level II, Table II-C (Reduced Inspection), AQL 99.0%. In 2018 there were 147 receipts and 297 disbursements. 20 disbursements and 8 receipts were selected using the Excel Random Number calculator. The Board verified the check numbers, dollar amounts and recipients and payers against CTAS reports and Lake Central Bank statements. The randomly selected disbursements and receipts are listed below.

The Treasurer’s CTAS records matched the bank statements. All checks and receipts matched the bank statements. The Board of Audit found no discrepancies. Ackerman made a motion to accept the audit results, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. The Board members signed the required documents.

Ackerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 p.m., seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt
Lynden Township Clerk


Those present were Supervisors Anne Ackerman, Dennis Niemi and Dave Johnson. Clerk Jenny Schmidt, Deputy Clerk Joe Stender and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present. Ackerman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Ackerman asked if there were any additions to the agenda. 13th Ave culvert and Pilgrim’s Pride were added. Ackerman made a motion to approve the agenda with the additions, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.
Minutes were reviewed. Johnson made a motion to approve the monthly meeting minutes, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed. Johnson made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.

13th Ave. Culvert Repair: On Dec 21, 2018 the township received notice from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers assigning Regulatory File No. MVP-2018-03738-MJB to the project. Johnson expressed displeasure about the length of time the DNR held on to the request. Niemi will follow up to ensure the project can be completed in the spring. Niemi will also contact Senator Jeff Howe and Representative Lisa Demuth to discuss our concerns about the delay.

Pilgrim’s Pride Hauling Permit: Treasurer Torgersen has received a vendor number and confirmed a new invoice is not needed to allow Pilgrim’s Pride to submit the $100 fee. Niemi will ensure a Pilgrim’s representative signs and returns the permit and will monitor hauling and road conditions.

Certificate of Compliance 20702 27th Ave E. (Property Identification [PID] #19.10560.0020): Clerk Schmidt has not received a word version of the legal descriptions required to issue a certificate of compliance. No action will be taken until the necessary documents have been submitted.

Clearwater Fire Contract: City Administrator Kevin Kress sent an update on December 4th indicating the council had not yet reviewed the proposed new formula for the fire contract. Clerk Schmidt will follow up with Kress regarding a draft agreement utilizing the new formula. Ackerman is reviewing call data provided by Stearns County. Schmidt will contact Kress for an explanation of how Weather Watcher calls are assigned.

MAT Treasurer Training: Johnson made a motion to authorize Torgersen to attend the MAT treasurer training course and for the township to pay mileage, registration and hourly rate for attending this training, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Annual Audit Procedure: A discussion was held and suggestions made for the annual audit procedure. The audit meeting is scheduled for January 30th.

Road Inventory Spreadsheet: Ackerman will confirm road mileage using Beacon and provide an update at the February meeting.

Review Driveway Permit / Applications: Drafts of the Conditional / Interim Use Permit Application, Variance Application and Driveway Permits were reviewed. Once complete, the revised applications will be posted to the township web site. It was noted that Permitted and Provisional Use registration is handled by Stearns County.

Web Site PDF Applications: Johnson made a motion to authorize James Kantor to convert the township application forms to fillable PDF versions at a compensation rate of $50 / hour, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. The forms include Right of Way, Driveway, Variance, CUP / IUP, Kennel CUP, Preliminary Plat, Final Plat, Building, Mechanical and Plumbing permits. Kantor will follow up with Building Inspector Nancy Scott for her permit documents.

2019 Newsletter: Penny Leuthard has agreed to prepare the newsletter at a rate of $35 / hour and Niemi will be her contact person. A mailing date of February 25th is expected.

Annual Meeting Planning: Planning will take place on January 30th.

Culvert Installation and Inspection Training: Johnson made a motion to authorize Niemi to attend the training on March 28 and for the township to pay mileage, registration and hourly rate for attending this training, seconded by Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.

SCORE Grant: Ackerman made a motion to authorize Johnson to apply for the SCORE Grant to offset the costs of the spring cleanup, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Meeting Dates: Planning Commission – As Needed
Audit/Budget Meetings – January 30, 6:30 p.m.
Monthly Meeting – February 4, 7:00 p.m.

Building permits from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed.

Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
• LRIP Program Funding – Niemi
• Bonded Indebtedness – Treasurer
• Annandale Fire Invoice #006 withdrawn – Clerk to monitor before making payment
• Tri County Humane Society 2019 Contract – Johnson made a motion to authorize Clerk Schmidt to execute the contract, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
• Special Assessment confirmation for PID #19.10790.0000 – Confirmed by Board
Ackerman made a motion to accept the correspondence listed above, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Bills were reviewed. Ackerman made a motion to accept the bills and authorized payment utilizing check numbers 7436 through 7455, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Ackerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Chair