Those present via Zoom®. were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi, and Tom Plaggerman. Clerk Jenny Schmidt, Treasurer Dan Torgersen and Deputy Treasurer Jean Schermer along with James Kantor, Planning Administrator, were also present. Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. A moment of silence for Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day was held. Johnson reviewed guidelines regarding the meeting done Zoom® for board voting, requesting to speak for both town officials and public. Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda. Niemi made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote. The November 2, 2020, regular Twp. Board minutes were reviewed. Plaggerman made a motion to approve the November 2, 2020, regular Board meeting minutes, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote. Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed. Receipts totaled $23,737.82; Disbursements $83,338.81; Ending Balance $201,142.66. Niemi made a motion to accept the November 2020 treasurer’s report, and to sign the CTAS forms including the Claims list, Net pay account distribution, and cash control statements, motion seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.
Clearwater Fire Contract Map: Review of the proposed map from Niemi indicates the area of land between the Clearwater River and 27th Ave does specify that area as part of the City of Clearwater. Johnson makes a motion to submit the map to the City of Clearwater as Exhibit B – Service Territory Map of the Fire contract for Clearwater and to the City of Annandale, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote. Niemi is to provide the 11”x17” version to the Lynden Board, and both the City of Clearwater and the City of Annandale.
Fire Study Group: The Group did not meet due to elections last months. They continue to gather data and call reports to review.
Road Maintenance Study Group: Group did not meet this month. Remove from agenda until Niemi adds back.
Recycling Contract Bid Posting: Clerk sent out the request for quotes. Responses are due by December 30, 2020, opening quotes on January 4, 2021. Service will be effective April 1, 2021.
IT Support Proposal: Kantor has all the serial numbers recorded for the equipment received in October under CARES grant. Return of inventory is pending as Treasurer Torgersen is keeping his laptop until after the March election. Clerk Schmidt is keeping her laptop until everything is transitioned over. Johnson requests Kantor and Clerk to ensure everything purchased is covered under our Property Loss insurance policy.
SCORE Grant: Johnson submitted the grant for reimbursement on 11-14-2020 requesting the maximum total $3,000.
Resolution 2020-10 Designating Annual Polling Place: Johnson made a motion to adopt Resolution 2020-10 and waive the reading, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.
Pilgrim’s Pride Hauling Permit: $100 fee has been received. Niemi will secure Pilgrim’s signature and then Clerk and Chair can also sign. Permit is valid to November, 2021.
Lowest Cost Inc property at 21963 Fairfax Road camper PID# 19.10865.0000: Stearns Co. Environ. Services (“SCES”) Jennifer Kaminsky confirmed the violation is occurring in wetland and could also possibly affect DNR wetland property. A portion of the road and potential cul-de-sac is also where there is a parked trailer. Enforcement will be done by SCES starting with a letter instructing removal. Sewer and whether he is using camper as a residence will also be reviewed.
Douglas Bischoff, Franklin Road Closure request: Bischoff nor a representative not present on Zoom. Johnson makes a motion to table to January meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote. Treasurer to hold $400.00 payment received. The statute that requires resolution on a Public hearing request within 60 days is not in affect because no petition was received. Niemi to confirm that with Couri.
Annandale Fire Department Truck Purchase: Niemi provided information regarding the multi-use rescue truck costing $575,000.00. Johnson may contact Chief Haag for more information.
Building permits: Permits submitted from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed with 3 permits this month, for a total of 44 in 2020.
Driveway Permits: Todd Ostendorf PO Box 261 Lake Maria Rd 19.10580.0900, 19.10580.0901
Right of Way Work Permits: -20580 27th Ave E pending receiving check from Xcel for electrical work.
Correspondence: was reviewed which included:
-MATIT Workers Compensation Audit – Treasurer to complete
-Stearns County Auditor Election Training, December 9, 2021 – Clerk to attend
-Countryside Industrial Park, 2340 197th Street grading and retention pond concerns – Per Official Bldg Inspector Nancy Scott, Stearns County issued all the permits for this project, other than the Building Permit, so it would be within their jurisdiction to address the issue. She will not issue a Certificate of Occupancy until all issues are addressed/resolved. Concerned resident can reach out to SCES or Soil and Water.
Review Bills and Claims for Approval
Niemi made a motion to approve Johnson payroll and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed by roll call vote.
Johnson made a motion to approve Niemi payroll and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Niemi abstained, motion passed by roll call vote.
Johnson made a motion to approve Plaggerman payroll claim, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, Plaggerman abstained, motion passed by roll call vote.
Johnson made a motion to approve all other bills and claims, utilizing check numbers 7926 through 7966, inclusive; motion seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.
Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – as needed
Monthly Meeting – January 4, 2021, at 7:00 p.m.
Audit/Budget meeting – January 27, 2021, at 6:00 p.m.
Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by role call vote. Meeting adjourned at 8:27 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair
Those present were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi, and Tom Plaggerman. Clerk Jenny Schmidt, Treasurer Dan Torgersen and Deputy Treasurer Jean Schermer along with James Kantor, Planning Administrator, were also present. Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda. Niemi made a motion to approve the agenda with the addition and removal, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. The October 5, 2020, regular Twp. Board minutes were reviewed. Johnson made a motion to approve the October 5, 2020, regular Board meeting minutes, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed. Receipts totaled $7,381.08; Disbursements $21,034.41; Ending Balance $260,743.65 which includes $39,666.52 of CARES Act money. Niemi made a motion to accept the October 2020 treasurer’s report, and to sign the CTAS forms including the Claims list, Net pay account distribution, and cash control statements, motion seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Clearwater Fire Contract Map: Review of the proposed map from Niemi suggests more details are needed. Niemi will continue work on this. Table to December meeting.
Fire Study Group: The Group met on October 12th and reviewed local department budgets. They will next gather data and call reports to review.
Clean Up Day – Explorer Funds: Deputy Brian Theisen, Explorer Bailey Ostendorf and Explorer Emma Brown were presented $160.65 for their work at the Twp Clean Up Day.
Road Maintenance Study Group: Group did not meet this month.
Nick Dickson Preliminary Plat Review 1223 Basswood Rd PID #19.10219.0010: Craig Wensman from Bogart Peterson presented the Board with a letter from Stearns Co Board of Adjustment dated October 23 which indicates they granted a variance to develop a two lot plat having vehicular access lower than two feet below the regulatory flood protection elevation. Johnson makes a motion to approve the preliminary plat, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Niemi makes a motion to motion to allow the Chair and Clerk to sign the Final Plat outside of a regular meeting as long as there are no changes between the preliminary plat and the final plat, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Robert Storms Final Plat Review 19296 Lake Maria Rd PID #19.10253.000: Final plat was signed by Chair and Clerk on October 27, 2020.
CARES Act Funds Resolution 2020-08 Expending Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act Funds: Johnson made a motion to approve Resolution 2020-08, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
CARES Act Funds – Approval of transfer of funds from Fund 203 CARES Act to Fund 100: Johnson made a motion to transfer $3,372.14 from Fund 203 to Fund 100, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. This transfer is for James Kantor Payroll FICA, etc.
CARES Act Funds Resolution 2020-09 To Transfer excess CARES Act Funds to another Government Entity: Johnson made a motion to approve Resolution 2020—09, the Transfer excess CARES Act Funds in the amount of $11,716.20 to the City of Annandale for use by the Fire Department; seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
CARES Act Funds Grant Agreement with the City of Annandale: Johnson made a motion to authorize the Clerk and Chair to sign the CARES Act Funds Grant Agreement with the City of Annandale, which will indemnify the Twp of any claim, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Marion Kloeppner Certificate of Compliance 21044 Co Rd 75 PID #19.10494.0000: Vanhoorhis is purchasing .50 acres from Kloeppner. Stearns County has determined this is an administrative split. This change is reflected in the survey which shows the 2 tracts of land. Parcel A is 69.5 acres, parcel B is 3.25 acres. Parcel A would be retained by Kloeppner and parcel B would be owned by Vanhoorhis. Johnson made a motion to authorize the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance for the administrative split described in the survey provided, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. The approved, original signed Certificate of Compliance was provided to Kloeppner, with a copy retained by the clerk.
Michael Michalski rezoning request 17004 Co Rd 44 PID #19.10332.0000 and 19.10336.0000: Michalski met with Stearns County Envir Serv (“SCES”) indicating he would like to split his property into 3 lots. It’s currently zoned A-40. Per SCES, they will need to request a rezoning first from A-40 to R-5. He was provided an application by Stearns County and is looking for a recommendation from the Township in that form, as that needs to be completed before they can proceed with the county. Michalski believed he owned 29 acres but after meeting with SCES it reflects he owns 24 acres. He wants to give each son 10 acres and retain the remaining acreage and also wants a building entitlement to be given to each of those 10 acre parcels. A discussion was held regarding spot zoning of an R5 area surrounded by A40 zoning; and being consistent with the Township comprehensive plan; and the possibility of a Transfer of Development Rights (TDR). Michalski will contact the clerk if he wishes to be on any future agenda.
Recycling Contract Bid Posting: Johnson made a motion to authorize the execution of the RPF, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. Clerk Schmidt is to send the RFP to a list of vendors. RFPs are due December 30th, 2020 with an opening date of January 4, 2021.
Summer Road Maintenance Contract: Johnson made a motion to approve the 1 year contract with Schendzielos which runs from May 1, 2021 to November 1, 2021 provided the data practices act language relating to public information gets added, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Road Mileage Certification: Johnson makes a motion to certify road mileage at 40.1 miles, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Fall Road Tour action items: Action Items disbursed.
IT Support Proposal: At the request of the Township, George Corte of Digital Nomad submitted 4 options for continued IT Support of the new technology added to the township hall as part of the COVID Response and grant. #1: Networking/Audio/Video Support. #2 Internet Service #3 Desktop Support #4 Remote access/system monitoring. Options were discussed and reviewed. Kantor recommended at a minimum option #1 and #4. Johnson made a motion to approve Option #4 – Remote access/system monitoring ay a cost of $350 per year, reserving a decision on Options #1-3 for further discussion; seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
CARES Act Elections Grant to Municipalities: Based on timing (Grant information received Oct 6th, this Board has not meet until today, and monies must be awarded, items ordered, received, installed, paid and reported on by November 10th) Niemi made a motion to decline the grant, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Building permits: Permits submitted from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed with 6 permits this month, for a total of 41 in 2020.
Driveway Permits: none
Right of Way Work Permits: -20956 Franklin Rd approved; -19146 Eaglewood Rd approved
Correspondence: was reviewed which included:
-Town Officers Assn
-Certificate of Liability Insurance – Short Elliot Hendrickson
-Progressive Policy – Schabel Enterprises
Review Bills and Claims for Approval
Niemi made a motion to approve Johnson payroll and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve Niemi payroll and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Niemi abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve Plaggerman payroll and expense claim, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, Plaggerman abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve all other bills and claims, utilizing check numbers 7898 through 7925, inclusive; motion seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – as needed
Monthly Meeting – December 7, 7:00 p.m.
Proposed Audit/Budget meeting – January 27, 2021, 6:00 p.m.
Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:24 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair
Those present were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi, and Tom Plaggerman. Clerk Jenny Schmidt, Treasurer Dan Torgersen and Deputy Treasurer Jean Schermer along with James Kantor, Planning Administrator, were also present. Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda. Election Judge approval was added and review of recessed annual meeting minutes was removed. Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda with the addition and removal, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. The September 14, 2020, regular Twp. Board minutes were reviewed. Johnson made a motion to approve the September 14, 2020, regular Board meeting minutes, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed. Receipts totaled $56,382.09; Disbursements $48,916.00; Ending Balance $273,946.98. Johnson made a motion to accept the September 2020 treasurer’s report, and to sign the CTAS forms including the Claims list, Net pay account distribution, and cash control statements, motion seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Richard and Wanita Niebolte Administrative Notice 1849 Danforth Cir – PID #19.10686.0000: Clerk received an email from applicant stating she is withdrawing her application. The camper will be stored on the property but closed for the season. Her son will stay in the home when he comes to assist with work. Johnson makes a motion to accept the withdrawal of the application but without a refund, seconded by Niemi, discussion held. Johnson amends his motion to refund half the fee, Plaggerman and Niemi cannot justify keeping the payment based on no public hearing will be held, no second was received on the amended motion. The initial motion was called for a vote, 1 in favor, 2 opposed, motion fails. Plaggerman makes a motion to accept the withdrawal of the application and return the $400 payment, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, 1 opposed, motion passed.
Clearwater Fire Contract: The City of Clearwater approved a contract on Sept 28, 2020 which was provided to the Board and Twp Atty Michael Couri. No response was received from Couri. Johnson remains concerned about paragraph #5 – Service Area and Exhibit B. Exhibit B is the service map area and is to be provided by the Twp. Niemi indicates huge steps have been taken and does not believe having only 1 meeting per year should constitute not signing the contract. Plaggerman reviews that 3 changes were suggested, 2 were declined but 1 was agreed to and we need to move forward. Niemi makes a motion to accept the Sept 28, 2020 proposed contract with the City of Clearwater and authorize the Clerk and the Chair to sign the contract, seconded by Plaggerman. Discussion held. Motion called for a vote, 2 in favor, 1 opposed, motion passed.
Fire Study Group: The Group continues to compile budgets for estimating purposes. They will soon compare similar local departments. A letter from resident Boucher has been sent to the group with concerns and thoughts. Plaggerman will distribute the information.
Variance and Conditional Use Permit process review: The Board acknowledges receipt of Couri’s Sept 24 email. Johnson makes a motion that the Township not require a conditional use permit (CUP) for office space that is a direct accessory use to the principal use of the property, office space used in the operation is part of the permitted operation and not a separate use that would need a CUP, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Road Maintenance Study Group: Group did not meet this month.
200th Str & Edison Circle Project to raise the weight limit from 7 ton to 9 ton: No update. Niemi will advise the clerk when this should be placed back on the agenda.
Replacement of Planning Commission Member: Johnson makes a motion to appoint Shawn Moorhouse to a 5 year term on the Planning Commission, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Nick Dickson Preliminary Plat Review 1223 Basswood Rd PID #19.10219.0010: On September 14th the Board approved the preliminary plat on 3 conditions which included Basswood Rd being elevated and compliant with Stearns Co requirements. Niemi indicates Basswood Rd has never flooded to his knowledge and had been accepted by the Twp many years ago when Wilkens Addition was created. The road was not required to be elevated at that time. This new plat creates 2 additional lots with minimal traffic expected. The issue goes before the Stearns Co Board of Adjustment on October 22. Johnson makes a motion to rescind the approval of Sister Shores Addition Preliminary Plat sections 1) receiving proof that the road has been elevated and complies with Stearns County requirements; and 3) that a financial guarantee in the amount of the estimated costs in the form of a letter of credit is provided; and, to issue a letter to the county stating the Township will not require Basswood Rd to be elevated per Stearns Co requirements to qualify for a site permit, motion seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Robert Storms Final Plat Review 19296 Lk Maria Rd PID #19.10253.000: No appearance.
CARES Act Funds: Kantor provided the Board a spreadsheet containing proposed technology expenditures that would allow staff and the Board members to work remotely when necessary. The IT project includes streaming, audio, cables, TVs and laptops that are necessary in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. These expenses have incurred between March 1, 2020 and present with an estimate of approximately $31,000. Any remaining funds may be allocated to Annandale Fire Dept. A Resolution will be considered at the November meeting. Johnson makes a motion to authorize the expenditures of CARES Act funds as presented but not to exceed $50,300, and to authorize the Clerk, Chair and Treasurer to issue and sign checks outside of the monthly meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Jason Stowe Certificate of Compliance 1677 Co Rd 143 PID #19.10558.0000: Jason Stowe was present on behalf of Victor Spears. He owns .08 acres and has a 1200 square foot accessory building that Stearns Co indicates is non-conforming on his size lot. He is purchasing .11 acres from Spears so his building can remain and be in compliance. SCES issued the original permit as this is in shoreland. They have deemed this an administrative split and as a result, Stowe is requesting Lynden Township issue a Certificate of Compliance. Johnson made a motion to approve the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance as this is an administrative subdivision per Stearns County, and to authorize the Chair and the Clerk to sign the required documents, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. The Original Certificate was given to Stowe with the clerk retaining a copy.
Marion Kloepper Certificate of Compliance: table to November.
Michael Michalski Certificate of Compliance: Michalski owns 29 acres and wants to give each son 10 acres and retain the remaining 9 acres. He wants a building entitlement to be given to each of those 10 acre parcels. This request also includes a request to rezone to residential. He spoke with SCES and is now here at the township level. Johnson requests he meet with Kantor to review the issue. Table to November.
Hidden River Association Convenants and Building Permit Process: Hidden River Association (“Assn”) President Scott Wroblewski and Assn member Josh Trotwin were present. Initially when lots were sold in Hidden River the builder referred each contractor and owner to the Assn to ensure the structure was compliant with the covenants. That process is getting lost somewhere and they are requesting the Twp Official Building Inspector refer contractors to them during the permitting process. Johnson advises Wroblewski the Twp does not administer covenants on private property for associations. That is dealt with between the developer and the land owner. Our permits are posted online and can be viewed by anyone as a public record.
Building permits: Permits submitted from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed with 4 permits this month, for a total of 35 in 2020.Driveway Permits:
-142 Craigway – Darwin Hoffman 19.11020.0000
Right of Way Work Permits:
-19045 Emmerson Rd approved
-1354 Dunmore Circle approved
Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
-Shape Stearns 2040 Township Zoning Form
-Noxious Weed Report. Johnson made a motion to accept the 2020 Noxious Weed report, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
-RFP for funding from Stearns Co AIS Preventions Funds
Review Bills and Claims for Approval
Niemi made a motion to approve Johnson payroll, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve Niemi payroll claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Niemi abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve Plaggerman payroll claim, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, Plaggerman abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve all other bills and claims, utilizing check numbers 7881 through 7897, inclusive; motion seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – as needed
Fall Road Tour – October 29, 1:00 p.m.
Monthly Meeting – November 2, 7:00 p.m.
Plaggerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:48 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair
Township Clerk Jenny Schmidt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the town hall and led the pledge of allegiance. David L Johnson made a motion to elect Anne Ackerman to moderate the recessed annual meeting, seconded by Dennis Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. There were 10 voting residents in attendance. The agenda tonight consists of one item: to finalize the levy amount for Lynden Township. We recessed the March meeting in order to retain the opportunity to get proposed fire budget numbers.
Board Chair Johnson reviewed the components of the proposed 2021 levy. The Board has spent a considerable amount of time in negotiations and a contract agreement is pending with the City of Clearwater. This contract does have a true up clause included. Consideration for the budget includes: 1) Clearwater Fire Dept purchasing a truck in the amount of $770,000; 2) Annandale Fire researching a new truck; and, 3) due to the Pandemic, gas tax revenue will be reduced as well as other unknown, external, uncontrollable events. The township has had an increase in building valuation over the last few years that will impact revenue. The Township Board recognizes that the State Auditor recommends a 5 month expenditure as reserve, but due to today’s events, the Township Board is recommending a 5.5 month reserve. Ackerman expresses concern about the draw down on the account over the last 10 years and believes there should be a larger reserve for road projects. Ackerman questioned why the proposed fire fund levies did not match the amounts of the fire contracts. It was noted that with Board approval, the fire funds could be zeroed out at the end of the year and any excess funds transferred to the road and bridge fund. After reviewing the historical data for the levy and bank balance spreadsheet that was prepared by Torgersen, Plaggerman and Niemi agree with Ackerman there should be a larger reserve and support the 6 month reserve option.
Plaggerman made a motion to certify the final levy for Lynden Township at $496,254, seconded by Niemi, with a vote of 8 in favor, 1 opposed, 1 abstention, motion passed.
Levy set as follows:
Road Bridge $232,574
General Government $130,595
Annandale Fire $11,544
Clearwater Fire $121,541
Total $496,254
Overall, the proposed levy increase for 2021 is +21%
Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 p.m., seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Anne Ackerman, Moderator
Those present were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi, and Tom Plaggerman. Clerk Jenny Schmidt, Treasurer Dan Torgersen and Deputy Treasurer Jean Schermer along with James Kantor, Planning Administrator, were also present. Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda for this meeting. Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. The August 3, 2020, regular Twp. Board minutes were reviewed. Niemi made a motion to approve the August 3, 2020, regular Board meeting minutes, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed. Receipts totaled $14,156.87; Disbursements $96,667.78; Ending Balance $266,480.89. Johnson made a motion to accept the August 2020 treasurer’s report, and to sign the CTAS forms including the Claims list, Net pay account distribution, and cash control statements, motion seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Richard and Wanita Niebolte Administrative Notice 1849 Danforth Cir – PID #19.10686.0000: The application was re-submitted. Per Plaggerman Stearns Ord #439 Sec 6.56.3f indicates a temporary dwelling must be a manufactured home and requires sewer connection. Applicant waives the 60 day time requirement for a decision on her application. Johnson makes a motion to table the item to allow applicant to contact SCES about their ordinance requirements, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Clearwater Fire Contract: Lynden Twp Board, Clearwater Twp Board, and Lynden Twp Attorney Mike Couri appear via Zoom® for negotiations discussion on the Clearwater Fire Contract beginning 2021. All acknowledge receipt of Couri’s 9-4-2020 email with proposed changes. Discussions and proposed changes include 1) restoring the language allowing 2 of the 3 entities to call a meeting but limiting the meets to two per year unless all parties agree to additional meetings. 2) City will provide to Towns a quarterly call report which shall include for each call the name and address of the person(s) to whom emergency services were provided, the location where the services were provided, and the type of call responded to. 3) The Fire Chief or Designee will address questions related to development of the budget and the cost of services but will not address past billing or personnel/performance-related questions. 4) 10% increase CAP on the operations budget-equipment comes from the capital fund. 5) each entity will provide its own service area map. Couri will communicate with the City of Clearwater.
Fire Study Group: The Group has reviewed PPE equipment costs and fire truck estimates. They continue to compile budgets for estimating purposes.
October 3 Clean Up Day Planning: Johnson has confirmed 4 Explorers will assist. Clerk to submit for publication the advertisement. Plaggerman will arrange for startup cash and continue to be the general contact for this event. Johnson made a motion to authorize expenditure of not more than $25 for refreshments, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Variance and Conditional Use Permit process review: Table the item until October.
Road Maintenance Study Group: Group did not meet this month. Niemi continues to place the traffic counter on roads.
200th Str & Edison Circle Project to raise the weight limit from 7 ton to 9 ton: Niemi will research multiple grants. Table to October agenda.
Snow Plow Contract 2020-2022: Niemi made a motion to authorize Chair Johnson and Clerk Schmidt to sign the contract for the period of October 15, 2020 thru May 15, 2022, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Matthew Smart Driveway – 19146 Eaglewood Rd PID #19.10258.0000: Lynden Twp Ord #12 requires a 15 inch culvert. Per Niemi, the current culvert is 12 inches and it must be changed to meet requirements. He has spoken with the gas company are they are willing to move the gas line if that is needed. Smart is present and states he was initially not aware of the ordinance and he did not alter or change the grade or flow line of the ditch when he placed the 12 inch culvert. Owner agrees to remove the 12 inch and install a 15 inch as long as the Board is not concerned about the grade or flow. The 15 inch culvert will have approximately a 1 foot cover. The permit was signed by Niemi. Once the changes have been made, Niemi will inspect for compliance.
Planning for Recessed Annual Meeting: Torgersen presented a levy with 3 proposals: a 5 month, 5.5 month and a 6 month reserve as recommended by the State Auditor. Discussions were held regarding our pending projects, expected revenues and current happenings. Johnson made a motion that the Board recommend to the townspeople the 5.5 month $471,660.00 proposal, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Replacement of Planning Commission Member: Consensus of the Board is to replace James Kantor on the Planning Commission so we have 5 members. Plaggerman will contact a perspective member. Table to October meeting.
Nick Dickson Preliminary Plat Review 1223 Basswood Rd PID #19.10219.0010: Shannon Bollman/Surveyor presented the Board with the Preliminary Plat of Sisters Shores Addition to create 2 lots. Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES) considers this a minor plat. Critical elevations were taken on 9/12/2020 and Stearns County is requiring Basswood Road be raised to the Flood Fringe Area. They are requesting approval of the preliminary plat today so they can move forward with plans. Niemi confirms Basswood Road has been accepted by the Township as part of the Wilkens Addition Plat and has been maintained by the Twp since then. Niemi provides Bollman with Lynden Ord #12. Johnson makes a motion to approve the Preliminary Plat contingent upon 1) receiving proof that the road has been elevated and complies with Stearns County requirements; 2) it complies with Lynden Twp Ord #12; 3) that a financial guarantee in the amount of the estimated costs in the form of a letter of credit is provided to Supervisor Niemi and Clerk Schmidt, motion seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Johnson made a motion to allow the Chair and Clerk to sign the Final Plat outside of a regular meeting as long as there are no changes between the preliminary plat and the final plat, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Robert Storms Preliminary Plat Review 19296 Lk Maria Rd PID #19.10253.000: Todd Ostendorf presented the Board with the Preliminary Plat of B and B Storms Addition to create 2 lots. 5.78 acres will be split to a 1.86 acre lot and a 3.92 acre lot. Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES) considers this a minor plat. Johnson makes a motion to approve the preliminary plat and to allow the Chair and Clerk to sign the Final Plat outside of a regular meeting as long as there are no changes between the preliminary plat and the final plat, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
James & Marilyn Almquist Certificate of Compliance 301 180th Str PID #19.10350.0000: Mary Jo Steffenhagen was present on behalf of James & Marilyn Almquist. Her parents own the 120 acre parcel and are requesting to split it to two 60 acres parcels. SCES deemed this an administrative split and as a result, Steffenhagen is requesting Lynden Township issue a Certificate of Compliance. Johnson made a motion to approve the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance as this is an administrative subdivision per Stearns County, and to authorize the Chair and the Clerk to sign the required documents, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. The Original Certificate was given to Steffenhagen with the clerk retaining a copy.
CARES Act Funds: Annandale Fire Chief Haag, of the Annandale Fire Department, is asking Lynden Township to consider giving CARES Act Funds that we do not use to their Department to put towards an AV System. This AV System does meet the critical material criteria of the Act in that due to COVID-19 as the FD is the Emergency Operations Center and they need to do remote training, remote meetings, etc. The Board will take that in to consideration.
Niemi makes a motion to authorize Chair Johnson to sign and submit the Coronavirus Relief Fund Certification Form, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. Kantor to review for possibility of obtaining equipment to facilitate remote meetings.
Building permits: Permits submitted from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed with 4 permits this month, for a total of 31 in 2020. In addition to the monthly permits, an update was provided from the Road Tour follow up:
-1147 161st Street E – PID #19.10877.0000 – SCES handling as in shoreland
-18362 Driftwood Rd –PID #19.10303.0000 – Johnson make a motion to authorize the Chair to register a complaint with SCES to determine if the structure is non-compliant, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
-724 Cascade Rd – PID #19.10380.0000 – 10/2 removal deadline
Driveway Permits:
-19146 Eaglewood – PID #19.10258.0000 Matthew Smart (see agenda item)
-14916 Hidden Driver Dr – PID #19.10722.0538 Scott Gustafson
Right of Way Work Permits:
– Xcel Energy permit at 19531 Hubble Rd permit not necessary and fee to be returned to Xcel Energy
Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
-CARES Act Funds from Stearns County Auditor
-SCES Moeller Public Hearing PID #19.10217.0000
-Couri & Ruppe Rate Increase
-Certificate of Liability Insurance – AllSpec
-Request to rent tables from Town hall discussed and denied
Review Bills and Claims for Approval
Niemi made a motion to approve Johnson payroll and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve Niemi payroll claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Niemi abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve Plaggerman payroll claim, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, Plaggerman abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve all other bills and claims, utilizing check numbers 7855 through 7880, inclusive; motion seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – as needed
Recessed Annual Meeting – September 17, 7:00 p.m.
Fall Clean Up Day – October 3, 8:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Monthly Meeting – October 3, 7:00 p.m.
Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:34 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair
Those present were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi, and Tom Plaggerman. Clerk Jenny Schmidt, Treasurer Dan Torgersen and Deputy Treasurer Jean Schermer along with James Kantor, Planning Administrator, were also present. Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda for this meeting. James Studniski -valuation of home at 21955 County Rd 75 was added. Niemi made a motion to approve the agenda with the addition, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. The July 6, 2020, regular Twp. Board minutes and the July 29, 2020 public hearing minutes were reviewed. Johnson made a motion to approve the July 6, 2020, regular Board meeting minutes and the July 29, 2020, public hearing minutes as written, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed. Receipts totaled $24,362.36; Disbursements $79,074.86; Ending Balance $348,991.80. Johnson made a motion to accept the July 2020 treasurer’s report, and to sign the CTAS forms including the Claims list, Net pay account distribution, and cash control statements, motion seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Richard and Wanita Niebolte Administrative Notice 1849 Danforth Cir – PID #19.10686.0000: An Interim Use Application and $400 payment has been submitted by the applicant but has not yet been accepted by the Township as it is deemed incomplete by the Board. Clerk Schmidt to review with the applicant to complete the application.
Clearwater Fire Contract: Lynden Twp Board, Clearwater Twp Board, and Lynden Twp Attorney Mike Couri appear via Zoom® for negotiations discussion on the Clearwater Fire Contract beginning 2021. All acknowledge receipt of Annita Smythe’s email and attachment dated 7-28-2020 and Couri’s proposed changes. Discussions and proposed changes include 1) an added provision to Part I of Exhibit A, in the absence of dollar amount on the original contract, limiting the annual total Fire Department Operations and Debt Budget to an amount not exceeding $300,000 (the $50,000 capital is already set at $50,000 for the term of the contract, but not included in the $300,000), and 2) both Townships approve this Agreement contingent on an accurate Exhibit B –mapping out the fire service areas within both Twps.–to be included, which was referenced in the initial contract but was never originally included nor subsequently received. Clearwater Twp Supervisor Langenbacher makes a motion to approve the contract with the proposed changes, seconded by Miller, motion carried 3 – 0 by Clearwater Twp. Lynden Township Supervisor Johnson makes a motion to authorize the Clerk and Chair to sign the contract conditional upon the aforementioned changes and receipt of an accurate Exhibit B, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion carried unanimously. Couri will communicate with the City of Clearwater. Couri suggests a regular meeting time for the fire study commission, and to appoint 1 Supervisor to the fire advisory committee, hoping to keep the relationship open. Clearwater Twp Supervisor Scott Miller and Lynden Township Supervisor Tom Plaggerman are appointed to the advisory committee. Regular meetings for the fire study commission are scheduled for the 2nd Monday of the month beginning on August 10th at 3:00 p.m. at the Clearwater Twp hall.
October 3 Clean Up Day Planning: October 3 is set. The SCORE Grant Application was submitted by Supv. Johnson in March for 2020—it needs post cleanup day expense documentation to be submitted for reimbursement.
Variance and Conditional Use Permit process review: Nancy Scott, Township Building Official, is present and challenged Stearns County to show her where in their zoning ordinance 439 that it says that a warehouse in an industrial district needs a CUP to have office space in its building. Jennifer Buckentine, Stearns Co Envir. Svcs., replied in an email to Scott that Stearns Ord. 439, Section 9.11 is up for interpretation by the Township. The Twp. Board needs to make a determination on this so there is consensus going forward. Johnson will follow up with Couri.
Road Maintenance Study Group: Group did meet on July 23. Discussions included the double dust application that was applied to 200th Str and 6th Ave and continued monitoring. They are comparing costs of dust application and other options for this road. Speed limit inquiry for 200th Str west of 6th Ave is pending– Niemi will follow up using traffic counter over several weeks. Overweight Permit form: Fairhaven Twp and Clearwater Twp do not do this. They have determined it is not cost effective. Niemi will follow up with Couri. Next Maintenance Study Group meeting scheduled for August 13th, 6:30 p.m.
200th Str & Edison Circle Project to raise the weight limit from 7 ton to 9 ton: No updates.
Snow Plow Contract 2020-2022: Johnson made a motion to table this item as it appears there is a date error, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Matthew Smart Driveway – 19146 Eaglewood Rd PID #19.10258.0000: Niemi observed that the owner has put in a culvert directly over a gas line. He has requested that he move it and submit the required permit but has not received action to date. This is a new culvert, not existing prior to him purchasing the home. Scott suggests we contact the gas line company as they may get quicker results. Niemi will follow up.
Building Inspection Services Review: Johnson indicates the contract for Building Inspection Services spells out that AllSpec will investigate any building code related issues. Scott agrees that she will investigate/send a letter when the Board requests – with the understanding a billing will be generated when no building permit is actually needed (i.e., an interior remodel). Should a building permit be ultimately issued, there would be no billing. The Board agrees.
Review Proposed 2021 Twp. Levy (which was deferred to Sept 17th at the March Annual Meeting): Torgersen drafted a proposed levy and projects some revenues to go down based on current happenings; so he suggests we plan for that in that we would have a cushion for 6 months rather than 5 months, as recommended by the State Auditor. He will submit another proposed levy at the September board meeting reflecting that.
Replacement of Planning Commission Member: Consensus of the Board is to replace James Kantor on the Planning Commission so we have 5 members. Pend to September meeting.
James Studniski valuation of home at 21955 County Rd 75 – PID 19.10502.0005: Studniski purchased 9 acres plus another 26 acres from Roger Kantor several years ago. There have been court filings surrounding a dam and County Ditch 39. Kantor did not advise Studniski the 26 acre parcel did not have a building credit on it. Studniski is looking to sell and questions if the Township will give him a building credit. Stearns County has denied his request. He was advised the Township has no authority over building credits. He may want to contact a local farmer for Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) options.
Building permits: Permits submitted from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed with 6 permits this month, for a total of twenty-seven (27) in 2020.
Driveway Permits:
-19146 Eaglewood – PID #19.10258.0000 Matthew Smart—Niemi will continue to work with Smart for compliance in reference the culvert
-142 Craigway – PID #19.11020.0000 Chris Chambers
Right of Way Work Permits:
– Frontier Communications (6) ROW permit sites on Eaglewood (2), and 1 reach on Fulton Cir, Foxtail Ct, Franklin Rd, and Lake Maria Rd.
Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
-Minnesota Association of Townships District 5 Meeting and Election Notice
-Frontier Communications Chapter 11 Notice
-Clearwater Harbor Property Owners Assn – 14484 Beaverwood Rd: Johnson stated that until Stearns Co wants to enforce their own Ordinance, he has no desire to act on this. Johnson makes a motion to defer action on this to Stearns Co, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Review Bills and Claims for Approval
Niemi made a motion to approve Johnson payroll and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve Niemi expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Niemi abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve Plaggerman payroll claim, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, Plaggerman abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve all other bills and claims, utilizing check numbers 7837 through 7854, inclusive; motion seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – as needed
Fire Study Group – August 10, 3:00 p.m. @ Clearwater Twp Hall
Road Maintenance Study Group – August 13th, 6:30 p.m.
Monthly Meeting – September 14, 7:00 p.m.
Plaggerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:36 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
enny Schmidt, Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair
Those present were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi, and Tom Plaggerman. Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present. Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda for this meeting. Planning Commission administrator was added. Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda with the addition, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. June 1, 2020, Twp. Board minutes and the June 25 Road Tour minutes were reviewed. Niemi made a motion to approve the June 1, 2020, regular Board meeting minutes and the June 25, 2020 road tour minutes, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed. Receipts totaled $232,947.25; Disbursements $99,363.46; Ending Balance $403,704.30. Johnson made a motion to accept the June 2020 treasurer’s report, and to sign the CTAS forms including the Claims list, Net pay account distribution and cash control statement, motion seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Richard and Wanita Niebolte Administrative Notice 1849 Danforth Cir – PID #19.10686.0000: An Administrative notice with a June 4th compliance date was sent. Plaggerman observed that the trailer has been moved so that the entry door is now facing west rather than east. No further information has been submitted by the complainant. Pend to August meeting.
Clearwater Fire Contract: Next meeting for the Study Group July 14. They will continue to research items. The Township did receive an email from Annita Smythe dated June 9, 2020 with a proposed 2021-2022 Fire Contract. Johnson is not interested in signing it as there are items missing: no dollar amount provided and exhibit B – coverage area – is blank. Johnson did contact Couri to assist with obtaining this information. Plaggerman has technical questions for Smythe. Item #6 says the contract commences January 1, 2021. Does that mean the year of the budget or the year of the payment? He has concerns about the language in the June 9th email if the Lynden Board decides not to accept this contract. An advantage to signing it tonight is that we would have time to continue our Study Group research. Johnson makes a motion to table the consideration of the contract because of unresolved issues, seconded by Niemi, Johnson and Niemi in favor, Plaggerman opposed, motion passed 2-1.
October 3 Clean Up Day Planning: West Central Sanitation is available October 3rd and Clearwater Twp has confirmed site availability. Plaggerman reserved 2 trucks and is considering a 3rd construction dumpster which would require a loader and operator. Johnson has requested assistance from Stearns County Explorers, but has not heard back.
Variance and Conditional Use Permit process review: Plaggerman had made a few suggestions such as adding check boxes or providing a copy of the Stearns County Ordinance. Plaggerman and Kantor will review and provide a proposed modification/change at the August meeting. Johnson asked about Erosion Control plan trigger to require a plan and Kantor indicates it is within Co Ord 439.
Road Maintenance Study Group: Group did not meet in June. Information gathering continues.
161st Str Chip Coat: Chip Coat is complete. $7,577.73 total cost. Money to come from reduction of dust control project
Appoint Election Judges for 2020 Primary and General Elections: Johnson made a motion to appoint the election judges as set out on the attached, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, with Niemi abstaining, motion passed.
Mail Ballot Process: Stearns County provided information regarding the mail ballot process. Treasurer Torgersen conducted an analysis based on the numbers received. Each ballot mailing is $4.50, approximately 1100 voters, possibly 3 elections per year. This would not be cost effective for our Township. No decision made as next window is May, 2022, for 2022 November election and August primary.
200 Str & Edison Circle Project to raise the weight limit from 7 ton to 9 ton: Niemi received a quote from Knife River in the amount of $416,360.00 and is waiting on a 2nd quote. Over $203,000 is for the section of 200th Str. from 21st Ave. to Co. Rd. 44. Niemi received grant information from State Representative Lisa Demuth. Johnson makes a motion to authorize Niemi to research grant applications, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Web Hosting Migration: Completed.
Road Tour follow up and assignment: Tour completed and assignments made.
Jacob Fyle 17th Ave E Restrictive speed sign request: Plaggerman indicates this road 17th Av E meets the requirements under 169.011sb which states in part: “interval” means the distance, measured along the centerline of the roadway; between the primary access points for adjacent dwelling houses, regardless of whether the dwellings are located on the same side of the road…” Niemi agrees a 35mph zone is appropriate. Johnson makes a motion to adopt Resolution 2020-07 to Establish a Speed Zone in a residential district, essentially as to form read, along 17th Av. E, between Stearns Co Rds 145 and 46, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Snow Plow Contract 2020-2022: Johnson made a motion to table this item as it appears Schabel has an old version of the contract, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
NewPort Leasing Conditional Use Permit: A Conditional Use Permit application was submitted by Michael Nadeau of Newport Leasing Group for office space, outdoor sales lot, and truck space leasing at 20041 Edison Circle, Clearwater MN. The application was accepted on June 12 and $750 payment has been received. A site visit with the planning commission is set for July 8th and a Public hearing is set for July 29th.
Destruction of Records: Clerk and Treasurer have archived and destroyed records per the Records Retention schedule.
Appointment of Deputy Treasurer: Torgersen’s Term will expire in 2021. Jeanne Schermer accepts the Deputy Treasurer position as appointed by Treasurer Torgersen this day. The Oath of Office was administered by the Clerk.
Planning Commission Administrator: Kantor may not be township resident as of Sept 1st so cannot be a voting member of the commission. He will continue to be available as the administrator and IT support. Basically an ex-officio member.
Building permits: Permits submitted from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed with 10 permits this month for a total of 21 in 2020.
Driveway Permits:
– 14962 Hidden River Dr – Justin Nieskens – PID #19.10722.0534
– 19531 Hubble Rd – Daniel Jenniges – PID #19.10748.0112
Right of Way Work Permits: -none
Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
-Stearns County Property Services – Online Review with post cards being sent to property owners needing property reviews.
-Covid Reimbursement under the CARES Act. Clerk and treasurer to compile all Covid related billings by November deadline; Preliminary amount available to Lynden is about $53,000.
-State Demographer 2019 Report—to be posted to website
-Certificate of Liability Republic Services received
-Patriot Newspaper. Johnson makes a motion to change the official newspaper from Citizens Tribune to the Patriot News as Citizens has been acquired; seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Review Bills and Claims for Approval
Niemi made a motion to approve Johnson payroll and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve Niemi payroll and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Niemi abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve Plaggerman payroll claim, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, Plaggerman abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve all other bills and claims, utilizing check numbers 7816 through 7836, including voided check 7836, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – July 8, 6:00 p.m. site visit for NewPort Leasing CUP
Fire Study Group – July 14, 3:00 p.m.
Public Hearing NewPort Leasing CPU – July 29, 6:00 p.m.
Monthly Meeting – August 3, 7:00 p.m.
Plaggerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair
Those present were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi, and Tom Plaggerman. Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present. Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. A moment of silence was held for Del Moeller, retired Lynden Town Clerk. Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda for this meeting. Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. May 4, 2020, Twp. Board minutes, May 20 Davis Public Hearing minutes and May 27 Plocher Public Hearing minutes were reviewed. Niemi made a motion to approve the May 4, 2020, regular Board meeting minutes, the May 20, 2020, Davis public hearing minutes and the May 27,2020, Plocher public hearing minutes, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed. Receipts totaled $2,353.06; Disbursements $16,854.48; Ending Balance $270,120.51. Johnson made a motion to accept the May 2020 treasurer’s report, and to sign the CTAS forms including the Claims list, Net pay account distribution and amended cash control statement, and include deferring mailing the City of Clearwater 1st half of the fire contract payment until June 21, 2020; motion seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
John and Toni Davis Variance Application 235 Baxter – PID #19.10659.0000: The application was approved at the May 20th public hearing. The Board drafted findings and submitted the variance for recording to Stearns County.
Larry and Jacqueline Plocher Variance Application 433 Beachwood – PID #19.10711.0000: The application was approved at the May 27th public hearing. The Board drafted findings and submitted the variance for recording to Stearns County.
Richard and Wanita Niebolte Administrative Notice 1849 Danforth Cir – PID #19.10686.0000: An Administrative notice with a June 4th compliance date was sent. Shawn Niebolte advised the Board his residence is in Princeton but he does stay in the camper 1-2 times per week as his parents need his assistance. He was provided an interim use application to review for appropriateness of his situation and submit. A $400 fee would apply as there is no site visit from the Planning Commission.
Clearwater Fire Contract: A joint teleconference meeting with Lynden Twp, Clearwater Twp and the City of Clearwater was held on May 20th to discuss the Fire Contract. An email was received today from Twp Atty Mike Couri with proposed next actions. Plaggerman and Niemi suggest we continue with the Study Groups and research and review further Clearwater Twp Rose Thelen’s proposal from that meeting. Johnson also agrees with the Study Group as he feels the suggestion from Couri would not be possible from a personnel standpoint. Johnson will contact the potential study group members before the next scheduled monthly meeting.
Clean Up Day: West Central Sanitation is available October 3rd. Johnson made a motion to tentatively set Saturday October 3rd as the clean-up day, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Plaggerman will confirm the site with Clearwater Twp.
200th Str road improvement: Schendzielos applied 4 inches of gravel from 6th Ave to 13th Ave and packed it. 1 week later he applied water, graded it and applied a full dose of dust control. Niemi and the study group reviewed the roads and determined it is working well.
Variance and Conditional Use Permit process review: Niemi suggests more specific questions on the application but understands applicants are not going to be familiar with any of the process. Johnson requests before the application is received for filing the specific request, the applicant needs to be specific in spelling out including setback, length, etc. Plaggerman makes a few suggestions such as adding check boxes or providing a copy of the Stearns County Ordinance. Plaggerman and Kantor will review and provide a proposed modification/change at the July meeting.
Road Maintenance Study Group: The Group met May 14th and observed the condition of 200th Str as reported above. Their next agenda items are speed limit signage, 161st Str seal coat project and Lynden Twp having our own road maintenance crew. A mission statement was created by the group, defining the objectives of the group.
161st Str Chip Coat: Niemi received a Bid from Astech for $7,577.73 which would apply a 3rd chip coat on this road which is 20 feet wide and 4,293 square yards. Length is not yet known. This expense was not included in the budget but Niemi is hopeful that the dust control will come in under budget so that we can appropriate that savings to this project.
Hauling Permit Process: Niemi has reviewed MNDOT permit types. He checked with Fairhaven Twp and found they do not have a sample permit. He will continue to research.
200 Str & Edison Circle Project to raise the weight limit from 7 ton to 9 ton: Niemi received a quote from Knife River in the amount of $416,360.00 and is waiting on a 2nd quote. Over $203,000 is for the section of 200th Str. from 21st Ave. to Co. Rd. 44. Niemi continues to be in contact with local legislators for possible funding availability on this project.
2020 Planning for Elections: Judge training will occur over the next several months. Stearns County ordered 3 protective desktop shields for each precinct. Clerk should order 1 more. Cleaning and disinfecting protocol should be followed as well as social distancing. The Board reexamined our polling place and determined it provides adequate space to social distance and it will be used for the upcoming elections. Clerk is to submit for reimbursement any expenses incurred.
Web Hosting Migration: Kantor will be completing the migration to Interserver on June 6th. Instructions were provided to twp officers for email setup accessing our new host server.
Road Tour: Rescheduled from May 14th to June 25th at 1:00 p.m.
Jacob Fyle 17th Ave E Restrictive speed sign request: Resident Fyle requests the Board consider placing speed limit signs on 17th Ave for safety reasons and due to the fact there is no shoulder on the road, the number of driveways on the road and the 2 intersections, Driftwood and Donaghue. Johnson references Minn. Stat 169.011 s69a and that you can only restrict speed to 35 mph based on density over a prescribed distance and other factors without a speed study. More research is needed. Pend to July.
Snow Plow Contract 2020-2022: Johnson made a motion to approve the proposed contract essentially in the form presented, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Niemi will present it to Schabel for review.
Planning Commission Reappointment: Johnson made a motion to reappoint James Kantor to the planning commission, including acting as the planning administrator, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Building permits: Permits submitted from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed with 6 permits this month for a total of 11 in 2020.
Driveway Permits:
– 20445 Elmwood Rd – Hoffarth 2nd driveway – PID # 19.11054.0013
– 20xxx 27th Ave E – Cory Goodell – PID #19.10560.0065
– 19531 Hubble Rd – Daniel Jenniges 2nd driveway – PID #19.10748.0115 / .0114
Right of Way Work Permits:
– 20903 Franklin Rd Excel Energy not paid for permit or penalty; Johnson to send follow-up email for payment.
Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
-Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Final Order Frontier
-MAT Membership Cards
Review Bills and Claims for Approval
Niemi made a motion to approve Johnson payroll and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve Niemi payroll and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Niemi abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve Plaggerman payroll claim, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, Plaggerman abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve all other bills and claims, utilizing check numbers 7795 through 7815, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – as needed
Spring Road Tour – June 25, 1:00 p.m.
Monthly Meeting – July 6, 7:00 p.m.
Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:57 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair
Those present via telephone conference were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi, and Tom Plaggerman. Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present. Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Johnson reviewed guidelines regarding the meeting done via telephone conference for board voting, requesting to speak for both town officials and public, and that the meeting was being recorded. Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda. Plaggerman made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote. April 6, 2020, Twp. Board minutes, April 16 LBEA minutes and April 28 Special Mtg minutes were reviewed. Johnson made a motion to approve the April 6, 2020, regular Board meeting minutes, the April 16 LBEA minutes and the April 28 Special Mtg minutes, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote. Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed. Receipts totaled $5,605.78; Disbursements $19,545.42; Ending Balance $284,621.93. Johnson made a motion to accept the April 2020 treasurer’s report, and to sign the Claims list, Net pay account distribution and cash control statement, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.
Clearwater Fire Contract: No further information at this time due to COVID-19 Pandemic. Clerk will contact Twp. Atty Couri and Clearwater Twp Clerk to request a joint meeting with the City of Clearwater in May to discuss the Fire Contract.
Spring Clean Up Day: May 16th has been cancelled due to COVID-19 Pandemic. Plaggerman will confirm the site remains available to us and reserve a Saturday in September or October 2020.
200th Str road improvement: Schendzielos will apply 4 inches of gravel from 6th Ave to 13th Ave and pack it. 1 week later he will apply water, grade it and apply a full dose of dust control. 45 days later he will apply another dust control application. The 1st Dust control cost falls under Bid #547 dated 1-30-2020 from MN Dust Control. Grading falls under summer contract.
Variance and Conditional Use Permit process review: The checklist for CUP and Variance was discussed. Current process is for Planning and Clerk to receive the document, Planning to conduct a site visit and the application to be placed on the next monthly meeting agenda. The applications may be incomplete and vague. Further review of the process is needed. Pend to June meeting.
Study Groups: Niemi has 3 volunteers for the road maintenance study group. The group will study high traffic roads and make recommendations as to maintenance, similar to what is being done on 200th Str. A mission statement should be created.
161st Str Chip Coat: Niemi received a Bid from Astech for $7577.73 which would apply a 3rd chip coat on this road. Johnson motion to table this item to June meeting to allow Niemi obtain the length and width of the project, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.
Resolution 2020-06 (Supersedes 2019-03) Establishing a Fiscal Policy: Revisions make policy more clear. Johnson make a motion to adopt Resolution, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.
Hauling Permit Process: Niemi has reviewed MNDOT permit types. He will also will check with other townships to see if they have already created such a permit. Johnson makes a motion to authorize Niemi to attend a class and get reimbursed at his hourly rate, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.
Edison Circle Project: Niemi measured the base and thickness of asphalt and reported his results to SEH. SEH indicated we need to add 2 ½ inches of asphalt to get to a 9 ton road rating. Niemi will obtain bids from a couple contractors, including length and width of project.
Reconsider vote on Resolutions 2020-03, 2020-04, and 2020-05 Resolutions Authorizing Contract with Interested Officer Under Minnesota Statute § 471.88 Subd. 5: Response received from Couri indicating these are not necessary but there is no harm in having them. Everything he sees are supervisor duties. Johnson makes a motion to rescind Resolutions 2020-03, 2020-04, and 2020-05, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.
John and Toni Davis Variance Application 235 Baxter – PID #19.10659.0000: Davis is requesting to place a structure six point five (6.5) feet from the right of way of a platted township road, Baxter Road, in an R-1 district. Thirty (30) feet is required according to Stearns County Zoning Ordinance #439 Section 9.9.9 A3 adopted by reference as Lynden Township Ordinance #7. The subject property is ID # 19.10659.0000 described as Lot 046 Block 002 of Clearwater Harbor, Section 32, Township 122, Range 27, with a property address of 235 Baxter Rd, South Haven, MN 55382. Site visit set for May 11, 6:30 p.m. Johnson made a motion to set the public hearing is set for May 20th, 6:00 p.m., seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.
Larry and Jacqueline Plocher Variance Application 433 Beachwood – PID #19.10711.0000: Plocher is requesting a structure be placed twenty nine (29) feet from the centerline of a platted township road, Beachwood Road, and fifteen (15) feet from the rear property line in an R-1 district. Sixty three (63) feet from the road centerline and 30 feet from the rear property line is required according to Stearns County Zoning Ordinance #439 Section 9.9.9 adopted by reference as Lynden Township Ordinance #7. The subject property is ID # 19.10711.0000 described as Lots 1-2 & 3 of Grinol’s Beach, Section 31, Township 122, Range 27, with a property address of 433 Beachwood Rd, South Haven, MN 55382. Site visit set for May 11, 6:00 p.m. Johnson made a motion to set the public hearing for May 27th, 6:00 p.m., seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.
Wanita Niebolte: March 27 Stearns Co Sheriff Dept responded to a welfare check, learned she was running a daycare and noted there was someone living in a trailer/RV on the property, which had no sewer hookup. The trailer/RV issue was referred to us for review under Section 7.23.2 of Stearns Co Ordinance #439. Johnson observed the trailer/RV has now moved to side of the garage. Niemi makes a motion to issue an Administrative notice with a June 4th compliance date, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.
Steven Monson temporary travel trailer inquiry 261 Alder PID # 19.10626.0000: SCES indicates Monson can have the RV on the property but cannot use it for living quarters for more than 30 days. He is allowed to use the existing detached accessory structure as temporary living quarters per section 7.29 of Ordinance $439.
Town Hall Cleaning Requirements: Johnson makes a motion to accept the document, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote. Niemi will review with Voigt.
2020 Road graveling list: Johnson makes a motion to approve the graveling list as submitted, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.
2020 Planning for Elections: Clerk and Treasurer to compare costs.
Pilgrams Pride Annual Ag Permit Renewal: Johnson makes a motion to author Chair and clerk to sign the permit as submitted, seconded by Niemi,all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.
Change in Web Hosting: Increase from $10 to $20 per month. Kantor researched new host – Interserver – monthly cost $5 per month. He can migrate everything over to this new server. They provide an auto backup and security. Johnson makes a motion to authorize Kantor to make the migration to the new host and pay costs associated with the migration compensated at the $50 IT rate, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.
Russ and Jeanne (Betsy) Pearson 14872 Hidden River Dr Preliminary Plat Review – PID #19.10722.0542: Final Plat was approved and signed at the April 28th special meeting.
Building permits: Permits submitted from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed with 1 reschingle and 2 window/reside, 5 permits thus far in 2020.
Driveway Permits: 20445 Elmwood Rd – Hoffarth 2nd driveway-PID # 19.11054.0013
Right of Way Work Permits: 20903 Franklin Rd Excel Energy and Frontier Communications.
Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Notice Frontier
Flyer Road Groom Mfg
Ergen Annual medical statement – PID #19.10898.0000
Review Bills and Claims for Approval
Niemi made a motion to approve Johnson payroll claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed by roll call vote.
Johnson made a motion to approve Niemi payroll claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Niemi abstained, motion passed by roll call vote.
Johnson made a motion to approve Plaggerman payroll claim, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, Plaggerman abstained, motion passed by roll call vote.
Johnson made a motion to approve all other bills and claims, utilizing check numbers 7780 through 7794, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.
Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – as needed
Spring Road Tour – May 14, 1:00 p.m.
Public Hearing – Davis variance – May 20, 6:00 p.m.
Public Hearing – Plocher variance – May 27, 6:00 p.m.
Monthly Meeting – June 1, 7:00 p.m.
Plaggerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote. Meeting adjourned at 10:01 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair
Those present via telephone conference were Supervisors Dave Johnson and Tom Plaggerman. Stearns County Appraiser for Agriculture, Residential and Shoreland properties in Lynden Township Mitch Determan and Kathy Korte for Commercial Industrial. Also present is Clerk Jenny Schmidt. Chair Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:00 and led the pledge of allegiance. Johnson reviewed guidelines regarding the meeting done via telephone conference for board voting, requesting to speak for both town officials and public The record should reflect that Supervisor Johnson and Plaggerman have been certified via completion of the State required training, which was verified by Stearns County records. Johnson and Plaggerman confirm their certification. Niemi joined the meeting at 6:05 p.m.
There were 0 scheduled appointments, 0 walk-ins and 0 written correspondence.
The 2020 Assessment Overview is based on the results of the assessment sales ratio study covering the period from October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019. There were 25 qualified sales during this time period, 15 off water and 10 on water. The sales indicated a median ratio of 84.4%. There was $2,290,800 of new construction. This is down from $2,610,200 a year ago.
The results of the Local Board of Appeal for 2020 are as follows:
No action taken on any parcel
Plaggerman made a motion to adjourn the Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 6:19 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jenny Schmidt
Lynden Township Clerk
Those present via telephone conference were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi, and Tom Plaggerman. Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present. Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Johnson reviewed guidelines regarding the meeting done via telephone conference for board voting, requesting to speak for both town officials and public, and that the meeting was being recorded. Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda.
Plaggerman made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.
Johnson made a motion to approve Resolution 2020-01 Establishing the Ability to Conduct Open Meetings by Telephone, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.
Johnson made a motion to approve Resolution 2020-02 Declaring an Emergency, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.
March 2, 2020, Twp. Board minutes, March 11 Canvass minutes and March 18 Reorganization minutes were reviewed. Johnson made a motion to approve the March 2, 2020, regular Board meeting minutes, the March 11 Canvass minutes and the March 18 Reorganization minutes, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.
March 10 Annual Meeting Minutes were reviewed for preliminary approval. Johnson made a motion to preliminarily approve the March 10 Annual meeting minutes, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.
Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed. Receipts totaled $374.26; Disbursements $20,095.11; Ending Balance $298,561.57. Plaggerman made a motion to accept the March 2020 treasurer’s report, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.
Kevin Kottke – drainage easement petition – 14736 Hidden River Dr – PID #19.10722.0554: Clerk received notification from Kottke to remove his item from the agenda as he was still working with the surveyor. Per Johnson, Clerk is to notify Kottke that his Petition is incomplete until we receive the survey with the legal description of the easement.
Clearwater Fire Contract: A joint meeting with Clearwater Twp and Twp Attorney Couri was held March 16 at the Clearwater Twp Hall. Clearwater Twp is interested in joining the study group.
Resolutions 2020-03, 2020-04, and 2020-05 Resolutions Authorizing Contract with Interested Officer Under Minnesota Statute § 471.88 Subd. 5: The resolutions identify certain tasks that are not mandated by statutes. Johnson made a motion to approve Resolutions 2020-03, 2020-04, and 2020-05, seconded by Niemi, motion called for vote: Johnson and Plaggerman voted in favor, Niemi opposed, motion passed by a 2-1 margin by roll call vote.
Spring Clean Up Day: Plaggerman has updated pricing for electronics, it is $25/item not $20/item. Clerk Schmidt will update the web. Signage was reviewed. Johnson will confirm Explorer Volunteers.
200th Str E signage: 7 ton per axel road signs have now been installed.
200th Str asphalt: Niemi has 3 residents for the study group. He has also has been in consult with MN Dust Control and found an oil treatment that may resolve the issue.
Cottonwood Rd. signage: Niemi obtained the River View Addition Plat and a 1972 document that indicates Lynden Township accepted the maintenance of the road named Oak Drive, now known as Cottonwood Rd. and the township has a 66 foot right of way. He spoke with the Game Warden and DNR Officer about the residents’ concerns and overall gun safety. Johnson suggests fencing in an area as an alternative to no parking signs.
Study Groups: Niemi has 3 volunteers for the 200th Str study Group. Johnson made a motion to approve Plaggerman sending Clearwater Twp an invitation to join the Fire Contract Study group and to set another meeting date in May, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.
Administrative Split – Joseph Helget 2219 Co Rd 143 – PID #19.10576.0010: Leonard Helget currently owns approximately 53 acres and intends to sell approximately 2 acres to Joseph Helget and in turn Joseph Helget owns approximately 16 acres and will sell to Leonard Helget 2 acres. Stearns County has determined this is an Administrative Split. This change is reflected in the survey which shows 4 tracts of land. Tract A is owned by Leonard Helget, Tract B is owned by Joseph Helget, Tract A1 is owned by Joseph Helget to be sold to Leonard Helget, Tract B1 is owned by Leonard Helget to be sold to Joseph Helget. Plaggerman made a motion to authorize the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance for the administrative split described in the survey provided, seconded by Niemi, motion called for a vote: Johnson voted present, Plaggerman and Niemi voted in favor, motion passed by 2-0-1 margin by roll call vote. The original certificate should be provided to Helget with a copy retained by the clerk.
Russ and Jeanne (Betsy) Pearson 14872 Hidden River Dr Preliminary Plat Review – PID #19.10722.0542: Chris Foley presented the Board with the Preliminary Plat to combine lots 10, 11 and 12 as a 505 standard subdivision. Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES) considers this a minor plat. This property has one (1) PID per Stearns County. They are requesting to combine these 3 contiguous lots so they cannot be separated. This will create a new legal description and will conform to the association’s covenants. They are not vacating any easements, have no new construction plans and will not be moving the driveway. Once Stearns County has completed their process, Pearson will need to return to the Township for signature on the final plat. Johnson made a motion to approve the preliminary plat, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.
Resolution 2020-06 (Supersedes 2019-03) Establishing a Fiscal Policy: Suggested revisions discussed. Table to May meeting to allow for revisions.
161st Str Chip Coat: Clearwater Twp is intending to apply another chip coat on their end of 161st Str and offered to share equipment costs with Lynden if we choose to apply another coat on our portion of the road, 161st Str. Treasurer Torgersen indicates the 2020 Road project projection did not include 161st Str. Niemi will obtain a quote for the project.
Building permits: Permits submitted from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed with only 1, a single family residence and garage; only 2 permits thus far in 2020.
Driveway Permits: none
Right of Way Work Permits: Midco for work to be done along 196th.
Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
Stearns Co Survey – Information on road projects (forwarded to Niemi)
Century Link – CoVID-19 Impact (Johnson replied)
City of Clearwater Wellhead Protection Plan
20325 Elmwood Rd complaint– property condition and Business allegations – Anonymous letter: Johnson reviewed property, took some photo, and found no concerns, no business sign, and noted property is zoned A40. Niemi and Plaggerman also reviewed property and found nothing of concern
SCES Special Event Food Stand Licensing notice
CARRs Tree Service Advertisement (forwarded to Niemi)
Review Bills and Claims for Approval
Niemi made a motion to approve Johnson payroll claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed by roll call vote. Johnson made a motion to approve Niemi payroll and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Niemi abstained, motion passed by roll call vote. Johnson made a motion to approve Plaggerman payroll and expense claim, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, Plaggerman abstained, motion passed by roll call vote. Johnson made a motion to approve all other bills and claims, utilizing check numbers 7742 through 7779, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.
Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – as needed
Local Board of Adjustment and Appeals—teleconference meeting – April 16, 6:00 p.m.
Monthly Meeting – May 4, 7:00 p.m.
Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote. Meeting adjourned at 9:12 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair
Township Clerk Jenny Schmidt called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. David L Johnson made a motion to elect Jeff Westrum to moderate the annual meeting, seconded by Dan Torgersen, all in favor, motion passed.
James Kantor made a motion to waive the reading of the 2019 annual meeting minutes, seconded by Wayne Ethan, all in favor, motion passed. Wayne Ethan made a motion to approve the minutes from the 2019 annual meeting, seconded by Tom Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
The 2019 treasurer’s report was available for review. Treasurer Dan Torgersen presented the Board of Audit report and highlights of the treasurer’s report. The annual audit was convened on January 29th and the Clerk’s and Treasurer’s books and Lake Central Bank statements balanced exactly. At the close of 2019, the checking account balance was $349,503. 2019 revenue was $437,419 and expenditures were $547,529. A motion was made by James Kantor to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Bill Schmidt, all in favor, motion passed.
James Kantor made a motion to waive the reading of all checks written and received in 2019, seconded by Anne Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Newspapers: We currently use the Citizen-Tribune. We also post notices on the website and at the Town Hall. Dan Torgersen made a motion to retain the Citizen-Tribune as our official newspaper, seconded by Todd Voigt, all in favor, motion passed.
Attorney: Couri & Ruppe, P.L.L.P. continues to represent Lynden Township. Dennis Niemi made a motion to retain Couri & Ruppe, P.L.L.P. as the Township Attorney, seconded by Todd Voigt, all in favor, motion passed.
Depository of Funds: The Township currently utilizes Lake Central Bank. Dan Torgersen made a motion to approve Lake Central Bank for depository of funds, seconded by Rob Schmidt, all in favor, motion passed.
Recycling Service: Our contract with Republic continues thru April of 2021 and remains at $5.25 per cart. The Township has given notice of termination of that contract based on a potential increase of upwards of $4 per cart and a 5 year contract. Niemi will put the issue out for bids in the fall of 2020.
Road Report: 2019: Crack filled and seal coated Elderberry and Woodbine Rd. Reclaimed 189th and 7th Str E. Gravel was added to the southern third of the township. We saw continued success with dust control application. Tree Trimming and brush control was completed and continue to replace all traffic control signs at the end of their useful life (including breakaway posts). 2020: Crack fill and seal coat Elmwood, Englewood, Franklin and 19th Ave. Gravel center third of the township (which puts us on a 3 year rotation of gravel application). Restock Class 1 with Johnson Materials. Work with an Engineer to increase the load capacity of the industrial park off 200th Str from 7 ton to 10 ton. Niemi indicated he would like to form a study group to review the special application of dust control on 6th Ave and 200th Str or an alternative of double chip coating or tarring. Rob Schmidt questioned the chip coating project. Niemi indicates there have been 6 – 8 repairs made over the years.
Clearwater Public Library: David L. Johnson made a motion to authorize the Lynden Township Board to donate $2,000 to the Clearwater Branch of the Great River Regional Library as permitted by MN Statutes §§ 134.12 & 365.10, allowing payments to the library for the benefits library services provide locally in that it is a convenience to township residents, serves a public purpose and is in the township’s best interest to authorize this donation, seconded by Anne Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Annandale Fire: Assistant Chief Chris Townsend represented the Annandale Fire Department. They responded to 295 total calls in 2019, 10 of which were in Lynden Township. The Department is discussing the purchase of a new rescue vehicle @ $500,000 using money from building deft service funds to be paid off this year. The levy request for 2021 is $13,536. (no change from 2020)
Clearwater Fire: Chief Ryan Pridgeon represented the Clearwater Fire Department. They responded to 326 total calls in 2019, 78 of which were in Lynden Township. The levy request for 2021 is not yet set. Tom Plaggerman questioned what is the biggest contributing factor to the requested increase? Pridgeon indicates the State requires they budget for purchases. On behalf of the township, David L. Johnson thanked both departments for their service.
David L. Johnson presented township updates which included website information, upcoming important dates, and resources available to township residents. He reviewed that in August Schendzielos did not renew the winter snow removal contract. In October the Board signed a contract with Schabel for services. This contract includes a $21,000 service fee which is over and above the hourly rate. Dan Torgersen correctly indicated 41 building permits were issued-including 4 new dwellings.
Johnson reviewed the components of the proposed 2021 levy. The call listing discrepancy with the City of Clearwater has now been resolved. Negotiations on calls on I94 N of the CW River and the contract continue jointly with Lynden Twp, Clearwater Twp and with the new City Administrator and Counsel. The City had proposed we pass a fee recovery ordinance which we have not done. The Counsel did approve the purchase of a $770,000 pumper truck and have discussed the possibility of a new fire hall. Contract discussions include using a property valuation formula. Another meeting is set for March 16. A study group may be formed to review our options concerning fire protection. Johnson discussed the need to consider recessing the meeting rather than adjourning in order to finalize the Clearwater Fire levy number.
The Road & Bridge levy is proposed to decrease from $225,000 to $206,001 based on State Auditors recommendations.
Johnson presented the proposed levy as follows:
Road and Bridge $206,001
General Government $113,505
Annandale Fire $13,536
Clearwater Fire $131,897 (Preliminary)
Total $ 464,940
Overall the proposed levy increase for 2021 is +13.30%
Election results were announced as follows:
Number of voters: 27 signatures on the polling place roster plus 1 absentee vote
Candidate: David L Johnson (Supervisor) Votes Received: 28
Candidate: Jenny Schmidt (Clerk) Votes Received: 28
The Board of Canvass will meet on Wednesday, March 11 to review the summary statement and canvass the votes. Johnson won the three year Supervisor Term. Jenny Schmidt won the two year clerk’s term.
The Annual Meeting for 2021 will be held Tuesday, March 9, 2021 at 8:15 pm.
James Kantor made a motion to recess the annual meeting until Thursday, September 17, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. at the Lynden Township Hall, seconded by Bill Schmidt, all in favor motion passed. The meeting was recessed at 9:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Jeff Westrum, Moderator
Those present were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi, and Tom Plaggerman. Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present. Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda. Confirm annual meeting agenda and Annandale Fire budget was added. Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda with the additions, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. February 3, 2020, Twp. Board minutes were reviewed. Johnson made a motion to approve the February 3, 2020, regular Board meeting minutes, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. January 27, 2020, special meeting draft minutes as provided by Annita Smythe, Clearwater City Administrator, were reviewed. Johnson made a motion to approve these draft minutes, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. The February 10, 2020 meeting the Board attended was not a special meeting but rather a City council meeting that they simply attended and no action was taken. February 20, SMA, LLC CUP Public Hearing minutes, Todd Fruechte and Kevin Kottke variance Public Hearing minutes were reviewed. Johnson made a motion to approve these minutes, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed. Receipts totaled $40,414.28; Disbursements $35,952.57; Ending Balance $318,282.42. Johnson made a motion to accept the February 2020 treasurer’s report, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Note: the check to the City of Clearwater (“CW”) for full fire payment per the contract was approved by CW city council to be cashed on February 10, 2020.
Clearwater Fire Contract and Fire call report: A joint meeting with Clearwater Twp is set for March 16 at the Clearwater Twp Hall to further discuss the City of Clearwater contract issue. Niemi did attend the Annandale Fire Commission meeting. They reported a total of 295 calls with 10 of those being in Lynden Twp. The average response time: 15 min 24 sec. They are discussing the purchase a new rescue vehicle @ $500,000, to be paid for in the 2021 budget, using money from bldg debt service funds to be paid off this year. The proposed contract / levy amount for 2021 fire remains the same at $13,536.
Resolutions 2019-05, 2019-06, and 2019-07 Resolutions Authorizing Contract with Interested Officer Under Minnesota Statute § 471.88 Subd. 5: The resolutions identify certain tasks that are not mandated by statutes. Since Couri has not yet responded to questions, as per email sent by Chair Johnson on 10-16-2019, this matter is tabled to April meeting.
13th Avenue Town Line Road Agreement with Fairhaven Township: Niemi invited Fairhaven Board to attend our April Meeting to discuss the agreement.
Spring Clean Up Day: Plaggerman has contacted West Central Sanitation and set May 16th for our spring cleanup. Johnson makes motion to authorize Chair and Clerk to execute any contract with them if that become necessary to proceed for the amount as specified previously, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Todd Fruechte–Variance Application – 19045 Emmerson Rd: PID #19.10584.0000: A public hearing was held on February 20, 6:15 pm. Johnson made a motion to accept the Board’s Findings of Fact, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Niemi made a motion to approve the variance with 2 conditions, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Mike Fjerstad of SMA, LLC, and Daniel Jenniges–Conditional Use Application – Lynden Valley Industrial Park 19597 Hubble Rd, 19575 Hubble Rd, 19553 Hubble Rd, 19531 Hubble Rd: PID #19.10748.0112, 19.10748.0113, 19.10748.0114, 19.10748.0115: A public hearing was held on February 20, 6:00 pm. Plaggerman made a motion to accept the Board’s Findings of Fact, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Plaggerman made a motion to approve the variance with 6 conditions, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Kevin Kottke – Variance Application – 14736 Hidden River Dr: PID # 19.10722.0554: A public hearing was held on February 20, 6:30 pm. Plaggerman made a motion to accept the Board’s Findings of Fact, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Discussion was held regarding finding #3: are there circumstances unique to the property. Niemi made a motion to approve the variance with 4 conditions, 2 in favor, 1 opposed, motion carried.
Kevin Kottke – drainage easement petition – 14736 Hidden River Dr – PID #19.10722.0554: Kottke submitted a Petition to vacate the southern property line drainage and utility easement. Johnson informed Kottke he needs to provide the legal description of the easement. Clerk Schmidt is to contact Twp Atty Couri for next steps.
2021 Twp. Budget/Annual Meeting Planning: Discussion of the 2020 and 2021 budget planning occurred and the Annual Meeting agenda was confirmed.
200th Street and Cottonwood Rd. signage: Niemi obtained the River View Addition Plat and a 1972 document accepting the maintenance of the road named Oak Drive, now known as Cottonwood Rd. Pend to April meeting.
John Davis/Steve Schauer – Variance inquiry – 235 Baxter – PID #19.10659.0000: Builder Schauer was not present. Owner Davis presented the Board with a variance application and supporting documents. Planning Administrator Kantor indicates the current structure is non-conforming and questions the applicant regarding trying to rebuild on same site with an expansion of the non-conformity. The Board agrees the application is incomplete as it does not address all the non conformity matters. Davis withdraws the application to take additional time to speak with his builder and review the Ordinance further on these issues.
200th Str. E. asphalt—west of Industrial Park : Niemi will obtain quotes to fix the 5 inch drop in the road.
Variance and Conditional Use Permit process review: Clerk Schmidt is following the Checklist from March 2019. Kantor is to reach out to SCES to determine if we have access to plats, drainage and utility easements.
Study Groups: The Board may form study groups to research road maintenance and fire contracts. This will be discussed as part of the March 16th meeting with Clearwater Twp.
Building permits: no Permits were submitted for review.
Driveway Permits: none
Right of Way Work Permits: Payment has been received from Midco for work done along 202nd St. ROW.
Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
SCES Public Hearing in re PID# 19.10205.0000
SHAPE Annual Meeting Handout in re Comp Plan revisions
Central Applicators Weed Information
Stearns County Ag Noxious Weed Training on 4-1-2020 in Waite Park. Niemi made a motion to authorize Johnson attend this training and to pay mileage and per diem, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor with Johnson abstain, motion passed.
Review Bills and Claims for Approval
Plaggerman made a motion to approve Johnson payroll claim, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve Niemi expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Niemi abstained, motion passed
Johnson made a motion to approve Plaggerman payroll claim, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, Plaggerman abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve all other bills and claims, utilizing check numbers 7728 through 7741 and 7751, noting that check 7729 was voided, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – as needed
Annual Meeting –March 10, 8:00 p.m.
Board of Canvass – March 11, 6:00 p.m.
Reorganizational Meeting – March 18, 6:00 p.m.
Monthly Meeting – April 6, 7:00 p.m.
Plaggerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:31 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair
MONTHLY MEETING February 2, 2020
Those present were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi, and Tom Plaggerman. Clerk Jenny Schmidt, Deputy Clerk Joe Stender, and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present. Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda. Seal coat project with Stearns Co Hwy Dept in 2020 for 4 roads was added. Plaggerman made a motion to approve the agenda with the addition, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. January 6, 2020, Twp. Board minutes were reviewed. Niemi made a motion to approve the January 6, 2020, regular Board meeting minutes, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. December 16, 2019, special meeting minutes as provided by Jean Just, Clearwater Twp. Clerk, were reviewed. Plaggerman made a motion to approve these minutes, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. January 29th Audit meeting minutes were reviewed. Niemi made a motion to approve these minutes, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed. January 29th Budget and Levy meeting minutes were reviewed. Niemi made a motion to approve these minutes, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed. No Jan 27 minutes were provided from Clrwtr. Twp. Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed. Receipts totaled $7,250.69; Disbursements $42,933.36; Ending Balance $313,820.71. Plaggerman made a motion to accept the January 2020 treasurer’s report, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Clearwater Fire Contract and Fire call report: A Special Meeting was held on January 27th at 6:00 p.m. at Clearwater City Hall with Clearwater Township, Lynden Township and the City of Clearwater City to discuss fire contracts and the procurement of a fire truck. Payment for Fire Services was issued to the City of Clearwater in the amount of $34,694.56 as set out in the November 14th letter from Twp Attorney Couri. The amount takes in to account the call adjustments. Clerk Schmidt has not yet received a revised invoice as requested in that same November 14th letter and the City of Clearwater has not yet cashed that check. The City of Clearwater has tabled final approval of the purchase of the fire truck and will discuss this on February 10th at their next meeting. It has been confirmed fire protection is provided for the 2020 calendar year. Clerk will send email to Couri in re check not being cashed and to inquire of CW City Admin Smythe regarding that and its accompanying letter as well as confirming her receipt of the joint Twp position letter in re Fire contract sent in October.
Resolutions 2019-05, 2019-06, and 2019-07 Resolutions Authorizing Contract with Interested Officer Under Minnesota Statute § 471.88 Subd. 5: The resolutions identify certain tasks that are not mandated by statutes. Since Couri has not yet responded to questions, as per email sent by Chair Johnson on 10-16-2019, this matter is tabled to March meeting.
13th Avenue Town Line Road Agreement with Fairhaven Township: Fairhaven Clerk provided Niemi a copy of an agreement dated 2001 between our two entities and they prefer it continue without change. Johnson makes a motion to table this to the March meeting to research statutory references for accuracy, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
2020 Newsletter: Leuthard will obtain a quote from Rengel. Supervisors are to submit their assigned articles by February 7 with an anticipated mail date of February 27. Johnson makes a motion to authorize Clerk Schmidt to issue a check outside of a regularly scheduled meeting to cover postage, not to exceed $350, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Spring Clean Up Day: Clearwater Township has agreed to allow Lynden to use their facility for cleanup day but do not want to partner on the same day due to traffic concerns. Plaggerman received 4 quotes which were discussed along with logistics and rate schedule. Johnson did inquire of the Stearns Co Explorer Program for potential workers. The City of Clearwater is also interested in continuing a joint cleanup day and splitting the costs. Niemi makes a motion to move forward with West Central Sanitation at the Clearwater Township Hall on May 16th, 8am to 11am and to create a fee schedule regarding vehicles and trailers, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Todd Fruechte–Variance Application – 19045 Emmerson Rd: PID #19.10584.0000: Fruechte is seeking a variance from the road right of way for an addition to their house and a garage to be constructed approximately 25 feet (for the addition) and 33 feet (for the garage) from Emerson Road. The Board acknowledged receipt of the application and $750 fee on January 6th. The planning commission met on February 1 and submitted their findings to the board. A public hearing is set for February 20, 6:00 pm.
Mike Fjerstad of SMA, LLC, and Daniel Jenniges–Conditional Use Application – Lynden Valley Industrial Park 19597 Hubble Rd, 19575 Hubble Rd, 19553 Hubble Rd, 19531 Hubble Rd: PID #19.10748.0112, 19.10748.0113, 19.10748.0114, 19.10748.0115: SMA, LLC is looking to build a new office and shop on these 4 contiguous lots and is requesting a conditional use permit to operate its daily business operations in the office space. Business hours would be Monday – Saturday, 6am to 6pm. The Board acknowledges receipt of the application and $750 fee on January 6th. The planning commission met on February 1 and submitted their findings to the board. A public hearing is set for February 20, 6:15 pm.
Kevin Kottke –Variance Application – 14736 Hidden River Dr: PID # 19.10722.0554: Kottke is requesting a variance for a garage to be constructed approximately 5 feet from the side lot line. The variance application and $750 fee was received on January 25. The planning commission met on February 1 and submitted their findings to the board. A public hearing is set for February 20, 6:30 pm.
TriCounty Humane Society Contract: Johnson spoke with TriCounty Humane Society regarding contract terms. Johnson made motion to provide for an annual cap of $350, discussion held. Johnson withdraws his original motion and amends his motion to include the $350 annual cap and to decline paying for seized animals, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, 1 opposed, motion passed 2-1.
2020 Twp. Budget/Annual Meeting Planning: Discussion of the 2020 and 2021 budget planning occurred. Torgersen will input information for the annual meeting levy proposal—to be finalized at March 2 monthly meeting.
20903 Franklin Rd Driveway permit: Niemi provides the original application for filing
Spring Short course: Johnson made a motion to authorize Supervisors, Clerk and Treasurer to attend this training in March in St Cloud, to pay mileage and per diem, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Establish Absentee Ballot Board and Appoint Election Judges for the Presidential Primary (PNP) and Twp Annual Election: Johnson made a motion to approve the following as election Judges: Barry Hample, Dennis Niemi, David M. Johnson, Tracy Nickolausen, Charlie Schultz, Roger Brown, Kris Miller, Myriam Mansell, Sheila Koshiol, Liz Leitch-Sell, Jo Magney, Fran Spears and Lisa Pridgeon, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
4.1.1 Emergency Polling Place Designation and Plan: Head Election Judge, Barry Hample and Building Facilities Mgr, Dennis Niemi, will provide direction in the event of an emergency.
Census Information: Johnson made a motion to authorize Supervisor Johnson and Clerk Schmidt to sign any documents that support the response to the census, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Snow Plowing: Niemi will review expectations with Schabel.
200th Street and Cottonwood Rd. signage: Clerk is to obtain a quote and an estimated shipping date from M&R Signs for a weight restriction “7 Ton per Axel” sign or a smaller “per Axel sign” for 200th Str. Niemi also received a complaint from the resident on Cottonwood Rd alleging parking, waste and reckless handling of guns. Niemi will research the road history.
Dust Control: Johnson made a motion to approve the bid from Central MN Dust Control in the amount of $53,500 for the 2020 season, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
2020 Seal Coating Project: Johnson made a motion to grant the preliminary approval to participate with Stearns Co seal coating project for Elmwood Rd, Englewood Rd, 19th Ave and the portion of Franklin Rd that is bituminous, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Building permits: Permits submitted from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed.
Driveway Permits: none
Right of Way Work Permits: A permit payment from last November with Frontier has not been received for work to be done along in 202nd St. ROW.
Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
Stearns County MOU dated August 2018 – Clerk will file
SHAPE Listening Session #2 in re Comp Plan revisions
Stearns Co Environmental Services (“SCES”) Spring Flood Outlook
SCES PID #19.10748.0000 Conditional Use Approval
Stearns Co Insurance Liability and Work Comp Notice – Treasurer will file
Citizen Tribune Notice of limited Twp. meeting coverage
Town Officers Association Day at the Capital. Johnson made a motion to authorize Niemi attend this training and to pay mileage and per diem, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Review Bills and Claims for Approval
Niemi made a motion to approve Johnson payroll and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve Niemi payroll and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Niemi abstained, motion passed
Niemi made a motion to approve Plaggerman payroll claim, seconded by Johnson, 2 in favor, Plaggerman abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve all other bills and claims, utilizing check numbers 7708 through 7726, noting that checks 7708 thru 7711 were voided, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – as needed
Clearwater Council invited the Townships of Lynden and Clearwater to attend the February 10th, 7:00 p.m. meeting at the Clearwater City Hall, 605 Co Rd 75 regarding a Fire Truck purchase and the fire contract—to be posted by clerk
Public Hearing for: SMA, LLC CUP application, Fruechte Variance application and Kottke variance application – February 20, beginning at 6:00 p.m.
Monthly Meeting – March 2, 7:00 p.m.
Annual Meeting –March 10, 8:00 p.m.
Board of Canvass – March 11, 6:00 p.m.
Reorganizational Meeting – March 18, 6:00 p.m.
Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair
Lynden Township, Stearns County
Annual Audit Meeting, January 29, 2020
Present: Township Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi and Tom Plaggerman, Treasurer Dan Torgersen and Clerk Jenny Schmidt. Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and noted that the Supervisors were convening as the Board of Audit.
An audit of both receipts and disbursements was completed following guidelines set out in the ANSI ASQC Z1.4-1993, General Inspection Level II, Table II-C (Reduced Inspection), AQL 99.0%. In 2019 there were 130 receipts and 277 disbursements. 16 disbursements and 15 receipts were selected using the Excel Random Number calculator. The Board verified the check numbers, dollar amounts and recipients and payers against CTAS reports and Lake Central Bank statements. The randomly selected disbursements and receipts are listed below. The Treasurer’s CTAS records matched the bank statements. All audited checks and receipts matched the bank statements. The Board of Audit found no discrepancies. Johnson made a motion to accept the audit results, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. The Board members signed the required documents.
Plaggerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:33 p.m., seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Lynden Township Clerk
MONTHLY MEETING January 6, 2020
Those present were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi, and Tom Plaggerman. Clerk Jenny Schmidt, Deputy Clerk Joe Stender, and Treasurer Dan Torgersen were also present. Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda: Todd Fruechte variance application, SMA, LLC Conditional Use application and
dust control added by Niemi. Plaggerman made a motion to approve the agenda with the three (3)additions, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. December Twp. Board minutes were reviewed. Niemi made a motion to approve the December 2019 regular Board meeting minutes, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed. Receipts totaled $161,301.85; Disbursements $61,602.28; Ending Balance $384,197.94. Niemi made a motion to accept the December 2019 treasurer’s report, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Clearwater Fire Contract and Fire call report: A Special Meeting was held on December 16th at 4:30 p.m. at Clearwater City Hall with Clearwater Township, Lynden Township and the City of Clearwater City to discuss fire contracts. Payment for Fire Services was issued to the City of Clearwater in the amount of $34,694.56 as set out in the November 14th letter from Twp Attorney Couri. The amount takes in to account the call adjustments. Clerk Schmidt has not yet received a revised invoice as requested in that same November 14th letter and the City of Clearwater has not yet cashed that check. Another meeting for negotiations is anticipated soon. The City of Clearwater has confirmed fire protection is provided for the 2020 calendar year.
Resolutions 2019-05, 2019-06, and 2019-07 Resolutions Authorizing Contract with Interested Officer Under Minnesota Statute § 471.88 Subd. 5: The resolutions identify certain tasks that are not mandated by statutes. Since Couri has not yet responded to questions, as per email sent by Chair Johnson on 10-16-2019, this matter is tabled to February meeting.
Refuse/Recyling Study: The advertisement for request for quotes was cancelled on the recommendation of Twp. Attorney, Michael Couri, as the current contract with Republic is in effect until April 2021. A certified letter has been sent to Republic cancelling the contract as of that date.
13th Avenue Town Line Road Agreement with Fairhaven Township: Clerk Schmidt submitted the agreement to Fairhaven Township for review and approval. Niemi indicated they may add to the contract a road review yearly when responsibilities change. They have their monthly meeting tonight. Niemi will follow up.
2020 Newsletter: Leuthard will obtain a quote from Rengel. Supervisors are to submit their assigned articles by February 7 with an anticipated mail date of February 27.
Spring Clean Up Day: Clearwater Township has agreed to allow Lynden to use their facility for cleanup day but do not want to partner on the same days due to traffic concerns. Plaggerman received 1 quote and will continue to research items to make this happen.
Alder Road Solicitation of Bids for the curb barrier project: Schendzielos did complete installing the berm at Alder Rd and this seems to have resolved the issue so a full curb may not be necessary. Niemi will continue to work with Schendzielos to completion.
Todd Fruechte Variance Application – 19045 Emmerson Rd PID #19.10584.0000: Fruechte is seeking to build an addition on his cabin and is requesting a variance from the road right of way to allow him to build in line with the house. The Board acknowledges receipt of the application and $750 fee. The planning commission will meet on February 1 and submit their findings to the board by February 3, 2020.
SMA, LLC and Daniel Jenniges Conditional Use Application – Lynden Valley Industrial Park 19597 Hubble Rd: PID #19.10748.0112, 19.10748.0113, 19.10748.0114, 19.10748.0115: SMA, LLC is looking to build a new office and shop on these 4 contiguous lots and is requesting a conditional use permit to operate its daily business operations. Business hours would be Monday – Saturday, 6am to 6pm. The Board acknowledges receipt of the application and $750 fee. The planning commission will meet on February 1 and submit their findings to the board by February 3, 2020.
Schendzielos 2020 Summer Maintenance bid: Johnson suggests the Road Contractor Services Agreement include a termination clause for Schendzielos as it currently does not address this. Plaggerman made a motion to approve the contract as written, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, 1 opposed, motion carried.
TriCounty Humane Society Contract: Niemi made a motion to authorized Johnson to discuss the contract terms, specifically some limit on cost or animals; seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Candidate Filing: Posting and publication done. Filing period ends January 14, 5:00 p.m.
2020 Twp. Annual Meeting Planning: Clerk will reach out to Nicholauson for moderator duty. Set Audit/Budget Jan 29, Election Canvass on March 11, Board Reorganization March 18. Draft agenda reviewed. Discussion of 2020 and 2021 budget planning occurred and will be discussed further on Jan 29, 2020.
Building permits: Permits submitted from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed.
Driveway Permits: A verbal approval for a driveway on Franklin Road was given by Niemi in November. The written approval of a completed permit application has not been received. Place on February agenda for possible administrative action under Ordinance 10.
Right of Way Work Permits: A permit payment from Frontier is pending.
Correspondence: Correspondence was reviewed which included:
Stearns County Report of Outstanding Indebtedness (Torgersen will complete)
Certificate of Liability Insurance – Central MN Dust Control
MAT Clerk Training. Johnson made a motion to authorize Schmidt to attend training and to pay mileage and per diem, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.
Census Training Meeting. Niemi made a motion to authorize Johnson to attend training on January 13, 2020, and to pay mileage and per diem, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Stearns County Sheriff Security Check note of the Town Hall security was acknowledged.
Review Bills and Claims for Approval
Niemi made a motion to approve Johnson payroll claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed.
Niemi made a motion to approve Plaggerman payroll claim, seconded by Johnson, 2 in favor, Plaggerman abstained, motion passed.
Niemi made a motion to approve all other bills and claims, utilizing check numbers 7685 through 7707, inclusive, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.
Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – February 1 beginning at 1:00 p.m. for a site visit re: SMA, LLC CUP application and then the Fruechte Variance application.
Clearwater Council invited the Townships of Lynden and Clearwater to attend the January 13th, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. meeting at the Clearwater City Hall, 605 Co Rd 75 regarding a Fire Truck purchase.
Audit/Budget – January 29, 6:00 p.m.
Monthly Meeting – February 3, 7:00 p.m.
Monthly Meeting – March 2, 7:00 p.m.
Annual Meeting –March 10, 8:00 p.m.
Board of Canvass – March 11, 6:00 p.m.
Reorganizational Meeting – March 18, 6:00 p.m.
Plaggerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair