2021 Board Minutes


Those present at the Lynden Township Hall were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi and Tom Plaggerman, Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Jean Schermer.  James Kantor, Planning Administrator, was also present.  Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.  Johnson then asked for a moment of silence in remembrance of 80th anniversary of Pearl Harbor. Agenda.  Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda from the Board or public.  Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. Board Meeting Minutes. The November 2, 2021, regular Twp. Board minutes and the     November 9, 2021 special meeting minutes were reviewed.  Plaggerman made a motion to approve the November 2 regular Board meeting minutes and the November 9 special meeting minutes, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed. Treasurer’s report by Schermer was reviewed.  Receipts totaled $7,843.22; Disbursements $24,122.46; Ending Balance $339,281.02, which includes the $113,434.96 ARPA Funds.  Johnson made a motion to accept the November treasurer’s report, and to sign the CTAS forms including the Claims list, Net pay account distribution, and cash control statements, motion seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

JK Landscape – Jerry Konz Building encroachment on property line 19512 Hubble Rd, PID #

19.10748.0117 & 19.10748.0128: Official Building Inspector Nancy Scott continues to work with Jerry Konz on the issue.  Konz indicated there is a purchase agreement pending with the adjacent property to the east, Keith Helget, and questions whether that purchase would remedy the situation.  Johnson informed Konz the issue is not resolved until the Building Inspector signs off.  Konz has not provided a copy of any purchase agreement to the clerk.  Johnson makes a motion to retain authority under the townships administrative fine ordinance to impose a fine for this violation, and if there is no resolution by January 3rd, 2022, we consider the next step under that administrative schedule, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.  Tabled to January.

Kim Norlien sprinkler heads in right-of-way – 20171 Lake Maria Rd PID #19.10543.0000: Niemi spoke with Norlien who agreed to remove the heads but they cannot be removed this year due to frozen ground and the contractor too busy but agreed removal would be completed next spring.  Niemi to draft letter ratifying discussions, along with hold harmless language for the interim.

200th Str E Road Repair:   Billing received and paid this month, as approved in Oct. 2021, meeting.

200th Str/6th Ave to 13th Ave.:  SEH report has been received, including the boring results.  No additional gravel or prep is needed. Niemi states traffic counter was out Dec 1 thru Dec 4 to collect data.  The project is on hold until spring at which time we can put it out for bids.  Johnson reminds Niemi that at the March annual meeting it was relayed to residents the possibility of asphalt would not occur until 2023.

City of Clearwater Fire Contract:  The City did accept our requested changes and have signed the contract.  Johnson made a motion to approve the Fire Services Contract, Term commencing January 1, 2023 and Terminating December 31, 2027, and to authorize the Clerk and Chair to execute and sign the contract, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA):  Proposed projects include replacement of the Town Hall HVAC system, including furnace and central air, HEPA filters, LED lighting with motion detector switches, toner, paper, zoom license, Microsoft Pro for laptop security, internet, desktop for office for streaming capabilities.  Niemi and Kantor to obtain quotes.  Clerk to create spreadsheet of projects for tracking purposes.

US Census Bureau reporting:  Johnson received a 2nd notification that reporting on building permits should be completed monthly.  Plaggerman confirmed with the Bureau that reporting must be completed monthly since we met the 6 new single family homes in 1 year threshold.

Dylan Nelson Family Acres Preliminary Plat Review 18714 Dover Rd #19.10291.0005:  Nelson provided the certificate of survey and the preliminary plat for review, along with the $325 fee.  Planning Administrator Kantor proposes this is an administrative land split so considered a minor subdivision (going to 2 lots).  The Planning Commission with meet on December 13 and provide the Board with a recommendation prior to January 3rd.

MIDCO Connection Inquiry:  Kantor continues to research connectivity options.

Resolution 2021-05 Designating Annual Polling Place:  Johnson makes motion to approve Resolution 2021-05. Designating Town Hall as voting place, and to waive the reading, seconded by Niemi, all in favor motion passed.

Stearns County Auditor’s election meeting for Clerk:  Johnson makes a motion to authorize the Clerk to attend the training and be reimbursed at the hourly rate and mileage, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Candidate Filing Period:  Candidate filing notice will be published.  Filing period open from December 28 thru January 11.

Building permits:  Permits submitted from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed with 1 permit this month, for a total of 40 in 2021; 6 new single family houses thus far, and overall valuation increase of permits to date of $3.125 million.
Driveway Permits:  Pending – Dylan Nelson 18714 Dover Rd
Right of Way Work Permits:  Midco Preliminary planning for 4 in spring 2022.

Correspondence: was reviewed which included
Progressive Policy documentation for Schabel Enterprises
SCES Ntc Public Hearing James Klaverkamp 18946 Co Rd 44
SCES Ntc Vacation Rental Violation Michael Gohman 245 Alder Rd
SCES Ntc Public Hearing Lee Haugen 223 Alder Rd
Order Approving Annexation City of Clearwater and Clearwater Township

Review Bills and Claims for Approval
Niemi made a motion to approve Johnson payroll and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed. Johnson made a motion to approve Niemi payroll claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Niemi abstained, motion passed. ·       Johnson made a motion to approve Plaggerman payroll claim, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, Plaggerman abstained, motion passed. ·       Johnson made a motion to approve all other bills and claims, utilizing check numbers 8182 through 8200, inclusive; motion seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Meeting Dates
Planning Commission –December 13 (Nelson Prelim Plat Review) and as needed
Monthly meeting – January 3, 7:00 p.m.
Audit Meeting – January 26, 6:00 p.m.
Budget Meeting – January 26, 6:30 p.m.

Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 8:33 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair


Those present at the Town Hall were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi and Tom Plaggerman.  Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Planning Administrator James Kantor were also present.  Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.

Tonight’s meeting is for the purposes of considering an interim ordinance enacting a moratorium on the construction of residential accessory buildings within Lynden Township, and to then identify the scope of the moratorium.

Barry Hample submits a Petition for a moratorium request.  The Petition contains 52 signatures.  The Petitioners are requesting limitations be set on accessory buildings in platted residential developments on lot sizes of three acres or less.  The accessory building that is being proposed is 5,000 square feet and that is just not compatible with the lot or in harmony with the neighborhood.

Niemi made a motion to consider an interim ordinance enacting a moratorium, seconded by Johnson, 2 in favor, 1 opposed, motion passed.

Johnson made a motion to identify the scope of the moratorium to include properties zoned T20, R20, R10, R5 and R1.  Kantor indicates we do not have anything zoned T20 or R20.  Johnson withdraws T20 and R20 from his motion and the draft documents.

Johnson indicates the major change, per Official Building Inspector Nancy Scott, is that Stearns Co changed in Stearns Ord 439 was they removed and dropped the requirement that an accessory building be limited in size as compared to the primary residential building.  He requests the Lynden Planning Commission review the performance standards in 439 as it relates to all residential accessory buildings. Johnson further cites performance standards under 439,     section 6.

Kantor indicates R1 mandates an accessory building match in color with no galvanized siding.  R5 and R10 have no restrictions on accessory buildings. If the owner puts a bathroom in the 5000 square foot accessory building in question, then this proposed moratorium would not apply.  Have the neighbors considered requesting him to screen in or plant trees/shrubs, or asked him to consider a different placement of the structure?

Plaggerman believes that the changes to Ordinance 439 in regards to an accessory building in a R1 zoning district that previously was restricted to 5% of the lot size. That restriction was lifted earlier this year. Now the only limitation in regards to size of an accessory structure is that the total impervious area of the lot cannot exceed 25% of the lot size.  A40 zoning, Woods Edge addition is currently A40, does allow for spots of residential when platted and Stearns Co follows the R1 guidelines in this situation.  Just because Stearns Co now lifted the restriction does not give us a basis to change now.  A 4600 square foot structure would have been allowed 1 year ago under the previous Ordinance.

Niemi suggests the Ordinance, as it relates to R1 and R5, be reviewed by Lynden Planning Commission.

Johnson calls for a 2nd on the motion to identify the scope of the moratorium.  Motion dies for lack of a 2nd.

Hample is informed that action will not be taken on the situation due to zoning and other considerations. Niemi suggests revitalizing homeowners association to enforce covenants.

Johnson makes a motion to withdraw further consideration of an interim ordinance, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Johnson makes a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:56 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair


Those present at the Lynden Township Hall were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Tom Plaggerman, Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Treasurer Jean Schermer.  James Kantor, Planning Administrator, was also present.  Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.  Agenda.  Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda from the Board or public.   Barry Hample/Woodsedge; Planning Commission administrator position; monthly census bureau reporting on building permits; administrative splits, rezoning requests and plat reviews by planning commission with recommendations to the Board, and, if adopted, amend the fee schedule were added.  Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda with the additions, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.  Board Meeting Minutes. The October 4thth, 2021, regular Twp. Board minutes and the October 6th, 2021 road tour minutes were reviewed.  Plaggerman made a motion to approve the October 4th regular Board meeting minutes, seconded by Johnson.  Johnson made a motion to amend the road tour minutes to include 911 sign down at 2806 Fulton Circle, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.  Original motion called for a vote, all in favor, motion passed.  Tracking sheet started for road tour items  Treasurer’s report by Schermer was reviewed.  Receipts totaled $115,809.20; Disbursements $27,616.47; Ending Balance $355,560.26, which includes the $109,838.37 ARPA Funds.  Johnson made a motion to accept the October treasurer’s report, and to sign the CTAS forms including the Claims list, Net pay account distribution, and cash control statements, motion seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed. Schermer will inquiry about ARPA amount awarded as is less than expected.

James Klaverkamp request to rezone – 18946 Co Rd 44 PID #19.10308.0000:  Klaverkamp proceeds with his request to rezone his 40 acre parcel from A-40 to R-10.  The Planning Commission met on October 20th and recommends approval.  Kantor explains the limitations for going from an A40 to an R10 would be in part:  setbacks and building specs would change, animal units allowed would decrease, building code would change, everything would change with acreage, further limitations would be in Ordinance 439.  Johnson made a motion to recommend approval to rezone and to submitting the form to Stearns Co, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.  Original Twp Recommendation form along with Planning minutes were provided to Klaverkamp with the Clerk retaining a copy.

Jack and Carol Kritzeck Preliminary Plat Approval – 22211 Frankfurt Rd PID #19.10462.0000: Issue withdrawn by Amy Legatt.

JK Landscape – Jerry Konz Building encroachment on property line 19512 Hubble Rd, PID #19.10748.0117 & 19.10748.0128: Official Building Inspector Nancy Scott is working with JK on the issue.  JK is also attempting to purchase the adjacent property.  Table to December.

Kim Norlien sprinkler heads in right-of-way – 20171 Lake Maria Rd PID #19.10543.0000: Niemi spoke with Norlien and indicated the heads need to be removed.  Johnson made a motion to instruct Norlien to either remove the heads or 1) pay the $150 ROW non permit fee 2) apply for a ROW permit and pay the $150 fee 3) sign an encroachment agreement, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.  Johnson requests Niemi follow up with Norlien.  Tabled to December.

200th Str E Road Repair:  Repair is complete.  Invoice pending, estimate was $28,250.

200th Str/6th Ave to 13th Ave.:  SEH report has been received, including the boring results.  Johnson and Plaggerman request Niemi obtain traffic counts and estimates/quotes before anything else is done on this item.

City of Clearwater Fire Contract:  The Board received recommendations from Couri and also information from Clearwater Twp.  Johnson indicates Clearwater City does not accurately account how they spend donations, and may be rolled back in as overall expenses showing as a budget overrun for which the Twp makeup in the ‘true up’.  Plaggerman suggests we suggest the same changes as Clearwater Twp.  Plaggerman makes a motion to accept the City of Clearwater Fire Service Contract conditionally, and change the third paragraph of exhibit A to reflect an amount of $50,000, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed. Plaggerman will follow up with Jean Just and the City.

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA):  Treasurer Schermer acknowledged receipt of the funds in the treasurer’s report.  Johnson requests Board and Officers create a list of projects they want to include in the spenddown.  Tabled to December.

Zoom® Account:  Johnson makes a motion to renew the Twp zoom® account for another 12 months at the annual rate of $150, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Barry Hample Moratorium Request:  Hample requests the Board consider enacting a moratorium to impose limitations on accessory building square footage in platted residential developments on lot sizes of three acres or less.  Zoning ordinances, neighborhood covenants and association enforcements were again discussed. Per Nancy Scott, if the application ensures setbacks, impervious surface and other requirements are met, she would approve the application.  Johnson will review the request with Twp Attorney Michael Couri. Johnson asked for a petition signed by Woods Edge property owners supporting his request.

US Census Bureau reporting:  Johnson received notification that reporting on building permits should be reported monthly.  He currently reports annually and will continue to do so but objects to the monthly requirement.  Plaggerman will review the document.  Table to December.

Planning Commission Review Policy of Administrative Splits, Rezoning Requests, and Plats.  Johnson makes a motion to implement a Policy to have the Planning Commission review requests for administrative splits, rezoning requests and plat reviews, and to make a recommendation to the Board, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

2021 Fee Schedule:  In light of the new policy, Johnson made a motion to amend the fee schedule, effective November 2, 2021, to add Planning Commission Review of Administrative Splits, Rezoning requests and Plat review, a fee in the amount of $325 each, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Planning Commission Administrator Position:  James Kantor submitted his resignation effective February 28, 2022.  He has been with the Twp since 2008.  Johnson requests, with Kantor’s approval, to table action on this item to allow time for improvement in the situation as he provides great value to the Twp and meetings, as concurred by Plaggerman.  Kantor is open for discussions.

Building permits:  Permits submitted from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed with 3 permits this month, for a total of 39 in 2021; 6 new single family houses thus far, and overall valuation increase of permits to date of $3.105 million.
Driveway Permits:  None.
Right of Way Work Permits:  Stearns Electric @ 217th Str—paid and completed.

Correspondence: was reviewed which included
2020 Census Population and Household Counts—Clerk has updated website with info.
Senator Jeff Howe – ARPA Funds application
Stearns Co Auditor Truth in Taxation rate for 2022
SCES Ntc Public Hearing – Jerry Wellik 18483 Dover Rd
Certificate of Liability Insurance – Short Elliot Hendrickson SEH
Certificate of Liability Insurance – Central MN Dust Control
Kantor to talk with Chelle Benson, SCES Dir in re RSS feeds to expedite receipt of notices on SCES Public hearings

Review Bills and Claims for Approval
Johnson made a motion to approve Johnson payroll and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 1 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed.  Johnson made a motion to approve Niemi payroll and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Niemi not present, motion passed.  Johnson made a motion to approve Plaggerman payroll and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 1 in favor, Plaggerman abstained, motion passed.  Johnson made a motion to approve all other bills and claims, utilizing check numbers 8166 through 8181, inclusive; motion seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission –as needed.  Johnson thanks the commission for their work done over the last few months.
Monthly meeting – December 6, 7:00 p.m.
Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 8:59 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair


Those present were Supervisors Dave Johnson and Tom Plaggerman. The road tour began at Lynden Town Hall at 1:00 pm on October 6, 2021.  A list of issued identified during the tour are as followed:
Road Conditions
1.      200th and 6th Ave have wash board effect. Could benefit from blading
2.      South end of 8th Ave, the first few hundred feet off of County Road 44 could use blading
3.      Lake Maria Rd needs blading
1-5. Fairfax Rd. Replace 5 signs: 3 – 45° Left signs, 1 – 45° Right sign and 1 – 35 MPH – yellow caution sign all located between 21823 and 22056 Fairfax Rd. The yellow – 35 MPH – sign is on the north side of the road.
6.      Frankfurt Rd. Replace the – STOP AHEAD – sign when approaching County Rd. 44
7.      Frankfurt Rd. Replace the – Side Road Right (I-) – sign across from the – STOP AHEAD – sign when approaching Fairfax Rd.
8.      222nd St. W. Replace the – DEAD END – sign when turning onto 222nd St. W. off of County Rd. 44
9.      222nd St. W.  Replace the – STOP AHEAD – sign west of 8th Ave when approaching County Rd 44
10.   8th Ave Replace the – Turn Right 90° – when heading south bound, approaching 222nd St. W.
11.   217th St. Replace the – STOP AHEAD – sign when east bound, approaching County Rd. 44
12.   Woodbine Rd. Replace the – DOUBLE ARROW – sign at the intersection with Craigway Rd.
13-14. Woodbine Rd. Replace the – DEAD END and 45° Right – signs north bound, north of Craigway Rd.
15.   Woodbine Rd. Replace the – 45° Left – sign south bound, south of Englewood Rd.
16-17. Woodbine Rd. Replace the two – Side Road Right ( I- ) – located between Craigway Rd. and Elderberry Rd.
20.   Elderberry Rd. Replace the RED DEAD END REFLECTORS on the black sign
21.   Elderberry Rd. Replace the – DEAD END – sign east of Woodbine Rd.
22.    Elderberry Rd. Replace the – STOP AHEAD – sign west bound, approaching Elmwood Rd.
23.   Elderberry Rd. Remove the – STOP AHEAD – sign east bound, approaching Woodbine Rd
24.    Elmwood Rd. Replace the – Side Road Right ( I- ) – sign north bound, south of Elderberry Rd.
25.   Elmwood Rd. Replace the – 45° Right – sign north bound, north of Elderberry Rd. (Bent)
26.   Elmwood Rd. Add a – Side Road Left ( -I ) – sign south bound, North of Elderberry Rd.
27.   Elderberry Rd. Replace the – Reverse Curve Right – sign eastbound, across from 332 Elderberry Rd.
28.   Lake Maria Rd. Remove the – STOP AHEAD – sign north bound, approaching County Rd. 45
29-38. Lake Maria Rd. Replace all the signs from 18654 (the last driveway before it turns to a minimum maintenance road) north to 19374 Lake Maria Rd. plus the two signs located about 50 feet north of 19374 Lake Maria Rd. The only exception is the sign located northbound about 75 ft north of 19134 Lake Maria Rd. This section consists of 6 – 45° Left – signs and 4 – 45° Right – signs as well as 1 – NARROW BRIDGE – sign.
39.   Lake Maria Rd. Add a – 45° Left – sign for south bound traffic. It should be located about 20 feet south of the second well used driveway from the narrow bridge, across the road from another – 45° Left – sign tipped into some brush.
40.    Birchwood Rd. Replace the – DOUBLE ARROW – sign at the intersection with Basswood Rd,
41.   5th Ave. Replace the – 45° Right – sign north bound, south of 16019
42-43.  Street name signs missing on the corner of 170th St and 2nd Ave. E.
44.   Crescent Rd. Replace both – 45° Right – signs near 676 (across the road from each other)
45.  Crescent Rd. Replace the – STOP AHEAD – sign near 769, approaching County Rd. 44
46.  Cascade Rd. Replace the – DEAD END – sign when turning from County Rd. 44 onto Cascade Rd,
47.  Cottonwood Rd. Replace the – DEAD END – sign when turning from 161st St. E. onto Cottonwood Rd.
48.  165th St. E. Replace the – STOP – sign at the intersection with 4th Ave. E.
49.  4th Ave. E. Replace the – Side Road Left ( -I ) – sign south bound near 15896, north of Crescent Rd.
50.  Fulton Circle Replace the – Double Reverse Turn Ahead Right – sign and post. Both are lying in the ditch.  (by mower).  Also 2806 Fulton Circle 911 sign down.
51.  193rd St. E. Replace the RED DEAD END REFLECTORS on black sign
Brush Clearing
1.       Clear brush back from the road on 222nd St. E. east of Frankfurt Rd. on the south side of the road.
2.       Clear brush back from the road along the west side of Frankfurt Rd. between Fairfax Rd and County Rd. 44
3.      Clear Brush from around the – 45° Right – sign when heading north bound from Craigway Rd.
4.      Clear brush away the road on Craigway Rd. when approaching Woodbine Rd.
5.      Clean up brush in the ROW near the north end of Elmwood Rd., just before the cul-de-sac
6.      Clean up around and straighten the – 45° Left – sign across the road from the second well used driveway, south of the narrow bridge on Lake Maria Rd.
7.      Clean up fallen tree in the ROW on the east side of 13th Ave., north of 155th St.
8.      Clean up brush in the ROW on the south side of 155th St., west of 5th Ave.
9.      Brush out south side of Crescent Rd. between – STOP AHEAD – sign and County Rd. 44
10.   Brush out so you can see the sign near 18547 Dover Rd.
11.   Clear brush away from the – Side Road Right ( I- ) – sign on Davenport Rd., west of Danforth Cir.
12.   Clean up the brush around the double arrow sign at the intersection of Driftwood Rd. and Daisy Cir.
13.   Clean up brush along the guard rails for the Plum Creek crossing, along 200th St. E.
14.   Clean up a fallen tree just west of the Plum Creek crossing guard rails on the north side of 200th St. E.
15.   Clean up a fallen tree on the north side of the minimum maintenance portion of Franklin. Rd. about half way down
16.   13th Ave. needs mowing and brushing from 125th St. on south.
Garbage in the ROW
1.       Large plastic covers in the ditch on the south side of the road on Fairfax Rd. near the intersection with Frankfurt Rd.
Other Issues
1.      Check for siding permit at 20539 Woodbine Rd.
2.      Check for shingling permit at 18539 Dover Rd.
The road tour concluded back at the Lynden Township Hall at 4:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted by
Tom Plaggerman, Supervisor


Those present at the Lynden Township Hall were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Tom Plaggerman and Dennis Niemi, Deputy Clerk Kelli Schuh, and Treasurer Jean Schermer.  James Kantor, Planning Administrator, was also present.  Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.  Agenda.  Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda from the Board or public.   Five items were added.
1.  quotes for road repairs to 200th Street
2.  2021 noxious weed control report
3.  inquiry about a proposed shed and shouse in the Woods Edge neighborhood
4.  review of the City of Clearwater fire contract,
5.  inquiry from the buyer of a property on Edison Circle about building a parking lot.
Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda with the additions, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  Board Meeting Minutes. The September 7th, 2021, regular Twp. Board minutes were reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to approve the September 7th, 2021, regular Board meeting minutes, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  Treasurer’s report by Schermer was reviewed.  Receipts totaled $13,764.64; Disbursements $65,776.87; Ending Balance $267,367.53.  Johnson made a motion to accept the September treasurer’s report, and to sign the CTAS forms including the Claims list, Net pay account distribution, and cash control statements, motion seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

James Klaverkamp request to rezone – 18946 Co Rd 44 PID #19.10308.0000:  Klaverkamp wishes to amend his zoning request to rezone his entire 40 acre parcel from A-40 to R-10.  Johnson made a motion to amend the zoning request and send it back to the Planning Commission.  Seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  The Planning Commission will revisit the site on October 18th, 2021 and their findings and recommendations will be reviewed at the November meeting.

Outdoor Storage Screening Compliance – Dirksen LLC – 2340 197th Str E, PID #19.10674.0403:  Matthew Dirksen, representing Restoration & Construction Services LLC, came to the meeting to request an extension of the compliance deadline.   Dirksen brought a site plan—copy held by clerk– which shows where trees and a fence will be placed along Co Rd 145 and 197th St E.   Johnson made a motion to grant a revised compliance deadline of June 15th, 2022.   Seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA):  Treasurer Schermer reported that the application for funding has been submitted but as of October 4th, 2021, we have not gotten any type of response and no money has been received.

Stearns County Ditch 10:  An informational meeting was held on September 22nd, 2021 for property owners who own property within the drainage system.  Proposed work is estimated at $20,000.00 as part Co Rd 44 rebuild for 2022. Benefitted property owners are responsible for paying a share of any costs incurred by the system.  The Township owns no property that the ditch crosses or is it a benefitted property owner.

Estimates for road repair of 200th Str E and 200th Str/6th Ave:  Supervisor Niemi presented two quotes for repairs to 200th Street.  Both quotes were reviewed along with a letter from Dave Blommel, Senior Professional Engineer, who reviewed the road.  Niemi made a motion to accept the MN Paving quote of $28,250 (less sales tax) to do road repairs to 200th Street.  Motion was seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Jack and Carol Kritzeck Preliminary Plat Approval – 22211 Frankfurt Rd PID #19.10462.0000: No one was present at the meeting to discuss.   Matter will be deferred to the November meeting.

Township Road Mile Certification: Supervisor Niemi reviewed and signed the annual Township Road Mile Certificate.  A total of 40.1 Township miles were reported.

Annual Township Noxious Weed Control Report: The 2021 annual Township report was reviewed.  Johnson will fill out the form showing 18 different tours and return to Clerk Schmidt.

Scott Wilcox Right of way permit – 18509 Dover Rd PID #19.10759.0000: A right-of-way work permit request from Scott Wilcox was reviewed.   Wilcox is asking the Township to issue a permit that will allow him to install a new well approximately 6 feet into the Township right-of-way off Dover Road.  Johnson feels that this is a State of Minnesota matter and that the petitioner (Wilcox) has not exhausted all administrative options with the State.   Johnson made a motion to deny the permit until the petitioner exhausts all administrative remedies with the State.  Motion was seconded by Plaggerman, two in favor, one opposed, motion passed.   Petitioner Wilcox asked that the Township hold on to his permit application and check until further notice.

Kim Norlien sprinkler heads in right-of-way – 20171 Lake Maria Rd PID #19.10543.0000: A complaint was received by Niemi that sprinkler heads were installed in the right-of-way off Lake Maria Road by the property owner; Niemi confirmed the installation.   The board reviewed the issue and recommended that the heads be moved out of the right-of-way.   Niemi will follow up with the property owner.

Nelson driveway inquiry – 18714 Dover Rd PID #19.10291.0005: A driveway inquiry was received from Dylan Nelson who is trying to break off (plat) a two acre parcel of his parents land at 18714 Dover Road.  Nelson was not present at the meeting but Niemi spoke with him on the phone prior to the meeting and directed him to the Driveway / Approach Permit Application on the Townships website.   Once an application is received Niemi will do a site visit.   Johnson recommended that the permit be contingent of the splitting of the parcel.

JK Landscape – Jerry Konz Property line complaint 19512 Hubble Rd, PID # 19.10748.0117 & 19.10748.0128: A setback and fence concern was received from the owner of an adjoining parcel.   The matter was reviewed and it was recommended that this go to the Township Building Inspector, Nancy Scott.   Johnson will follow up with Scott.

Woods Edge Addition – Proposed Shed and Shouse at 20642 Woods Edge Road, PID # 19.11031.0000: Barry Hample, a neighbors of the property, came to inquire about plans for the property owner to build a 50’ x 100’ shed along with a 40’ x 80’ shouse on the property.   Zoning ordinances and the neighborhood covenant were discussed. It was indicated the township has no authority regarding property covenants. At this time, no permits have been issued for any work to be done on the property.

City of Clearwater Fire Contract:  The Board would like time to review the correspondence from the Township Lawyer regarding the changes to the City of Clearwater fire contract.  Tabled to November.

Proposed Parking Lot Inquiry at 2001 Edison Circle, PID #19.10600.0000:  A representative from a trucking company inquired about turning the property they are purchasing at 2001 Edison Circle into a parking lot.  He was advised that this is not a Township matter and he should contact Stearns County Environmental Services (SCES).

Building permits:  Permits submitted from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed with 9 permits this month, for a total of 36 in 2021; 5 new single family houses thus far, and overall valuation increase of permits to date of $2.735 million.
Driveway Permits:  None.
Right of Way Work Permits:  32 Midco permits have been approved, no more MIDCO permits expected in 2021.  A permit was received from Stearns Electric (waiting on check).

Correspondence: was reviewed which included
SCES Ntc Public Hearing – Lee & Barbara Haugen 223 Alder Road PID #19.10641.0000
SCES Ntc Public Hearing – Ackerman & Miller 18418 Eaglewood Road PID #19.10953.0000
Cottonwood Circle Parking Inquiry—Niemi spoke to person about the situation
Certificate of Liability Insurance – AllSpec Services LLC—filed with treasurer.

Review Bills and Claims for Approval
Niemi made a motion to approve Johnson payroll claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to approve Niemi expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Niemi abstained, motion passed
Johnson made a motion to approve Plaggerman payroll claim, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, Plaggerman abstained, motion passed  Johnson made a motion to approve all other bills and claims, utilizing check numbers 8150 through 8165, inclusive; motion seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Meeting Dates
Planning Commission – October 18th in re Klaverkamp Rezone; and as needed
Fall Road Tour – October 6, 1:00 p.m.
Monthly meeting –After discussion with Treasurer, Niemi made a motion to move the monthly meeting from Monday November 1 to Tuesday November 2, 7:00 p.m., seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.
Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 9:19 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
Kelli Schuh, Deputy Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair


Township Clerk Jenny Schmidt called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. at the town hall and led the pledge of allegiance. Anne Ackerman made a motion to elect Gary Stang to moderate the recessed annual meeting, seconded by David L Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.  There were 10 voting residents in attendance.

The agenda tonight consists of one item: to finalize the 2022 levy amount for Lynden Township.  We recessed the March meeting in order to retain the opportunity to get proposed road and bridge and fire budget numbers.

Deputy Treasurer Dan Torgersen reviewed the components and methodology of the proposed 2022 levy. The Township Board recognizes that the State Auditor recommends a 5 month expenditure as reserve, but due to circumstances, the Township Board is recommending to continue with a 6 month reserve as we did in 2021 levy. We have received the projected budget number from the City of Clearwater with a reminder that our contract does have a true up clause included.  Dennis Niemi reviewed the proposed road and bridge budget number.  We were not awarded the LRIP grant for 200th Str E (from Co Rd 44 to Co Rd 145).  Dust control application will increase from 2/10 per gallon, 12 foot wide to 3/10 per gallon, 18 foot wide.  Continue to prepare 6th Ave and 200 Str on the N end for possible asphalt in 2023.  Niemi will create a 5 year road plan.  Ackerman expresses concern about the draw down on the account over the last 10 years and continually no cushion for these sorts of projects.  Johnson states the township has had an increase in building valuation over the last few years that will impact revenue and the funding mechanism for the proposed road projects has not yet been determined.  Options include tax levy, bonding, or tax levy plus assessment to benefitted landowners.  The township intends to apply for ARPA funding but understands those funds cannot be used for road improvement.

David L Johnson made a motion to certify the final levy for Lynden Township at $602,425, seconded by Jean Schermer, with a vote of 10 in favor, motion passed.

Levy set as follows:
YEAR 2022 Levy
Road Bridge $397,718
General Government $97,983
Annandale Fire $13,589
Clearwater Fire $93,135
Total $602,425
Overall, the levy increase for 2022 is +21%

David L Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 p.m., seconded by Torgersen, all in favor, motion passed.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Gary Stang, Moderator


Those present at the Lynden Township Hall were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Tom Plaggerman and Dennis Niemi, Clerk Jenny Schmidt, Treasurer Jean Schermer, and Deputy Treasurer Dan Torgersen.  James Kantor, Planning Administrator, was also present.  Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.  Agenda.  Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda from the Board or public.   Ackerman/Wilcox Road vacation costs was added.  Plaggerman made a motion to approve the agenda with the addition, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  Board Meeting Minutes. The August 2nd, 2021, regular Twp. Board minutes and August 2nd 2021 Public Hearing minutes were reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to approve both the August 2nd, 2021, regular Board meeting and public hearing minutes, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  Treasurer’s report by Schermer was reviewed.  Receipts totaled $4,605.72; Disbursements $25,098.51; Ending Balance $319,197.60.  Niemi made a motion to accept the August 2021 treasurer’s report, to sign the CTAS forms including the Claims list, Net pay account distribution, and cash control statement, motion seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Jack and Carol Kritzeck Certificate of Compliance – 22211 Frankfurt Rd PID #19.10462.0000 / 19.10515.0000:  Legal descriptions have now been updated and incorporated in to the proposed Certificate of Compliance document.  Johnson made a motion to authorize the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance for the administrative split essentially described in the survey provided, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. The approved, final, signed Certificate of Compliance was provided to Kritzeck, with a copy retained by the clerk.

James Klaverkamp request to rezone – 18946 Co Rd 44 PID #19.10308.0000:  The Lynden Planning Commission met previously to review the request to rezone the South 30 acres of this 40 acre parcel from A-40 to R-10 and made a recommendation to not approve the request as it is not consistent with the current comprehensive plan goals, future land use designations and factors.    Klaverkamp now amends his request to rezone the South 30 acres from A-40 to R-10 without the specific acreage splits.  Johnson expresses concern with this as he considers this result to be spot zoning, with the A40 portion. Plaggerman also has concerns as this will then have one (1) PID with two (2) different zoning classifications.  Niemi makes a motion to recommend to the County approval of Klaverkamp’s request to rezone the South 30 acres from A-40 to R-10 and to retain A-40 zoning on the North 10 acres, seconded by Plaggerman. The motion was called for a vote, 1 in favor, 2 opposed, motion fails.  Klaverkamp requests placement on the October agenda.

Outdoor Storage Screening Compliance – Dirkson LLC – 2340 197th Str E, PID #19.10674.0403:  Compliance letter sent with a September 30 deadline.

Estimates for road repair of 200th Str E and 200th Str/6th Ave:  Niemi did not obtain written quotes for repair of 200th Str E from 21st Ave to Co Rd 44 as he is not recommending any repair on this road in 2021.  Plaggerman reminded him of the brushing of guard rails that needs to be completed on this road.  Niemi has fixed the traffic counter and will place it on 200th Str and 6th Ave.  He received 3 estimates for core drilling and recommends we proceed with Independent Testing Technologies as they are the lowest.  Johnson made a motion to authorize this expenditure of $3,540 for core drilling, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.  Johnson indicates we are still in the discussion stages and no determination has been made to tar this road.

Adjusting Road and Bridge Expenditures:  Niemi presents his recommendations for Road and Bridge expenditures for the balance of 2021 which include chip coating Birchwood, 17th Ave and the Town Hall lot, soil borings on 200th Str and 6th Ave, and repair asphalt on 200th Str E.  Deputy Treasurer Torgersen confirms there is appropriate funds to cover this.  Johnson requests Niemi have an engineer look at the sloughing situation on 200th Str and 6th Ave and confirm the proposed work will correct the situation.

Siting Standards in Ag Zoning Districts – Stearns Co 7.33.1: Kantor has not received a response to his inquiry.  Removed from agenda.

Anne Ackerman Petition to Vacate a Portion of a Road – that part of Highland Drive (aka Eaglewood Rd), Shores Point, PID #19.10953.0000 / 19.10952.0000:  Final billing for this action was $1,646.00.  Clerk to contact Petitioners for remaining $646.00 payment.

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA):  A June 2021 letter from Minnesota Association of Townships, it informs townships they are eligible to receive Federal money under ARPA.  Niemi and Kantor summarized amounts and potential uses. Torgersen suggests we reach out to Steve Fenske for initial review of uses.  Johnson made a motion to authorize the Chair, Clerk and Treasurer to submit the application, seconded by Dennis, all in favor, motion passed.

Planning for 9-16-2021 Recessed Annual Meeting:  The Board reviewed the draft 2022 Budget and Levy.  The City of Clearwater Fire Number is an estimate based on an email from Annite Smyth.  Niemi has provided the Treasurer the projected Road and Bridge levy number.  After discussion it was agreed to present a levy in the amount of $602,425.00.

Chad Martini – Stearns County Ditch 10 Informational Meeting:  The informational meeting will take place on September 22, 6:30 p.m. at the Warner Lake Nature Center.

Alleged Camper Violation KPH Helget – 19561 Co Rd 145 PID #19.10220.0010: Johnson reviewed the site and found no water lines, no cars parked adjacent to the camper, and indicates we have no jurisdiction over septic issues.  Johnson makes a motion to table this issue indefinitely as complainant(s) refuse to identify themselves and provide further information, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Couri and Ruppe Township Legal Seminar 9-16-2021 St. Michael MN:  Johnson makes a motion to authorized officers and deputies to attend and be reimbursed at the hourly rate and mileage, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Rezoning Inquiry – Hagstrom 60 acres North of 222nd Str and CR 75 PID #19.10470.0010:  No application has been received.  Removed from agenda.

Building permits:  Permits submitted from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed with 6 permits this month, for a total of 27 in 2021; 5 new houses thus far, and overall valuation increase of permits to date of $2.579 million.
Driveway Permits:  none
Right of Way Work Permits:  32 Midco permits have been approved, no more MIDCO permits expected in 2021.
Correspondence: was reviewed which included:
Private Well Nitrate Water Testing
Town Officers Assn Semi Annual meeting notice
Couri and Ruppe Legal Service Rate Increase
SCES Ntc Public Hearing – Scott Wilcox 18509 Dover Rd PID #19.10759.0000

Review Bills and Claims for Approval
Niemi made a motion to approve Johnson payroll claim and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed.  Johnson made a motion to approve Niemi payroll claim and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Niemi abstained, motion passed.  Johnson made a motion to approve Plaggerman payroll claim, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, Plaggerman abstained, motion passed.  Johnson made a motion to approve all other bills and claims, utilizing check numbers 8133 through 8149, inclusive; motion seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – As needed
Township Legal Seminar – September 16, 9:00 a.m.
Recessed Annual Meeting – September 16, 6:00 p.m.
Stearns Co Ditch 10 Informational Meeting – September 22, 6:30 p.m.
Monthly meeting – October 4, 7:00 p.m.
Fall Road Tour – October 6, 1:00 p.m.

Niemi made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.  Meeting adjourned at 9:24 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair


Those present at the Lynden Township Hall were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Tom Plaggerman and Dennis Niemi, Clerk Jenny Schmidt, Treasurer Jean Schermer, and Deputy Treasurer Dan Torgersen.  James Kantor, Planning Administrator, was also present.  Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.  Agenda.  Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda from the Board or public.   Speed on Dunmore Circle was added.  Plaggerman made a motion to approve the agenda with the addition, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  Board Meeting Minutes. The July 12, 2021, regular Twp. Board minutes were reviewed.  Plaggerman made a motion to approve the July 12, 2021, regular Board meeting minutes, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  Treasurer’s report by Schermer was reviewed.  Receipts totaled $89,758.93; Disbursements $93,107.10; Ending Balance $339,730.39.  Johnson made a motion to accept the July 2021 treasurer’s report, and to sign the CTAS forms including the Claims list, Net pay account distribution, and cash control statements, motion seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Estimates for road repair of 200th Str E and 200th Str/6th Ave:  Johnson made a motion to authorize Niemi to obtain written quotes for repair of 200th Str from 21st Ave to Co Rd 44, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.   Brushing of guard rails was requested.  Niemi is compiling traffic count information on 200th Str and 6th Ave., having placed counter on roadway today.  He recommends soil boring and quote advertisements for tarring this road.  Torgersen questions assessment payments from residents on this road pursuant to the tarring policy, similar to what occurred for Eaglewood Rd.  Johnson indicates we are still in the discussion stages and no determination has been made to tar this road.

Fire Commission Updates:  No meetings have been held.  Remove from agenda until scheduled.

Siting Standards in Ag Zoning Districts – Stearns Co 7.33.1: Johnson makes a motion to have the Planning Commission review the Lagrave siting which requires a CUP.  No CUP application has been submitted. Johnson withdraws his motion.  Johnson makes a motion to allow Planning Administrator Kantor to reach out to Lagrave to submit an application, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Johnson Materials Tracking and Stockpile: We have 1,901.69 tons of Class 1, which is valued at $11,410.12 of the $18,000 was had budgeted in stockpile.  Niemi made a motion to void check number 8116 in the amount of $6,589.88, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Anne Ackerman Petition to Vacate a Portion of a Road – that part of Highland Drive (aka Eaglewood Rd), Shores Point, PID #19.10953.0000 / 19.10952.0000:  Not called as the public hearing took place at 6:00 p.m.  See Separate minutes.

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA):  A June 2021 letter from Minnesota Association of Townships informs townships they are eligible to receive money.  Niemi and Torgersen summarized amounts and potential uses. The Board will research further.  Tabled to September.

Lynden Call Updates from Deputy Thunstedt:   June calls totals were around 100 with most being from Warner Park, and one boat theft.  A dog bite on Alder Rd. led to the dog being deemed potentially dangerous.  Thunstedt will follow up as to whether the owner was cited.  Johnson requests additional speed enforcement on Dunmore Circle.

James Klaverkamp request to rezone – 18946 Co Rd 44 PID #19.10308.0000:  Klaverkamp requests to rezone a portion of this 40 acres parcel.  The North 10 acres would remain A-40 with 1 building entitlement.  He is requesting approval of the South 30 acres to be rezoned R-10 with 3 building entitlements.  Johnson requests the Lynden Planning Commission meet to review the request and make a recommendation on being consistent with Lynden Township Comprehensive plan among other considerations.

Jack and Carol Kritzeck Certificate of Compliance 22211 Frankfurt Rd PID #19.10462.0000:  Kritzeck’s own 52.6 acres and plans to A) convey the 2.8 acre parcel that is across I-94 from the farm site to one of the property owners adjoining it as an attachment to their property.  B) Create a 25 acre parcel of the vacant land that is south of I-94 and north of the farm site. C) Create a 23.5 acre parcel that consists of the farm site and the land that is south of it with Frankfurt Road acting as the southeast boundary of it and D) Create a 35.3 acre parcel from the remaining land that is southeasterly of Frankfurt Road and northeasterly of Co Rd 44.  Stearns County has determined this is an administrative split. This change is reflected in the survey.  The Certificate of Compliance form needs the legal descriptions inputted yet.  Johnson made a motion to authorize the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance for the administrative split essentially described in the survey provided, and to allow the Chair and Clerk to sign the document outside of a regularly scheduled meeting once the updated legal descriptions are included, motion seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. The approved, final signed Certificate of Compliance will be provided to Kritzeck, with a copy retained by the clerk.

Planning for 9-16-2021 Recessed Annual Meeting:  The Board reviewed the draft 2022 Budget and Levy.  The City of Clearwater Fire Number is an estimate based on an email from Annite Smyth.  Niemi is to provide the Treasurer the projected Road and Bridge levy number.  Johnson made a motion to authorize expenditure of up to $25 for the meeting snacks, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Inquiry on Water Well to be located in Eaglewood Rd. Right of Way:  Johnson received a call from a well company whose client may need a permit to place his water well in the road right of way  to meet the well and septic setback requirements.  In addition to a permit—non received to date– we may require an encroachment agreement.  Johnson to confer with Atty. Couri on this also.

Dunmore Cir speed signs:  To facilitate enforcement, Niemi makes a motion to authorize Johnson to order and erect approximately 12, 30 mph speed zone signs to comply with Resolution 2006-01 establishing a 30 mph zone, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.

Stearns County SWCD Private Well Nitrate and Chloride Screening:  Clerk to post on web.

Building permits:  Permits submitted from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed with 2 permits this month, for a total of 21 in 2021. Driveway Permits:  Gohman – 284 Craigway Rd PID #19.11037.0000
Right of Way Work Permits:  25 Midco permits have been approved to date.
Correspondence: was reviewed which included:
Stearns Co Board IUP Approval PID #19.10671.000 – Madison
Possible Fencing Violation Complaint – 2340 197th Str E PID #19.10674.0403 – Dirksen LLC; Plaggerman to document situation to draft letter with Clerk.
Review Bills and Claims for Approval
Niemi made a motion to approve Johnson payroll claim and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed.  Johnson made a motion to approve Niemi payroll claim and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Niemi abstained, motion passed.  Johnson made a motion to approve Plaggerman payroll claim, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, Plaggerman abstained, motion passed. Johnson made a motion to approve all other bills and claims, utilizing check numbers 8117 through 8132, inclusive; motion seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.

Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – As needed
Monthly meeting – September 7, 7:00 p.m. (due to September 6 Labor Day Holiday)
Plaggerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.  Meeting adjourned at 9:11 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair

AUGUST 2, 2021

Those present were Supervisors David L Johnson, Dennis Niemi, Tom Plaggerman, and Clerk Jenny Schmidt.  Johnson opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m., led the pledge of allegiance and opened the public hearing, held at the Lynden Township Hall.

The purpose of tonight’s meeting is to consider a Petition to vacate a portion of Highland Drive in the plat of Shores Point submitted by Anne Ackerman and Eric Wilcox.  The Petition included an agreement to pay costs associated with the road vacation, and waiver of damages.  The subject property is described as: Commencing at the northeast corner of Lot 24, Block One of said SHORES POINT, thence North 81° 33’ 42” West, assumed bearing, along the north line of said Lot 24, a distance of 631.27 feet to the northwest corner of said Lot 24 and the beginning of said line to be described; thence North 10° 35’ 52” West, 76.80 feet to the monumented southwesterly corner of Lot 23, of said Block One and said point of being on the south line of said Lot 23 and said line there terminating.

No correspondence was received.  Both Ackerman and Wilcox, the Petitioners, were present.  Ackerman requests the town vacate the road to allow the two property owners to continue to use the property as they have been doing, clear up the defacto ownership so it can be placed on the tax roll and to generate tax income.  A portion will be retained by the township to allow snow placement.  Wilcox agrees with Ackerman’s requests and intends to keep the property in a natural state.  Niemi and Johnson provide history of the intent of the plat including dredging and potential bridge placement.  Johnson is not opposed to vacating the road but expresses concerns that the process is fundamentally flawed as it does not state a disposition.

Johnson made a motion to close the public input portion of the hearing at 6:18 p.m., seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.  Johnson and the Board reviewed Resolution 2021-04, vacating a portion of Highland Drive in the plat of Shores Point. Niemi made a motion to waive the reading of the legal description of the road, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.  Niemi made a motion to adopt Resolution 2021-04, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.  Clerk Schmidt will complete paperwork for the County and petitioners as instructed by Twp. Attorney Couri.

The total cost for this process is pending as final legal expenses, public hearing expenses and recording fees are yet to be determined.  Petitioner Ackerman has submitted $1,000.00 being held in escrow which will be until final expense determination is made.

Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 6:28 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair


Those present at the Lynden Township Hall were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Tom Plaggerman and Dennis Niemi, Clerk Jenny Schmidt, Treasurer Jean Schermer, and Deputy Treasurer Dan Torgersen.  James Kantor, Planning Administrator, was also present.  Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.  Agenda.  Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda from the Board or public.   Fire call response and possible camper violation were added.  Plaggerman made a motion to approve the agenda with the additions, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote. Board Meeting Minutes. The June 7, 2021, regular Twp. Board minutes were reviewed.  Plaggerman made a motion to approve the June 7, 2021, regular Board meeting minutes, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.  Treasurer’s report by Schermer was reviewed.  Receipts totaled $204,074.55; Disbursements         $ 99,478.73; Ending Balance $ 336,448.68.  Niemi made a motion to accept the June 2021 treasurer’s report, and to sign the CTAS forms including the Claims list, Net pay account distribution, and cash control statements, motion seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Estimates for road repair of 200th Str E and 200th Str/6th Ave:  Niemi indicated the requests for quotes are pending and he will have written documents in August.

Fire Commission Updates:  Supervisor Plaggerman gave a report on the June meeting that included review of the 2021 1st quarter call reports, the 2022 preliminary budget and fire contract extension or changes.  Terry Mansell was present and expressed disappointment in 20 minute response time to an emergency situation in February, 2021; and that the Fire Chief has not returned a phone call to him.  Plaggerman will follow up.

Inquiry – CUP for PID#19.10376.0003: Correspondence was received from Rob Spitzley, Stearns County Environmental Services, about the property owners (Lagrave) possibly needing to apply for a CUP prior to building on this parcel.   Re: Section 7.33.1 of the Stearns County Land Use and Zoning Ordinance.  Johnson questions this as the neighboring parcel did not adhere to this process (Larry Gutknecht 19.10375.0010).  Clerk will follow up with Spitzley.  Tabled to August.

Johnson Materials Tracking and Stockpile: -All graveling is done.  Clerk Schmidt received an invoice for the prepayment of Class 1 and an invoice for the amount not covered by last years prepayment.  Niemi will follow up regarding tracking.

Richard and Wanita Niebolte – 1849 Danforth Cir – PID #19.10686.0000:  Stearns Co Deputy Wood responded to a complaint indicating Niebolte’s son was again living in the camper (see October 2020 Board minutes).  Deb Niebolte informed the Board the camper is no longer on the property, it has been removed.  The camper cannot be returned to the site for 1 year.

Anne Ackerman Petition to Vacate a Portion of a Road – that part of Highland Drive (aka Eaglewood Rd), Shores Point, PID #19.10953.0000 / 19.10952.0000:  Ackerman presented the petition.  The road is 66 feet wide at the street and 80 feet at the water.  Her understanding is that they cannot offer to purchase this property because it is not the Township’s to sell but the Township can vacate it.  The Original plat does not show the road going to the water’s edge.  Stearns Auditor could not find any record nor in the 1940 deed from Lumley.  The piece at the water’s edge is an orphaned piece of property and since it is orphaned there is no notice requirements for that.  Wilcox is present and agrees with the statements made by Ackerman.  Niemi has spoken with Couri who indicates this should proceed as a legal housekeeping matter.  Ackerman and Wilcox are defacto owners and owners by accretion.  There would be no money exchange or DNR notification on this petition.  Johnson has confirmed all the addresses on the petition.  He objects to accepting the validity of the petition as it is inadequate and insufficient.  It fails to state a disposition, what happens after we vacate. The map clearly shows a section of ROW going off to the east and should not be something we give away, there should be some form of compensation.  Torgersen questions if there is a conflict of interest with Couri representing both Ackerman and the Township.  Plaggerman suggests that by accepting the petition we are merely setting a public hearing and it does not obligate us to grant it.  Johnson made a motion to not accept the petition on the basis it fails to state a disposition.  Motion dies for lack of a second.  Plaggerman makes a motion to accept the petition to vacate as presented by Ackerman and Wilcox, seconded by Niemi.  Niemi and Plaggerman yes, Johnson no.  Motion passed by 2-1 roll call vote.  Niemi made a motion to accept Resolution 2021-03, seconded by Plaggerman. Niemi and Plaggerman yes, Johnson no.  Motion passed by 2-1 roll call vote.  Niemi made a motion to set the public hearing on August 2, 6:00 p.m., seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.  Clerk Schmidt to provide Couri with the Resolution and request next steps.

Certificate of Compliance – Matt Timp 1013 200th Str – PID #19.10238.0000:  Timps own approximately 95 acres in Dallas Lake shoreland.  He plans to build a new home for elderly family on 10 acres and it will have its own septic and well.  Stearns County has determined this is an administrative split.  This change is reflected in the survey which shows the 2 tracts of land.  Tract A is approximately 85 acres, Tract B is 10.1 acres.  Both parcels would be retained by Timp.  The form needs the updated legal descriptions inputted yet.  Johnson made a motion to authorize the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance for the administrative split essentially described in the survey provided, and to allow the Chair and Clerk to sign the document outside of a regularly scheduled meeting once the updated legal descriptions are included, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed. The approved, final signed Certificate of Compliance will be provided to Timp, with a copy retained by the clerk.

Mississippi River St Cloud One Watershed One Plan Planning Partnership – Lynden Twp Rep:  Johnson makes a motion to nominate Jeff Westrum as the Lynden Twp Rep, and to authorize per diem fees and mileage, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Sarah Weed – Stearns County Park Dept – Beaver Island Regional Trail:  Parks Operations Coordinator Sarah Weed requests a letter of support for this 4 mile project.  No money will be expected from the Township.  Johnson makes a motion to authorize a letter in support essentially as to form, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Stearns County SWCD Private Well Nitrate and Chloride Screening:  Clerk to post on web.

Planning Commission Reappointment: Johnson made a motion to reappoint Greg Halverson to a 5 year term, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote. Term expires 2026.

Record Destruction:  Clerk and Treasurer have archived and destroyed records per the Records Destruction schedule.

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA):  A June 2021 letter from Minnesota Association of Townships informs townships they are eligible to receive money.  Dan Torgersen summarized amounts and potential uses. The Board will research further with Dan Torgersen.  Tabled to August.

Building permits:  Permits submitted from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed with 4 permits this month, for a total of 19 in 2021.  Driveway Permits:  None
Right of Way Work Permits:  Midco 20041 Edison Circle completed.  Midco also have approximately 30 that are pending.
Correspondence: was reviewed which included:
Stearns Co Planning Notice of Continuance of CUP Application PID#19.10671.000 – Madison
Stearns Co Board Notice of Continuance of CUP Application PID#19.10671.000 – Madison
Stearns Co Notice of Public Hearing 7/15/2021 PID#19.10671.000 – Madison
Stearns Co Notice of Primary address issued 15700 13th Ave PID #19.19.10423.0010 – Gregoire
Stearns Co Assessment Services Board of Appeal and Equalization Training
St Cloud Biosolids Mgmt Program Invitation to attend 3 year verification audit
Couri & Ruppe PLLP 12th Annual Township Legal Seminar
DVS Zoning Verification filed for Steven Ziebarth/Zmarine 2238 196th Str PID #19.10748.0111

Review Bills and Claims for Approval
Niemi made a motion to approve Johnson payroll claim and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed by roll call vote.
Johnson made a motion to approve Niemi payroll claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Niemi abstained, motion passed by roll call vote.
Johnson made a motion to approve Plaggerman payroll claim, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, Plaggerman abstained, motion passed by roll call vote.
Johnson made a motion to approve all other bills and claims, utilizing check numbers 8093 through 8116, inclusive; motion seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – As needed
Public Hearing Petition to Vacate a Portion of a Road – that part of Highland Drive (aka Eaglewood Rd), Shores Point – August 2, 6:00 p.m.
Monthly meeting – August 2, 7:00 p.m.
Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.  Meeting adjourned at 9:22 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair


Those present at the Lynden Township Hall were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Tom Plaggerman and Dennis Niemi, Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Deputy Clerk Kelli Schuh, Treasurer Jean Schermer, and Deputy Treasurer Dan Torgersen.  James Kantor, Planning Administrator, was also present.  Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.  Agenda.  Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda from the Board or public.   Hearing none, Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote. Board Meeting Minutes. The May 3rd, 2021, regular Twp. Board minutes were reviewed and the May 19 Public Hearing in re JK Landscape Variance as well.  Johnson made a motion to approve the May 3rd, 2021, regular Board meeting minutes and the May 19 Public Hearing minutes, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote. Treasurer’s report by Schermer was reviewed.  Receipts totaled $6,259.87; Disbursements $23,424.77; Ending Balance $231,852.86.  Treasurer Schermer also brought to the Board’s attention that there is a $10 variance for May due to a late fee for the PERA payment.  The adjustment for the late fee will be made in June.  Niemi made a motion to accept the May 2021 treasurer’s report, and to sign the CTAS forms including the Claims list, Net pay account distribution, and cash control statements, motion seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Spring Cleanup:  Total receipts for the Spring Cleanup were $1,880.02 and expenses were $5,009.54.  The township is expecting to receive a grant from Stearns County SCORE program in the amount of $3,000.00 that will result in a net balance of ($129.52) for the cleanup.  The Stearns County Explorers were present at the meeting and accepted a donation from the sale of scrap metal recovered that day in the amount of $340.02 for their help at the event.  The reimbursement for the grant was submitted by Johnson on 6-6-21.

Newport Leasing Driveway and potential expansion – PID #19.10600.0003/0004:  Justin Sundell, representing Newport Leasing, spoke about at the meeting about their plan to widen the driveway 10’ on each side to facilitate the truck traffic going in and out of the property.  The driveway is currently 30’ wide and they would like to widen it to 50’ total.  Supervisor Niemi did a site visit and did not see any issues with widening the driveway.   In addition, Justin brought up that Newport Leasing just purchased a 1.4 acre to the south and he would like to know if a new CUP is needed or if the existing CUP can be extended to the new lot.  After discussion, it was determined that the existing CUP can be extended.   Chair Johnson made a motion to allow Newport Leasing to add an additional 10’ on each side of their driveway and extend the existing CUP to the new parcel to the south.   Motion seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Variance JK Landscape 19512 Hubble Rd, PID # 19.10748.0117 & 19.10748.0128:  Jerry Konz, representing JK Landscape, was present at the meeting.  The board received approval of the wastewater plan from the township engineer on May 20th.  Johnson made a motion to accept the Planning Commissions Finding of Fact with the additional conditions: 1) Require the water infiltration pond 2) Township Engineer approve wastewater plan 3) Make proper application for building permits, electrical permits, as well as all county permits as required for any and all structures and 4) Property owner will save, defend, and hold the Township harmless in granting this variance. and to approve the variance application as submitted. Seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Spring Road Tour Review:  Minutes from the April 15th road tour were reviewed.  Most items have been completed.  Niemi informed the board that we did not get the LRIP grant we applied for so we will need to discuss options and get estimates before proceeding with any road repairs.  Niemi will obtain estimates for fixing 200th Str and report back in July.

Fire Commission Updates:  Supervisor Plaggerman gave a report on the May meeting.   The next meeting for this group is June 8th, 2021.

DUNS and SAMS Number and Registration: Clerk Schmidt did some research and discovered we already have a DUNS number, we just needed to make some updates to our registrations.  The SAMS number has waiting period and Clerk Schmidt will obtain when waiting time expires.

Gravel Stockpile: Gravel was hauled June 6th – 9th and all roads slated for adding gravel should be covered by the end of this week.  Supervisor Niemi was in contact with the dust control company and that should be completed soon.   As of January 2021, we had approximately 2,900 tons of gravel left in the township stockpile which will be mostly used up this week.   Plans for a 2022 stockpile were discussed.

Township Email Addresses: Best practices regarding township email addresses were discussed and Clerk, Treasurer, and Kantor will work to resolve issue probably getting rid of titles for townsip email addresses and using personal names.

Inquiry – CUP for PID#19.10376.0003: Correspondence was received from Rob Spitzley, Stearns County Environmental Services, about the property owners possibly needing to apply for a CUP prior to building on this parcel.   Re: Section 7.33.1 of the Stearns County Land Use and Zoning Ordinance.  Table item to July.

Building permits:  Permits submitted from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed with 8 permit this month, for a total of 15 in 2021.Driveway Permits:  None
Right of Way Work Permits:  None
Correspondence: was reviewed which included: Invitation to participate in the Mississippi River-St. Cloud One Watershed, One Plan Planning Partnership
Stearns Co Notice of Public Hearing 06/17/2021 PID#19.10671.000 – Madison
Stearns Co Notice of Public Hearing 05/27/2021 PID#19.10664.000 – Mason
Stearns Co Notice of Public Hearing 05/27/2021 PID#19.10877.000 – Raymond
Stearns Co Notice of Public Hearing to enact Stearns Co Ord #624 re: recreational vehicles
Letter from Department of Highways regarding noxious weed control
Email from Stearns County Highway Department regarding proposed 5 year road program

Review Bills and Claims for Approval
Niemi made a motion to approve Johnson payroll claim and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed by roll call vote.  Johnson made a motion to approve Niemi payroll claim and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Niemi abstained, motion passed by roll call vote. Johnson made a motion to approve Plaggerman payroll claim, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, Plaggerman abstained, motion passed by roll call vote. Johnson made a motion to approve all other bills and claims, utilizing check numbers 8069 through 8092, inclusive; motion seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – As needed
Monthly meeting – July 12th, 7:00 p.m.
Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.  Meeting adjourned at 8:33 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Kelli Schuh, Deputy Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair

MAY 19, 2021

Those present were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi, Tom Plaggerman, Deputy Clerk Kelli Schuh, Planning & Zoning Administrator James Kantor, and applicant Jerry Konz.  Chair Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. and opened the public hearing with the Board serving as a Board of Equalization and Appeals to hear the variance request.

The purpose of the public hearing is to consider a variance application submitted by Jerry Konz of JK Landscape to increase the impervious surface area of his property to 64.1 percent. A 60 percent impervious surface area requirement is set by Stearns County Ordinance #439 Section 9.11.10, adopted by reference as Lynden Township Ordinance #7.  The subject property(s) is ID # 19.10748.0117 and 19.10748.0128, further described as Lot 001 Block 004 of Lynden Valley Industrial Park, Lot 002 Block 004 of Lynden Valley Industrial Park, and Lot 003 Block 004 of Lynden Valley Industrial Park within Section 03, Township 122, Range 027.   The subject property address is 19512 Hubble Road and 19534 Hubble Road, Clearwater MN 55320.

It was noted that the Planning Commission performed a site visit on May 5th, 2021. The Planning Commission met that same day to review the application and consider proposed findings of fact.  At that meeting, the planning commission recommended approval of the application with a Findings Of Fact that included a single condition to require the water infiltration pond

Applicant Jerry Konz indicated he wishes to expand the existing building on the parcel over an existing gravel surface.  A lot coverage of 65 percent is proposed that will be mitigated with a stormwater management plan that treats and detains the 5 percent lot coverage over maximum.  Applicant Konz noted that there is an existing water infiltration system on the property that already handles much of the stormwater runoff.  He provided engineered drawings and a site map to the board to review as part of the original application.

Upon inquiry by the chair, it was indicated that neither Township Clerk Schmidt nor Deputy Clerk Schuh received no correspondence or emails for the record on this matter.

With no one else to speak on the matter, Chair Johnson made a motion to close the public hearing at 6:32 p.m. seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor by roll call vote, motion passed.

The Board reviewed the Planning Commission’s Findings of Fact for the proposed variance.  Johnson made a motion to accept the Planning Commissions Finding of Fact with the application with a single condition.  Motion was seconded by Niemi, all in favor by roll call vote, motion passed.

Chair Johnson made a motion to approve the variance, adopt the finding of fact from the Planning Commission with conditions set out in the Findings of Fact including: 1. Require the water infiltration pond, 2. Township engineer to review and approve the wastewater plan, motion seconded by Niemi.  Upon debate, Plaggerman requested that the board wait to vote on the variance until after the township engineer has had a chance to review and approve the wastewater plan.   Johnson withdrew his motion.

Plaggerman made a motion to defer the decision on this variance until June 7th, 2021, which is the next regularly scheduled Town Board monthly meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor by roll call vote, motion passed.

Chair Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor by roll call vote, motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 6:56 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
Kelli Schuh, Deputy Clerk
Dave Johnson, Chair


Those present at the Lynden Township Hall were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Tom Plaggerman and Dennis Niemi, Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Deputy Clerk Kelli Schuh, Treasurer Jean Schermer, and Deputy Treasurer Dan Torgersen along with James Kantor, Planning Administrator, were also present.  Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.  Agenda.  Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda from the Board or public.   Hearing none, Plaggerman made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.  Board Meeting Minutes. The April 5, 2021, regular Twp. Board minutes and the April 13, 2021 Local Board of Equalization and Appeals (LBEA) minutes were reviewed.  Niemi made a motion to approve the April 5, 2021 regular Board meeting minutes and April 13, 2021 LBEA meeting minutes, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.  Treasurer’s report by Schermer was reviewed.  Receipts totaled $780.87; Disbursements $34,527.04; Ending Balance $249,017.76.  Johnson made a motion to accept the April 2021 treasurer’s report, and to sign the CTAS forms including the Claims list, Net pay account distribution, and cash control statements, motion seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Newport Leasing Driveway and potential expansion – PID #19.10600.0003/0004:  Neither Clerk Schmidt nor Planning Administrator James Kantor have received a driveway proposal or an application for an amended CUP as referenced in the March and April 2021 minutes.  Niemi will make contact to obtain the driveway proposal.  Table item to June.

Fire Study Group:  The Group presented their findings to both Lynden Township and Clearwater Township at a joint meeting on April 19.  The study found the estimated cost of a new fire hall and supporting equipment is approximately $1.3 million.  The review of five (5) fire budgets determined there is not enough savings to offset the $1.3 million, so financially it does not make sense to move forward with an individual option at this time.  There are no further meetings scheduled for this group.

Variance JK Landscape 19512 Hubble Rd, PID # 19.10748.0117 & 19.10748.0128:  Variance Application was received on April 22, along with the $750 fee.  The variance request is to allow the increase of impervious surface to 64.1 percent.  A 60 percent requirement is set by Stearns County Zoning Ordinance #439 Section 9.11.10 adopted by reference as Lynden Township Ordinance #7.  Wayne Stark, Start Engineering has provided preliminary plans and a stormwater report.  Konz indicates a plumbing permit has been completed thru the State of MN.  Supervisor Johnson informs Konz plumbing should be done thru our Official Township Building Inspector Nancy Scott, along with building permit applications.  An amended CUP should not be needed if there is no change to the business operations.  Planning Administrator James Kantor has scheduled with the Planning Commission and applicant a site visit on May 5, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. and will prepare written findings for the Board as to their recommendations.  Johnson made a motion to set a public hearing on the variance application for May 19, 2021,at 6:00 p.m., seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Inquiry – Variance Dustin Larson 1904 193rd Str E, PID # 19.10999.0000:  Planning Administrator James Kantor received an inquiry regarding a variance for a detached garage size exception at this property.   No submission was received to date.  Remove from agenda.

Inquiry -Office Expansion Johnson Materials 1902 196th Str E, PID#19.10748.0100, 0101, 0102:  Chair Johnson received an inquiry regarding building overlap with 2 parcels and impervious surface as referenced in Stearns Ord 439 Section 9.11 at this property.  Lori Johnson indicates they may at some point expand which would place the building over 2 property lines but nothing in immediate future.  James Kantor has confirmed with Jennifer Buckentine (SCES) that the lots do not need to be combined for the variance but they must be sold as one.

Spring Road Tour Review:  The Board held the tour on April 15th.  Minutes were reviewed.  Most items have been completed.  Niemi will obtain estimates for fixing 200th Str and Franklin Rd issues identified and report back in June.  Signs and post have been ordered less the few we have on hand and Johnson will coordinate with Gary Schmidt on replacing.

Spring Cleanup:  Cleanup was held on April 24 at the Clearwater Twp Hall with a good turnout.  Trucks were filled to capacity.  Billing was received from West Central Sanitation in the amount of $4,045.92, which does coincide with the amount of trash collected.  Nine Stearns Sheriff Explorers did volunteer and assist and will receive the proceeds from the sale of scrap metal collected.  Improved signage and check-in sheet should be part of next year’s cleanup process.  Johnson will submit billing from West Central Sanitation for SCORE Grant reimbursement.

City of St. Cloud Opportunity Drive Annexation Inquiry:  Matt Glaesman, Community Development Director inquired about urban expansion.  He is not looking for an orderly annexation agreement at this time but wanted to touch base as it has not been discussed for approximately 5 years.  Supervisor Johnson indicates our previous position has not changed in that we do not oppose any land owner-initiated requests as long as it is contiguous to the City of St. Cloud.  Niemi and Plaggerman agree.

Building permits:  Permits submitted from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed with 3 permit this month, for a total of 7 in 2021. Driveway Permits:  Ronald Hinkemeyer 20404 13th Ave, PID #19.10529.0000
Right of Way Work Permits:  Stearns Electric – Co Rd 44 and 9th Ave E.
Correspondence: was reviewed which included:
Stearns Co Notice of Public Hearing to enact Ord No 623 Changes to feedlot.
Stearns Co Notice of Public Hearing to enact Ord No 626 related to solar farms and manufactured homes.
Stearns Co Env Serv Subd Ord and Zoning Ord changes
Stearns Co Parks Ord No 625 Parkland Dedication Fees
Stearns Co 911 Primary address issued for 1257 Basswood Rd PID #19.10970.0300
City of Clearwater Resolution 2021-18 Accepting Library Donations for 2019, 2020, and 2021
Ergen Annual medical statement – PID #19.10898.0000

Review Bills and Claims for Approval
Niemi made a motion to approve Johnson payroll claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed by roll call vote.  Johnson made a motion to approve Niemi expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Niemi abstained, motion passed by roll call vote.  Johnson made a motion to approve Plaggerman payroll claim, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, Plaggerman abstained, motion passed by roll call vote.  Johnson made a motion to approve all other bills and claims, utilizing check numbers 8048 through 8068, inclusive; motion seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – site visit on May 5, 2021, at 6:00 p.m.
Public Hearing JK Landscape Variance Application – May 19, 6:00 p.m.
Monthly meeting – June 7, 7:00 p.m.

Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.
Meeting adjourned at 8:34 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair


Those present via telephone conference were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi and Tom Plaggerman. Stearns County Appraiser for Agriculture, Residential and Shoreland properties in Lynden Township, Mitch Determan; and, Kathy Korte, Stearns County Appraiser for Commercial Industrial. Also present is Town Clerk Jenny Schmidt.  Chair Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Johnson reviewed Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.11, subdivision 1 and guidelines regarding the meeting done via telephone conference for board voting, requesting to speak for both town officials and public.  The record should reflect all Supervisors have been certified as having completed the State Dept. of Revenue required training, which was verified by Stearns County records.  Specifically, Johnson certification expires 7-1-2022, Niemi and Plaggerman certification expires 7-1-2023.

There were 2 scheduled appointments, 0 walk-ins, and 0 written correspondence.

The 2021 Assessment Overview from the Assessor is based on the results of the assessment sales ratio study covering the period from October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020.  There were 18 qualified sales during this time period, 12 off water and 6 on water.  The sales indicated a median ratio of 89.9%.  There was $4,246,200 of new construction.  This is up from $2,290,800 a year ago.

The results of the Local Board of Appeal for 2021 are as follows:
NAME                                                            PARCEL#               ACTION
1.     Clearwater Harbor Property Owners Assn    19.10619.0000
Jeff Westrum, President of CHPOA, appeared via phone as per appointment, contesting the valuation of $74,400 for the parcel. This is a communal parcel owned for the specific benefit of the 48 property owners.  There is a dam for the Clearwater River on this parcel.  The DNR has an easement that allows access for dam inspection, repair and maintenance.  The Clearwater River Watershed District and CHPOA are creating an easement that will allow access for measuring water height and bog removal.  The parcel is not hooked up to the community sewer and would require significant cost and legal action should that ever happen.  This is not a typical marketable lot and Westrum requests the valuation be nominal, no different than the 66 acres owned by Hidden River to the north.  If that is not agreeable, Westrum asserts the valuation be at $33,547.  Determan indicates there are no by-law provisions for ownership by the CHPOA members for this parcel so it is not similar to the 66 acres of common area in Hidden River. It is potentially a buildable lot as Stearns Co would allow an onsite sewer system but Determan also agrees it would need a lot of work to get there.  In 2020, there was a $15,900 downward adjustment granted by the Assessor, going from $90,300 to $74,400.  Discussion was held in relation to the disparity of the adjacent property’s valuations along Alder Road in this vicinity.  Determan and Korte explain adjustments have been made to equalize all properties to be at the same per front foot value, with different property classifications such as year round home vs seasonal.  Plaggerman makes a motion for no change in value in the absence of a formal appraisal being provided and the adjustment just last year, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

NAME                                                            PARCEL#               ACTION
2.     Victoria Evavold                                         19.10420.0005
Ms. Evavold appeared via phone as per appointment, contesting the valuation of $26,000.00 valuation for the parcel. The valuation has increased approximately 20% since 2018 but no changes have been done to the property.  She has been working with a private surveyor to determine boundary lines and corners as the legal description is dated and vague, but has no completed survey as of today. Determan indicates there is a building entitlement for the parcel but would need to comply with setbacks and such due to the small size of the parcel.  Plaggerman makes a motion for no change in value in the absence of a formal appraisal being provided, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

The Board acknowledges receipt of Determan’s 4-13-2021, 2021 Assessment Report and waives the reading of it, but will include it as part of these minutes.  Plaggerman made a motion to adjourn the Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.  Meeting adjourned at 7:37 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted
Jenny Schmidt
Lynden Township Clerk


Those present at the Lynden Township Hall were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Tom Plaggerman and Dennis Niemi, Clerk Jenny Schmidt and Deputy Clerk Kelli Schuh, Treasurer Jean Schermer, and Deputy Treasurer Dan Torgersen along with James Kantor, Planning Administrator, were also present.  Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.  Agenda.  Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda from the Board or public.   Hearing none, Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote. Board Meeting Minutes. The March 2, 2021, regular Twp. Board minutes, the March 10, 2021 Canvass and Reorganizational minutes were reviewed.  Niemi made a motion to approve the March 2, 2021 regular Board meeting minutes and March 10, 2021 Canvass and Reorganizational meeting minutes, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote. Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed by Schermer.  Receipts totaled $551.10; Disbursements $21,942.04; Ending Balance $282,763.93.  Johnson made a motion to accept the March 2021 treasurer’s report, and to sign the CTAS forms including the Claims list, Net pay account distribution, and cash control statements, motion seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Newport Leasing Driveway and potential expansion – PID #19.10600.0003/0004:  Neither Clerk Schmidt nor Planning Administrator James Kantor have received a driveway proposal or an application for an amended CUP as referenced in the March 2021 minutes.  Table item to May.

Fire Study Group:  The Group meet in March has a summary report to present to both Lynden Township and Clearwater Township.  Johnson made a motion to approve a joint meeting with Lynden Twp and Clearwater Twp on April 19, 1:00 p.m. at the Clearwater Twp Hall to receive the report and begin contract review, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Spring Cleanup:  5-7 adults from Lynden Twp will assist with the effort. Johnson confirms the Explorer’s Group will be volunteering.

Inquiry – Variance JK Landscape 19512 Hubble Rd, PID # 19.10748.0117:  Planning Administrator James Kantor received an inquiry regarding a variance for building expansion and allowable lot coverage at this property.  He provided the application to Wayne Stark, Start Engineering.  No submission was received to date.

Inquiry – Variance Dustin Larson 1904 193rd Str E, PID # 19.10999.0000:  Planning Administrator James Kantor received an inquiry regarding a variance for a detached garage size exception at this property.   No submission was received to date.

Inquiry -Office Expansion Johnson Materials 1902 196th Str E, PID#19.10748.0100, 0101, 0102:  Chair Johnson received an inquiry regarding building overlap with 2 parcels and impervious surface as referenced in Stearns Ord 439 Section 9.11 at this property.  Planning Administrator was contacted by an engineer but no submission was received to date.

Garbage and debris complaint 19064 Eaglewood RD, PID #19.10597.0000:  Plaggerman viewed the property today and confirmed 2 vehicles in driveway with expired plates, tires, bikes, outdoor motor, screen door, appliances and more.  Johnson made a motion to defer action to Stearns Co as this property lies within shoreland and is within their jurisdiction per the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Spring Road Tour date is set for April 15, 1:00 p.m.

Oath of Office and Certificate of Election has been issued to Dennis Niemi and Jean Schermer.  An Appointment of Deputy Treasurer was issued to Daniel Torgersen and an Appointment of Deputy Clerk has been issued to Kelli Schuh.

Resolution 2021-02: Johnson made a motion to approve Resolution 2021-02, A Resolution authorizing the Town Board Chair and Town Clerk to Execute Customary Contracts, Agreements and Town Documents by Electronic Signature and to waive the reading, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Hazard Mitigation Plan-2022:  Stearns Co Emergency Management is seeking participants to help update the Stearns County Hazard Mitigation Plan.  Niemi made a motion to approve Johnson to participate in this group and to reimburse for time and mileage, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Building permits:  Permits submitted from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed with 1 permit this month, for a total of 4 in 2021.  Driveway Permits:  none
Right of Way Work Permits:  1 pending with Stearns Electric – Co Rd 44 and 9th Ave E.;  Johnson did meet with Midco regarding a large project planned in the township.  Permits pending.

Correspondence: was reviewed which included:
– Stearns Co Ord No 618 Changes to land use and zoning ordinance.  Should the Twp wish to be more restrictive, we must contact SCES.  Niemi reviewed and found no issues.
-Stearns Co Notice of Public Hearing to enact Ord No 619 related to subsurface sewage treatment systems-holding tanks.
-Stearns Co Notice of Public Hearing to enact Ord No 621 & 622 related to mining operations, attached garage standards, building envelope standards, platting and township approval of plats.
-Stearns Co Surveyor requesting notice of road construction projects for 2021.  Niemi to respond.

Review Bills and Claims for Approval
Plaggerman made a motion to approve Johnson payroll claim, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed by roll call vote.
Johnson made a motion to approve Niemi payroll and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Niemi abstained, motion passed by roll call vote.
Johnson made a motion to approve Plaggerman payroll claim, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, Plaggerman abstained, motion passed by roll call vote.
Johnson made a motion to approve all other bills and claims, utilizing check numbers 8027 through 8047, inclusive; motion seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – as needed
LBEA meeting – April 13, 6:00 p.m.
Spring Road Tour – April 15, 1:00 p.m.
Fire Study Group Joint meeting -Lynden Twp and Clearwater Twp – April 19, 1:00 p.m. at the Clearwater Twp Hall
Spring Clean Up – April 24, 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. at Clearwater Twp Hall
Monthly meeting – May 3, 7:00 p.m.

Plaggerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.  Meeting adjourned at 7:46 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair


Those present were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi, Tom Plaggerman, Treasurer Dan Torgersen, Deputy Treasurer Jean Schermer and Clerk Jenny Schmidt.  The meeting was called to order by Chair Johnson at 6:12 p.m. The clerk will administer the oath of office to Supervisor Niemi and Treasurer Schermer after the contest period has ended.  The transfer of town records between Torgersen and Schermer is in process.  The Board confirms the Patriot News as the official newspaper, plus posting at the town hall, Lake Central Bank as our depository, we have no administrative policies to amend, Ordinance and Resolution books are at the town hall for viewing, the towns annual report has been submitted by treasurer Torgersen and the 60 day time requirement for planning applications and conflict of interest process was reviewed.  Our regularly scheduled monthly meetings will remain as is (on the 1st Monday of the month) and adjusted as needed.

Niemi made a motion to appoint Johnson to the Chair position, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote. Johnson made a motion to appoint Niemi to the Vice-Chair position, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Johnson made a motion to keep the compensation as set in 2020.  Discussion held regarding the moderator fee as the fee has remained the same since at least 2010.  Johnson amended his motion to increase the moderator fee to $60, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  Plaggerman reviewed the planning commission administrator’s hourly rate.  Kantor has deep knowledge of our Ordinances; we rely on his expertise and fields many calls regarding planning applications.  Plaggerman made a motion to increase the planning commission administrator’s hourly rate to $20/hour, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  Treasurer Torgersen clarified that fire commission meetings should be billed as meetings and study group meetings should be billed at hourly rate.  Johnson called for a vote on his original motion with the 2 amendments, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Results of compensation discussion are as follows:

Fee                    Training/Extra Work             Salary

Town Board Chair                              $60/Meeting                $20/Hour                     $125/Month
Supervisors                                        $60/Meeting                $20/Hour                     $75/Month
Clerk                                                   $50/Meeting                $15/Hour                     $7,200/Year
Treasurer                                            $50/Meeting                $15/Hour                     $4,800/Year
Deputy Clerk                                       $50/Meeting                $15/Hour
Deputy Treasurer                                $50/Meeting                $15/Hour
Clerk Starting Salary                           $50/Meeting                $15/Hour                     $4,000/Year
Treasurer Starting Salary                    $50/Meeting                $15/Hour                     $3,000/Year
Planning Commission Chair                $60/Meeting                $20/Hour
Planning Commission Members         $50/Meeting                $15/Hour
Planning Commission Admin.             $50/Meeting                $20/Hour                     $ 75/Month
Moderator Fee                                    $60/Meeting
Consultant to the Board                                                          $20/Hour
Head Election Judge                                                              $20/Hour
Election Judges                                                                      $15/Hour
Maintenance Person                                                               $25/Hour
Lawn Mowing Service                        $35/Mow
Cleaning Person                                                                     $15/Hour
Mileage                                               Current IRS rate

Hall Rental: Key, Contract and Cleaning                                 $15/Rental

In addition to statutory duties, Township Supervisors, Clerk and Treasurer have the following responsibilities:

The Clerk is responsible for recycling, office supplies, assessment Searches and payment of claims (excluding payroll, taxes and PERA).
The Treasurer is responsible for payment of payroll, taxes, and PERA claims, and W-2’s, 1099’s, tax reporting, filing of State Auditor’s Report, and PERA reports.
Clerk or Treasurer can bill for any non-statutory duties performed.
Clerk is to prepare and send agenda to the Board 1 week prior to the meeting.  Additions are due no less than 48 hours of the posting deadline so the Clerk can post the agenda to the web on the Thursday before the Monday meeting.
Supervisor Plaggerman is the primary contact for animal control, liaison for the township’s Building Inspector and liaison for Clearwater Fire.
Supervisor Niemi is Vice Chair and is the primary contact for roads, Driveway Permits, Clearwater Watershed District, liaison for Annandale Fire and maintenance issues of the Town Hall building, including bug control, rug cleaning, water and septic issues.
Supervisor Johnson is Chair and the primary contact for road signage issues, weed inspection and Right of Way Permits.
Gary Schmidt is in charge of maintenance, light brushing and installation of signs.
Johnson made a motion to accept the compensation schedule for 2021 and approve the assignments as stated above, effective April 1, 2021, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

FEES (This fee schedule can also be found on the Applications Tab of our site)

Building Permits                                 Per Lynden Township Ordinance #11
Building Inspector                               75% of Building Permit Fee
Township Permit Share                      25% of Building Permit Fee
Plan Review (Inspector)                     65% of Permit Fee
Construction Site Permit                    $100 (Includes Ag Buildings)
Building without Permit                       Double the Permit Fee
Building Inspector (Compliance)        $65/Hour
Temporary Road Sign                        $30
Damaged Road Sign                          Cost of the sign, post, and Materials plus maintenance person fee (2 hour minimum)
Public Hearing Fee                             $750 (Variance, Conditional/Interim Use Permit Applications)

Public Hearing Fee (No Site Visit)      $400 (Variance, Conditional/Interim Use Permit Applications)
Special Meeting by Request              $500
Town Board or Planning Commission
Title Searches                                     $15
Splitting of Land (Major Plat):             $1500
Platting Subject to Escrow Deposit    (See Lynden Township Subdivision Ordinance #8)
Attorney/Engineer                               Hourly Rate at Project Cost
911 signs – New                                  $100 Collected with Building Permit
Replacement 911 Sign           $50
Replacement 911 Post           $25

Hall Rental                                          $50 and Refundable $100 deposit after inspection
Animal Impound Fee                          $50 per animal (Payable to Tri County Humane Society)
Second Impound Fee                         $100
Third or more Impound Fee                $200 (+ $100 for Each Additional Offense)
Administrative Fine                             $200 Minimum – Reference Ordinance #10
Right of Way Permit Fee                     $150 per project (See Lynden Township Ordinance #12)
Right of Way Work without Permit      Double the Permit Fee
Hauling Permit                                    $100 Annually (See Lynden Township Ordinance #12)

Johnson made a motion to accept the fee schedule for 2021, effective April 1, 2021, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote. In response to the COVID-19 emergency, Johnson made a motion to continue the closure of the town hall for rental purposes and to restrict the number of people that attend any board meeting or any other meeting to forty (40) at any one time, to practice six (6) foot social distancing and to give priority to those on the agenda only for the duration of the item, until the Governor lifts all restrictions, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote. Meeting adjourned at 7:17 p.m.

Jenny Schmidt, Clerk


The meeting of the Town Board of Canvass was called to order at 6:03 p.m. Those present were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi and Tom Plaggerman. The Board of Canvass takes the Oath of Office.  Per instructions of County Auditor staff, supervisors that are on the ballot should not be part of this audit procedure.  Clerk Jenny Schmidt was also present. The election results were reviewed. The number of voters included 28 signatures on the polling place roster, which is confirmed by the poll pad receipt. 1 absentee ballot was received. 29 ballots were cast.

Results were as follows:
Name                                 Position                  Term            Votes Received
Dennis Niemi                     Supervisor              Three Years            28
Todd Voigt-write in             Supervisor              Three Years            1
Jean Schermer                  Treasurer                Two Years              27

Plaggerman made a motion to certify the election results from the 3-9-2021 election, seconded by Johnson, Niemi abstained, all in favor, motion passed. The required forms were reviewed and completed. It was noted that the reelected supervisor and the newly elected treasurer will be sworn in by the Clerk after the contest period has ended.
Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Plaggerman, Niemi abstained, all in favor, motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 6:12 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt
Lynden Township Clerk


Township Clerk Jenny Schmidt called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Note: Covid-19 Pandemic recommendations were followed with social distancing and face coverings in place. We did not reach the 40 capacity limit so a virtual format was not needed.  David L Johnson made a motion to elect Jeff Westrum to moderate the annual meeting, seconded by Dennis Niemi, all in favor, motion passed.  Todd Voigt made a motion to waive the reading of the 2020 annual meeting minutes and the continued meeting on Sept. 17, 2020, seconded by David L Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.  Tom Plaggerman made a motion to approve the minutes from the 2020 annual meeting and the continued meeting on Sept. 17, 2020, seconded by Anne Ackerman, all in favor, motion passed.  The 2020 treasurer’s report was available for review. Treasurer Dan Torgersen presented the Board of Audit report and highlights of the treasurer’s report. The annual audit was convened on January 27th and the Clerk’s and Treasurer’s books and Lake Central Bank statements balanced exactly. At the close of 2020, the checking account balance was $305,759.  2020 revenue was $588,631 and expenditures were $632,375.  A motion was made by Dennis Niemi to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Joy Gardner, all in favor, motion passed.  David L Johnson made a motion to waive the reading of all checks written and received in 2020, seconded by Shawn Moorehouse, all in favor, motion passed.  David L Johnson, Chair of Lynden Twp. Board, thanked outgoing Treasurer Dan Torgersen for his service to the township over the last 6 years.  His love and attention for details and continuity of operations will be missed.

Newspapers: Lynden Township uses Patriot NewsMN (FKA Citizen-Tribune) as its official newspaper for legal publications and notices.  We also post notices on the website and at the Town Hall.  Tom Plaggerman made a motion to retain the Patriot NewsMN as our official newspaper, seconded by Dan Torgersen, all in favor, motion passed.

Attorney: Couri & Ruppe, P.L.L.P. of St. Michael MN continues to represent Lynden Township. David L Johnson made a motion to retain Couri & Ruppe, P.L.L.P. as the Township Attorney, seconded by David M Johnson, all in favor, motion passed.

Depository of Funds: The Township currently utilizes Lake Central Bank in Clearwater MN.  Dan Torgersen made a motion to approve Lake Central Bank for depository of funds, seconded by Todd Voigt, all in favor, motion passed.

Recycling Service: Our current contract with Republic Services ends in April, 2021.  Recent negotiations resulted in a new 5 year contract with Republic Services with rates starting in 2021 at $6.25 per cart and ending in year 2025 at $7.31 per cart.

Road Report: 2020: Supervisor Dennis Niemi reported: Crushed Class 1 gravel from the Damann Pit and applied it to the central 1/3 roads which is from Dover Rd to up Craigway.  This keeps us on a 3 year rotation of gravel application;  Bladed and packed all gravel roads whenever there was moisture; Applied magnesium chloride to all gravel roads in various widths and concentrations;  Mowed all ditches twice;  Crack filled and seal coated Elmwood, Englewood, 19th Ave and the portion of Franklin that is asphalt.  Early last spring, Niemi researched grants to help raise our Industrial Park load ratings from 7 ton to 10 ton.  Initial findings and estimates were for $770,000 in which the township would pay half of that.  MNDOT then released information regarding a Local Road Improvement Program (LRIP) grant.  Stearns County Engineer agreed to sponsor Lynden Township for this grant.  Lynden Twp. Resolution 2021-01 was approved as part of an application that has been submitted requesting $866,000 to upgrade  200th Str from Co Rd 44 to Co Rd 145, including the Industrial Park roads to 10 ton per axel.  Lynden would still be required to fund the engineering fee of approximately $80,000 to $100,000.  The decision on the grant will be made on or near May 15th, 2021.  If awarded to us, work would be done in 2022.  If no award is made, we will crack fill and chip coat Birchwood, 17th Ave, town hall parking lot and repair 200th Str near Plum Creek.  2022 projects consist of applying gravel to the north 1/3 roads and preparing 6th Ave and 200 Str on the N end for asphalt in 2023.  Niemi will research grants that apply to thru roads as No cost assessment to the land owners should apply to thru roads.

Clearwater Public Library:  Clerk notes no request for donation has been received from the Library since 2019.  David L. Johnson made a motion to authorize the Lynden Township Board to donate $2,000 to the Clearwater Branch of the Great River Regional Library as permitted by MN Statutes §§ 134.12 & 365.10, allowing payments to the library for the benefits library services provide locally in that it is a convenience to township residents, serves a public purpose and is in the township’s best interest to authorize this donation, seconded by Shawn Moorehouse, all in favor, motion passed.

Annandale Fire:  Assistant Chief Chris Townsend represented the Annandale Fire Department. They responded to 280 total calls in 2020, 19 of which were in Lynden Township. The Department has 25 members and equipment is in good standing. The levy request for 2022 is $13,536. (no change from 2021).  The Department thanks Lynden Township for the CARES donation.  It allowed them to upgrade equipment and support a command center.

Clearwater Fire:  Chief Ryan Pridgeon represented the Clearwater Fire Department.  They responded to 260 total calls in 2020, 69 of which were in Lynden Township.  The preliminary levy request for 2022 is $94,168.52. Final numbers will be available near August.  On behalf of the township, Dennis Niemi thanked both departments for their service.

David L. Johnson presented township updates which included CARES Funding that allowed us to deliver meetings in an alternative form; the winter snow removal contract that covers a large portion of our road and bridge fund as the billing for each plow ranges from $10,000 to $12,000; there were 46 building permits issued, including 9 new single-family structures with a valuation of $2.285 million.  Total building structure valuation was $5.684 million for 2020, with the largest being in the industrial parks at $2.7 million.

Johnson reviewed the components of the proposed 2022 levy, which consists of 4 funds.  As described by Niemi, we have no firm number for road and bridge as the LRIP Grant is pending.  We also have no firm number for Clearwater Fire.  Johnson discussed the need to consider recessing/continue the meeting rather than adjourning in order to finalize the both Road and Bridge and Clearwater Fire levy number.

Johnson presented the proposed levy as follows:

YEAR 2022
Road and Bridge $ 386,595 (Preliminary)
General Government $ 97,820
Annandale Fire $ 13,588
Clearwater Fire $ 102,368 (Preliminary)
Total $ 600,371
Overall the proposed levy increase for 2022 is +21%

Election results were announced as follows:
Number of voters: 28 signatures on the polling place roster plus 1 absentee vote

Candidate:    Dennis Niemi (Supervisor)                     Votes Received: 28
Candidate:    Todd Voigt (Supervisor)                         Votes Received: 1
Candidate:    Jean Schermer (Treasurer)                     Votes Received: 27
The Board of Canvass will meet on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, to review the summary statement and canvass the votes.  Dennis Niemi won the three year Supervisor Term.  Jean Schermer won the two year treasurer’s term.

The Annual Meeting for 2022 will be held Tuesday, March 8, 2022 at 8:15 pm. at the Lynden Town Hall.  A discussion was held regarding the start time of 8:00 as this does not allow the election judges to participate in the meeting as they need to finish their election judge duties.  By starting the meeting at 8:15 and rearranging the agenda items and order of business, it will allow them to participate.

Dennis Niemi made a motion to continue the annual meeting until Thursday, September 16, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. at the Lynden Township Hall for the purpose of adopting the levy, seconded by Dan Torgersen, all in favor motion passed.  The meeting was recessed at 9:21 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
Jeff Westrum, Moderator


Those present at the Lynden Township Hall were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Tom Plaggerman and Dennis Niemi, (Niemi via Zoom®) Niemi joined the meeting at 7:12 p.m. due to technical issues. Clerk Jenny Schmidt, Treasurer Dan Torgersen and Deputy Treasurer Jean Schermer along with James Kantor, Planning Administrator, were also present.  Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.  Johnson reviewed guidelines regarding the meeting done via Zoom® for board voting, requesting to speak for both town officials and public.  Agenda.  Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda from the Board or public.  Johnson added Co Rd 44 and Dover Rd intersection.  Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda with the addition, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote. Board Meeting Minutes. The February 1, 2021, regular Twp. Board minutes and the February 10, 2021 Special meeting minutes were reviewed.  Plaggerman made a motion to approve the February 1, 2021 regular Board meeting minutes and February 10, 2021 Special meeting minutes, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.  Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed.  Receipts totaled $36,409.48; Disbursements $22,417.72; Ending Balance $304,154.87.  Johnson made a motion to accept the February 2021 treasurer’s report, and to sign the CTAS forms including the Claims list, Net pay account distribution, and cash control statements, motion seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.  Supervisor Niemi joined the meeting at 7:12 p.m. due to technical issues.

James and Dawn Froelich Certificate of Compliance PID # 19.10566.0005:  Steve Holthaus-Stearns County Auditor’s office and Ben Anderson-Stearns County Parks Dept presented a proposed Certificate of Compliance.  Stearns County has entered into a purchase agreement to buy 75’ of the old railroad corridor from James and Dawn Froelich.   The acquisition is for the trail and will be attached to the property already owned by the County.  Holthaus indicates this was originally conveyed to Lyle Heaton from the Tri Township Association and Froelich’s will retain a 66 foot easement.  Plaggerman made a motion to authorize the issuance of the proposed Certificate of Compliance for the administrative split described in the survey provided, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Date of regularly scheduled monthly meeting:  Treasurer Torgersen expressed concern with the regularly scheduled meetings being on the 1st Monday of the month as it poses issues with getting bank information, tax table updates and Monday holidays and recommends the 2nd Tuesday of the month.  Plaggerman provides dates that will still be affected should that change be adopted.  Planning Chair Kantor does not want a change due to travel with his full time job.  Clerk Schmidt indicates a change will affect payments to vendors.  Johnson wants movement to be minimized.  Plaggerman makes a motion to keep the schedule as is and adjust as needed, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Fire Study Group:  The Group meet in February and submitted plans to a contractor for a rough estimate.  Plaggerman will report again in April.

Recycling Contract Proposals:  A special meeting was held on February 10, 1:00 p.m. for negotiations with Republic Services regarding a recycling contract.  An agreement was reached and Couri has reviewed the Municipal Materials Management Agreement.  Niemi made a motion to authorize the Chair and Clerk to sign and execute the Agreement, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Annual Meeting Planning/2022 Budget/Levy:   Facebook and YouTube broadcasts will be used utilized for the meeting as we have previously established the town hall 50% capacity at 40 residents over and above the 5 member board and officers along with 5 staff persons.  Residents physically in attendance can vote and interact, however, residents on the broadcast would only be able to observe.  Plaggerman is comfortable going forward with a recommended Levy including fire as there is a true up clause in the contract.  Niemi continues to work with Stearns County for the LRIP Grant but the notification of grant recipients will not be announced until approximately May 15th, so he cannot give a solid recommendation for road and bridge levy.  The grant would cover $866,000 of the project on 200th Str between Co Rd 44 and 145, including the industrial park, bringing it up to a 10 ton road.  Johnson made a motion to provide preliminary numbers at the annual meeting and to suggest the meeting be continued to September 16, 2021, 6:00 p.m. to vote on the levy, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Spring Cleanup:  Johnson has no response from the Explorer’s Group for volunteers.  Date however is set for April 24, 8:00 a.m. at Clearwater Twp Hall.

Dover Road and Co Rd 44 signage:  Johnson submitted a letter on behalf of the Township to County Commissioner Lee Lenzmeier and Stearns Co Engineer Jodi Teich supporting enhancement to signage and other solutions.  Stearns Co has agreed to a large right hand stop sign with reflectors, add a left hand stop sign,  add a cross traffic does not stop sign and possible rumble strips.

Stearns Deputy Tyler Thunstedt: Deputy Thunstedt reports Lynden had 68 calls or service in January and 46 in February which included 1 assault, 1 burglary, a dumping complaint, a stolen vehicle and minor traffic stops.  Johnson requests enforcement of road restrictions in the next coming months.

Jeff Johnson building permit compliance under Ordinance 439 and Stearns Co variance, 19564 Co Rd 145, PID #19.10820.0000:  Lori Johnson indicates an agreement has been reached with Twp. Official Building Inspector Nancy Scott.  The submitted plans indicated a shed with an office attached but when Scott did final inspection a bed in the office and other conversation with an occupant raised concerns regarding being used as residential.  Johnson’s have agreed to remove the bed.  Scott will not do a 2nd inspection and the matter is closed.  The Board approves the agreement.

Newport Leasing Driveway and potential expansion – PID #19.10600.0003/0004:  Mike Nadeau and Josh Milless may purchase adjacent properties PID #19.10600.0002 and 0000 (0001 is in between and owned by Bronson Electric) to expand their operation into those 2 parcels.  They also request approval to add an additional 10 feet width/50 feet max to their existing driveway.  The Board informs them an amendment to the CUP would be required regarding the expansion of their business and, according to Niemi’s conversation with Atty. Couri, this could be on an expedited process, not going thru the Planning Commission.  Niemi makes a motion to allow NewPort Leasing to add on an additional 10 feet width to their driveway, called for a 2nd, motion fails for lack of a 2nd.  Johnson and Plaggerman request a drawing or sketch of their driveway proposal before they are comfortable making any decisions under Ordinance #12.

Matt Rickheim/Frontier Internet Service:  Rickheim is a property owner on 189th Str and inquired about internet service options. He was informed that the township is involved in the process for a right of way permit only and upgrades to the service level are driven solely by the internet service providers for which the Township is not involved.  There is no franchise agreement with any provider.

James Kantor reimbursement of PERA payments to Lynden Township:  CARES payments to Kantor now requires his enrollment in PERA.  The omitted deductions from March 2020 to Jan 2021 in the amount of $XXX have been paid by the Township.

SCORE Grant Application:  Plaggerman made a motion to authorize Johnson to apply for the SCORE Grant to offset the costs of the Spring cleanup, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Building permits:  Permits submitted from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed with 1 permit this month, for a total of 3 in 2021.
Driveway Permits:  none
Right of Way Work Permits:  1 inquiry from Midco. Johnson meeting with them March 4
Correspondence: was reviewed which included:
-Stearns Co CUP Amendment for Twin Star Equipment 1950 202nd Str E, PID #19.10748.0000
– Stearns Co Public Hrg Notice to enact Ord No 618
-Stearns Co Public Hrg Notice Lawrence and Mary Moeller 989 Belview Rd, PID #19.10217.0000

Review Bills and Claims for Approval
Niemi made a motion to approve Johnson payroll claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed by roll call vote.
Johnson made a motion to approve Niemi payroll and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Niemi abstained, motion passed by roll call vote.
Johnson made a motion to approve Plaggerman payroll claim, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, Plaggerman abstained, motion passed by roll call vote.
Johnson made a motion to approve all other bills and claims, utilizing check numbers 8010 through 8026, inclusive; motion seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – as needed
March 9 – Annual Meeting 8:00 p.m.
March 10 – Board of Canvass 6:00 p.m.
March 10 – Reorganizational Meeting 6:00 p.m.  Johnson made a motion to set the Reorganizational meeting for March 10, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.  Post the Board of Canvass and Reorganizational meetings separately.
Monthly meeting – April 5, 7:00 p.m.
LBEA meeting – April 13, 6:00 p.m.
Spring Clean Up – April 24, 8:00 a.m. at Clearwater Twp Hall
Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.  Meeting adjourned at 9:09 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair


Those present were Supervisors Dave Johnson, Tom Plaggerman and Dennis Niemi, (Niemi via Zoom®) Clerk Jenny Schmidt, Treasurer Dan Torgersen and Deputy Treasurer Jean Schermer along with James Kantor, Planning Administrator, were also present.  Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:11 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Niemi reviewed guidelines regarding the meeting done via Zoom® for board voting, requesting to speak for both town officials and public. Agenda.  Johnson asked if there were any additions to the agenda from the Board or public, indicating that Mr. Keith Reiter is added in re Co Rd 44 and Dover Rd intersection.  Hearing none, Johnson made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote. Board Meeting Minutes. The January 4, 2021, regular Twp. Board minutes and the January 27, 2021 Audit, Budget/Levy and Recycling Quotes minutes were reviewed.  Johnson made a motion to approve the January 4, 2021 regular Board meeting minutes and January 27, 2021 Audit, Budget/Levy, and Recycling Quotes minutes, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote. Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed.  Receipts totaled $7,614.76; Disbursements $23,211.00; Ending Balance $290,163.11.  Johnson made a motion to accept the January 2021 treasurer’s report, and to sign the CTAS forms including the Claims list, Net pay account distribution, and cash control statements, motion seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Fire Study Group:  The Group meet in January with goals and objectives set for February.

Recycling Contract Proposals:  Based on the discussions at the January 27 meeting, Niemi contacted Republic Services and received an updated quote which eliminates the CPI clause but continues to be a 5 year contract.  Niemi was not able to speak with West Central.  Republic Services Rep Romack Franklin appeared via Zoom® and is available for further discussions.  West Central Sanitation representative Taylor Williamson also appeared via Zoom® and states his quote remains as originally submitted.  Johnson made a motion to set a special meeting on February 10, 1:00 p.m. for negotiations with Republic Services regarding a recycling contract, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

IT Purchases Insurance Coverage:  A quote for coverage was received from MATIT which was $59 per year, $100 deductible, claim payments based on actual cash value at the time of loss.  Johnson made a motion to approve the additional coverage, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Interim Wireless Internet Proposal:  Johnson made a motion to approve the interim wireless internet proposal from George Corte of Digital Nomad in the amount of $50/month, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed.  This is an interim solution for internet access at the Town Hall for which Mr. Kantor will continue to work with a potential vendor to provide a permanent solution.

Douglas Bischoff, Franklin Road Temporary Closure request:  Bischoff spoke with Jodi Teich of Stearns County and he agrees to pay for Stearns County approved, breakaway style barricades and the cost of installation should this get approved. The opening would be wide enough for farmers to get thru with their equipment.  There are 2 land owners that would be required to sign damage waivers and a hold harmless agreement—Bischoff and Rollie Anderson.  This would be a temporary closure as the City of St Cloud intends to take over the road at some point in time but Bischoff was unable to get anything in writing from City of St Cloud Rep Steve Fox.  If the road were closed, emergency vehicles would still need access so that needs to be considered.  This is a unique situation in that this is a minimum maintenance road and the Board informs Bischoff to put the cleanup burden on the Township.  Johnson made a motion to deny the request to temporarily close Franklin Rd North of 222nd Str and to refund the $400 public hearing fee, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Annual Meeting Planning:   Clerk received the Statement of Orders issued from Treasurer Torgersen.  For the annual meeting, James Kantor recommends Facebook and YouTube broadcasts rather than Zoom due to the fact you cannot regulate participation or control who is in Zoom.  We have previously established the town hall 50% capacity at 40 residents over and above the 5 member board and officers along with 5 staff persons.  Residents physically in attendance can vote and interact, however, residents on the broadcast would only be able to observe and not interact.  Johnson made a motion to restrict the annual meeting to 40 people in attendance, over and above the 5 member board and officers along with 5 staff persons, with non-interactive broadcast capabilities, seconded by Plaggerman, motion passed by roll call vote.

Newsletter Planning:  Leuthard should have a rough draft complete by Feb. 5th.  Plaggerman and Johnson will give final approval before printing.  Johnson made a motion to authorize Clerk Schmidt to issue a check outside of a regularly scheduled meeting to cover postage, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Spring Cleanup:  Plaggerman has confirmed the date of April 24th with both Clearwater Twp and West Central Sanitation.  Johnson will contact Explorer’s Group for volunteers.

Newport Leasing Driveway Edison Circle – PID #19.10600.0004:  Niemi spoke with Couri who indicated an adjustment to the 40 foot limitation on driveway width under Ordinance #12 can be made if the requestor simply makes the request to the Board.  No public hearing is necessary.  Niemi will inform Newport.

James and Dawn Froelich Certificate of Compliance PID # 19.10566.0005:  Clerk Schmidt received an email requesting a Certificate of Compliance as Stearns County has entered into a purchase agreement to buy 75’ of the old railroad corridor from James and Dawn Froelich.   The acquisition is for the trail and will be attached to the property already owned by the County.  Froelich was not present at tonight’s meeting.  Johnson deems the legal description unsatisfactory as it references a BN tract that for all practical purposes disappeared when Froelich’s purchased the BN tract property.  The map included depicts the BN tract originally being 100’ but Stearns Co is only asking to just buy 75’.  On the SE edge of the tract being sold, there is a utility easement and the proposal does not indicate what is going to happen with that easement.  Johnson makes a motion to table to the March 2nd meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Tri County Humane Society Contract:  Johnson makes a motion to approve the contract but include the $350 annual cap and to decline paying for seized animals, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Establish Absentee Board and Appoint Election Judges for the Twp Annual Election:   Plaggerman made a motion to appoint Jenny Schmidt and Barry Hample as the Absentee Board and to approve the following as election Judges: Barry Hample, Charlie Schultz, Bill Bradford, seconded by Johnson, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Date of regularly scheduled monthly meeting:  Treasurer Torgersen expressed concern with the regularly scheduled meetings being on the 1st Monday of the month as it poses issues with getting bank information, tax table updates and Monday holidays.  Johnson makes a motion to move the March 1st monthly meeting to Tuesday, March 2nd, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.  Further review of conflict dates will continue.

Stearns County Solid Waste Focus Group:  Niemi makes a motion to authorize Johnson to participate, attend and be reimbursed for expenditures in the focus group, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

2022 Budget/Levy:  Torgersen presented the proposed 2022 Budget/Levy.  Niemi continues to work with Stearns Co to submit the LRIP Grant as they have indicated they will support our request.  A special meeting on February 10, 1:00 p.m. to review the application and is to be added to that agenda.

Dover Road and Co Rd 44 signage:  Resident Keith Reiter requests the Twp assist with informing Stearns Co that signage needs to be improved at this intersection.  Johnson informs Reiter that the Twp has no control over that intersection but will draft a letter to County Commissioner Lee Lenzmeier and Stearns Co Engineer supporting enhancement to signage and other solutions.

Building permits:  Permits submitted from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed with 2 permits this month, January of 2021, for a total of 2 in 2021.
Driveway Permits:  none
Right of Way Work Permits:  1 inquiry from Midco
Correspondence: was reviewed which included:
-Stearns Co Primary address issued-19374 Lake Maria Rd, PID #19.10580.0900
– Patriot Newspaper-publication deadline for Saturday paper is Wednesday at noon
Review Bills and Claims for Approval
Johnson made a motion to approve Johnson payroll claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed by roll call vote.
Johnson made a motion to approve Niemi payroll and expense claim, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, Plaggerman abstained, motion passed by roll call vote.
Plaggerman had no claim filed
Johnson made a motion to approve all other bills and claims, utilizing check numbers 7996 through 8009, inclusive; motion seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.
Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – as needed
Special meeting– February 10, 1:00 p.m.
Special meeting: negotiations regarding a recycling contract; review the Local Road Improvement Grant (LRIP) Grant application  on February 10, 1:00 p.m.
Monthly meeting – Tuesday March 2, 7:00 p.m.
LBEA meeting – April 13, 6:00 p.m. Plaggerman made a motion to approve April 13th for the Local Board of Equalization and Appeals meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by role call vote.
Plaggerman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.  Meeting adjourned at 9:51 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair

Lynden Township, Stearns County
Annual Audit Meeting; Budget and Levy; Recycling Quotes January 27, 2021

The meeting was held at the Lynden Town Hall and available to others as per posting to observe/participate via Zoom®.  Township officers attending included Supervisors Dave Johnson, Dennis Niemi (via Zoom®) and Tom Plaggerman, Treasurer Dan Torgersen, Deputy Treasurer Jean Schermer and Clerk Jenny Schmidt.  Public participation included only Mr. Romack Franklin of Republic Services (via Zoom®).  Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. Johnson indicated the agenda had three topics–Board of Audit, Budget and Levy, Recycling Quotes.

Johnson noted that the Supervisors were convening as the Board of Audit.  Treasurer Dan Torgersen distributed and explained the sampling documents.  An audit of both receipts and disbursements was completed following guidelines set out in the ANSI ASQC Z1.4-1993, General Inspection Level II, Table II-C (Reduced Inspection), AQL 99.0%.  In summary, during calendar year 2020 there were 192 receipts and 307 disbursements.  Thirteen (13) receipts and twenty (20) disbursements were selected to be sampled using the Excel Random Number calculator.  The Board verified the receipt numbers, check numbers, dollar amounts and recipients and payers against CTAS reports and Lake Central Bank statements for 2020.  The randomly selected disbursements and receipts are attached. The Treasurer’s CTAS records matched the bank statements.  All audited checks and receipts matched the bank statements.  The Board of Audit found no discrepancies.  Johnson made a motion to accept the audit results, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call.  The Board members signed the required documents.

The review of the recycling quotes began at 6:30 p.m.  As noted in the January 4, 2021 monthly meeting minutes, Clerk Schmidt received two (2) quotes prior to the deadline of December 30th.  A 3rd quote was received after the deadline and was not opened as it was not timely submitted.  Romack Franklin of Republic Services appeared remotely via Zoom®.  All officials present have reviewed the quotes from Republic Services and West Central Sanitation.  Niemi contacted references and current customers and performed a price comparison.  Based on that comparison, Treasurer Torgersen calculates an approximate difference of $67,000.  Johnson suggests a three (3) year contract and a clause stating after 1 or 2 years it is able to be renewed for another three (3) years.  He is concerned about the annual recycling adjustment and wants meetings to prove increases and CPI increase percentage defining what index of the CPI is being used.  Plaggerman does not like the pricing from West Central or that Republic does not have a cap.  He suggests we reject both quotes and enter in to negotiations with either vendor.  Mr. Franklin of Republic is willing to look at a cap and scheduling annual meetings.  The board’s consensus was to have Niemi approach both entities again.  Niemi will follow up with both West Central and Republic Services and provide an update on February 1.

Johnson began the discussion Budget & Levy, Annual Meeting Planning at 7:25 p.m.  Documents for the annual meeting were distributed which included the proposed agenda, and a report on revenues, expenditures, the proposed budget, and the levy.  Treasurer Torgersen reviewed a detailed report of revenues and expenditures from 2017 through 2020, and projected revenues and expenditures through 2022.  Torgersen noted known 2021 and 2022 expenditures and presented a draft 2022 budget.  Torgersen will also prepare a draft 2020 Treasurer’s Report which will be provided to residents at the March 9th annual meeting.  It was noted the report reflects the 2020 Levy increase of $56,687 (16.03%) above the 2019 Levy.  After discussion of the proposed budget which included an in depth discussion on possible 20% lower gas taxes due to the Pandemic, Road and Bridge estimates, possible LRIP Grants, recycling costs not yet resolved and Fire contract cost negotiations pending with both Clearwater and Annandale, The total recommended levy discussions are ongoing and the continuation of the study group for Fire and Roads is agreed to.  Plaggerman suggests the 2022 levy remain the same as the 2021 levy.  He also requests we reinstitute a tarring fund or a fund for future township needs and have specific criteria for spending from that fund.  We are hopeful to have concrete numbers by March so that we can adjourn the annual meeting rather than continuing it to another day to set the levy.  If it is continued it does provide us an opportunity to develop a clearer picture of the financial needs of the town.  Torgersen will incorporate the items identified above and have a new proposed levy for the regular monthly meeting on February 1. The Board will continue discussions on Torgersen’s initial proposed levy for 2022 which is:
Road and Bridge              $274,929 (Preliminary number)
General Government        $ 80,020 (Preliminary number)
Clearwater Fire                 $111,024 (Preliminary number)
Annandale Fire                  $ 13,556 (Preliminary number)
No motions were made regarding the preliminary levy.

The proposed annual meeting agenda was discussed.  Townships are facing an unusual circumstance in the wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic.  It was concluded that 50% capacity of Town Hall seating area is approximately forty (40) persons based on Social Distance formula applied to approximately 1200 sq ft of audience seating.  If the Board chooses to hold the meeting by remote means, a Resolution should be passed—Johnson working on language having contacted Couri.  If the Board chooses to hold the meeting in person, social distancing and face covering should be required.  George Corte of Digital Nomad suggests an Interim Wireless Internet solution to a remote meeting process.  This is placed on the February 1 monthly meeting agenda for consideration. No requests for a library donation were received to date.  Johnson will provide the statutorily required language relating to donations if the request is received.  After discussion, by consensus of board, it was determined no refreshments will be served due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.  Treasurer Torgersen will present the Treasurer’s report.  Niemi will present the road report.  Supervisor Johnson will present the township update and will also present the proposed levy.  Planning Administrator James Kantor will be asked to assist with the power point for the presentation.

Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:48 p.m., seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Lynden Township Clerk
David L Johnson, Supervisor, Chair


Those present via Zoom® were Supervisors Dennis Niemi, and Tom Plaggerman.  Supervisor Johnson joined the meeting at 7:25 p.m. due to technical issues.  Clerk Jenny Schmidt, Treasurer Dan Torgersen and Deputy Treasurer Jean Schermer along with James Kantor, Planning Administrator, were also present.  Vice Chair Niemi called the meeting to order at 7:18 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.  Niemi reviewed guidelines regarding the meeting done Zoom® for board voting, requesting to speak for both town officials and public. Niemi asked if there were any additions to the agenda.  Plaggerman made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote. The December 7, 2020, regular Twp. Board minutes were reviewed.  Niemi made a motion to approve the December 7, 2020, regular Board meeting minutes, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.  Supervisor Johnson joins the meeting at 7:25 p.m. Treasurer’s report by Torgersen was reviewed.  Receipts totaled $173,215.71; Disbursements $68,599.02; Ending Balance $305,759.35.  Johnson made a motion to accept the December 2020 treasurer’s report, and to sign the CTAS forms including the Claims list, Net pay account distribution, and cash control statements, motion seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Fire Study Group:  The Group did not meet in December.

Recycling Contract Proposals:  Clerk received 2 proposals prior to the deadline of December 30th.  A proposal from Mumford was received after the deadline, specifically, the day.  Johnson made a motion to reject the Mumford proposal as it was not timely submitted, seconded by Plaggerman, 2 in favor, 1 opposed, motion passed by 2 -1 roll call vote.  Clerk Schmidt opened the proposals from Republic Services and West Central Sanitation and provided a brief summary.  Johnson made a motion to table the item to the February meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.  Johnson made a motion to amend the January 27 meeting agenda to include discussion on this item, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

IT Purchases Insurance Coverage:  Kantor and Clerk have submitted the inventory to our Insurance agent and requested a quote for coverage.

Douglas Bischoff, Franklin Road Temporary Closure request:  Bischoff clarifies his Nov 25 letter to indicate he would plow 400 feet past 222nd Str where the driveway is.  His temporary closure request is for motor vehicle traffic only.  The 6 foot opening in the barricades would allow ATV, horses, walkers, etc.  Niemi informs Bischoff the Twp has never maintained that road past 222nd Str.  He also spoke with Twp Attorney Mike Couri who indicated a public hearing is not required if the Twp chooses to close the road and not vacate it.  The requestor Bischoff would pay for Stearns County approved, breakaway style barricades and the cost of installation.  There are 2 land owners that would be required to sign damage waivers and a hold harmless agreement—Bischoff and Rollie Anderson.  Niemi and the Stearns Co Surveyors office could not find documentation as to when the Twp obtained this road.  Clerk Schmidt received a letter from Doebber objecting to the closure.  Plaggerman received approximately 3 verbal objections and indicates this road is not unique to dumping or illegal activity.  Many other roads hold the same issue that the Twp deals with.  Johnson suggests the road was old Hwy 152, prior to Hwy 152 being the road right of way current Co. Rd 75 and the County Surveyor may have information on that.  If the road were closed, emergency vehicles would still need access so that needs to be considered.  Johnson made a motion to table this item to the February meeting, seconded by Niemi, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.  Treasurer to hold $400.00 payment received.

Lowest Cost Inc property at 21963 Fairfax Road camper PID# 19.10865.0000:  Stearns Co. Environ. Services (“SCES”) Jennifer Kaminsky confirmed the violation is occurring in wetland and could also possibly affect DNR wetland property.  A portion of the road and potential cul-de-sac is also where there is a parked trailer.  Enforcement will continue with SCES.  Remove from agenda until Niemi has new information and requests it be added back on.

Lynden Industrial Park and alleged residential living space in existing building 20092 21st Ave E PID #19.10748.0008:  Official Building Inspector Nancy Scott received a phone call on Nov 24 indicating the owner has created a residential living space in the existing building and is using it as his primary residence.  That would be a violation of the Industrial Zoning district regulations.  Scott inspected the building on Dec 11 and found no living space.  Matter is unfounded.

Matt Dirksen Countryside Industrial Park 2340 197th Str E grading and retention pond PID #19.10674.0403:  Stearns Co Hwy reviewed the site and found it to be substantially in compliance.

Nick Dickson Final Plat Review – Sister Shores – 1223 Basswood Rd PID #19.10219.0010:  Final Plat was signed by Chair Johnson on Dec 16, 2020.

Candidate Filing Period:  Dec 29 to Jan 12, 5:00 p.m.  If anyone is interested in filing for office, please contact the clerk.

Audit/Budget Meeting: scheduled for Jan 27.  Supervisors, please get your 2021 projections to Treasurer Dan Torgersen.

Annual Meeting Planning:   Townships are facing unusual circumstances in the wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic.  We need to prepare now for the possibility of holding the meeting virtually or consider continuing the meeting in the hopes of meeting in person later.  Add this to the Jan 27 meeting agenda and continue on the monthly meeting agenda.  Kantor and Clerk to inquire about a third party hosting the meeting to accommodate large crowds.

Newsletter Planning:  A quote was received from Leuthard which the Board approves.  Plaggerman to contact Leuthard for next steps.

Spring Cleanup:  A quote and proposed dates were received from West Central Sanitation.  Plaggerman will contact Clearwater Twp to determine availability of their facility to set a date.

Stearns Co SHAPE Proposed Shoreland Ordinance Amendments: Johnson requests each Supervisor read thru this and provide any feedback.  Clerk to forward this also to CWRD and Long and Crooked Lake Assn.

Building permits:  Permits submitted from Building Inspector Nancy Scott were reviewed with 2 permits this month, for a total of 46 in 2020. Driveway Permits:  Niemi gave verbal permission for a 45’ driveway rather than the standard 40’ for a business on Edison Circle.  Johnson requests he follow up with Couri as to what documentation is needed.  No driveway permit is necessary since there is no culvert.
Right of Way Work Permits: -none

Correspondence: was reviewed which included:
-Certificate of Liability Insurance-ML Schendzielos
– Certificate of Liability Insurance-Schabel
– Certificate of Liability Insurance-Central MN Dust Control
-Stearns County Auditor-report on outstanding indebtedness-Treasurer to complete and file
-MN Pollution Control Agency Notice of Hearing
-Stearns County Parks-Park Dedication Fees-Treasurer to follow up and report

Review Bills and Claims for Approval
Johnson made a motion to approve Johnson payroll claim, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, Johnson abstained, motion passed by roll call vote.
Johnson made a motion to approve Plaggerman payroll claim, seconded by Niemi, 2 in favor, Plaggerman abstained, motion passed by roll call vote.
Niemi had no claim filed
Johnson made a motion to approve all other bills and claims, utilizing check numbers 7967 through 7995, inclusive; motion seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.

Meeting Dates:
Planning Commission – as needed
Audit/Budget meeting – January 27, 2021, at 6:00 p.m.
Review of the Recycling Quotes – January 27, 6:00 p.m.
Annual Meeting Planning – January 27, 6:00 p.m.
Monthly meeting – February 1, 7:00 p.m.
Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Plaggerman, all in favor, motion passed by roll call vote.  Meeting adjourned at 9:21 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Schmidt, Clerk
David L. Johnson, Chair