Administrative Subdivision

The Administrative Subdivision process is meant to be easy as it can be used to divide your property or redraw property lines.

1) Fill out the Stearns County Application for Adminstrative Subdivision and submit it to the township with the fee ($350).
2) Meet with the Planning Commission for a site visit, review and recommendation to the Lynden Township Board of Supervisors.
3) Once approved by the Planning Commission, you must fill out the Template – Certificate of Compliance Form.
4) File all paperwork with the Lynden Township Clerk by the Thursday before a monthly meeting.
4) Meet with the Lynden Township Board of Supervisors during the next scheduled monthly meeting.
4) Upon Approval of the application visit with Stearns County to complete their process.

To submit an application, please do one of the following:

  • Mail to the Township Clerk at 20517 Woodbine Road Clearwater, MN 55320
  • Scan it and email to the clerk at (Payment must be submitted separately by mail or via the town hall drop box.)
  • Drop in the township communication box located by the front door to the town hall (if you use this option please email or call James at 320-281-9339 or the Clerk at 320-774-8507 to notify them to pick it up)