Recycling / Waste

Lynden Township contracts with Republic Services for recycling service. 64 gallon wheeled carts are provided free of charge by calling Republic at 320-252-9608.  (Cart dimensions are 39″ tall x 25″ wide x 27″ deep and they hold 64 gallons of recyclables.) When speaking with the representative from Republic, be sure to mention that Lynden Township holds a contract regarding the recycling services with Lynden.
All recyclables can be mixed in the cart and do not have to be sorted. For detailed information about what can be recycled, please visit Republic’s website.
Pick up is every other Thursday. Recycling pick up occurs on the Thursdays during the weeks highlighted in grey on the calendar:

2025 Recycling Calendar

Garbage Pick Up
Lynden township does not provide general trash services. Residents are free to contract with the many refuse companies that service the area.

Brush / Yard Waste
The township does not provide pick up or a drop-off site for brush, leaves and yard waste. If you are unable to compost or dispose of yard waste on your property, you can haul it to a provider or arrange for pick up. The following companies are available to provide (fee-based) yard waste service in the township:

  • Jeff Storms (Stormy Landscaping) 320-248-4106 (Jeff is a township resident.)
  • Tom Kraemer, Inc. 320-685-8226
  • Henkemeyer Landfill 320-252-6487

The City of St. Cloud allows non-residents to drop yard waste at their compost site for an annual fee.

Tri County Organics is another drop-off option with unlimited use for an annual fee: Tri County Organics

Please note it is illegal to deposit brush, yard clippings, etc. (and snow) in the Township’s right-of-way.

Household Hazardous Waste
Stearns County has a Household Hazardous Waste Facility where County residents can drop unwanted household items (paint, stain, pesticides, chemicals, etc.) free of charge. Items also are available to residents to reuse for free.

Electronic Waste
All Best Buy retail locations accept electronic waste for recycling free of charge. They accept tube televisions up to 32″, flat panel televisions up to 60″, computers, monitors and peripherals, DVD Players, cell phones and other small electronics. Details are available at Best Buy.

Oil Recycling
Free self-service 24/7 oil recycling is available at numerous East Side Oil Co. locations in St. Augusta by RHL, in Clear Lake and in the St. Cloud area. Find the closest location and directions by clicking on the icons on this map.

Township Clean Up
Lynden Township holds an annual clean up day, typically the last Saturday in April. Watch for details here and in the spring township newsletter.

Clean Up Day will be held Saturday April 26, 2025 from 8am to 11am at the Clearwater Township Hall.  Details forthcoming