Click on a Resolution to Access the Document
2025-02 Resolution Establishing Absentee Ballot Board
2025-01 Resolution Appointing Election Judges for March Township Election
2024-10 Resolution Approving JCubed Addition Preliminary and Final Plat
2024-09 Resolution Approving Vacation of Drainage and Utility Easement with attached Certificate of Resolution
2024-08 Resolution Appointing Judges for the August Primary and November General Election
2024-07 Resolution Authorizing Contract with Interested Officer (Conflict of Interest)
2024-06 Resolution Accepting Petition and Setting Public Hearing on a drainage and utility easement Nicole Kristeen Addition Jeff Johnson
2024-05 Resolution for Summary Publication Ordinance #12
2024-04 Resolution Accepting Petition and Setting Public Hearing on drainage utility easement Lynden Industrial Park Joseph Network Holdings Flex Seal
2024-03 Resolution Appointing Absentee Ballot Board for March Township Election
2024-02 Resolution Appointing Judges for the March PNP and March Township Election
2024-01 Resolution for Summary Publication of Ordinance #12
2023-06 Resolution LRIP Local Road Improvement Program for 200th Str
2023-05 Resolution Designating Annual Polling Place
2023-03 Resolution Adopting the Stearns County All-Hazard Mitigation Plan
2023-02 Resolution Approving Vacation of a Portion of a Drainage and Utility Easement
2022-05 Resolution Approving Preliminary and Final Plats Lynden Township Hall
2022-04 Resolution Authorizing Purchase of Property
2022-03 Resolution Designating Annual Polling Place
2022-02 Resolution to Elect the Standard Allowance Available under ARPA
2022-01 Resolution Reestablishing Precincts and Polling Places
2021-05 Resolution Designating Annual Polling Place
2021-04 Resolution Vacating Road a Portion of Eaglewood Rd
2021-03 Resolution Accepting Petition and Setting Publlic Hearing Date on Road Vacation Petition
2020-09 Resolution To Transfer Excess CARES Act Funds to another government agency
2020-08 Resolution Expending Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Funds
2020-07 Resolution Establishing 35 mph speed zone on 17th Ave East
2020-06 Resolution Establishing a Fiscal Policy (and rescinding Resolution 2019-03
2020-02 Resolution Declaring an Emergency
2020-01 Resolution Establishing the Ability to Conduct Open Meetings by Telephone
2019-03 Resolution Establishing a Fiscal Policy
2019-02 Resolution Establishing a Policy for the Compensation and Reimbursement of Town Officers
2019-01 Resolution Creating Vice-Chair Position on the Lynden Town Board
2018-03 Resolution to Erect Parking Control Signs along Hubble, 196th St and 21st Ave
2018-02 Resolution Designating Annual Polling Place
2018-01 Resolution Summary Publication Ordinance #7, #8, #12
2017-07 Resolution Designating Annual Polling Place
2017-06 Resolution Adopting a Complaint Investigation Policy
2017-05 Resolution Adopting the Stearns County All Hazard Mitigation Plan
2017-01 Resolution Appointing Absentee Ballot Board
2016-12 Resolution Recertifying Assessment of 3022 Fulton Circle
2016-11 Resolution to Vacate a Road
2016-10-Resolution Accepting Road Vacation Petition and Setting Public Hearing
2016-09 Resolution Setting Hearing for Proposed Reassessment of 3022 Fulton Circle
2016-08 Resolution Establishing Stop Ahead Sign Policy
2016-07 Resolution Approving A Vacation Of A Portion Of Water Street
2016-06 Resolution Accepting Road Vacation
2016-05 Resolution Revoke Muggli LaBeau Conditional Use Permit
2016-04 Resolution County Roads To Township Roads
2016-03 Resolution Appointing an Absentee Ballot Board
2016-02 Resolution Commercial Kennel Moratorium
2016-01 Resolution Setting Public Hearing to Consider Revocation of CUP Muggli Commercial Kennel
2015-01 Resolution Summary Publication of Ordinance Number 11
2014-06 Resolution Regarding Administrative Enforcement of Ordinance Regulations
2014-05 Resolution For Summary Publication of Ordinance Number 10
2014-04 Resolution for Summary Publication of Ordinance Number 2014-1
2014-03 Resolution To Erect Regulatory Speed Signs in Rural Residential Districts
2014-02 Resolution Setting Voting Hours for Township Elections
2014-01 Resolution Appointing the 2014 Absentee Ballot Board
2013-2 Resolution For Summary Publication of Ordinance Number 2013-1 and 2013-2
2013-01 Resolution Regarding Response AKA Compass Delivery Fire Security of Structure
2012-03 Resolution Reestablishing Precincts and Polling Places
2012-02 Resolution Appointing Absentee Ballotboard For March 2012 Township Election
2011-03 Resolution For Summary Publication of Ordinance Number 7
2011-02 Resolution Applying for Grant for Help America Vote Act
2011-01 Resolution Appointing Absentee Ballotboard For March 2011 Township Election
2010-03 Resolution Accepting Platted Roads for Maintenance By the Township
2010-01 Resolution Expressing A Preference For The CAPX 2020 Power Line Route
2009-09 Resolution Approving Replacement Cost Insurance Coverage
2009-08 Resolution Certifying Township Costs To Abate Nuisance
2009-06 Resolution to Accept a Platted Road for Township Maintenance
2009-04 Resolution To Erect A Stop Sign At Donaghue Drive and 17th Avenue East
2009-03 Resolution in Accordance with MN Statute 367.11
2009-02 Resolution for Special Protection to Overlay Districts
2009-01 Resolution Vacating a Town Road
2008-10 Resolution Regarding Snow & Ice Control Policy Standards
2008-09 Resolution Certifying Township Costs to Abate Nuisance
2008-04 Resolution Certifying Township Costs to Abate Nuisance
2008-03 Resolution Regarding Power Line Corridor Placement Involving the CAPX2020 Project
2008-01 Resolution to Conduct a Speed Study Along Eaglewood Road
2007-03 Resolution to Erect Regulatory Speed Signs in Hidden River
2006-08 Resolution Reaffirming Certain Road Segments as Minimum Maintenance Roads
2006-07 Resolution Transferring Funds From Investment Accounts
2006-06 Resolution Transferring Funds From Investment Accounts
2006-05 Resolution Adopting the Minnesota Townships General Procedure Retention Schedule
2006-04 Resolution Regarding Building Permits and Accessory Buildings
2006-03 Resolution to Erect Regulatory Signs Along Edison Circle East